Pick Me Up! Chapter 59


59. Mission Type, Escort (3)

The girl opened her eyes wide when she saw the priest’s headless corpse.

“What the hell…! Who are you! Who are you to break into the temple and do crazy things like this!”

‘This guy can see me too.’

I approached the girl with my blood-soaked sword hanging down.

“Are you an assassin? Did you come to kill me! I…”


I grabbed the girl’s head and pressed it.

The girl fell flat on the floor. Three shadows rose from under the railing. They wore black hoods and held crossbows in their hands.

Three bolts flew in with the puncture effect.

The target is not me. The bolt was being shot at a girl who was lying on her stomach and trembling. I hit the three bolts with my sword. Three daggers were then thrown from different directions. This time, the target was a girl. I swung my shield and removed the dagger.

“This, what the heck is this…”

“Stay down.”

I saw daggers strewn across the terrace floor. A purple liquid was dripping from the edge of the blade. It looked like it was poisoned. The assassins took out the same type of daggers again.


At that moment, an arrow flew through the assassin’s head.

I took advantage of that gap and approached the one nearby. He swung a poisoned dagger. After dodging lightly, he plunged his sword deep into his robe.

The last assassin held out his right hand to me.

clap. A mechanical sound was heard from within the sleeve, and a commendation was issued. block with a shield

It was just a trick, but its combat power was weaker than that of a knight.

As the assassin threw the dagger at the girl, a shadow fell from above and overtook the assassin.

The dagger flashed and blood gushed from the assassin’s neck.

Edith spun the bloody dagger around.

“The wall was so high. I had a hard time getting up.”

“What about the others?”

“There were two more. I took care of them all.”

Edith put down her dagger and looked at the girl lying on the floor.

I asked.

“Do you know me?”

“Hmm. I think I’ve seen it somewhere…”

“Who are you?”

The girl said with a fearful expression.

‘This guy is the escort target.’

You can see us, but not the enemy.

Looking at the situation, I knew right away.

If I had been a little late, the priest’s magic arrow would have torn the girl to pieces. That too in front of everyone in the square. The assassins who appeared later were also clearly targeting the girl.

I looked down the terrace.

Because the tragedy was broadcast live, the plaza was in an uproar.

Soldiers who appeared one after another from outside the plaza rushed to the temple. The gate that had been bolted was open.

“This is not a place for people like you to come to. Go back right away… Evil!”

An arrow flew from somewhere and pierced the girl’s side.

Archers were aiming this way from the windows of the two-story building near the temple.

I said with a half smile.

“Is it really okay to go back? If we go, you’ll die.”

“What the hell is this…”

“Speak briefly. I don’t have time.”

Hit the flying arrow with your shield.

“Follow me if you want to live. Or die there.”


“Yes or no. Don’t use nonsense. What is the answer?”

The girl looked at the corpses scattered on the floor. She looked back and forth between me and Edith, and then she closed her eyes and said,

“……I get it.”

[Mission Success!]

[Special NPC ‘Priasis All Ragna’ joins the party!]

[The mission type has been changed.]

[Mission Type – Escape]

[Goal – Get out of the city with an escort target!]


Mission objectives updated.

It was expected. I said to the girl

“Okay. Get down on the ledge. Don’t come out until I say I’m done.”

The girl ducked deep into the railing.

I picked up the crossbow lying next to the assassin’s corpse. There was a barrel with bolts next to it.

“Edith. Prepare for descent.”


“I keep them in check.”

I took cover on the railing and aimed my scope at the archer in the window. When the trigger was pulled, the bolt fired rapidly and lodged in the archer’s torso. hit. It’s the first time, but it’s not difficult.

I also started responding to the archers in other buildings.

Edith pulled a long thin rope from her belt pouch. Then he made a loop out of rope and hung the loop over the protruding part of the balustrade and hung it down.

It is a strong rope made by processing the tendons of the forest queen, so it will withstand the weight of a person without difficulty.

I said, loading bolts into the crossbow.

“Have you ever tried rope riding?”

“What are you talking about?”

“If you don’t know how to do it, hang on to me. It’s a headache if you fall and die.”

By the time you killed the third archer with your crossbow,

Jenna, Aaron, and Iolka joined. All over the clothes were stained with blood.

Jenna said with an urgent expression.

“Brother, we don’t have time! Soldiers are pouring in from below.”

“I know even if you don’t tell me. That’s why I’m preparing.”

I said, pointing to the girl who was looking at us suspiciously.

“Take a close look. This kid is to be escorted.”

“I am not a kid.”

“As you can see, he gets angry when you call him a kid.”

Jenna and Aaron looked at the girl and nodded.

However, surprise flashed in Iolka’s eyes.

“this person is…….”

“It doesn’t matter who.”

“But it’s surprising. To see you here.”

“Who are you? Do you know me!”

“…I’m busy right now.”

I threw down my crossbow.

Jenna was taking over the role of check in my place. The archers in the building fell one after another due to the much faster and more precise shooting than I did.

“Listen carefully. From now on, descend on this rope and find an escape route.”

“I’ve figured out the road. There are fewest soldiers on the left. The road is complicated, so it’s good to hide.”

“Then I’ll have to go there. Any disagreements?”

The three shook their heads.

“Iolka, surround the wall of flame. Keep enemies out of it.”

“I see.”

“In descending order: Edith, Aaron, me, Iolka, and finally Jenna.”

Most of the soldiers in the square had entered the temple.

