Return of the Frozen Player Chapter 577

Return of the Frozen Player 577

Power Plant Devil (2)

“But suddenly, a marshmallow the size of two fell on the original girl’s face.”

The frost with its arms stretched out to its full extent stirred the sky.

She approached Seo Jun-ho who was preparing breakfast and asked for it.

“Contractor, interpret the dream.”

Is that a dream that requires interpretation?

I think it’s just a dream that I had when I was sleeping and pressed my nose.

Junshik, who was sitting next to her, smiled and opened his mouth.

“It’s a dog dream even if you just listen to it. It seems like a meaningless dream?”

“Is that something… … She liked it for nothing… …

A plate was held out in front of the depressed frost.

“Both of you stop whining in the morning and eat.”

“Ah, a rabbit!”

Seo-ri’s eyes sparkled as she looked at the sliced ​​bread in the shape of a cute rabbit.

“Don’t eat well today. It looks good, so you might want to eat it. Strawberry jam, too.”

“Here’s the jam. Jun-sik eats you too.”

“Thank you body… … huh?”

Jun-sik looked at the plate in front of me and blinked.

He looked back and forth between his plate and Frost’s plate, then raised his head.

“what’s this?”


Jun-shik, with an expression of open disappointment, banged the plate in front of me with a fork! knocked

On his plate was a slice of bread cut into the shape of a rabbit.

“Why don’t I do rabbits? This is the leftover bread after I made a rabbit for Frosty. This part is hard.”

“ah… … So, you want to eat a rabbit too?”

It’s cold.

The eyes of the main body holding the knife fly into the heart and pierce it.

Junshik smiled awkwardly and shook his head.

“ha ha ha. no. I like the hard part best when dipped in coffee.”

After a blissful breakfast, Rama Dart slammed the door.

“Junho, are you still sleeping? It’s meeting time!”

“When did it happen? let’s go.”

* * *

Seo Jun-ho, who entered the meeting room with his friends, took a look at the seats.

Woojung, who hadn’t come to his senses yet, was obviously not there.

Instead, a seat was occupied by a person who had not been present at the previous meeting.


The village chief of the village they were forming.

It was the Turtle Transcendence.

The players glanced at him, who was calmly seated.

It means that it is a foreign existence in this place.

Seo Jun-ho’s eyes deepened.

‘Gilberto said their anger towards the Emperor was real… …

That is not necessarily proof that they are allies.

It wouldn’t be bad to borrow this spot to find out their authenticity.


However, apart from that, he felt that the eyes of the players facing him were brighter than usual.

Seo Jun-ho lowered his voice and asked.

“Skaya, is something good going on in the castle? Everyone seems oddly morale high.”

“… … what? Are you asking for praise?”

Skaya replied with a puzzled expression.

“You brought Kim Woo-joong with your own hands. Are you in trouble now because of that?”

Death is what the player is always afraid of even though it is by their side.

After Kim Woo-joong went missing, thoughts that he was actually dead spread implicitly.

was losing

However, since he was brought back intact, his morale was bound to rise.

“The leader of some group in the world will personally find the missing person.”

“Hmm, I see.”

It was an unexpected harvest.

The increase in morale of the players is an effect that cannot be bought even for a thousand gold on the isolated 7th floor.

“Junho, is the topic of today’s meeting about attacking power plants?”

Seo Jun-ho nodded at Shin Seong-hyeon’s question.

“you’re right. As for that part, over there… …

“Call me Turtle Village Chief.”

“yes. Chief Turtle will help you.”

The Turtle village chief, who received everyone’s attention, slowly opened his mouth.

“The official designation is Float Force Power Station. There is no doubt that it is a place that consistently produces the force that sustains this continent.”

“What kind of energy are you using to create the Force?”

Shin Sung-hyun asked.

Generally, power plants on Earth produce energy using thermal power, wind power, hydro power, nuclear power, etc.

