Subscriber of the Gods Chapter 110

Subscriber of the Gods Episode 110

Episode 110. Roanna

Roanna was also very flustered because it was her first time being caught like this, but Ethan was also quite flustered inside as he looked at Roanna.

‘Why is he here?’

Roanna de Prochechute, a second-year student who is the best talent discovered by Professor Duty and the center of the current magic and golden generation.

He never expected that Roanna would come to his class first. He never expected that she would sneak into his class.

‘I tried to contact you after the department representative selection match.’

She comes from the Prochesht family.

The Prochesht family was the owner of one of the famous magic towers, the Prochesht Magic Tower, and her father was the tower owner of the Prochesht Magic Tower.

That’s why Roanna was able to easily access magic from the magic tower since she was young, and she quickly began to learn magic with the talent she inherited from her father.

Her passion was analyzing magic and using it in new ways. There were a lot of such magics in the Magic Tower, and many of them became Roanna’s materials.

She devoted herself to the study of magic and entered the academy. After graduating from the academy, some time passed and she came into contact with interesting magic.

I’m talking about magic equations and brûlées, which I was interested in when I was young but gave up because they were too difficult.

‘The many uses for this brûlée came from Roanna.’

In fact, the brulee that Ethan is using now could be seen as one of the many uses that Roanna has created.

The magic created for smooth potion making was born from Roanna’s hands.

It was only natural that Roanna, who could be called the owner of Brûlée, would be interested in Ethan’s class.

‘It’s only natural that Roanna would be interested. Based on the setting, she must have known about this brulee since she was little.’

That’s why Ethan planned to use this brûlée to contact her.

After that, I planned to persuade Roanna to come to me during the department representative selection match.

To definitely beat the magic department.

But you came to me first.

‘It could be an opportunity. If I had gone to Roanna first, it would have seemed like I was asking for something.’

Since you came to me in person, I thought I could draw a slightly better picture.

Ethan opened his mouth, keeping a cool expression.

“Roanna, wake up right now. I’m going to have to formally report this to the Dean, and you’ll be at a disadvantage. You’re willing to risk all that by coming into my class, aren’t you?”


Roanna stood up from her seat.

Her eyes looked calm, but in reality, they were anything but calm.

Since she entered the Academy, she had never once been caught in this transformation spell.

This wasn’t an ordinary transformation magic. It was a Roanna-style transformation magic that she had improved herself.

She was using this transformation magic to teach various classes.

I sneaked into Claudia’s class, as well as the now deceased Martins’ class, and the new teachers’ classes.

In the process, I was never caught, let alone suspected.

Because her transformation magic was perfect.

After taking so many classes, I ended up going to class almost every day.

As I continued to use the magic of change, I gradually became more proficient at it, and now I was proud to say that I could perform the magic of change completely undetected.

But then I got caught up in that magic transformation.

Roanna stood up first.


And then, I just quietly walked out of the classroom.

Before leaving, Roanna looked back at Ethan. Ethan was continuing his lesson as if detecting Roanna’s transformation magic was nothing.


Has magic ever been so corrupted?

Her father, the owner of the Magic Tower, was also amazed by her talent every day. At the Academy, they praised Roanna to the point where they couldn’t even come to their senses, calling her the golden generation.

It was only natural. Roanna’s talent was so great that there was no end to it.

Because she was like that, she felt very bad when the magic she was confident in was destroyed.

But at the same time, my interest in Ethan grew stronger and stronger.

“I have to ask.”

I came to this class because I heard a lot of rumors about it. It was the most talked about teacher at the moment, and more than anything, I heard that it was going to be in the department exchange event.

In addition, it was surprising that the teacher from the Department of Knights was conducting the class from the Department of Magic without a single student dropping out.

There were several factors that piqued Roanna’s interest, but the most interesting of all was the rumor about Brûlée.

She had been researching ways to utilize brûlée while she was on the roof.

However, I naturally stopped researching when I entered the academy, but when Ethan said he was using the brûlée to make potions, I couldn’t help but be interested.

“I thought about it once, but I gave up because I thought it wasn’t practical.”

But I never thought I’d be able to successfully combine Brûlée with potion making.

“I should ask about Brûlée too.”

A teacher who belongs to the Knights College and is also well-versed in magic.

I really wanted to see for myself whether that skill was real.

* * *

“This is the end of class. The next midterm will be based on the methods of using brûlée that we learned today. Study hard.”

As Ethan came out, Roanna approached him as if she had been waiting.

It seemed like he was waiting at the door until class was over.

‘I guess you were curious.’

Actually, Ethan was also curious as to why Roanna snuck into class. He thought it might be because of Brûlé, but if that was the case, there was no need for her to sneak into class.

