Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 124

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 124

Episode 124. Lightning Guardian (4)

“Are you ready already?”

Anisida made an anxious expression.

“What we’re dealing with now is the one responsible for destroying Silk Valley. She was once my sister, but now she’s a monster… who only does nothing but destroy.”

How much agony and pain must have gone into calling his own sister a monster?

That’s why I had to be even more careful.

He was not an easy opponent.

“We need to prepare more. If we continue like this, we’ll just end up dying.”

“The preparations are already complete.”


The sound of lightning grew louder. It meant that we were heading in the right direction.

“There isn’t much time.”

“What is that… … .”

“Because I’m a teacher at the academy. I have an important event coming up.”

“What, what? A teacher at the Academy? An important event?”

Anisida was even more embarrassed.

Ethan continued quickly, as he had no time to explain further.

“Anisida, please. Guide my arrows with the wind spirits and give them more power.”

“Are you preparing here?”

“Shoot here.”

“I can’t see it yet… … It’s really far away.”

“That’s how it should be. If we can see the Lightning Guardian, the Lightning Guardian will see us.”

Lightning Guardian has an incredibly wide perception range and attack range.

Even if this side couldn’t see the Lightning Guardian, the Lightning Guardian’s attack would still fly.

So, I had to be careful.

Ethan looked northwest with the Eye of Horus. True to Anisidah’s words, the distance was very far, but he could definitely see the Lightning Guardian there.

She had a sword in her hand.

‘That’s lightning.’

It was the treasure Ethan was after.

‘They say that Anishida’s younger brother was chosen by a special spirit. That spirit is the god of thunder.’

The object that the god of thunder gave me was that ‘lightning’.

Anyone who possesses that lightning can be granted power by the God of Thunder and become a Lightning Guardian.

‘That’s the job I want to get.’

The god of lightning was angry at Silk Valley and cursed it, and the lightning guardian who was cursed became corrupted and became like that.

‘Originally, you could get a job by defeating that lightning guardian.’

But this time, I didn’t plan on doing that.

‘The rewards vary depending on how you clear the quest. Simply defeating it is not the perfect way to clear the quest.’

The essence of this quest is to appease the wrath of the God of Thunder.

To do that, instead of killing the Lightning Guardian outright, he had to help him ask for forgiveness from the God of Thunder.

Only then will the wrath of God subside.

‘First, we have to subdue him and then make him come to his senses.’

You must restore the spirit of the fallen and insane Lightning Guardian.

Ethan breathed quietly.

-Hero’s Breath is activated!

-Use the Divine Archery Technique.

I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them again, and the view through Horus’ eyes became wider and clearer.

‘I see movement.’

The fallen Lightning Guardian moved without a set pattern, but the Eye of Horus began to anticipate its irregular movements.

One, two, three.

Ethan counted the numbers and immediately pulled back the bowstring.


-The power of reverse divergence is embedded.


Ethan focused on this one room.

Anisida looked surprised as a powerful force gathered around Ethan for a moment.

I’ve seen swordsmanship that cuts through iron bars with a single blow, and I’ve seen techniques for making incredible potions. And to top it all off, he’s got archery skills like that.

“Even archery… …!”

When Anisida looked surprised, Yeorika shrugged her shoulders and looked strangely proud.

Of course, it was her first time seeing Ethan’s archery skills, but she knew very well that her servant Ethan was very talented.

“Yerika-! When you shoot an arrow, cast a destruction spell.”


“Anishida-sama, please use the wind spirit to accelerate the arrows.”


The taut bowstring proved just how much strength Ethan had.


‘I put all my power into this one room!’

“Plosion of Destroyer.”


Wheaaa …

Ethan let go as the wizards enchanted the arrows.

The arrow, which was strengthened by Ethan’s divine archery with the hero’s breath and added with Yeerika’s destruction magic and Anisida’s acceleration magic, was fired directly at the lightning guardian.


A sharp pain shot through my eyes. It was a strike so fast and accurate that even the Eye of Horus could barely keep track.