However, since ‘force’ is created here, it would be impossible with ordinary energy.

The turtle village chief opened his mouth.

“Basically, it is a facility that converts the magical energy floating throughout nature into the Force. However, I heard that the transcendents who committed sins were also caught there and created the force.

They said they were doing labor.”

“Does that also serve as a kind of prison?”

“It’s not that simple. It would be correct to regard it as an independent district.”

“An independent area?”

The village chief nodded at Gilberto’s question.

“The city where the power plant is located, Float is the second largest city in the Empire.”

“The second largest city!?”

Players who thought it was simply a power plant were surprised.

In Earth, cities are not built near power plants.

“Babylon, the capital of the empire, and Plot and Gulat. In fact, more than 90% of the Overmind resides in these three cities.”

“What is the specific population of the float?”

“The number of residents is approximately 15,000. I know that there is an additional army stationed there.”


The number of enemies was much higher than I thought.

It was natural for the players’ faces to darken.

“But the thing to be most wary of is the power plant demon.”

“A demon in a power plant? What is it?”

“I don’t know the details either.”

Turtle Village Chief shook his head.

“But there are rumors that a monster with that name guards the power plant.”

“Well, once that was the case

do… …

Shin Seong-hyeon nodded a couple of times and asked while staring at the head of the Turtle Village.

“I heard that you were imprisoned within the wall for a thousand years, but you know very well about the facility on the other side of the continent. Is it my delusion?”

At the same time, the players’ intentions changed drastically.

In the atmosphere like a knife that put pressure on himself, he calmly opened his mouth to the Turtle Village.

“There is only one or two people who can look out a thousand miles from their seats.”

“You don’t think it’s something that can be taken lightly, do you?”

Good job, Shin Seong-Hyun. peck more

Seo Jun-ho silently watched the two of them with his arms crossed.

Turtle village chief looked at the players once, then looked at Seo Jun-ho.

“I heard that I needed allies, so I abandoned my nest and moved a long distance… …

“I’m sorry. But I think their questions are valid.”

“I agree with you on that part. each other

In order to trust Darni, there should be no lies.”

Turtle village chief put down his cane and placed both palms facing up on the desk.

“If you are so curious, this old turtle will show you a strange trick.”

A tense atmosphere pervaded the meeting room.

A situation where he might have to be shot if he behaved in a foolish way.



As water gushed from his palms, the players jumped up from their seats.

What they are waiting for is Seo Jun-ho’s order.

But Seo Jun-ho was calm.


I don’t feel any hostility from the other person.

After watching the situation for a while, the water he created turns into a ball and floats into the air.

went up

“This is my ability, the magic fountain.”

“What is the effect?”

“Check it out for yourself.”

The moment the players looked at the spring water without letting their guard down.

Something shimmered in the clear water.


Overall, it was a grayish city with a landscape resembling an ironworks.

White smoke rises from all over the city

and workers in work clothes roamed the streets.

“That place is the city of iron and force. A float.”

“… … Is it clairvoyant-like ability?”

Seo Jun-ho, who had lost his pulse, apologized neatly.

“I’m sorry for doubting you.”

“… … i apologize too I don’t know much, but I feel like I’m asking… …

“No, rather, I would have been disappointed in you if I hadn’t doubted.”

The Turtle Village Chief smiled and replied.


Rather than a group of good people and incompetent, a group of people who were capable even if they were harsh were more suitable as allies.

“By the way, I will also tell you about a strange rumor that has been heard in the city lately.”

“What is a strange rumor?”

“Apart from the demons at the power plant, it is said that the inhabitants of Float often go missing.”

“home? missing?”

Ramadat, leaning back on the backrest, replied in a low voice.

“I guess the mad emperor threw a guy he didn’t like into a power plant.”

“Maybe. But lately, the atmosphere in the city is not so good because of that rumor.”

“… … Security must have been strengthened that much.”

