Pick Me Up! Chapter 400

<Amkena Gaiden Episode 20>

* * *

petals flutter

In fact, it is a scattering fragment of the dimension.

The chaotic world that lost its host collapses.

As if everything was an illusion from the start.

All kinds of scenes of disaster disappear beyond the shadowy side.

In the midst of the light, an Israt stood tall.

“… … .”

The cloak flutters.

The cold, ferocious gaze he had when he killed Niall had disappeared, and his face was now covered with an expressionless expression.

Amkena had no idea what Han was thinking.

I just became a particle of light and watched the crumbling world with him.

When the chaos was finally bathed in light, Amkena felt a little dizzy.

When I came back to my senses, it was a familiar place.

“Welcome, you two.”

A greeting from Yurnet greets you.

Amkenna widened her eyes.

This place.

‘Are you here again?’

It was the complex of abandoned buildings where Amkena had been kidnapped.

We met the heroes of Valhalla here, and we had a strategy meeting here.

I returned to the place where I was first.

“I’m glad you’re okay.”

Yurnet laughed softly.

‘Everyone is there.’

We fought together before.

Just now, they blocked several attacks against me.

If it hadn’t been for their help, he might have been seriously injured in the fight between Nial and Han.

“Hey, that was fun! Earth tourism, the best!”

Nihaku smiled brightly and raised his hand.

Lidigion leans his back against a pillar in silence, and Aaron bows his head politely as their eyes meet.

“Congratulations on your victory, Master.”

Siris came as a representative.

Han waved his hand.

“Victory is bullshit. Know that there will never be a second time.”

“yes. Now that we know the changes in our enemies, we will formulate a new strategy.”

“So, everything is fine here. What about the damage to Valhalla?”

This time Yurnet answered.

“Currently establishing communication. Please wait a moment.”

“how much?”

“well. I think it will take half a day.”

Yurnet answered and looked at Amkena.

‘Why am I watching?’

Amkena tilted her head in bewilderment.

Yunet’s words continued.

“Once the signal has been sent, the airship will come to meet you soon. How about spending a relaxing time until then?”


“Here, isn’t Earth the home of the Master? Taking a break at a place of memories… … .”

“A place of memories?”

Han snorted.

“There is no such thing as me.”

“what. You mean you didn’t miss the earth? People say that when they are away from their hometown for a long time, they get homesick.”

“At least not me. I only made you suffer here.”


It’s his hometown, but there are no good memories.

Since I was young, I had no parents or relatives, and I only suffered hardships.

At least I was kidnapped by Mobius because I was trying to be livable.

Han grumbled.

“So, you don’t have any special plans?”


“Then, how about spending some leisurely time with Master and Hero?”


Yunet’s smile deepened.

“If you wish, we will vacate until Valhalla can contact you.”

“No, me, me and Han, no, Han?”

Amkena was taken aback.

Yurnet replied casually.

“yes. It’s been quite a while. You have a lot to say, right?”

“I am… … .”

“I don’t have much to say.”

Han answered like a knife.


“What are you going to say? he doesn’t know anything Send it nicely.”

“… … It is.”



I told you to let go

Amkena said slightly prickly.

“Oh, no. I know!”

“What do you know?”

“Loki! Mobius! Pick Me Up! I know everything. Mr. Yournet told me everything.”

“Did you tell me?”

Han’s eyebrows narrowed.

A sharp gaze turned to Yurnet, but she turned her head away.

“That people actually died and lived in that game. That it was made to revive Mobius. who the kid is. Who you are, everything, everything… … know.”

Han put a hand on his forehead.

“I thought it was strange… … .”

“Master, don’t get me wrong. It was Amkena’s earnest request. So, now that we know the truth from each other, we have something to say, right?”

Amkena stepped in.

“Yeah, yes! I have something to say. I apologize… … .”

“don’t do it.”

Han replied.

“It has already passed. You don’t have to apologize, you don’t have to be thankful. Same for me. That’s it.”

“done… … going to be?”

“You played the game, and I survived. That’s all.”

“that… … runga.”

I heard it, and it seems like it.

It hasn’t changed much from before knowing the truth.


It’s different.

There is a very big difference.

‘I found out that it’s not fake.’

The person in front of me is not my delusion,

Because I knew you were a real person.

That alone was a great harvest.

