Pick Me Up! Chapter 47


47. Let me know my failure (2)

【Fire up!】

The flames radiated from Iolka’s hands and exploded all at once.

Although it is a skeleton that takes almost no damage from fire, it is different from explosions containing physical impact. Several spheres of skeletons caught in the heat shattered, spewing out bone fragments.

“These skeletons are annoying!”

Jenna’s roundabout kick struck the skeleton’s ribs.

Aaron, who didn’t miss the chance, swung the spear and smashed the guy.

Although not very strong or nimble, skeletons do have some strengths.

Almost no damage from penetrating attacks. Ordinary arrows or daggers were useless. In addition, she was wearing resistance close to immunity to pure attributes such as simple heat or cold.

Of course, the disadvantages are just as obvious as the advantages.

It was absurdly weak against strike attacks.

Rather than a sword, he broke the approaching guys one by one with a shield.


A skeleton fell apart.

When he stepped on his cervical vertebrae with his heel, the bones all over his body shattered.

In the first place, it’s just annoying when mixed with other monsters, but it’s not a very dangerous monster alone. Soon after, the 14 skeletons laid down on the ground side by side.

[Stage cleared!]

[‘Han (★★)’, level up!]

[Reward – 30,000G, Iron Ore (C) X 3, Fine Bone Powder]

[MVP – ‘Han(★★)’]

It’s been a long time since I leveled up.

‘Status window.’

[Han Israt (★★) Lv. 11 (Exp 24/110)]

[Class: Novice]

[Strength: 27/27]

[Intelligence: 10/10]

[Health: 25/25]

[Agility: 25/25]

[Possessed Skills: Lesser Swordsmanship (Lv.6), Throwing Defense (Lv.1), Fire Resistance (Lv.2), Pain Resistance (Lv.3), Calmness (Lv.3), Berserk (Lv.1), Equestrian Art (Lv.1)]

2 strength, 2 stamina, 2 agility. Intelligence stays the same.

The overall growth rate is 6. It is at the level of the top 3 stars. Although the growth rate of 6 will not be maintained, it is an encouraging achievement.

But I wasn’t very happy.

I returned to the waiting room and returned to the plaza.

Jenna stretched out and walked in the direction of the dorm.

I said with a smile.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to go get some rest.”

Jenna stopped shortly after and smiled awkwardly at me.

“Ahaha, I’ll be back soon. The schedule isn’t over.”

Not really.

The training schedule is not over yet. Finishing couplets and tidying up remained.

I looked up at the lit sky. Then he turned his head to Jenna and said.

“Today’s training is over. Go in and rest.”


“You can continue if you don’t like it.”

“No, no! Then me first!”

Jenna hurriedly ran to the dorm.

Are you worried about changing your words?

Iolka also secretly looked at me and went into the dorm.

Normally, I should have grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and dragged him, but this time he turned a blind eye to it.

However, Aaron was still heading towards the training center.

“Aren’t you going?”

“I’m fine. I have an appointment with Usher.”

“I get it.”

I was left alone in the square.

I sat on a bench in the corner and slowly watched what Amkena did next.

Take out the spare 1 stars, put them into the daily dungeon, and process the clear rewards and materials obtained from the daily dungeon. It is the process of turning tree branches into planks, torn leather into tanned leather, and iron ore into iron ingots. And a few 1st-stars put a sub party on the lower floor, and it was over there.

The action I wanted did not come out.

After Amkena closes the connection.

I went into my room at the hostel and sat down against the back of the bed.



“When I call, they come out ticking.”

[Ssom-hum, of course.]

Issel coughed and stuck out his chest.

[So, what happened?]

“There is something I want to know.”

[What do you want to know? All I can answer is… … .]

“You’re not saying that it’s limited, right? I’ve already heard most of it from him. Are you saying you can’t even give a secondary explanation?”

[That, that’s not really possible, but… … .]

Issel was sweating profusely.

I know that the information I have heard is not something that can be obtained from the 10th floor. What should I do though? what you already know Isel, who had been thinking for a while, nodded her head with her determined expression.

[okay. I’ll give you a special answer!]


It was confirmed that Amkena was ill because she was ill.

However, there could be some variables I didn’t anticipate.

You need to block this beforehand.

“Question number one. What’s your name, that bastard?”

[That guy?]

“Your original.”

[The name of the director is not one or two. Over 100 million. Because it is called by different names in different worlds. If I had to call it by name, I would do it in the Taoni language… … It’s Tell.]


It’s a different name in every world.

There are Niflheimian names, and there are other kinds of names.

When clearing the 10th floor, the name given to the waiting room is different for each master.

In this waiting room, the name Taonier came out, but I was Niflheim, the fourth was Ragrancid, and the third was Izekael.

If that woman, Tell’s explanation is true, it means that each Master carries the fate of the world.

The current world total is over 100 million.

It is still increasing.

‘It’s absurd.’

I was next question.

“What is Möbius?”

[Mobius? Are you talking about our company? Our company… … .]

“Not the company.”

After thinking for a while, Isel gave an answer as if he had realized the intention of my question.

[It’s a spiral universe where numerous worlds are connected in parallel.]


It was something out of the imagination.

However, there was information that could be inferred from the explanations of Tell and Isel.

‘Pick me up is not random.’

Each account has different missions.

Even though tens of millions of users have selected billions of times, there is no duplicate hero.

Incorporating the above explanation leads to answers to two conundrums.

This is because each master has a different assigned world.

Of course, there are some commonalities.