Increasing the number of patrols would be the fastest way to calm the residents’ anxiety.

After looking at the city inside the spring for a while, Skaya opened her mouth.

“What do we do? development we thought

not a cow It’s only because of the scale that it’s ambiguous to launch an all-out attack. Above all, since it hasn’t been long since we attacked Gulat, we must have prepared for that part.”


This was something even Seo Jun-ho did not expect.

Among the memories he had read, none of them had memories of the power plant.

‘… … It’s probably because the transcendental me used her hand.’

He intervened in the minds of the dead.

Have you ever had a conversation with God?

For a being of that level, erasing a few memories should be easy.

“Junho-nim, do you have any insight?”

Seo Jun-ho replied slowly to Shin Seong-hyeon’s question.

“Certainly, an all-out offensive is impossible, but… … Rather, because of the size of the city, there must be operations that are possible.”

“Is that strategy the same as I thought?”

Ramadat showed this and laughed.

Other players expressed their anxiety at the part that he was so welcoming.

“Hey, Junho. What is that operation, by any chance? … ?”

“It’s simple.”

Hiding in the forest to hide the trees.

How to hide a person in a city.

“Selecting a small number of elites. I will disguise myself as the Ascendant and infiltrate the city.”

“hmm. Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

“Any operation carries risks. But in this situation, the best

It’s definitely a way.”

Of course, to increase the success rate of this operation, it is certain that someone draws the attention of the transcendentalist.

Seo Jun-ho intended to leave the role to other players and failures.

“The moment we sneak in. I think it would be all right if you spread guerrilla warfare across the continent.”

“That won’t be too difficult.”

“Let’s plan a more detailed configuration and strategy.”

The conference room got busy.

* * *

The imperial palace of Babylon, the capital.

The Transcendental Emperor sitting on the throne was receiving reports from his vassals as always.

“The next item is… …

But these days, the content doesn’t come to my ears well.

What is the reason for not being able to concentrate? After thinking about it for a while, Transcendence took a look at Daejeon.

The bored eyes found the reason at once.


“The following people’s repeated… … yes?”

The old man who was posting the report asked back with a surprised face.

For, he remembered, it was the first time the Transcendentalist had cut off reports in this way.

“I said less.”

“what… … Oh, I see.”

The old man smiled bitterly.

I’m sure, even 15 days ago, I would report

The Daejeon at that time was full of other vassals.

‘But now it’s definitely reduced a lot.’

It was because they were killed by humans, and those who were called players.

Maybe that’s why the large space feels wider.

Voices echoed for no reason, and the distance between the vassals widened, making them look even more lonely.

“Stop watching. It’s going to mean nothing anyway.”

“One Majesty. People’s request… …

“You guys are truly the ones I am

Do you think you care?”


The old man shuddered.

It was because the Transcendental Emperor took off the mask it had been wearing for the first time in a thousand years.

“I don’t need anything, I’ll ask. Did you find out where the players are?”

“… … It’s not yet. However, the western, southern, and eastern sides were cleaned.”

Then, the only thing to be searched for now is the northern part.

Staring at the huge map installed in Daejeon, the Transcendental Emperor opened his mouth.

“I think I know roughly where the rats are hiding.”

It must be hiding somewhere in that frozen snowfield.

‘If their feet get undone, they’ll wander around on their own and get in trouble.’

So, in order to strike a blow, first tie their feet.

After thinking, the transcendental agent opened its mouth without hesitation.

“Black Pagoda Pilgrim Ganesia.”

“Have a command.”

To establish the thousand-year empire Babela

The first great magician who established a revolutionary reputation.

Pilgrim Ganesia got down on one knee and bowed her head.

“All over the snowfields and mountain ranges in the northern part of the continent… …

The eyes looking at the map instantly lit up bright yellow.

“Ultra-wide blockade magic, I order the installation of the Black Coffin.”

Black Coffin.

In other words, it was a magic called a black field.

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