Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 270

Episode 270 All you need is this dish and you!

Episode 270 All you need is this dish and you!

U.S. Naval Command Operations Room.

“So these are the grapes the hunters brought from the tower?”

Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Samuel Harrison said as he inspected the grapes brought by the operations officer.

“yes. The correct name is a fragrant grape full of life.”

“okay. As the name suggests, it smells good. But why did you bring this?”

“Samuel, look here. This is a detailed description of a fragrant grape full of life.”

Since the general public cannot see the item description, the detailed description of the fragrant grapes full of life confirmed by the hunter was displayed on the operation room monitor.

[Fragrant grapes full of life]




The fragrant scent of grapes can attract monsters that like the smell of blood.

When making wine, the aroma spreads further.

Grower: Top Farmer Park Se-jun

Expiration date: 90 days

Grade: C

Current price: 50,000 to 60,000 dollars

Below, the price of fragrant grapes full of life that are currently being traded is also written.

The price of grapes had fallen significantly compared to the beginning as hunters who worked at the grape farms continued to sell grapes.

“oh! “You can attract monsters that like the smell of blood?!”

Samuel said in a happy voice after checking the detailed description of fragrant grapes full of life on the monitor.

If the explanation was true, it might be a clue to eradicating the leeches that are taking over Hawaii.

Currently, the Navy continues to pour massive amounts of livestock blood into Hawaii to keep the giant leeches from heading to the United States, but the situation is getting worse.

This is because the number of leeches is increasing by eating the blood they sprayed. As a result, the amount of blood being dropped on Hawaii was increasing.

So the Navy was anxiously looking for ways to reduce the number of giant leeches.

“Chief of Naval Staff, I think it’s worth a try.”

The operational staff cautiously suggested to Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Samuel that fragrant grapes full of life be used in operations.

Even looking at Sejun’s other crop, the sturdy blade green onion, there was no mention anywhere in the description that it could kill Locust.

But now, the sturdy bladed green onion has become an absolutely indispensable crop to save the Earth from the Locust.

“good. Well then, let’s secure about 1 ton of fragrant grapes full of life and do a simple test. ah! “Can’t we contact Sejun Park, who is listed as a grower here, and purchase in bulk?”

The cost of the operation was not cheap, so Samuel met with Sejun and wanted to reduce the price.

“I… that…”

The operations officer looked troubled at Samuel’s words. Currently, there is almost no information about Sejun.

Recently, reliable figures Han Tae-jun and Kim Dong-sik distributed information about Se-jun to each country, but

‘Park Se-jun is so strong that you can’t even approach within 5km?’

The content was too absurd to be accepted as is.

Before entering special training, Han Tae-jun and Kim Dong-sik informed all countries of Se-jun’s military power to prevent a disaster from occurring when Se-jun leaves the tower.

However, the intelligence agencies of each country judged their information to be excessively exaggerated and did not trust the information.

In this way, Han Tae-jun and Kim Dong-sik’s efforts were in vain.

“Once you have secured the fragrant grapes full of life, find out where the hunters got them. Then something will come out.”


Under Samuel’s instructions, the operational staff simultaneously secured the fragrant grapes full of life and searched for Sejun’s whereabouts.


Lunch without Theo and Kuengi.

Munching, munching.

Sejun was having a leisurely lunch eating arrowroot with green potential.

[You have consumed the blue-potential arrowroot root.]

[All stat potential increases by 5.]




After eating all 20 green potential arrowroot roots,

he said, “I’m full. vitality.”

[Vitality Lv. You used 4.]

[Quickly digests food in the stomach.]

[All stats increase by 4% for 90 minutes.]

Sejun used the vitality skill to digest the food. Thanks to using the vitality skill from time to time, my level went up by two, reaching level 4.

When my stomach was empty, I said,

“It’s finally the last time.”


Sejun put the meat of Eileen’s fist into his mouth.


