Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 392

Episode 392 Hehehe. Give and take.

Episode 392 Hehehe. Give and take.

Black Tower Administrator Area.

“Heeheehee. “I hope our Sejun eats this and gets stronger quickly.”

Eileen laughed as she looked at the black liquid boiling in the huge pot. It was a healthy dish to give to Sejun.

Because Sejun gave Eileen a kiss through an injection, they met earlier than Eileen expected, and thanks to that, she was able to deliver food later.

“Heeheehee. “Now boil it for a day and it’s done.”

Eileen said as she closed the lid of the huge pot.



A huge dragon and a small dragon hanging from its tail came into the administrator’s area. They were the great golden dragon Godiel and her son Hocus.

“Hello Auntie Godiella. “But what’s going on with you, Hokus?”

Eileen, who greeted Godiella, looked at Hocus and asked. Usually, only Godiella comes and buys medicinal-quality cherry tomatoes.

“Aileen, I can polymorph now!”

In response to Eileen’s question, Hocus snorted loudly and said. I came here to show off to Eileen that I was now able to polymorph.

Hakoon polymorphed at the age of 600 and was called a genius, so it was worth bragging about.

Hokus’ confidence was great because he had already received great praise from the golden dragons.

“ruler. look! Polymorph!”

Hocus used Polymorph to transform into a blonde man. Since he was born with racial characteristics, he was naturally extremely handsome.

However, because the polymorph was unstable, horns slightly rose on its head, but they were not visible if they were covered with the head.

“Hehehe. “How about Eileen?!”

Hocus spun around and boasted about himself to Eileen.

Hee hee hee. As expected, our Sejun is the most handsome.

Looking at Hokus like that, Eileen thought of Sejun’s handsome(?) face.

Anyone could see that Hocus was much more handsome, but Eileen’s tastes were not typical.

“and! “Hokus, you’re cool! ”

When Eileen praised Hokus,

he said, “Yes! “Hehehe.”

Hokus looked very happy, perhaps because he was so proud of receiving praise from Eileen, who was 350 years younger than him.

When Hokus’ boast about his polymorph was over,

he asked, “Aileen, can you give me some white cherry tomatoes?”

Godiella told Eileen about his business.

“yes. wait a minute.”

Eileen took out 50 elixir-grade cherry tomatoes from subspace. These days, Eileen doesn’t sell a lot of elixir-grade cherry tomatoes at one time.

The reason is that Eileen initially sold 10 billion Top Coins to each of the nine dragon clans, greatly reducing the stock of elixir-grade cherry tomatoes.

Because Sejun and Eileen’s Black Tower family members were eating elixir-grade cherry tomatoes together, a lot of them were consumed within the tower.

So, we originally planned to not sell the medicinal grade cherry tomatoes until the inventory increased, but an incident occurred.

The great red dragon hatchling, 550-year-old Perion, ate all the elixir-grade cherry tomatoes and immediately succeeded in becoming a polymorph.

As the news spread to other hatchling parents, hatchling parents came to the black tower and made a fuss to provide cherry tomatoes.

So Sejun came up with the idea of selling 50 elixir-grade cherry tomatoes every three days.

So wouldn’t it be better to just sell 500 units a month?

Eileen didn’t understand, but accepted it because it was Sejun’s opinion.


“Aileen, will you give me 10,000 of the peanuts and magic cherry tomatoes you ate last time?”


Now I understand Sejun’s intentions. This is because when dragons came frequently, sales of other crops increased significantly.

“Mom, dried sweet potatoes and rice cakes too!”

Plus, Hokus snack sales today.

“Can you give me 10 things Eileen Hokus said?”

“no! Wow!!! “I’m going to buy a lot!”

When his mother bought him fewer snacks, Hokus started to squirm.


Godiella sighed as she looked at Hocus like that.

You immature son. This is the money your father earned by shooting his breath so hard that his neck hurt…

“Give me 100 Eileen each.”


After all, no parent could beat their child.

“Hehehe. “Thank you, mom.”

Hokus, who was in a good mood with the snack, hugged Godiella’s tail and started acting cute, saying,

“Hmph. Are you thankful only for times like this? Go and give dad a hug when he comes back to thank you for your hard work. Understand?”


Godiella spoke as if nothing had happened, but the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

Eileen silently watched Godiella and Hocus getting along so well.

“Is Sejun’s contribution level rising well?”

I quickly checked with the crystal ball to see if Sejun’s contribution level was rising.

[Contribution to eradicating flesh predators on the 4th floor of the Black Tower] 1st place

Park Se-jun (17,520,042 animals) 2nd place

Han Tae-jun (3,112 animals)

3rd place – Leon (1,934 animals)

The ranking was, of course, Sejun’s overwhelming first place, and the number increased by about 6 million compared to before.

“Heeheehee. “Now, if we raise just 2.5 million more, we can make Sejun stronger!”

[The performance of Black Tower’s middle manager and top farmer, Park Se-jun, increases by 1.]




“Heeheehee. It climbs well.”

When Eileen laughs as she sees Sejun’s contribution increase through the crystal ball, it’s


A great purple dragon hurried into the administrator’s area.

“Hello Aunt Zain!”

When Eileen greeted him, she

said, “Okay. “Aileen, will you give me all the elixir-grade cherry tomatoes and magical peanuts and magical cherry tomatoes?”

Poby’s mother, Zain, requested all crops related to magical power.

Zain heard the news a little while ago that 500-year-old Hokus had succeeded in polymorphing.

In order of age, the next polymorph is Poby, who is 400 years old.

But… what if Garlic, who is 350 years old, or Sylvia, who is 300 years old, polymorphs first?

