Return of the Frozen Player Chapter 478

Return of the Frozen Player 478

Blood Train (3)

Seo Jun-ho slowly opened his eyes from his chair in the dark train station.

The deserted, cold floor of the train station at two in the morning came into view.

At the same time, all memories flow like waves

started coming in.

“It was from the moment I entered the train station.”

The moment I was trapped in Paradox’s unique barrier.

Seo Jun-ho stuck out his tongue at that ignorant idea.

‘Paradox didn’t know who was aiming for the chef, so he covered the entire train station with a barrier.’

And it was a kind of simulation.

What would have happened if the train had left intact?

‘That means… …

now i get it

How Paradox decided that he, who had changed into a middle-aged man, was a terrorist.

– There is a report that a non-vampire is currently riding in the first compartment.

-Therefore, all passengers on board cut their own arms to prove that blood does not flow.

Cutting the arm to show the scar itself was a sort of selection process.

He thought that he was a splendid person, but since it happened inside the barrier, there was no way he could not have noticed.

“ha ha ha.”

Paradox, who was sitting on a chair on the opposite platform, shook his head.

He kept laughing nonchalantly.

“Does this make sense?”

Her own barrier, ‘God’s Land’, is a powerful ability.

Just draw the opponent inside

If so, it’s a win.

Because you can use the power of omnipotence.

‘There is only one way to break my barrier.’

All he had to do was kill the ‘fake personality’ he had set up inside the barrier, that is, the dummy data.

“But how did you find out?”

A person’s arm bends inward.

It usually means that they do not harbor the idea that they are fake.

“I was fine.”

Seo Jun-ho muttered as he placed his hand on my heart.

He prides himself on being fairly well objectified.

Is that why? I knew it instinctively.

-When the day comes when my friends go wrong. The immobility inside me will break like a glass.

However, even with the death of Skaya right around the corner, the high spirits were maintained.

I couldn’t sympathize with the feelings of sadness or fear.

I was sure in that moment.

“That I am fake.”

Paradox was silent.

Because it still didn’t make sense in his head.

“Even if you figured it out… … How could you lay down your life for someone else?”

“He’s that kind of guy. that fool.”

Scar appeared from the ticket gate side

Ya opened his mouth.

Dark bruises were visible on her neck.

“If Junho’s decision had been a few seconds late, I wouldn’t be here.”

If you die inside the barrier, your real body also dies.

Of course, only Seo Jun-ho, who was set up as a ‘fake’ personality, was excluded.

“To be honest, I was surprised. Personally, I think it’s a good experience.”

“right. A crisis that cannot harm you will make you stronger.”

It was thought that as long as the hero’s mental strength (EX) was invulnerable to this type of attack.

However, if a guy with overwhelming abilities like that guy was cunning, he could be swayed like this.

Paradox looked around.

3 to 1.

It is clearly an unfavorable fight.

‘Tsk, should I stop here tonight?’

Even more so, those two people in front of me are strong beyond imagination.

In real life, you would have to take a pretty big loss to deal with them.

‘There’s no reason for that. I look at the gap and run away.’

“I’ll take a good look and run away.”

Seo Jun-ho muttered.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Paradox, whose eyes widened in surprise.

“I’m guessing you’re thinking that way.”

It’s obvious what these guys are thinking.

Darkness, the authority on mind psychology

It was clear to me what these guys were thinking.

“Well, everyone has plans.”

“But the ability to carry out the plan… … Well, I’m not sure.”

in which gap?

Paradox’s pupils slowly turned sideways.

In the empty seat next to me, he is sitting.

‘ fast.’

It was a movement that was clearly visible inside the barrier, but in reality it was impossible.

Because he had no ability to manipulate reality.

‘But at this distance… …

just the size of the palm of your hand.

Seo Jun-ho was sitting at that distance. like a friend

‘ possible.’

The biggest reason he was able to become the true ancestor was, of course, thanks to his unique barrier.

Of course, I researched that part intensively, and thanks to that, the ways to utilize it were also endless.


Paradox sharpened his nails and drew Seo Jun-ho like a flash.

“… … !?”


The opponent, who was scattered like a fleeting fog, stared at him as a ghost at two in the morning.

“Tsk, failed.”

“A face more frightened than I expected

is not.”

“Are you scared? I?”

Paradox crossed his legs and burst into laughter.

Of course I was surprised.

Because I didn’t know that humans could be so strong.

“But it’s hard to connect that to my death.”

Paradox smiled and asked.

“Aren’t you curious why Chepesch is keeping a guy with great abilities like me alive?”

“It’s not that he didn’t kill me. Rather, he tried to kill dozens of times.”

But all have failed.

“A unique barrier.”

Paradox held up his index finger.

Then he patted his chest.

“If you can make that range ridiculously wide, you should have thought that the other way around is also possible.”

“… … What do you mean?”

“It means that my body has now become the barrier itself.”

Of course, you cannot exercise the power of omniscience as if you opened a real barrier.

However, it is easy enough to protect one’s own life.


Seo Jun-ho snapped his fingers and froze Paradox’s body.

Inside the ice tray, the corner of his mouth smirked unluckily.

Pasasak! The words of the man who broke the ice


“I’ve felt it since before, but you have a very suspicious personality.”

