Return of the Frozen Player Chapter 551

Return of the Frozen Player 551

Late blooming flowers (6)

Prince Digor followed the research director for a long time.

Inside the Cronus Lab, there were many magical items that even he, the heir to the empire, had never seen before.

“It must be hard to manage all this stuff.”

“Management is not that difficult… … Inventing new things is always hard.”

Creating something new that didn’t exist before was the reason why researchers were short-lived.

“From now on, you have to watch my steps carefully and follow the same steps.”

“… … Could it be that this is not the place where the holy relics are enshrined?”

Digor asked, staring at a very plain door that had been randomly attached to the hallway wall.

“It looks ordinary on the outside, but everything inside

I want to Please follow me.”

Opening the locked door with a key, the warden swiped through the threshold room.

Digor remembered his steps and followed them, observing inside.

“Here… … ?”

“Are you dizzy? I was also confused at first.”

It was a space as if several dimensions were stacked on top of each other.

The boundaries between the ceiling, floor, and walls have disappeared, and whether you are standing or lying down has become ambiguous.

“If you get lost here… … What will happen?”

“I become a lost child in the gap. Once lost, you can never come back. In fact, since successive research directors frequently lost their children, a rule was made that only monitors were used to check the holy relics. We call this the dimensional rift.”

Digor gulped and watched the warden’s footprints.

“Is this the world your father created?”

“Half right, half wrong. Even His Majesty managed to complete it with the power of the Holy Spirit.

He said.”

After speaking, the head of the research institute slowly moved on.

“Climb the stairs here… … After opening this door… … If you climb the ladder… …

Digor moved silently in a space where one could become dizzy just by looking at it.

As the cold sweat broke out, the warden opened a new door.

“Whoa! Arrival.”

It was an ordinary room.

A simple room with only one chest-height chest.

Digor wiped the sweat off his face and looked around the room.

Force crystals were installed in every corner of the room.

It must be to be able to see the situation of the room at a glance from the outside.

“Is that a holy thing in that box?”

“yes. But what did I say, as you can see, I am fine.”

A face that looks like the head of the research center has endured for ten years

sighed with

“Yes, you should be fine.”

The moment when the head of the research institute feels like something is cheap.

The twisted space opened its mouth and swallowed him.

“Wow, Your Highness the Prince… … buy, save… … !”

A desperate scream echoed through the room, then disappeared.

Perhaps the head of the research institute would become a lost child in the dimension and live for the rest of his life.

Prince Digor approached the box.

he trembled.

A soft hand brushed the box.

‘at las.’

finally got my hands on it

How long have you been waiting for this moment?

‘To the extent that humans are lovable.’

Thanks to their father’s great support, this opportunity came to him as well.

Now, more than a thousand years

It is time to resolve the sadness of having to live as a scarecrow.

“I will right everything that is wrong.”

Desire flashed in Prince Digor’s eyes.

He opened the box without the slightest hesitation.

An hour had passed since the temple battle began.


How many times has it already been? General Bocello, who was once again struck directly by lightning, twitched his eyebrows.

“You fool. Don’t you realize that it doesn’t work?”

“… … If you knock on it, it will open. It’s Master’s teaching.”

“It is an ignorant teaching.”

The general, who gave harsh evaluations, quickly narrowed the distance.

“Attack with lightning. I was really surprised when I first saw it, but… …

gripping weave.

Through the halberd, Bocello sent the energy of the lightning to the ground.

“Isn’t today the second? I think I know roughly how to deal with it now.”

Paik Kun-wu’s eyes scanned the general.

It was definitely a pain in the ass.

‘Master was right. After all, the world is wide.’

Even when he defeated Erevo, he felt that there was nothing to be afraid of.

However, the world Seo Jun-ho lives in is overflowing with monsters.


Then, a giant flying from far away landed in front of him.

“Cool, big.”

“Are you okay?”

“… … Not good.”

Ramadat replied in a tired voice.

Standing up holding Paik Kun-wu’s hand, he shot something.


“Bocello, how are you? The one I chose is fucking stupid. A big distracted guy

He’s weaker than he looks.”


The slime crawling on the floor took on a human form in an instant.

It was Bamon, one of the two remaining generals in the Empire.

“Even if I was fine, you bastard… … Keugh!”

Ramadat grabbed his chest and spilled a handful of blood.

