Return of the Frozen Player Chapter 464

Return of the Frozen Player 464

Beasts Road (2)

Arnold’s teachings were simple and easy to understand.

But the problem was that it was terribly difficult to put into practice.

“Give up your thoughts. Cut off your thoughts. Break the embankment of this castle!”

Because he said to give up everything that a human being has no choice but to do naturally.

Ramadat complained.

“Hey, there are very few people as thoughtless as me, so are we going to throw more out here?”

“There are still too many. Wandering thoughts and thoughts are just chains that bind the body. cut it off.”

“… … It sounds like you are being told to become some kind of madman.”

from morning till night.

Arnold teaches Ramadat

I put all my time into it.

One day I got a question and asked.

“Arnold, is it okay for the leader of the clan to teach me all day?”

“… … do not worry. I don’t do business that loses money.”

“Hoo. You say that everything has a purpose.”

Arnold nodded.

‘The day this guy is freed. We might take the first step of a counterattack against the bats.’

His gaze is on a city far away

headed for

The red fog that covered the place was gradually expanding its territory with each passing day.

‘… … Time is not on our side.’

In the meantime, the person in front of me showed me a ray of hope. It was Ramadat Kali.

Unlike them, he was able to exert 100% of his power even under the fog.

“I don’t want anything else from you. I won’t even make a pointless request to find and kill all my ancestors.”

“Then what do you want?”

“Red Fog.”

To be precise, all you have to do is find the facility that creates it and destroy it.

This war will end directly with the claws of the wolves.

When Ramadat had been taught for a week.

All members of the Twilight Claws gathered in the clearing.

“Did you hear the rumor?”

“… … I think that sounds absurd.”

“But the chief announced it, so what?”

The wolves gathered in twos and threes roared.

There is only one topic of conversation.

– Humans take the test of the great warrior!

It was hard to believe.

Among the werewolves, the test of the great warrior

Because there weren’t many people who could challenge it.

“Even if we applied for not being qualified yet, they wouldn’t accept it… …

“I’m more curious about Chief Arnold’s thoughts. Didn’t he care about that human being?”

Those who fail the test of the great warrior will be severely injured, and in the worst case, they may die.

Because of that, Arnold often ignored requests from wolves who were not quite ready to stare.

“Certainly we are no better than that man.

Do you think so?”

“I don’t know because I’ve never seen his skills firsthand.”

“Is there anything that came out of the great warriors?”

“Where are those guys’ mouths that are a bit heavy? I haven’t heard anything.”

Tung-tung, Tong-tong, Tu-doo-dung.

At that time, the drums unique to the clan sounded low, and Arnold entered the clearing.

He opened his mouth as he was afraid to sit down in his chair.

“Ramadat Kali is forward.”

Ramadat, who had walked away, looked up at him.

Arnold asked.

“Only those who have achieved both the perfection of the body and the perfection of the mind can pass the test of the great warrior. Staring at an unprepared person can cause terrible pain.”


“… … To be honest, I worry even at this moment.”

Always sure, Dusk Claw

The head of the clan was troubled.

About whether it was right for him to accept this human’s request now.

‘The growth rate of Ramadat is astonishing.’

It’s a talent.

He instinctively realizes the part that even wolves with warrior blood cannot easily understand.

So it was even more confusing.

‘… … Is this my greed?’

Wolves prepare for the test of the Great Warrior from childhood.

That period is usually around 13 years.

‘But he followed all the lessons in one week.’

Of course, it was possible because he was a warrior who had been completed to some extent.

I’m still not good at throwing away thoughts and thoughts, but I’m not bad at it either.

To put it bluntly, the odds of passing the Great Warrior’s test are 50-50.

‘Personally, I would like to challenge after a little more preparation… …

This was Ramadat’s stubbornness and confidence.

Because he said you’ll never get to the top by sticking to the safe road.

‘If he passes this test safely… …

Maybe I should admit it then.

Sitting in the leader’s seat, worrying about the future of the clan, without even knowing it.

That he has developed a habit of avoiding challenges and settling for complacency.

“… … Let the test begin.”

Arnold beckoned and Monet walked out carrying a wooden bowl.

What was contained inside was a dark purple liquid.


“It’s a drink brewed with the clan’s arcane technology.”

Arnold sternly warned.

“The moment you drink it, you will forget everything and lock yourself in the prison of your mind.”

“When you get out of that prison, you pass the test.

is it?”

“It is not as easy as it sounds. Because you have to be in a state of awakening to liberation in order to come out there yourself.”

“What if I can’t come out?”

“If you can’t come out for a week, me and the other warriors will forcefully take out your consciousness.”

It is self-evident that it is seriously injured in the process.


Ramadat, who was handed the plate with a grin.

I just poured the drink into my mouth.

Arnold, who had blinked his eyes, let out a roar.

“Hey, what a fool! Listen to the wolf to the end! Something you only need to drink in one sip!”

“It’s a test, and it’s not just about dying, is it? Uh, what should I do!?”

uh… … Something is wrong with you… … did i

Run like lightning and shake my shoulders

saw Arnold, and his ears rang.

“Several times harder and stronger restraint… … prison… … death… … get over it! If you… … !”

the world goes away No, are you moving away from the world?

The earth was sucked down there, and the sky was sucked down there too.

“hmm. Is this the prison of nothingness?”

This desolate and desolate place must be his inner world.

I think Arnold said something at the end, but whatever it was, it must have worked since he came in once.

Ramadat quietly sat cross-legged and began meditation.


The corners of Reiji’s lips lifted slightly.

