Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 340

Episode 340 Why does my body feel creepy?

Episode 340 Why does my body feel creepy?

Green Tower 99th floor.

Ophelia returns from meeting Brachio.

“Nong, Nong, Nong.”

While humming, he looked at the elixir in his hand: a cherry tomato with powerful magical power.

“Aileen, what was she thinking when she gave these seeds to her grandmother?”

Ophelia said as if she couldn’t understand while looking at the options for elixir-grade cherry tomatoes.

If you have such good crops, you should grow them alone. Why give it to others?


“Hohihi.” Thank you Eileen. “Ophelia Iolg, the best top farmer, will raise this well and eat it for you.”


He laughed and threw all the cherry tomatoes on the floor and said,

“Grow up.”

He used the skill by injecting magical energy into the ground.

Then it


Cherry tomato seeds take root in the ground and grow quickly.

At that time,

[the crops of Park Se-jun, a farmer of the Black Tower, who had exclusive cultivation rights, were planted without permission.]

[According to the laws of the tower, Ophelia Iolg, a farmer of the Green Tower, became a slave to Se-jun Park, a farmer of the Black Tower, for the next 100 years. .]

The message that appears.

“what?! “I, the great green dragon, am your slave?!”

Ophelia is angry when she sees the message. Who dares me?!

But there was still something left.

[I planted 30,000 seeds of Park Se-jun, a Black Tower farmer who had exclusive cultivation rights, without permission.] [The

crime is very serious.]

[200 years of slavery will be added.]

“Ugh! grandma!!!”

Ophelia, who was greatly shocked by the message, cried and went to see Brachio.


Sejun was relieved that he survived because he did not summon Ofelia.



‘hey! ‘Give me something to eat!’

Fenrir sat in front of Sejun and asked for a snack.

“Hehe. “Kamang, you just survived thanks to me.”

Sejun spoke proudly to Fenrir. I didn’t summon Ophelia because I thought I was going to die. It’s all for our little ones!

Sejun tries to achieve mental victory like that.

Whip?! Whip!

‘What is he saying now?! ‘Give me something to eat!’

Fenrir ignored Sejun’s words and barked at him to quickly serve the food.

At that time,

[Ophelia Iolga, the farmer of the Green Tower…]

[The crime is very bad.]

[200 years of slavery will be added.]

A new message appeared in front of Sejun.

“Hehehe. “Just plant it in moderation.”

There was also something like this. It’s a shame. Then I should have given you more… Sejun smiles darkly.

“ruler. “I eat a lot of black beans.”

Feeling better, Sejun took out two dried roasted sweet potatoes from his pocket and gave them to Fenrir.


‘There are two yellow and sticky ones!’


“Our black pepper eats well.” Sejun said as he watched Fenrir eagerly

eating the dried sweet potato by pressing it against his stomach and

holding the other with both front paws so that no one could eat it. cute.

When Sejun looked at Fenrir with a happy expression and was about to designate the remaining rabbits as tenant farmers, he asked,

‘What is it?’

He felt Sejun’s hot gaze on him.



Two rows of rabbits were drooling and looking at Sejun. We want to eat it too!

“Vice President Te, please help me.”

“Fuhuhuhu. “I understand!”

At Sejun’s call, Theo hurriedly put the lunch box in his luggage and ran.



[The 10441st tenant farmer has been designated.]

[The 10442nd tenant farmer has been designated]




While Sejun was designated as a tenant farmer,

“Fuhuhuhu. “It’s here!”

Theo, sitting on Sejun’s lap, handed out dried sweet potatoes one by one to the rabbits who had become tenant farmers.

After a while.


[The 15112th tenant farmer has been designated.]

“The end!”

Sejun finished designating the rabbits brought by Heuktogi as tenant farmers.

“Fuhuhuhu. Don’t rush! “I still have enough dried sweet potatoes!”

However, Theo’s job of handing out dried sweet potatoes is not yet finished.

This is because rabbits who became tenant farmers but did not receive dried roasted sweet potatoes also lined up.

Whip?! Whip!

‘If I stand in line here, can I eat something yellow and chewy?! ‘I want to eat too!’