I will never see you like that!

To prevent that, Zain hurriedly flew in and stocked up on all the peanuts and cherry tomatoes that help increase magical power.

“Wait a minute.”

Eileen was busy today too.


Black Tower 99th floor.

“good. That’s all for today.”

Sejun said with a proud voice after eating lunch and finishing cutting fruit with the Kuengi Top farmers.

[Your soul is filled with the pride of accomplishing a lot.]

[Your mental strength increases by 5.]

Meanwhile, your mental strength also increases.


“Guys, gather around.”

I invited my companions and had our last meal together. There was some spicy stew left over, but I could make that on my own.

After eating our last meal,

we said, “Good job, kids. “Take this and eat it.”

Sejun gave a gift expressing his gratitude.

I gave hotcakes to Veronica, steamed potatoes to Zelga, and soybean paste to Oric.

Perhaps because Oric likes rotten food, he liked soybean paste the most among Sejun’s foods.

“Thank you, Sejun.”

“thank you.”

“Kelkelkel. thank you “Please call me again if you need to!”

“huh. bye.”

Sejun sent Veronica Zelga Oric away and went to the bedroom with Ajax Fenrir.

“Good night Ajax.”

“huh! “Sleep well too, brother!”

Ajax cut Sejun’s arm and closed his eyes.


‘I’m not going to sleep! ‘I’m not sleeping. If the butler sleeps, I’ll quickly put my core in his mouth!’

Fenrir opened his eyes wide and showed his determination not to sleep in order to teach Sejun his 1% core manipulation.


“Good night black man.”

When Sejun stroked Fenrir’s head with his hand twice,

he smiled.

The first thing I did was snore and fell asleep.

It was early morning when everyone was asleep.


‘oh! ‘I fell asleep!’

Fenrir quickly opened his eyes and looked around



I saw Sejun and Ajax sleeping deeply.

Very good opportunity.

‘okay. I slept on purpose! ‘I was originally planning on taking advantage of this time!’

Fenrir, a noble wolf hunting down the first god of destruction, cannot admit that he dozed off before an important operation.

After realizing that everything was according to plan, he put the piece of core he was holding in Sejun’s mouth and squeezed it


Hee hee hee hee!

‘Hehe. My core, go in and tell him to make something delicious!’

With a desperate desire to eat something delicious, I pressed my front paws hard on the core piece.



A piece of Fenrir’s core went gently down Sejun’s throat and he exclaimed,


Sejun, who swallowed a piece of Fenrir’s core, struggled in pain and fainted.

Sejun had a truly amazing experience: fainting in his sleep.

When Sejun fainted like that

, hehehehe.

‘Hehe. ‘There’s going to be something delicious for breakfast, right?’


Fenrir fell asleep on Sejun’s chest, looking forward to a delicious breakfast.


“Uh… the wolf…”

Sejun had a nightmare about being crushed by a huge wolf and having his entire body licked.


Sejun wakes up early after having such a nightmare.


[A purified core piece of Fenrir was forcibly consumed.]

[A core piece containing 1% of Fenrir’s power was absorbed.]

[The power of the existing core pieces of Fenrir are combined.]

[The power of Fenrir is infused into the body. 1.0078% accumulates.]

[The detection range to find other pieces of Fenrir’s core increases significantly.]

[The detection range to find the power of the Apostle of Destruction increases significantly.] He

wondered at the message that appeared in front of him. I looked at it intently.

“I was forced to consume a piece of Fenrir’s core again?”

Who keeps force-feeding them?

Sejun hurriedly asked Eileen if someone had entered his bedroom, but Eileen said she did not know.

Fenrir woke up briefly at dawn. As it happened, Eirin was looking for the power of destruction at that time.

Additionally, since BatBaet was still in training, there were no witnesses.

“Can I keep eating this?”

Sejun spoke in a voice filled with concern.

Last time, I just accepted the message that it saved my life, but I had doubts about whether I could continue to eat Fenrir’s core no matter how much it was purified.

In times like this, there needs to be Theo to catch the thief…



“Someone broke in at dawn, can you sleep?”

Sejun started an argument with the two who were sleeping well, marked the date on the bedroom wall, and went out to start the morning of the 398th day of his stay.

“Now all I have to do is boil spicy stew.”

Sejun walked around the farm and organized what he had to do for today.

As I was walking through the farm like that,

[Six cloves of mental power are grateful for the sound of the farmer’s footsteps and give strength.]

[Stamina stat potential increases from 3023 to 3024.]

A message saying that the potential has increased appears. There was nothing special up to this point…

[An additional effect occurs due to the power of Fenrir.]

[The stamina stat increases by 0.1.] When

the power of Fenrir accumulated in Sejun’s body exceeded 1%, additional effects began to appear. .


When Sejun was wondering

[The seal of the Earth Jewel has been released.]

[Rock Salt God Raxol, who was sealed in the Earth Jewel, is released from the seal.]

[Rock Salt God Raxol gives grace to the person who released his seal. ]

[Raxol, the god of rock salt, repays the favor by creating a rock salt mine on 1 pyeong of land.]

The god who was released from the gem of the earth repaid the favor to Sejun and left.

“Rock salt mine?”

It’s probably not real salt, right? Is it golden salt? Sejun set out to find a rock salt mine with high expectations.


“It’s real salt…”

The rock salt mine created by Raxol, the god of rock salt, contained only real salt.

[Raxol Road]

Rocksol, the god of rock salt, who rewarded us with a rock salt mine. He was a very salty god.

So, in keeping with the salty scene, Sejun also created a 0.3 pyeong road.

Hehe, give and take.

Even to God, Sejun was a mean person.

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