Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 410

Episode 410 I need a core!

Episode 410 I need a core!

Downtown Houston, USA.


The city was full of flesh-eating predators.

When 100,000 hunters fought against flesh predators, the battle line that was barely able to be defended collapsed after not being able to last for several days due to the seeds of flesh predators that could not be eliminated.

The hunters evacuated according to a pre-planned retreat operation as soon as the evacuation of 7 million citizens living in Houston was completed.

US White House.

“Mr. President, the hunters’ retreat operation has just ended.”

The Minister of Defense reported to the President.

“okay. “What is the damage?”

“125 hunters and 1,129 soldiers were killed during the operation.”

“hmm. “The damage is greater than I thought.”

“Then suddenly a mutant entity appears…”

“Mutant entity?”

“yes. “Look at the screen here.”

The Minister of Defense played the video on his tablet.

On the screen, there was a video of thousands of monsters with cherry tomato heads and human-like bodies attacking hunters and soldiers.

Unlike flesh eaters, their movement speed was so fast that even hunters and soldiers had a hard time dealing with them.

“The good news is that mutant individuals die on their own over time and there are no seeds in their heads.”

“That’s a good thing. So where are they moving?”

“The flesh predators currently occupying Houston are splitting east and west, moving along the coastline.”

“So the east goes to Louisiana and the west goes to Mexico?”

“yes. So, we plan to first create a defense line in Lafayette, Louisiana, and take our time while sending wizard hunters to the tower.”

“what?! You can’t stop it with 100,000 hunters, but you’re sending wizards to the tower?! “Are you crazy?!”

The President became furious at the Minister of Defense’s words.

“President, calm down. “We must send wizards to the tower to defeat them.”

The Minister of Defense hurriedly reported information about the Tower Mage, a new class that appeared in the tower.

“So… the pineapple bombs grown by Park Se-jun are being sold at the tower?”

“···yes. That’s right.”

The president’s expression of absolute disbelief. The Minister of Defense answered while suppressing laughter.

Because he believed it only after seeing the pineapple bomb himself.

“The effect is certain, right?”

“yes. “It is said that within a 50m explosion radius, even the flesh-predator’s seeds are reduced to powder.”

The Minister of Defense additionally explained the job characteristics gained by becoming a bomb wizard.

[Explosion is an art – Inject magic into the bomb to increase the explosion range and power by 10%]

[Bomb timer – Install a timer magic to detonate the bomb and schedule the explosion time within 10 minutes]

[Precision bomb throwing – Bomb throwing accuracy increases by 20% ]

“I understand. Go ahead. And make sure you get as many pineapple bombs as possible.”


The United States moved to secure the pineapple that had once suppressed its screams.


“Fuhuhuhu. “I will sell a total of 10 million strong bladed green onions, 100,000 at a time!”

“10 million Topcoins for 100,000!”

“15 million Top Coins!”

With Theo’s words, Neta hunters began to competitively raise their asking prices.

There was also the Great Green Dragon’s certification(?) that the sturdy blade of the blade would exterminate the Locust, so there was nothing to hesitate about.

“19.1 million top coins!”

“19.3 million Top Coins!”

“20 million Top Coins!”

After the last asking price

when no one called the asking price,

“It’s a winning bid!”

Theo shouted, pointing with his front paw at the hunter who sang the last call.

“Wow!!! “Long live the deer people!”

“The deer people won!”

Some of the hunters cheered along with Theo’s words.

Neta had hundreds of tribes so large that they were called nations.

And the auction a little while ago was like a national competition for them. Since we won there, of course we couldn’t help but cheer.

“19.3 million Top Coins!”

“It’s a winning bid!”

As the auction continued like that, when the winning bid began to drop little by little,

“They’re selling something here that will cause the Locust to become extinct?!”

“What?!” “Why are the tiger tribe here?”

“Why are the lion tribe fooling around here?”

Hunters from two tribes approached the store, growling at each other.

After hearing the news of the auction, I came down from the upper floors to hunt.

When the two tribes appeared, other hunters moved out of the way to make room for them.

That alone showed the power of the tiger and lion tribes.

“It’s just the beginning!”

When the auction started again,

“19 million.”

“30 million.”

“40 million.”

Representatives of the two tribes began to raise their prices like crazy.

“50 million!”

“Ugh! 55 million!”

“profit! 60 million!”

Representatives of two tribes glaring at each other and shouting compliments.

The other tribes did not dare to intervene in the battle of pride between the tiger tribe and the lion tribe and watched with bated breath.



Theo also smiled brightly, covering his mouth with his paw as he looked at the two tribes. Fuhehehe. The big tigers have arrived!

After a while,

“It’s sold out!”

The remaining solid blade green onions were sold to both the tiger tribe and the lion tribe, earning 3.6 billion top coins.

“Fuhuhuhu. After all, if you want to make money, you have to do an auction!”

Of course, sales are still far short by Theo’s standards, but they are still up almost 120,000 times compared to yesterday’s store sales.

“I need to reinvest this money!”

Chairman Park said he trusts me! We need more money to repay Chairman Park’s trust!

When Theo was thinking about how to spend 3.6 billion Top Coins,

he said, “Hey. From next time, hand over all your items to our tiger tribe.”

Tyseus, the representative of the tiger tribe, approached with a murderous expression and threatened Theo.

“Fuhuhuhu. “Did you just threaten Vice President Teh?”

“okay. “When you say good things, pass over all the strong blades.”