A pseudo-civilization from the Middle Ages to the modern era that uses swords and magic.

Human-like and monster-like sub-species exist in harmony.

A common object, the goddess statue, appears in all accounts.

And it belongs to an unknown dimension called Mobius.

‘I think I know a little bit about her identity.’

back on topic

I asked the question that should have been asked in the first place.

Actually, this was the text.

“Is Amkena a normal human being?”

[human? You answered last time. of course! You cannot become a Master unless you are a human on Earth.]

“That’s not what I meant. I’m asking whether that woman, Tell, played a trick on Amkena.”

[creation? Playing tricks on the Master?]

Issel’s eyes widened.

[Wait a minute. I’ll find out and come back!]

Isel scattered star dust and disappeared.

After a while, Issel returned.

[don’t worry. Amkena is a normal user with 100% purity.]

“Can you believe it?”

[I can believe it. Because I got a confirmation from another director! If you’re going to do that in the first place, you need formidable conditions and risks.]

Come to think of it, the title of co-CEO was written on the business card.

I can’t really believe Isel’s words, but if I don’t believe anything, it’s like there’s no floor to tread on.

At least Issel drew the line that he couldn’t answer questions he couldn’t answer.

I’ve never lied, even if I’ve been evasive.

“I get it.”

[Any other questions?]

“I’ll ask you later if it happens.”

[okay. Then I’ll go to bed. Shoo!]

A room with the lights off.

I sat on the bed and thought slowly.

Put aside the complexities of Moebius and all.

You don’t have to think about it yet.

What I was thinking about was the master who runs this waiting room.

I understood that Amkena was a Master who was not subject to any interference.

If that’s the case, then this action now becomes Amkena’s pure gameplay.

‘It’s confirmed with this.’

There can be no misdiagnosis.

Amkena was ill and fell ill.

If the symptoms worsen like this, things will explode once in a while.

It is still in the early stages of the outbreak.

There was room for reversal if appropriate action was taken.

Users of Pick Me Up claim that the most effective cure for the disease is to get rid of the hero the master completely relies on.

It was me.


This method is dismissal.

The means and ends must not be reversed.

I thought about it for a long time, but there was a big risk with either option.

Of course, the result of the risk was my death.

Even so, the answer was there.

‘I don’t do as much as neglect.’

The conclusion came out.

There is only practice left.

the next morning.

After a simple meal, he joined the members at the training center.

After that, training continued as always. Lunch after morning basic physical training. After that, the martial arts training begins. By the time evening approaches, it is Dalian. However, the situation was slightly different from the sparring, which was conducted individually.


Usher, who covered his left half with a shield, stabbed his sword.

The posture is exemplary, but the pace is slow. He dodged lightly and then stabbed him in the gap. At that time, the window pole came out of nowhere. It was Roderick.

The spearhead, swung in a perfect trajectory, hit the shield.

heavy shock. It then switched to stabbing and attacked all over the body.

fast and sophisticated Although Roderick is of a lower level than Aaron, he has already surpassed Aaron in terms of body and skill. The javelin, which seemed to split into several pieces, was fired like a rapid-fire cannon.

Block with a shield and bounce with a sword. Avoid what can be avoided.

Roderick himself is a formidable opponent. Usher, who had set his stance in that situation, hit my left side. Edith, who had been hiding her presence, appeared on his right and aimed at the vital spot. A timing that cannot be avoided or prevented.

‘Three to one is impossible.’

I gave a signal by tapping the floor three times with the tip of my left foot.

Just as the dagger slashed his right arm long, Aaron and Jenna, who had been watching from a distance, joined in.

Dalian has changed from many-to-one to many-to-many.

In a word, it is team training.

It was also a melee adaptation training. Distinguish between allies and enemies in endless battles. And maintain teamwork. Such training was possible as the number of combatants increased.

It was dangerous to use magic, so Iolka was left out.

After the training was over, Amkena connected.

Amkena’s access time zone has already been identified. It was as expected.

[Han, Jenna, Aaron, Iolka!]

As soon as we logged in, Amkena called us, the main party.

Four people gathering in the square.

“Isn’t it the 12th floor? This is completely breaking the speed of light.”

Jenna smiled and said.

Aaron, on the other hand, was a little depressed.

“If it’s the twelfth floor, isn’t the speed a little strange? It’s too fast.”

Climbing the 11th floor was just yesterday.

It was yesterday in the waiting room time. In terms of Earth time, less than a day had passed.

In other words, if Amkenna spends the 12th floor this time, it means that he will try to climb more than 2 floors at high speed in one day. It was stupid.

[Open, the opening of time and space!]


As Isel reached out his hand, the gate in front of the plaza opened.

The three of them went inside with some precarious steps.

I stood with my arms crossed outside the plaza.

“You’re not coming in, brother?”

Jenna gestured to me.

Aaron and Iolka were waiting for me.

Although it is a difficult order to understand, the consciousness that it cannot be refused is deeply rooted.

I closed my eyes.

And I remembered.

When I wasn’t a pick me up ranker, a hero stood in front of me every time I made the wrong choice.

The guy was risking his life.

I opened my eyes.

“Isel, where is the number of floors Amkena specified?”

[…] … It’s on the 12th floor.]

Isel reluctantly replied.


I recalled a page from an article I had read somewhere.

‘Heroes make demands or claims to their masters, and sometimes refuse orders.’

and said

“I refuse to participate.”

[‘Han (★★)’ refused to participate!]

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not work with dark mode