If you return honestly the way you came, you will face many soldiers. The footsteps of soldiers climbing the stairs echoed faintly.

“I’ll go down first.”

Edith grabbed hold of the railing rope and began to descend.

The soldiers remaining in the plaza noticed the rope and ran downstairs.

【Burn up.】


The flames from Iolka’s fingertips blocked the soldiers in the square. Iolka pointed at the entrance to the terrace with his other hand. This time, flames rose in a straight line and blocked the entrance. Two soldiers exiting the garden were engulfed in fire and roasted whole.

“It’s a wizard! Kill the wizard first!”

Arrows flew from beyond the wall of flame. I kicked the large table on the terrace and set it aside. Arrows pounded into the table.

Aaron is next.

Aaron took a short breath and climbed down the rope.

There was mayhem below.

People fled the square struggling with the sudden fire and tragedy. Good thing. It’s better not to have unnecessary obstructions. Edith, who went down first, brandished her dagger and shot her bow to defend his descent point. Aaron soon joined their ranks.

I beckoned to the girl.

“It’s my turn next. Come.”

“You mean me?”

“Who else besides you?”

I smiled and hugged the girl.

“Hold tight. Don’t let go.”

“Ah, got it.”

The distance to the ground is about 15 m.

It is a difficult height for an untrained person to descend. The five of us had learned this too through the obstacle course at the training center. Including the sorceress Iolka.

I gripped my leather gloves and grabbed the rope.

The girl clung to me with frightened eyes. After kicking the railing once, I used that power to descend.


An arrow flew from somewhere and pierced several strands of the girl’s silver hair.


The girl let out a devouring scream and hugged me.

With my right hand holding the rope and my left holding the girl, I quickly fell down. Right before reaching the floor, I kicked the wall next to me to slow down. Landed safely.

“It’s over. Get away.”

The girl hurriedly withdrew from me.

I looked around. The general public was almost out of the state, and soldiers were being recruited one after another. Although it was surrounded by a wall of flame, it could not cover all directions.

I shouted upwards.

“Hurry up!”

A soldier screamed strangely and swung his sword at me.

I bounced my sword back and pierced his heart. On the sidelines, Edith and Aaron were struggling. I also joined the ranks and dealt with the charging soldiers one by one.

[‘Aaron (★★)’ is in a bleeding state. Stamina decreases for a certain period of time.]

[‘Aaron (★★)’ has been poisoned. Stamina decreases for a certain period of time.]

A message about changing the hero’s status, visible only to me, popped up.

‘… … .’

It is not yet time.

I ignored it and swung my sword.

After a while, Iolka climbed down the rope, and finally Jenna followed suit.

“Hu, I thought it would come off.”

Iolka and Jenna took off their gloves and threw them away. It was stolen from the body of an assassin.

With this, the target was secured, and the party members were also safe.

Now, if you leave the field, you will be able to receive a clear judgment.

From the other side of the square and the entrance of the temple, soldiers were pouring out like a flood. I said looking at the girl.

“Run on the left path. If you don’t want to die.”

The girl hurriedly started running.

We ran face to face in a circle as if to surround the girl.

A soldier chasing from behind shouted.

“Don’t miss them! Chase the witch and her followers!”

“Are you a witch?”

“I think it’s you.”

“No way…….”

The girl’s complexion turned black.

A group of soldiers jumped out of the aisle leading to the left of the plaza.

A knight in heavy armor lifted the halberd high.

“You guys couldn’t go… kuck!”

Zena’s arrow pierced the gap in the knight’s armor.

I hit the staggering knight’s head with my shield. As Edith passed by, she cut his neck deeply.



Soldiers blocking the road appeared.

The number is estimated at 30 or more. If you delay time because of these guys, you will soon be surrounded by the soldiers behind you.

“Come this way.”

Edith turned sideways. There were winding alleyways. We followed Edith into it.

“The way?”

“I figured it out on the roof. If you follow it, you’ll be able to reach the outside of the city.”

Soldiers entered the alley entrance.

At Iolka’s beckoning, one side of the half-collapsed wall shattered, blocking the entrance. Soldiers are clamoring outside, but they won’t be able to come in for a while.

After walking along the narrow road for some time, I came to a small clearing.

Edith glanced back at the girl behind her and sat down on the bricks.

“Let’s rest for a while.”

I nodded.

The girl was gasping for breath. As soon as the word rest came out, the girl sat down on the dirt floor.

“How can this be…”

The girl muttered to herself with a confused face.

I took out the potion and took a sip. Even if there were no injuries, the potion itself had the effect of restoring physical strength. There was a slight tingling sensation all over his body.

“Rest for 5 minutes and move.”

The passage blocked by Iolka won’t last long.

It will soon be discovered here too. Being surrounded by alleys made it harder to escape than being trapped in the main street.


The original plan was to take a break here, then get out into the streets and break through the exit at once.

Even if they are surrounded in the process, if Iolka charges up to level 3 of fire magic, any kind of siege can temporarily clear the way. Then, lead the target to the escape route.

By doing so, you can get the clear judgment of the escort mission. With her training, Iolka had reached the point where she wouldn’t faint even if she used maximum charging magic.




“…You noticed.”

Aaron lowered his head.

A dagger is embedded in Aaron’s side. The blood that oozes out is purple.

It seemed that he had been attacked by assassins scattered among the soldiers.


It was a status abnormality that could not be recovered with low-grade health potions.

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not work with dark mode