Just come and meet Ethan separately.

‘Maybe he was testing me.’

What Roanna had cast was no ordinary transformation magic. It was definitely an improved magic that was extremely difficult to detect.

I couldn’t even feel the mana wave, so I had to figure it out based solely on a sense of discomfort.

‘But I have the Eye of Horus.’

Of course, it wasn’t easy to detect even with the Eye of Horus.

But who is Ethan?

‘I felt really uncomfortable.’

As I answered Roanna, I really felt it.

“Teacher, how did you know?”

“I guess everyone around you has been just looking at you, Roanna de Prochet. You’ve been quite rude today. You’ve even broken the rules. And yet you’re still going to satisfy your modest intellectual curiosity. But there’s something you need to say first.”

Roanna was taken aback by Ethan’s cold words and nodded her head.

“I’m sorry, teacher. I was so curious about your class that I used a transformation spell to sneak in.”

“Which student was switched?”

“It’s Woodre. I changed it because I insisted on it, so Woodre… … .”

“Because of your actions, your friend Woodre will also receive a penalty point. Each of you will receive 10 points. And Woodre will be excluded from future classes.”

Ethan said forcefully.

Roanna’s face turned pale as she had been trying to ask Ethan a lot of questions just now.

Woodre is excluded from class?

Woodre was one of Roanna’s few friends, and he would often tell her with shining eyes how great this class was.

Suddenly, I remembered what Woodre had said about wanting to learn how to use Brûlée after getting good grades in this class.

I asked you to summarize all the class content and tell me if I could go in today as well.

But, because of him, Woodre got kicked out of class.


Even though we only spoke briefly, I could tell that Ethan would never take back what he said. And I also felt that it wouldn’t end with just this class.

Roanna lowered her head in thought.

“It’s all my fault. Woodre is really innocent. I’m sorry, teacher. It was my fault. So please, let Woodre continue his lessons. I’ll take care of it.”

But Ethan shook his head.

“Your talent is certainly outstanding, Roanna. So your classmates and other teachers may have overlooked this rude behavior. But I won’t.”

Ethan said.

“I am not your nanny.”

Roanna looked blank.

“You are responsible for what you did. Woodre, who changed it at your request, will pay the price for his actions.”

Ethan was right.

Up until now, she has done whatever she wanted within the academy, without hesitation even when it was against the rules or could be problematic.

They probably wouldn’t get caught anyway, and even if they did, they would often just let it slide because Roanna was talented.

As I continued to live like that, I naturally thought that it would be the same this time too.

Even if I get caught by chance, I’ll just let it slide like it was an accident.

But the Ethan Wickers before her eyes was different from the other teachers she had met so far.

‘What do we do…….’

In such a shocking turn of events, Roanna was unable to control her facial expressions.


Ethan looked at her with bewildered eyes.

“Who are you to take responsibility? Do you think you are anything? You are just a student. A young and talented student. That’s all. You can’t take responsibility for anything.”

Roanna’s lips trembled at the words that tore at her heart.

Ethan continued speaking, paying no attention to her.

“Woodrey is excluded from class. And he is given a penalty of ten points. Likewise, Roanna de Prochesht, you are also given a penalty of ten points. There will be no change.”

Ethan left, leaving Roanna behind.

Roanna, who was left alone, stood there blankly for a while even though Ethan was gone.

* * *

‘I’ll come and see you today.’

Roanna was in a state of high spirits as she was being touted as a member of the golden generation.

Not only did his shoulders become as high as the sky, he was also becoming more and more arrogant.

It was natural, since no one treated him rudely and overlooked most of his mistakes.

‘That’s why we have to tighten our grip even more.’

There is not a single person who treats Roanna, who is currently called the center of the golden generation, strictly.

She is the future of the Faculty of Magic, and she will become a great wizard who will be ranked among the top three wizards produced by the Academy.

‘It’s certain that I will become a great wizard.’

Of course, by then he would have become so arrogant that no one could control him.

There was no one who wanted to control it, and no one who could.

‘He was so arrogant and arrogant. People really hated him because you never knew where he would end up.’

When I try to do something together because I think we’ve become close, his attitude suddenly changes.

‘And many people crossed the line and died.’

The reason was right here.

Her abundance of talent made her arrogant.

The problem was that the people next to me were encouraging me to do it.

‘Put the leash on.’

Before she became a great wizard, she could easily be put on a leash. And Ethan had many uses for Brûlée.

Using these techniques as weapons, I was able to persuade Roanna sufficiently.

‘I guess I’ll have to wait for you to come find me.’

You won’t be able to learn it unless you come looking for it.

Because Ethan was the only one in the academy who was strict with her.


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not work with dark mode