“Are you still not accepting it? The fight is already over. I can kill you anytime.”

Vamon’s ability is slime.

The small slime created through it was currently wrapped around Ramadat’s heart.

“… … It hurts.”

Ramadat’s head got complicated.

In my mind, I wanted to open my chest right now and take out my heart.

Then the damn slime will come too.

‘But can my body withstand that?’

The body tired of the imperial torture

The recovery potion was not enough to cure it.

You will get better soon after receiving the recovery of a therapist who is about the same as Cha Si-eun.

‘Is there any way?’

Ramadat bit his teeth, and Baek Kun-wu asked cautiously.

“What’s wrong with Super Regeneration (EX)?”

“… … it’s still too much I don’t know if in a few more hours.”

Even at this moment, his Super Regeneration (EX) was restoring his energy.

With another six hours or so, I should be able to get back to a somewhat satisfactory condition.

“How many hours?”

After pondering the word for a while, Paik Geon-wu raised his head.

In my two eyes, I saw two generals who were too daunting.

“I will endure it for once.”

“… … Are you serious?”

“yes. So step back right now and focus on your recovery.”

Ramadat stared into his face.

After thinking for a while, he hit Paik Kun-wu’s chest with his fist.

“Seriously. So please don’t hesitate. Junho’s death penalty.”


“Gee, it’s uncomfortable to hear respectful words, so stop right away.”

“… … I will.”

Leaving him smiling lightly behind him, Ramadat left the battlefield and sat cross-legged.

Falling into a meditative state, he

All nerves were cut off and only focused on recovery.

“Are you going to deal with the two of us by yourself? Aren’t you being too greedy?”

“I wondered if I was exaggerating too, but after thinking about it… …

Paik Kun-wu raised his head and looked at the sky.

“He wasn’t alone.”

The gazes of the two generals also instinctively turned to the sky.

But the cam in their sight

Only the sky in the dark jungle.


By the way, was the sky here originally that dark?

The moment the two questioned themselves, the pitch-dark sky split.

“Black moon!”

The darkness that fell like thunder hit the two generals.


They hurriedly defended themselves, but the cumulative impact on their bodies was beyond imagination.

Seo Jun-ho, who intruded between them,

splendidly turned

“sorry. I joined a little late.”

“No, it was perfect timing.”

Paik Kun-wu smiled.

Then Bocello looked around.

“… … How the hell are you here?”

The knights stationed at the Kronos Lab.

And they attached all the subordinates they had brought to Seo Jun-ho.

One thousand in total.

It was absolutely not at the level of getting rid of them all in an hour or leaving them out.

“I left that to someone else I trust.”

“… … Others?”

“Ah, maybe you’re referring to that alter ego.”

At the muttering of the two, Paik Geon-wu whispered softly.

“Frost and alter ego. Did you entrust the army to the two of them?”

“no. It is Surrey and Sir Hart who are dealing with the army.”

Having reached the top level 3, she asserted herself and took on the role.

Extermination is impossible, but restraint is possible. said unconditionally.

“… … Wait, then where is your alter ego and what is it doing?”

At that question, Seo Jun-ho smiled lightly.

* * *

Oh oh.”

Prince Digor exclaimed in admiration.

The sacred ring that appeared in the box had power that I dare not express in words.

“This is it. It should be this. It is possible if you borrow the power of the sacred object!”

I will no longer live like a scarecrow.

Above all, Digor had already noticed the Emperor’s goals.

‘In the end, the only one who survives until the end is the emperor himself.’

Will that bloodless, tearless monster give you special treatment?

‘Sounds without hesitation.’

It was clear that when the time came, he would take his own life to extend his lifespan.

As long as you have mastered the force developed by the emperor, even if you rebel, victory or defeat will be obvious.

‘There is only one way to make it all right.’

They had no choice but to absorb the power of the holy object and escape from the Emperor’s control.

And then I’ll have to take his place.

Just like the Emperor did to God in the old days.

“One by one, slowly, take away everything

very… …

I will live as Emperor Digor, not the scarecrow Prince Digor.

The moment his trembling hands were about to touch the holy relic.


someone opened the door

Digor’s eyes widened as he turned around in surprise.

‘No one?’

The door that was obviously closed opened,

no one was seen

Surprise soon turned to anger.