She looked at the two men who parried her attack lightly.

‘It’s worth watching now.’

Previously, I was like a child who had mastered the power of an adult.

Because he hadn’t grasped the value of his own power, and the concept hadn’t been established.

However, it was only one year of sparring with myself.

Reiji released his clenched fist.

“I’ll admit it. You are quite usable now.”

Even when praised, my heart is not disturbed.

That is Seo Jun-ho’s immovable mind.

means obtained.

She smiled slightly bitterly.

‘As expected, it’s a pity that I can’t complete the work with my own hands.’

It’s like putting the last piece down before completing a puzzle.

However, Reiji was not greedy.

After this, I knew that it was entirely Seo Jun-ho’s personal domain.

‘Now, Seo Jun-ho’s growth has reached its limit.’

The body alone has already reached the point

It’s Dunn.

However, it has a completely different meaning to have the body and mind touch that place together.

‘Now I’ve arrived at the door.’

Of course, there are people who spend their whole lives hanging out in front of that door and die without being able to open it.

If you look at the ratio calmly, there are overwhelmingly more of them.

‘But this guy… … Rather, because he is this guy, he will open the door someday.’

Reiji was not happy about that fact.

Because he did not yet know what kind of evaluation and result this work he created would bring.

“Now it’s time to get out.”

After checking the time, Seo Jun-ho exhaled lightly.

“In the end, I couldn’t put in the right hit until the end.”

“Hey kid. Do you know that sounds very heartless?”

A guy who has just reached the pinnacle of liberation, says that to the transcendent


Other transcendentalists would have nothing to say even if they were to be annihilated on the spot because they were outraged.

“Thank you so far.”

“… … I just need to know.”

Seo Jun-ho felt truly grateful to her.

The fighting skills she had taught me over the past year were things that couldn’t be learned anywhere.

“It’s only a piece, but you learned it from me, so don’t go around getting beaten up.”

“I’ll try my best.”

“Well, if you have skills like yours, you won’t be beaten around the neighborhood. Were you attacking the 6th floor right now?”



After thinking for a while, Reiji changed his mind.

“I will correct it. If it’s on the 6th floor, there are some guys who can knock you over.”

“… … Are there any beings that strong?”

” there is.”

Seo Jun-ho’s eyes deepened.

“The manager… … No, did Reiji-sama’s superiors really think that we, the players, could capture such an existence?”

“Of course not. They are not the ones you set up to catch.”

If my memory is not wrong, the player must assist the werewolves in clearing the 6th floor.

But after the appearance of the goddamn ‘Duke’, everything was twisted.

“To be honest, all the existing floors had a strategy called standard.”

However, since the problem itself has changed, those strategies are now unavailable.

“It means that even I, the manager, do not know what to do next.”

“You are irresponsible.”

“… … know. So sorry.”

Reiji apologized in a quiet voice.

Seo Jun-ho was genuinely surprised, as he had not expected such words to come out of her mouth.

“But if you attack all floors,

When the day comes, you will understand everything.”

Until then, all I can do is ask you to understand. i have to say i’m sorry

Laiji tapped Seo Jun-ho on the shoulder.

“Now, it’s time to part.”

“Wait, Reiji-sama! I still want to ask… … !”

“Time out. The extension request is denied.”


The open space sucks me hard


The last thing Seo Jun-ho saw was the kitchen and gymnasium where he had stayed for a year. and… … .

“… … I hope my choice was not wrong.”

I don’t know why, but it was Reiji’s face with a bitter expression.

* * *

Deokgu Sim thought for a moment.

Do you express happiness first, or anger first?

“Ah… …

But, as always, it was a wild welcome he gave to his returning friend.

Tuk-tuk. He tapped him on the shoulder and hugged Seo Jun-ho.

“I’m sorry I didn’t contact you as soon as I got back, but there must have been some circumstances.”

“I am always grateful to you.”


Why is the child suddenly like this? shyly

Deokgu sat on the sofa and asked.

“Where have you been? One week.”

“I’ve been to a little far away.”

Come to think of it, I was one year older there.

Seo Jun-ho asked with a sullen face.

“What about the other kids? What happened to the 6th floor investigation team?”

“It continued even after you disappeared.”

“As expected.”

Somehow it seemed so.

It’s not because they’re not the ones who make a fuss and get anxious because they’ve disappeared.

“Skaya insisted strongly. I don’t know where you went, but he’s not someone who dies easily, so if you don’t pay attention, he’ll come back on his own.”

” too bad.”

I mean worry a little bit.

Shim Deok-gu presented the report made by the investigation team.

“Read it once. Because Sieun made it.”

Seo Jun-ho’s eyes deepened as he read the report.

‘Jinjo Ghost… …

Even though Skaya, Ramadat, Kim Woo-jung, and Gongju-ha all worked together, they were overwhelmingly pushed back.

Suddenly, Reiji’s words came to mind.

-If you’re on the 6th floor, you might get hit depending on the opponent.

It’s this guy.

No, to be precise, it’s called ‘Jinjo’.

All of Lee’s guys will be like that.

‘There are four such beings. Even the guy named Chepes is stronger than the other three.’

Compared to the current player’s strength, it is an overwhelming advantage.

“I have to go up right away. Ramadat is dangerous.”

“That’s your heart, but haven’t you forgotten something?”

“Forgot, what am I?”

“… … you’re in trouble now i don’t know


Seo Jun-ho, who doesn’t know why, is afraid to blink his eyes.

Oh dodo! I heard something running outside the door.

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not work with dark mode