It was so fast that it reached the Lightning Guardian in the distance as soon as he let go of her hand.


There was a loud noise in the distance.


There was a crack of lightning and the sound of the whole area collapsing, followed by the sound of birds crying in the silence.

“What happened!”

Anisida shouted urgently.

Since I couldn’t see, I couldn’t know what was going on.


In response to Yereka’s question, Ethan took something out urgently.

Ethan put all his effort into the goods, making a big impression.

“I knocked him down dead center, but he got back up.”


The horse that Ethan summoned was a beautiful and majestic black horse, Ochuuma, Xiang Yu’s favorite horse and a goodie.

Ethan immediately picked up Yerika and motioned to Anisida.

“Just get off! I’ll lure you out!”

Ethan, holding the reins of Ochuma and carrying Yeerika on his back, charged forward.

At the same time, something popped out from the other side.

The Lightning Guardian was already within reach.

Her bright blue hair was scattered with blue lightning flashing all over her body, and her eyes were bright red, perhaps due to a curse.

Bare feet and clothes torn and tattered here and there.

In his hand he held a blue lightning bolt like a sword.

“It’s not Ymir’s fault. Ymir was trying to do better. It’s not Ymir’s fault. Ymir was trying to do better. Ymir… … .”

Anisida clenched her teeth at the sight of such a horrible sight. There were no more tears to shed.

The fallen Lightning Guardian continued to mutter and watched Ethan run away into the distance.

He seemed to be aware that the one who shot him was Ethan.

“Ymir… … .”

As he muttered and aimed his lightning sword, lightning shot out to Ethan’s immediate vicinity in an instant.



If Yerika hadn’t cast defensive magic in advance, she would have been pierced by lightning and burned to a crisp.

“You, this is too dangerous!”

After releasing the second stage of the ban, Yeerika’s confidence was sky-high, but just now, that one lightning attack made her realize just how weak she was.

If Ethan hadn’t told me to cast defensive magic in advance, I wouldn’t have been able to react and would have just been attacked.

A cold sweat broke out on my back.

My hands started to tremble as I realized that one mistake, one wrong judgment, could kill me.

Ethan took Yereka’s hand like that.

“Yerika, you can do it.”

“… …Can I stop it?”

“You can do it. I believe in you. If you doubt yourself, just trust me who believes in you.”

Ethan said that and made a spit.

-We use the Five Elements Acupuncture Method!

After applying the Five Elements Acupuncture to himself and Yeorika to give them buffs, he immediately pulled back the bow.

It really seemed like he was going to leave everything up to Yeerika.

Complete trust.

Yeerika looked at Ethan intently for a moment.


Trust can sometimes be a burden, but at other times it acts as a powerful self-suggestion.

Since Ethan said he believed in him, he decided to believe in Ethan too.



Ethan shot his arrows again. The effect of the divine archery was so great that Ethan hit the lightning guardian with every shot.

Once again, Ethan’s arrow struck the center of the Lightning Guardian. At the same time, arrows struck the forehead and the temples in succession.

‘It’s not enough.’

But something felt missing. Just as Ethan had thought, the Lightning Guardian was hit by Ethan’s arrows, but it withstood all of his attacks.

‘It’s different from the video I saw.’

It was natural since I had just used it.


Ethan’s elbow was struck by the Lightning Guardian’s lightning.

It was clear that Ochuuma was running with all his might, so the distance must have been considerable, but the Lightning Guardian’s attacks seemed to be unconstrained by distance.

-Moonlight Defense activates!

If it weren’t for the Moonlight Defense, this attack would have immediately triggered the non-withering stamina trait.

‘The next one is blocked by everyone.’

I couldn’t complain to Yeerika. Yeerika was already doing her best to block that relentless lightning attack.

Because of that, even though Ethan had just brushed past me, I couldn’t even ask if he was okay.

All my concentration was focused on blocking it.

“A little more.”

Ethan pulled the bowstring again.