[Eileen’s Healthy Fist Meat Pieces were consumed.]

[All 100 Eileen’s Health Fist Meat Pieces were consumed.]

[All stats increase by 100.]

The message I was waiting for appeared.

“Hehehe. done.”

Sejun was happy when his body suddenly gained strength.

At that time

[The tower manager is happy and asks if he has finally eaten all of his food.]

Eileen spoke up.

“huh. I ate it all. “I think I’ve become stronger thanks to you.”

Sejun said, feeling proud of the elation he felt as his strength increased.


[the tower manager says that in his opinion, you are still a long way off.]

“I know. Still. “Are you saying that out loud?”

Sejun becomes depressed due to Eileen’s anger.

[The tower manager says you don’t need to worry]

[The tower manager says he has already prepared food to make you stronger.]

“Huh?! Did you make food again? “What did you do that to make it so difficult?”

Sejun said, pretending not to be embarrassed as much as possible. I wasn’t worried… I’m just going to live with Theo and Kueng protected… [The

tower manager says that he enjoys cooking, so you don’t have to worry about it being difficult for him.]

“Yes… .”

Sorry Eileen. Actually… I’m worried about myself after eating the dish… I wonder

what kind of amazing(?) dish Eileen made.

It’s okay when Sejun gets anxious.

A leather pouch fell onto Sejun’s palm.

[The tower manager says he overlooked the fact that you couldn’t eat a lot at once last time, so this time he divided it into 500 pieces so you could eat it comfortably.]

“Five…five hundred pieces?!”

I don’t want anything else. Just like last time. Sejun prayed earnestly in his heart and opened his leather pouch.

Well done.

The leather bag was filled with uniformly sized black round pieces of meat. It was good. It’s the same black as last time.

Sejun is relieved to see that the color and shape are no different from last time.


I picked up a piece of meat and examined it.


Fortunately, there were no dangerous or strange explanations. Just like before, I was full just by eating one piece, and I had to eat all the pieces to be effective.

The only difference this time is that you have to eat all 500 pieces to increase all stats by 300.

“Thank you Eileen!”

Sejun thanked Eileen for cooking normal(?) food in a moving voice.

[The tower manager says that it feels rewarding to cook because you are so impressed.]

[The tower manager says he will cook a completely new dish for you next time.]

“No! “All I need is this dish and you!”

Sejun desperately emphasized that there was no need to cook a new dish, but


Eileen did not respond, perhaps because she had already gone to cook.


Theo and Pyogi going down the tower.

“Nyan nyang nyang.”

Piyot. Piyot.

Piyot sang a chord to Theo’s humming song and flapped his wings 10 times with each step of Theo, and flew in time with Theo’s steps. Pyo



Piyo, passing by the 79th floor of the tower, felt something strange. I feel like I forgot something.


“Piyo. “Why are you like that?”

When Piyo suddenly stopped singing, Theo asked.


[ah! Now that I think about it, the 79th floor of the tower is my hometown!]

Piyo is still completely forgetting about his duties as a messenger bird.

“Fuhuhuhu. Like that? This body’s hometown is Granier Village on the 75th floor of the tower…”

When the topic of hometown came up, Theo started moving again while talking about his hometown, and the two just passed by the 79th floor of the tower.

When the two arrived at the 75th floor of the tower,

“Pyoyo, follow me!”



Theo took Piyot to visit Taru, who was guarding the lost and found warehouse.

“It’s been a while Theo.”

“Nice to meet you Taru!”

“But who is the friend behind you?”

When Taru looked at Piyot, who was hiding behind Theo and sticking his head out, he asked


[I am Piyo of the white-haired, sunken-eyed tribe who will be Theo’s right paw!]

Piyo answered excitedly.

“okay. You are a friend with good aspirations. “Are you here to draw Theo?”

“That’s right! “Get 2000 Top Coins here!”

Theo handed Taru the lottery cost for himself and Piyoti.