Paradox brushed the dust off his lap and stood up.

“Okay, let’s just say today was a draw. Let’s just break up.”

“Are you crazy?”

Skaya frowned and raised her magic power.

“Who sent you?”

“If I don’t let you go, then kill me until the other ancestors come. not dry



An arrow made of chaos passed through the heart of Paradox.

“Keuheuk, ahhhh!”

It hurts like dying, but it doesn’t die.

Paradox, who had been crawling on the floor and spewing out pain, stood up laughing.

“Hey, it hurts like crazy. you guys are really strong It’s unbelievable that you’re human.”

Skye’s complexion darkened.

I thought it was a bluff, but I never thought I would die.

‘Even if this is Ramadat, I won’t be able to play it for at least a few minutes.’

She turned her head to Seo Jun-ho.

“How, so are you going to let it go like this?”

“I can’t.”

Seo Jun-ho slowly bloomed a single flower.

At the end of the month, he grabbed the flower stem and twirled it in response.

“It was rather good. I’ve been curious about something for a long time.”

The word contradiction is read as contradiction by combining the words window mo (ko) and shield net (sight).

Its origin is simple.

“A spear that can pierce anything in this world, and a shield that can block anything in this world.”

What if the two collide?

The logic of either the spear or the shield is a game that must be thoroughly denied.


Paradox nodded.

Now that his body has become a barrier itself, he is the strongest shield that can block any attack in the world.

he asserted.

“The window will break. I can’t imagine dying now.”

“… … okay? You tend to have poor imagination.”

Seo Jun-ho smiled lightly and raised his head and asked.

“Then what if the strongest spear had a special ability attached to it?”

“What ability are you talking about?”

“For example, this attack breaks the opponent’s defense.

Ignore it. ability.”

The corners of Paradox’s mouth dropped slightly.

The smile faded and he opened his mouth.

“It is a forced setting. If you’re going to attach that kind of ability, you’ll have to attach it to the shield as well.”

“Then stick it.”

Seo Jun-ho indifferently threw the flower he was holding at him.

“Of course, if you have the ability to do so.”

Earlier, did you say that you are tired of your own flowers?

So this time, I paid special attention.

“I put in more power of contempt than usual.”

Paradox’s pupils widened.

Petals flutter.

As seen in Tria’s memories for the first time, it was a beautiful sight.


The petals that shyly approached were as soft as silk.

But for some reason, each flower leaf touching my skin was more terrifying than any ghost story.

“Ah, ah!”

The unique barrier is destroyed. disappear return to nothing

Paradox grabbed the area around his tightening heart and knelt on the cold floor.

That didn’t happen.

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

[All stats have increased by 12.]

[With the effect of the limit breaker… … .]

Seo Jun-ho muttered as he looked at the message window pouring in.

“look. Chang wins.”

I’ve discussed this topic with Ramadat before, and I’ll tell you when we meet.

He gently placed his hand on the top of the corpse’s head.

“Remember me.”

give it all



The lid of the simple, crude coffin slowly opened, and a man stood up.

“… … Paradox.”

A tenacious life that he tried to kill countless times, but failed every time.

the guy is dead

“The time has come.”

Because of the existence of the strongest shield called Paradox, his own ambitions were always restrained.

That guy has always been wary of his own power becoming stronger than it should be.

“But you died first.”

The man who got up slowly looked

A light cloak was wrapped around his shoulders.

As he gazed at the moon outside the window, his eyes were stained red.

“Then I don’t need to notice any more.”

It’s time to open a new world.

* *

“The window wins.”


Ramadat widened his big eyes like a cow.

he asked.

“What are you talking about?”

“If the strongest spear and strongest shield come together, the spear wins.”

“gibberish. The shield wins.”

“I’ve been experimenting.”

“Then the opponent just wasn’t the strongest shield.”

Seo Jun-ho, Skaya, and Seo-ri returned to the village of the Twilight Claw clan.

Arnold looked at them with a hard face.

“Are you okay? heard the news of the disappearance

It was long.”

“Because I was involved with a troublesome enemy.”

Have you ever had a headache?

Receiving questioning glances, Skaya shrugged and asked.

“Here’s a quiz – yesterday it was four, but today it’s three?”

“answer! human! Yesterday means a newborn baby crawling on two hands and two feet, and today means an old man walking on three legs with a cane. I saw it in a quiz book.”

Orca, who was next to him, replied with a confident expression.

Have you ever taken a quiz?

Skye shook her head.

“Ding! Unfortunately, you are wrong.”

“What? Then what is the correct answer?”

“Because the correct answer is Jinjo.”

The great warriors blinked their eyes.

Arnold asked again, picking his ear.

“Sorry, I think something went wrong with your ear. What did you just say?”

“Jinjo, Jinjo, Jinjo! we paradox

I killed him.”

Jinjo Paradox is dead?

The monster of the monsters that swarmed the triumvirate and gained notoriety over the past few decades?

The wolves turned their heads and looked at Seo Jun-ho.

With a face that said the woman in front of him was talking nonsense.

“It is true.”

Seo Jun-ho nodded and drove in the nail.

“The True Ancestor Paradox is dead.”

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