For the past few years, Amkena has had to worry about whether everything is an illusion.

However, I am now convinced of that.

I couldn’t hold back any hesitation.

‘By the way, just because I knew.’

what will be different

though that’s another issue.

Big hum.

Amkenna cleared her throat.

In any case, there is some time before Han and his colleagues leave.

What should I do?

No, what did they come here for?

Time on Earth was passing.

* * *

A high-rise in an abandoned building complex.

Amkena touched the iron pillar that exposed the frame.

One corner of the wall had completely collapsed, and I was able to look down at the peaceful Seoul from there.

‘I’m back.’

To the peaceful city she knew.

or biochemical terrorism.

Or an alien invasion.

Like a super robot.

There is no such anomaly anywhere.

It is midday now.

Buildings are filled with people in suits sitting at desks and working, and cars are blocked on the roads waiting for traffic.

The sun was shining through them.

There is no fine dust for a while.

The blue sky and white clouds were dazzling.

That world was her daily life.

There is no chaos, no terror, no ruin, no blood, no war, no death.

The gap with the world just before was so great that Amkena laughed involuntarily.

‘They said it was an unprecedented incident.’

According to Yunet’s explanation, Earth’s defense system worked or something.

Heterogeneous history has been altered.

From the very beginning, terrorism became something that never happened.


Amkena pressed the power on the smartphone.

Even the date is the same.

He must have spent close to three days in that extraordinary world.

Now the time and date are back in the past.

Back to the day before being kidnapped.


Instead, my phone was full of calls from my boss asking why I didn’t go to work.

I decided to take a day off today.

I was late from the first time I came back.

‘… … .’


Take a look at the list of apps on your smartphone.

up, down, sideways.


No matter how much you look

App disappeared.

Somehow, I had this feeling.

after returning here.

Somehow, the smartphone, which should have been destroyed while summoning Han, was intact and was in Amkena’s pocket.

Instead, the game called Pick Me Up was erased.

Probably, the app will never appear again.

that’s really

It was the last summoning that Amkena had done as a Master.

Click click.

When Amkena moves the decorative ring of the smartphone, the warhorse statue hanging from it also shakes.

‘This is all right.’

Amkenna laughed again.

The reason why one party came to Earth is to get this statue back.

How I laughed when I found out the purpose.

‘As expected.’

Han Israt was very fond of the statue of a war horse.

Yes, he threw away the warhorse statue at the very beginning, but in fact, he must have been suffering from a strong urge for warhorses ever since.

that’s right.

Even if you know the whole truth

There are things that don’t change.

A smile that naturally forms on your lips.

Now, there are two people in this abandoned building complex.

Just now, communication reached Valhalla, and until the airship came to meet them, the rest of the heroes had left their seats, saying they were sightseeing on Earth.

Therefore, there was only one owner of the footsteps coming from behind.

“… … .”

He doesn’t say anything.

Amkena was also silent.

Oddly enough, the awkward atmosphere did not circulate.

That’s often the case in games too.

Amkena often watched the daily lives of heroes reflected in the waiting room without doing anything with the screen turned on.

If those heroes were real people, what would they be thinking now?

what are you doing

The world beyond graphics was reconstructed through an imaginary filter.

“I’ll be there soon.”

Amkena said to the person in the back.

“When the business is over.”

“You mean this?”

Amkenna looked back.

Then, he took out a worn-out statue of a war horse from his bosom.

It was previously separated from the decorative rings.

“… … .”

Han smiled bitterly.

“Is it because I’m sorry I took it from you? I’m okay. I was going to give it back.”

Amkena placed the warhorse statue in Han’s hands.

Han carefully watched the warhorse statue in his hand, then silently placed it in his bosom.

‘If we meet like this, I thought we’d have a lot to say.’

Back in the days when I was a master and a hero.

Best regards.

several words.


Only silence ensues.

‘There’s no need to talk about the past.’

All that remains now is each other’s future.

Amkena to Earth.

Han Israt to Valhalla.

return to their respective positions.

“excuse me.”


“… … .”

I tried to say something, but Amkena shook her head.

“never mind. First of all, I have something urgent to do, so I have to go home. I’ll come.”

“Are you coming?”

“You have to see them off.”

“… … do whatever you want.”

Amkena left the abandoned building complex.

Before leaving, I quickly remembered the things I had to deliver.

