Return of the Frozen Player Chapter 507

Return of the Frozen Player 507

Rule Breaker(1)


Like a burst water pipe, red blood gushed from the top of the five empty necks.

“… … found.”

First one guy.

The moment Seo Jun-ho looked for the bubbling guy, he opened his mouth.


pop. For an instant, the world stopped.

The blood dripping like raindrops and the five heads flying in the air.

Even the appearance of the players who were about to shout something. All.

‘I can see this anytime.’

It is an unreal sight.

Blood rises up against gravity

The head, which had been dancing in the air, landed on top of the neck again.

Seo Jun-ho closed his eyes slightly as he watched the buzzing players again.

‘This is enough.’

to kill and bring back.

There is no time to reason one by one, to find clues, and to do idle things like that.

Finding monsters this way was much faster and more efficient.

‘Of course it’s inhumane, but… …


After all, the only person carrying this inconvenient truth is ‘himself’.

The players lowered their vigilance and murmured.

“hmm. It’s not anyone else, but if it’s you, I can trust you.”

“By the way, did you find a good solution?”

In response, Seo Jun-ho raised the tip of his knife with a tired face and aimed at one person.

He was the one who turned into a monster when he decapitated one of the parties a while ago.

“First of all, that guy is the first monster.


“What, what? no!”

The monster jumped up and down with a startled face.

“You are catching a live person now. On what basis do you think I am a monster?”

“Just, persimmon.”

At Seo Jun-ho’s words, the monster opened its mouth wide. I have nothing to say.

The other players who were watching the situation also opened their mouths one by one.

“excuse me… … No matter how stupid you are

But, isn’t that being too hasty?”

“Still, when people’s lives depend on it, it’s just a guess. Isn’t that too much?”

There is no reason to convince them anyway.

I can’t say I know it because I’ve killed it once.

‘There’s no reason to be persuaded.’


A light breeze tickled the players’ faces.

Patter at the same time! red water stream

Bounced in players’ faces.

“I-I… … really… … not you… … Cay, Cao Cao… … jade jade… …

The decapitated monster began to boil and grow in size.

Surprised by this, the players raised their weapons.

“A monster, a monster!”

“Darkness-nim was right!”

It was unknowingly that the monster that became the target turned into a piece of meat.

The players who defeated one of the monsters looked at Seo Jun-ho with surprised eyes.

“How did you find out?”

“I would have said. It’s called persimmon.”

“… … indeed. I’ve read it in a book. Dusksuni-nim’s intuition is so sharp that the other 5 heroes also trusted it.”

This is why image is important to people.

As long as you have a plausible image, they will believe everything even if you say something different.

Seo Jun-ho nodded.

“Well, roughly.”

“Then another monster! Who is the other one?”

“In my opinion… …

Seo Jun-ho swung his sword once again.

This time, it was the members of another party of 5 that were cut.


“It is you.”

After checking, rewind once again.

Seo Jun-ho skillfully pointed out the monster.

“It looks like that guy.”

“does not make sense! i’m not really

yo. this! Bet everything and not!”


The decapitated monster quickly revealed its true color.


“Boo, sure… … It must have been like… …

The boy died in a deep sense of resentment.

The players who found the monsters that had been rotting their headaches breathed a sigh of relief.

“Huuu, you’re too dim!”

“thank you. totally out of the ordinary

I was suspicious of Ram.”

“So what did I say? I said it wasn’t me!”

While everyone was laughing and talking amicably, Seo Jun-ho opened his mouth.

“It’s too early to laugh. Verification is not over yet.”


The players narrowed their eyes and asked again.

“I heard that there is one human impersonator at a party.”

“I’ve already caught two, so this place

Aren’t there monsters in there?”

“If it was a normal party, it would be like that.”

Seo Jun-ho looked at the two parties made up of ‘four’ with cold eyes.

This maze intentionally led the four groups to meet.

‘Why did you do that?’

Didn’t you know that when players unite, the possibility of exchanging information and finding a monster increases?

Did he take such a risk simply to sow the seeds of discord?

‘No way.’

If you add just one condition to the meeting of the four parties, the picture becomes quite plausible.

“Two parties claiming to have gotten rid of the monster. If all of you were made up of monsters, things would be different.”

At the chilling hypothesis of penetrating the essence, the players who had completed the ‘verification’ turned their bodies.

Naturally, there was a backlash from the other side.

“It is speculation! If that is true, why did we tell you about the monster?”

“that’s right. If the eight of us are monsters, it means that the number of people combined with the two who died earlier is large. It would have been more efficient to just attack.”

That is true too.

Seo Jun-ho nodded and replied.

“I hope my intuition is wrong.”

At the same time, jet-black waves that bloomed from the tip of the sword curved in an S shape and grabbed the players’ necks.

Eight of them. Those who claimed to have killed the monster beforehand died instantly.

‘Now, and the number of monsters among them… …

Seo Jun-ho’s dry gaze turned forward.

There were four people who died to prove their innocence, and four monsters who revealed their impurity.


It’s a time retrogression of just over a second, but it’s more useful than you think.


Of course, the consumption of magical power was greater than any other ability he possessed.

Feeling slightly dizzy, Seo Jun-ho opened his mouth.

“Prepare for battle.”


As the players asked blankly, Halgi and Nilvas drew their weapons.

Proof that trust in him has already been built sky high.

At the same time, four Freedom Blades rushed in.


“Ah, ah… …

“This, human… … I, too, am a human… …

“This, what crazy!”

When those who were believed to be human turned into monsters, the players were horrified.

“Get out of the way! Fools!”

Halgi’s ax and Nilvas’ spear blew them away.

Within 5 minutes of Seo Jun-ho joining, as many as six monsters were found.

“What you said was true.”