Fenrir lined up behind the rabbits to receive the dried sweet potatoes, but



I was pushed out of the line by the butts of the other rabbits in line.


‘That’s my place!’

Fenrir stuck his head in to get among the rabbits again, but he couldn’t push the rabbits away with his strength.


‘I can’t believe I lost to those guys…’

Fenrir, whose pride was hurt after being pushed out by the rabbits, looked gloomy and turned to Sejun.


‘Scold me again!’

“hey. What if you get greedy and feel unfair? “Come here.”

Sejun picked up the whining Fenrir and put it in his pocket. Along with Fenrir’s favorite core piece.

Whip! Whip!

‘My core! I’m going to eat it this time!’

When Fenrir was struggling with the core piece in Sejun’s pocket,

[You can give simple instructions remotely once a day to Ophelia Iolg, a farmer in the distant Green Tower.]

“Shall we ask our slave to do some work? ”

Since I can’t call them, I have to work remotely like I did with Ajax.

[What can currently be instructed to Ophelia Iolg, the tower farmer of the Green Tower]

– Elixir: Harvest and offer cherry tomatoes with powerful and powerful magic (0/205)

‘Mighty and powerful?’

The name of the elixir-grade cherry tomato has changed. what? I’m curious.

There were very few cherry tomatoes to harvest, but I thought they would continue to grow over time.

“Hehehe. “Slave, work.”

Sejun, who wanted to receive the cherry tomatoes quickly, hurriedly ordered Ophelia to do the work.


[Ophelia Iolg, the farmer of the Green Tower, refuses to follow instructions.]

It seemed like it was a common thing for the dragons not to listen at once.

[Punishment can be given to Ophelia Iolg, a farmer in the Green Tower who refused to follow instructions.]

-Water baptism


baptism -Stone baptism


“What should I choose as punishment? “Water, Fire, and Stone won’t cause much damage anyway, so should I choose tickling like Ajax?”

Sejun was wondering what punishment to give Ophelia.

At that time

, “Sejun and Ophelia really hate hot things!”

Ajax, who was harvesting potatoes nearby, flew in and gave us good information.

“okay? “You don’t like being hot?”

Then let’s go to the baptism of fire! Sejun chose baptism of fire as punishment for Ophelia.

[A baptism of fire is given to Ophelia Iolg, the farmer of the Green Tower, who refused to follow instructions.]

After a while,

[Ophelia Iolg, the farmer of the Green Tower, has harvested an elixir: a cherry tomato with powerful and powerful magical power.]

Ajax As advised, Ophelia, who hates the heat, started working and

[Ophelia Iolg, the farmer of the Green Tower, offers an elixir: 1 cherry tomato with powerful and powerful magical power to Park Se-jun, the farmer of the Black Tower.]

[ Elixir: 1 cherry tomato with powerful magical power is stored in the temporary storage of the Green Tower.]

The crops harvested by Ophelia were offered to Sejun.

[To move crops weighing less than 100 kg from the green tower to the black tower, 8 million Top Coins are required for inter-tower transportation.]

[Do you want to transport?]

The message that appears next.

“huh? 8 million Topcoins?”

Not 1 million? Sejun checked the amount again to see if he had made a mistake.

But 8 million Topcoin was correct.

“Why is shipping so expensive?”

“I guess it’s because the green tower is far away.”

“It’s far?”

Ajax answered Sejun’s doubts.

“huh! Because the green tower is almost opposite the black tower. Clockwise from the Black Tower…”

According to Ajax’s explanation, clockwise from the black tower, there are the red tower, the golden tower, the purple tower, the green tower, the blue tower, the brown tower, the silver tower, and the white tower.

“I see.”

That’s how Sejun learned the layout of the nine towers.


[Green Tower’s tower farmer Ophelia Iolg has completed the instructions.]

[Elixir: 205 cherry tomatoes with powerful and powerful magical power are stored in the temporary storage of the Green Tower.]

Ofelia has finished harvesting.

“It’s fast?”

Compared to Ajax’s working speed, it was incredibly fast.


Elixir: Sejun was curious about cherry tomatoes, which contain powerful and powerful magical powers.