“Make your appearance now!”

The turbulent force twisted all the surrounding space.

Naturally, the culprit was also found.

When he used his magical energy to avoid the attack, the ‘night walk’ state was lifted.

“… … Seo Jun-ho?”


After checking the opponent’s face, Prince Digor narrowed his eyes.

Why? Just looking at your face, this feeling that something inside of you is crying.

Even that frivolous smile is sure

“You are that damned alter ego.”

Recalling the humiliating memory, Digor gnashed his teeth.

I thought it was Seo Jun-ho and chased after him, but the feeling of desolation when I found out that it was his alter ego.

“Oh, did you get it right this time?”

Joon-shik, who stood up and brushed off the dust, smiled.

Digor said with a frown.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to play with you today.”

“I’m not here to play, am I? I’m here to carry out an order to stop you from doing nonsense.”

“under! Are you blocking me?”

Digor’s gaze turned to the relic after bursting into laughter.

okay. He had no reason to waste his time on someone who wasn’t even Seo Jun-ho.

“Then, once… … block it


“no! There’s a person in front, but that’s not it! stop!”

Jun-shik, startled, rushed at it, but Digor picked up the holy relic faster.

oh oh oh!

A huge shockwave created and pushed Junshik through the wall.


My bumped back hurts.

But now, stopping Digor was the priority.

“uh… … Are you late? Am I ruined?”

Junshik swallowed his saliva.

Uncontrollable power overflowed from Digor’s whole body as he placed the star on top of his head.

Just having it right in front of my eyes is a power that makes my existence disappear.

“Keu, gurrureuk… …

Only the whites were visible in Di Gorre’s eyes, which shook like someone who had been electrocuted.

It seemed that his body could not accept the force that was too strong for his needs.

‘It’s an opportunity.’

Jun-shik, who blew himself up, stretched out his hand toward Seong-hwan.

All you have to do is steal it and put it in your inventory, and the operation will succeed. It didn’t matter if he died.


The moment before his finger touched the sex ring.

The pupils in Digor’s eyes returned.

“This is my… … It is my strength!”


Junshik bites his teeth tightly.

An intense energy that I had never seen before in my life came pouring out.

And the world twisted.

* *

“… … Junshik Ah?”

Seo Jun-ho, who let go of the halberd with the twilight sword, murmured with a surprised face.

Because he was his alter ego, he could feel it more clearly than anyone else.

‘Is the connection lost?’

It wasn’t just a feeling of reverse summoning.

Seo Jun-ho, who stepped back in anxiety, opened the status window while being wary of the opponent.

‘… … No?’

The ‘alter elf (S)’ that clearly occupied one place in the status window had disappeared.

He had died many times, but this was the first time in my life.

Seo Jun-ho’s eyes trembled.

‘how… … what’s going on

is that?’

* * *


Just like the day after a binge drinking, my body and head hurt as if they would break.

‘What about Digor? Where’s that little bastard?’

Jun-shik, who barely got up and looked around, opened his mouth wide.

“… … What is this?”

Line after line continues endlessly, disturbing the view.

This is the same place he saw when he was following the research director and Prince Digor.

“No, it’s different.”

At the time, there was at least a way to go, but now I couldn’t see anything.

-I become a lost child in the gap. Once lost, you can never come back.

The research director’s words to Prince Digor passed through his head.

“crazy. Doing Doing Doing Now I become a lost child in another dimension, and I do it well. Seo Jun-sik… …

He sighed and took out his sword and tried to plunge it into my heart.


no wait

Jun-shik, who was momentarily appalled, dropped his sword.

“The connection… … Are you disconnected?”

It is certainly. linkage with the body

is cut off

That means that there is no place to return to.

‘Then what will happen to me?’

The belated fear creeps in.

The moment he feels the fear of being left alone in the world.

Seo Jun-sik kicked up the sword at his feet, snatched it out of the air, and swung it backwards.


‘surprise attack!’

Are there monsters in the dimensional rift?

Seo Jun-shik’s face went blank as he confirmed the presence in front of him with a nervous face.

“You, what are you? Why are you here?”


heartless eyes. skinny face. cold voice. Loose left sleeve.

A person with four beats completely different from what he knew.

Seo Jun-ho muttered in a low, muddy voice.

“You are Seo Jun-shik.”

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