“A party made up entirely of monsters… …

It was only natural that the various eyes toward him were close to awe.

The players pointed to other parties and asked.

“Are those guys monsters too?”

“Shall I kill you?”

“What, what? I am a human too, a human!”

“red. Even the monsters you searched for earlier said they were human.”

Seo Jun-ho calms the excited people.

he shook his head.

“no. There are no more monsters in this place. Everyone is right.”

“Whoa… “

What was left behind after the storm was anger.

“Monster babies. If it wasn’t for Mr. Dusk, he would have killed us all.”

“I almost broke through the maze with a bunch of daggers behind my back.”

“Thank you again. I will definitely repay this favor.”

Seo Jun-ho, who received many greetings,

I was ready to leave.

‘The same thing must be happening all over the maze.’

In order to rescue even one more person as quickly as possible, we must move immediately.

“Ahang… … That’s how it happened.”

The Frost Queen, realizing roughly what had happened, nodded.

Then he quietly crosses his arms and brings out a nag.

“It’s a method that doesn’t go well with the contractor.”

“… … I know, but there was no more efficient way.”

Frost shrugged slightly.

“I agree that it was a very effective method. But if you put down human hearts one by one like that, one day there will be nothing left.”

“are you okay. Because I have immobility.”

“Have you already forgotten that you were ruined by blindly trusting the hero’s mental power in that way?”

It certainly has.

I probably wouldn’t have gotten back up if it wasn’t for the help of my friends.

Seo Jun-ho stared at Seo-ri and asked.

“So what do you want to say?”

“My daughter understands you. She knows that you made that decision in order to save more people, while she suffered herself as well.”

“It’s not particularly painful… … ?”


Frost answered in a snapping voice.


Above all, there was solid evidence.

“Junior. When you look at that stupidly nice guy, you can clearly see your true nature, so why are you lying?”

“That guy is really stupid.”

“No matter how much he denies it, Jun-shik is the mirror of the contractor.”

Because Seo Jun-ho, who has not grown up, was the existence of Seo Jun-shik.

“Remember. A ruler who has lost his heart is likely to become a tyrant or a madman.”

“I want you to always be like you are now. Little things change… … I hate it.”

My height has grown so much that my head has grown too. You worry about everything.

Seo Jun-ho, who smiled faintly, stroked her hair.

“Isn’t this wonderful? I will keep that in mind very deeply.”

To catch a monster, you have to become a monster yourself.

But when it’s all over, the monster

will not be able to live among other people.

‘It’s a difficult problem.’

what is right and what is wrong

Seo Jun-ho put that choice on hold.

“Hey, stop petting me! Isn’t her head disheveled! ah! Stop!”


“I really hate contractors!”

The adolescent Frost Queen grimaced.

That’s why you pretend to be an adult in front of someone

they say.

* * *

“… … Cheer up.”

Halgi and his companions did not dare to say that they would follow.

It wasn’t because they became safe among the players.

‘Very burning, burning.’

You can tell just by looking at the glowing eyes.

That he wants to follow you.

But that’s all I can’t say. You know you’re going to hold me back.

“Then go.”

Fifteen players united, so there would be no danger for them.

Seo Jun-ho, who left with encouragement, changed his breathing the moment he turned the corner.

‘Black moon spirit method.’

The moment you breathe in the rhythm, the magical energy floating in the air fills you.

started filling it up.

‘I need to borrow some magic.’

After all, this method is the best when moving without sparing mana.

Seo Jun-ho used the mana possessed by nature without reserve, as if it was wasted.

“contractor! Before!”


Dozens of walls were created from above, below, left and right, trying to trap him, but to no avail.

‘At this speed, there’s no reason to freeze the wall.

I don’t even need it.’

Seo Jun-ho, who hit the floor and the wall, slipped through the cracks in the closing wall.

I’m sorry to say it, but it’s a speed that I could never achieve when I was with Halgi and the others.

-Partner, right.

‘ right?’

As the fork in the road approached, a sudden intuition spoke to me.

As soon as I took the right path, firecrackers exploded in front of my eyes and a system message popped up.

[Welcome to the place where the hint is hidden.]

[A monster imitating a human is lurking in each party.]

[The structure of the maze constantly changes.]

[The remaining time is reduced by 12 minutes for each player who dies.]

[When time runs out, players are banished downstairs.]

After reading the hint, Frost grumbled.

“These days, even these things are called hints.

what? No way.”

On the other hand, Seo Jun-ho felt a great sense of incongruity while reading those sentences.

“Isn’t that right, contractor? Isn’t this something we all know about?”

“To be precise, I only know the first three.”

Monsters lurk in each party, the maze structure changes, and time is reduced each time a player dies.

Those are the rules of the labyrinth that Seo Jun-ho himself found out.

On the other hand, this is the first time I learned that when ‘time’ decreases, you are banished to the lower floor.

“Aren’t you fortunate? She thought she would die when she ran out of time. She did it in the movie.”

-partner. Ignore the kid’s words and look for the system log that appeared when you entered the maze.

“That guy is always rude. Aren’t you a kid now?”


Following the advice of his intuition, Seo Jun-ho searched the system logs.

[Welcome to the maze of the outcast.]

[Players divided equally into 30 teams must escape the maze within 24 hours.]

[Please do not forget that this malicious maze aims to lure and ‘annihilate’ intruders.]

[Hints are hidden everywhere, so please roll your head.]

oh my god. I have all these stupid mistakes.

Seo Jun-ho tapped his forehead and asked.

“intuition. Is this, by any chance, what I think?”

-At first, I thought it was long, but after seeing this hint, I was convinced.

Intuition drove a wedge.

– All system messages printed after entering the maze are fake.

In other words, it is a scam.

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not work with dark mode