“Then I will wait here. “Bring it out one by one.”

“I understand!”

Theo and Pyogi went to the ghost warehouse with Taru and went inside.

When Theo enters the ghost warehouse

-Theo, are you here?!

The ghosts in the warehouse welcomed Theo.

-We used the guy Theo sent us to completely clean it!

Items that had previously piled up like a mountain on the floor were now neatly organized and stacked in cabinets or shelves. Thanks to this, Patton is currently taking a break.

“Good job! “Piyo, then go to work!”

Piyot! Piyot?

[yes! But what should I do?]

Piyote answered energetically and asked while tilting his head.

“Bring what you’re most attracted to here!”



Tap, tap, tap.

At Theo’s instructions, while Piyote was busy flying around the warehouse looking for items he was interested in,

he said, “Fuhuhuhu. “This is what appeals to me the most!”

Theo picked up a book right in front of him and put it in his luggage.



I fell asleep for a moment while watching Piyote still diligently picking out items.

After a while,


Theo saw a huge mountain of trash blocking his eyes.

At that time

, Piyo? Piyo!

[Theo, are you awake? Here, I brought everything I’m attracted to!]

Piyot shows Theo the things he brought with a proud voice. The huge mountain of garbage that Theo saw was Piyot’s work.

Of course, none of them were good. Piyot was a huge asshole.

‘Piyo has no talent for drawing!’

Theo decided not to let Piyote draw a lottery in the future.

“Bring that out!”

There was no choice but to have Theo bring out one of the objects that his front paws were attracted to.


– I guess I’ll have to organize it again.

-Let’s call the youngest.

Patton, who was enjoying a long, sweet vacation, was called by ghosts again and had to clean up the warehouse again.


“Mean meow meow.”

Piyot. Piyot.

Theo and Piyot climb the tower again, humming cheerfully, not knowing that they have stolen Patton’s vacation.

“Fuhuhuhu. Since Piyot’s house is in the top 79, let’s stop by Piyot’s house on the way and pick up Chairman Park’s favorite fried eggs!”

The only items left in the lottery at the Ghost Warehouse were those with a weak attraction, so Theo decided to also bring egg fruit to receive more praise from Sejun.

‘Fuhuhuhu. Chairman Park, look! I, Vice President Te, am working overtime again today!’

Piyo! Piyo!

[yes! Just trust me!]

Piyot took the lead and guided Theo to the Cove Kingdom on the 79th floor of the tower.

When the two arrived at Abe, the capital of Cove, to pick up egg fruit,

‘The messenger bird chirped and the yacht brought the person who could heal the mother tree!’

The parrot guarding the entrance shouted loudly so that all the birds could hear.

“Nyan?! “Messenger bird?”

Piyo! Piyo!

[right! I was a messenger bird!]

Only then did Piyot remember his mission.

“What is a messenger bird?”


[The messenger bird heals the mother tree…]

While Piyot was explaining the mission of the messenger bird he had learned,

let’s go!



Birds flew in one by one and surrounded them.



A huge eagle, measuring about 10 meters with its outstretched wings, came down from the sky. It was Louis, the king of birds.

“Welcome. Since you have heard the explanation from the messenger bird, I will guide you to the mother tree.”

“Fuhuhuhu. “Let’s go!”

After listening to Piyot’s explanation and understanding the situation to some extent, Theo quickly jumped on Louis’ back. Fuhehehe. I will cure the mother tree with my healing arts!

And the price is…

‘Fuhuhuhu.’ ‘I feel a strong attraction there!’

Piyo! Piyo!

while Theo laughs at the rainbow-colored castle on top of the mountain towering in the center of the capital.

[I need to grow up quickly and pick up Theo! I have to double what I eat from now on!]

Piyot regrets not being able to carry Theo on his back. Piyot didn’t know that he was all grown up.

“Then let’s leave.”

Flutter, flutter.

Louis picked up Theo and flew towards the mother tree.

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