8 million Top Coins were used to transport 205 cherry tomatoes in temporary storage.

He complained that it was expensive, but it wasn’t a big amount to Sejun.


[Elixir: 205 cherry tomatoes with powerful and powerful magical power have arrived.]

So, 205 elixir-grade cherry tomatoes were placed in front of Sejun.

“what? “Why is it like this?”

Sejun picked up a cherry tomato and checked the options, frowning at its soft texture.

[Elixir: A cherry tomato with powerful and powerful magical power]

This is a mutant cherry tomato that alone absorbed the strong magical power of Blue Moon from the highest point of the tower.

It is grown by inexperienced farmers who do not even know the ‘farmer’ aspect of farming, so it tastes worse than the original.

When consumed, magical power permanently increases by 50.

It is born by absorbing powerful magical energy and cannot grow unless it is in a place with strong magical energy.

Grower: Green Tower Farmer Ophelia

Shelf life: 100 years

Grade: A

“Ah. that’s right! “That was him…”

Sejun said, recalling the tasteless carrots he received as a prize at a carrot harvesting contest in the past.

Now that I think about it, the name of the planter at that time was Ophelia.


Sejun tried cherry tomatoes to see how tasty they were.

“It’s really bland. “Who are you feeding this to?”

Sejun was troubled as he looked at the soft white cherry tomatoes in front of him.

It gave 50 horsepower to animals that had already eaten Sejun’s delicious cherry tomatoes, but the tasteless cherry tomatoes were not popular.


“Ah! In that case…”

Sejun remembered the pickled cherry tomatoes he had eaten at a restaurant before.

I cut the ends of the cherry tomatoes in a cross shape and started boiling them.

Then, boiled and peeled cherry tomatoes were soaked in honey water.

[Achieved the achievement of making honey pickled cherry tomatoes for the first time in the tower.]

[Cooking Lv. The recipe for pickled cherry tomatoes in honey is registered at 9.]

[Cooking Lv. The skill level of 9 increases slightly.]

This is how the dish was completed. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of the material increased by 5%.

“Because I have to let it ripen for a day…”

When Sejun left the bowl full of honey-pickled cherry tomatoes in the kitchen and got up,

he said, “Fuhuhu. “I did everything Chairman Park told me to do!”


Theo said, clinging to Sejun’s leg.

“What about the black rabbit?”

“I took the rabbits down right away just because I was busy!”


“That’s right! “The black rabbit told me to give this to Chairman Park!”


Theo handed Sejun the three land documents he received from the black rabbit. It was a land document for the 73rd floor, 62nd floor, and 57th floor of the Black Tower.

‘ah. I guess I should go too.’

In that way, Sejun lost the justification for sending Theo down alone to find Fenrir’s core piece, and said,

“Guys, gather together!”

Kueng called Ajax and put him in the subspace warehouse with Theo Kamangi and

kicked him.

The door was closed.

“Aileen, I’ll be back.”

[The tower manager tells you to have a good trip.]


[The summoning function is activated to imprint the first owner of the farm land document on the 57th floor of the tower.] After

greeting Eileen, Sejun opened the land document and disappeared from the 99th floor of the Black Tower.

While Sejun went down to the 57th floor of the tower,

“How dare you, Park Sejun, kill my granddaughter…!”

An enraged Brachio was flying fiercely towards the black tower.


Black Tower 57th floor.

[Arrived at the 57th floor of the Black Tower.]



[Due to the effect of , all stats increase by 42.]

“Ugh… My stats have increased, but why does my body feel creepy?”

Sejun arrived on the 57th floor of the tower. I began to feel the effects of being close to Brachio.

[The distance from the great being who is truly angry with you is getting closer.]

[The intensity of the anger directed at you is growing stronger.]

Not just a feeling, but a reality.

“This seems like I’m taking it too far…”


Sejun fainted after being exposed to Brachio’s anger.

Sejun, the sunfish of the Black Tower, fainted in the end again today.

“Chairman Park!”


[Dad fainted!]

“Brother! I’ll treat you!”

Theo Kuengi Ajax hurriedly opened the subspace warehouse and came out to treat Sejun.

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