Wedge-! Wedge-!

Arrows struck the Lightning Guardian in succession. However, the Lightning Guardian seemed to have gotten used to it by now and deflected the last arrow.


After disabling the Lightning Guardian, I plan to bring her back to her senses.

‘If it goes on like this, it’s impossible.’

Rather, this person’s life was in danger.

Coming soon-! Coming soon-!

Ethan drove Ochuma. Ochuma was a good horse, and he went naturally where Ethan wanted at the speed he wanted.


Ochuma took on an attitude that seemed to be telling people to trust him while making excuses.

“Yeah, you believe me too, Ochu.”

Ethan, who had spun around, fired arrows again. The Lightning Guardian swung his lightning to block Ethan’s arrows, but was unable to block a few, causing him to stagger.


Phage crackle-!

But Ochuma was struck by lightning.


As Ochuma staggered as if he was about to fall, Yeorika’s magic also became disrupted.

“Oh, no!”

The Lightning Guardian’s lightning flew at an incredible speed, taking advantage of the gap. Yeorika could not stop it. Ethan, who had seen him, immediately stepped forward.

“Universal knowledge.”

Ethan used his omnipotent power to block the lightning.

At the same time, Yeorika fell from the Ochuma and rolled on the floor.

Phage, phage, phage!


Yeerika got up in a hurry, covered in dirt. Ethan was thankfully unharmed.

-Absorbs damage!

-The damage has exceeded its limit.


Ethan couldn’t even think of using the damage he had absorbed, and had no choice but to let it go.

Knock-. Knock-.

The Lightning Guardian was already within striking distance of Ethan. He was just walking, but his speed was like lightning.

“It’s not Ymir’s fault. It’s Ymir’s fault… … .”

The Lightning Guardian, who had approached while muttering, stared at Ethan. His eyes were eerie.

‘I know the pattern.’

But if he were to dodge the attack now, Yeerika behind him could be in danger. Ethan hastily took a big step back and got back on his Ochuma.

‘Aggro has already drawn to me. It will chase me.’

As expected, the Lightning Guardian aimed for Ethan. The Lightning Guardian gathered the lightning he was holding onto his waist. It was like a swordsmanship stance.


Pulled out.

It has a similar appearance to the sword technique, but its speed and power far surpass those of ordinary swordsmanship.

The fully condensed lightning still traveled at the speed of light, but its destructive power was incomparable to that of before.


Lightning struck Ethan as if it would split the earth in half. Ethan hurriedly changed direction, pulling on Ochuma’s reins.

It was a possible response because it was a familiar pattern. If he hadn’t taken a stance similar to the one he had seen on the screen, he would have been pierced by lightning.


“I have to run away!”

Anisida, who ran from behind, shouted. As expected, she was not prepared.

Coming soon-! Coming soon-!


‘I still can’t handle the Shinmyo Archery properly.’

I recalled the images of Hood and Jumong in my head. The archery they taught me became Ethan’s movements. There must be nothing lacking.

At that moment, Ethan recalled Jumong’s last words.

-Free yourself from the compulsion to guess.


If you think about it, that’s what it was.

The gods placed great importance on attitude.

Hercules was told to believe that he could cut down whatever stood before him, whether it was a dragon or a giant lion.

If you decide to cut, cut. He said that with that, you can cut whatever stands in your way.

‘It’s about freeing yourself from the compulsion to get it right.’

Ethan took the reins again, then spun around and charged back at the Lightning Guardian. The Lightning Guardian took a stance and began preparing his kick pattern once more.

Ethan drew his bowstring toward the lightning guardian.


The Lightning Guardian’s lightning came flying faster than the bowstring could be released. For a moment, time slowed down for Ethan.

“The moment you shoot, you are certain that you have already hit.”

Move with confidence and assurance in every action you take.


Ethan shot his bow as he saw the lightning of the incoming Lightning Guardian.


-Your proficiency in Divine Archery increases significantly!


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not work with dark mode