Theo laughed and swung his front paw towards the back of Theseus’ head. There was no way they were considered to be of the same cat family.


“Lord Tysseus!”

The other tigers rushed towards Theo and were


Theo excitedly slapped me on the back of the head.


coo, coo, coo.

I started getting stamps.


Black Tower 99th floor.

[I own 1 slave.]

[Due to the effect of , all stats increase by 0.01.]





I told you to just trust me and this is it?

“Hehehe. Thank you, Vice President Te.”

Sejun smiles happily as he watches his stats go up, then drops


[Cherries have been harvested.]

[Job experience increases slightly.]

[Harvest Lv. The skill level of 8 increases slightly.]

[Experience point 1 has been acquired.]

Cherry fruits have been harvested.

These days, perhaps because of the earth’s gem, the soil’s strength has decreased, and about 10% of the fruits that grew quickly thanks to the harvest elixir were underdeveloped.

So, I harvested it so late.

“I need to use my powers.”

Sejun continued to harvest cherries, thinking that sooner or later he would have to write on the ground.

At that time,

[I harvested the scorching cherry.]

[Job experience increases slightly.]

[Harvest Lv. Mastery of 8 increases slightly.]

[70 experience gained.]


A scorching cherry?

Sejun harvested cherry trees with a modifier in front of them.

[You have achieved the achievement of creating a new variety in the tower.]

[The tower acknowledges your exclusive cultivation rights to the new variety.]

[You cannot cultivate Fierce Cherry without your permission.]

[Job experience has increased significantly . ]

[As a job characteristic, all stats increase by 10.]

Sejun harvested the 24th new variety.

“oh! “It’s a new variety!”

Sejun hurriedly checked Aengdu’s options.

[Scorching Cherries]

Cherries grown in black towers are nutritious and delicious.

The seed contains the energy of flame, so when magical power is injected into it, it explodes and burns hotly.

When consumed, cold resistance becomes stronger for 1 hour.

Grower: Top Farmer Park Se-jun

Expiration date: 120

Grade: A

The option was ambiguous as it was useless, but I decided to be satisfied with the addition of one new variety.

“But it’s still delicious.”

Hehehe. I’ll increase it to 5 and plant it tomorrow.

When Sejun was putting the harvested cherry into the golden box of abundance,


[Who touched my secret storage again?]

Kamangi looked at his secret storage and tilted his head.

Not only the first secret warehouse but also the second secret warehouse was filled with food.

Teo Kuengi Batbat filled the youngest’s secret storage.


who got confused with another warehouse?

Hee hee hee hee!

[Hehe. Then I have to eat it all and pretend not to notice!]

Kamangi, who didn’t know that, began to eat the food eagerly, thinking he would take it back.



[I was full…]

Compared to my full greed, my stomach was so small that it was shabby.

It won’t work! I need a core!

Until now, Kamangi has not made a core because he thought he would find his own core.

If you create a new core, a conflict will occur between the two cores when the core is found later.

But I no longer wanted to find my core.

If you find the core, you won’t be able to play with them or even eat dried sweet potatoes!

This place is better now. no. It was strange to say it got better.


when I was an apostle of destruction, my heart was always filled with anger.

I’ve never had fun.

But here, it’s fun just to sleep in his arms! So, let’s build a new core!

Kamangi decided to create a new core.


[Gather together!]

The food we just ate was quickly digested, creating a very small core the size of a grain of sand.

Kihihihi. Whip! Whip!

[Hehe. There is a core! Now I can eat a lot!]

Blackfish began to eat and absorb food repeatedly, increasing the size of its core.

Black, a super sunfish, is trying to outrun Sejun, a sunfish.


“Who wants snacks before eating?!”

Sejun the sunfish did not just leave it alone.


“Where did you learn to run away with food?! “Don’t come here!”

Sejun just shouted and slowly chased after the black dog.

Kihihihi. Whip! Whip!

[Hehe. Now that you have a strong core, your steps feel lighter! He can’t even chase me!]

He was a black guy who liked Sejun for ostracizing him without even knowing it.


Green Tower 1st floor.

“Fuhuhuhu. “Is there a wandering merchant association here too?”

Theo, who was worried about making money, asked while grilling fish with the fire from Agni’s body.

“yes. there is. “There is also a wizard association and a mercenary association.”

“Fuhuhuhu. “Good!”

After a while,

“Slaves No. 1 to No. 105, gather together!”

Theo, who finished grilling the fish, went outside and called out to the trolls.


The trolls from Slave No. 1 to Slave No. 105 gathered at Theo’s call.

“Let’s stand in order, starting with Slave No. 1!”


Under Theo’s instructions, the Troods quickly moved and lined up, and Krta, the first slave and the youngest member of the Immortal Sect, stood at the front.

‘Is it the youngest on top?’

Krta looked at Theo with respectful eyes, proud of overtaking his seniors and standing at the front.

‘I’m now in Theo’s line!’

When Krta pledges allegiance to Theo in his heart, he says,

“Fuhuhuhu. Now you become a wandering merchant! “Slave No. 1 should manage the money as a representative!”

Theo gave the representative, Krta, money to join the Wandering Merchants Association.

Theo planned to turn the trolls into wandering merchants and promote Sejun’s crops in the Green Tower.

“Fuhuhu. Then, go back!”

Theo sends the trolls away and

says, “Chairman Park, I’m back!”

I left work at the black tower.

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not work with dark mode