I called a taxi on my cell phone and headed home.

And when I got back to the parking lot, everything was ready.

‘It’s already time.’

I thought it was daytime just now.

I suddenly looked up at the sky and saw that twilight was beating down on me.

All the heroes of Valhalla who left for a half-day tour have returned, and in the middle of the old parking lot… … A large object, both unfamiliar and familiar, stood there.

what you saw in the game.

And what I saw in the memory of the library.

It was unfair.

[really! I thought I was dying! Without Loki, do you know how much I struggled alone when they came in? But who am I? timely order. Brilliant battle instructions. do this, do that So, I finally stopped it!]

On the deck of the airship, the fairy was chattering nonstop.

His name was Isel, maybe?

He is now nicknamed Frey.

[By the way, should I go back as soon as I arrive?]

“I’m not here to play. once you got the item. I need to go back and figure out the situation. You didn’t come alone, did you?”

[of course! An escort fleet is waiting outside.]

“Is that so? I won’t be attacked twice.”

Han, who was talking with the fairy, nodded.

“Ah, Mr. Amkena.”

Yurnet is approaching.

“What you’re holding in your hand… … ?”

“It is a gift.”

Amkena said.

She was dragging a suitcase in her left hand.

“Sending it empty-handed somehow bothered me… … .”

“Oh, I can’t thank you so much.”

Yurnet accepted the carrier.

“I’m not sure what kind of item it is, but I’ll take it gratefully.”

Yurnet smiled.

Judging by the expression on his face, he seemed to know everything.

[Is that woman a master? Amkenna? That coward!]

Just then, the fairy’s gaze turned.

Frey flew in, sprinkling stardust, and circled around her.


“Oh, hello.”

[Yes, this is it. joy! How much Loki suffered because of him.]

“That, that, I’m sorry.”

[Well, okay. I’m merciful, so I’ll see. After all, this body is not the slave fairy it used to be! Don’t mess with it just because it’s small!]

“yes… … .”

[Ah, if you confront Loki, don’t let him go! By the way, the seat on my shoulder is my exclusive seat… … Kyaaak!]

Han picked up Frey’s wings and tossed them back.

The fairy flew round and round.

“… … .”

Amkena looked around the parking lot.

No one else was seen.

Well, since it was said that there was a concealment barrier, there was no way that it would be noticed by the general public.

Everyone was gathered.

Heroes belonging to Valhalla, all.

The only thing that is not is me, an ordinary earthling.

‘This atmosphere.’

Even if you don’t say it, I think you know.

they will leave

to where you originally came from.

“Master Amkena.”


Siris is coming.

“Once again, I would like to thank you for your help.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“You are too humble. If it wasn’t for you, it would be really dangerous.”

“He had the talent of a warrior. I commend you for that.”

Ridigion said.

Nihaku raised his hand.

“It was so cool. Especially at the end, open up, the rift in space!”

“Ugh… … .”

My face was hot.

You’ve been watching that scene.

“If there is anything you want from us, let’s do it in return.”

“The case is fine. Because I already got it.”

“Ah, those stocks and cryptocurrencies, bankbooks and building certificates. It’s a pity you still haven’t written it.”

Amkena laughed at Yurnet’s words.

“If I need money urgently, I will use it.”

I don’t think that day will ever come.

“Mrs. Amkena.”

Yurnet opened her mouth.


“We are now going back to Valhalla.”

“I guess so.”

“Not only that.”

Yurnet’s face hardened.

“I will close the portal to Earth.”

“… … yes?”

“This time, the existence of that chaos… … He said his name was Niall. It was through that gate that Niall came easily to Earth.”

Yunet said.

The passage connecting Mobius and Earth was dug a long time ago, during the development of Pick Me Up.

The passage was only able to be connected using enormous energy as power.

“Now, I want to close that door again. Do you know why?”

Close the door.

The reason.

“Could it be for me?”

“yes. Because you can’t cause trouble twice. The same thing could happen next time if you leave the passage.”

“… … .”

“Not just to close it, but to break it down. so that no one can get through. If we were to force it through, it would have to radiate enough interference that we would notice.”

Yurnet drives a wedge.

“This is the last time we come to Earth. Even if circumstances arise and we have to open the door, it may take decades of earthly years.”

I see

Amkena immediately understood.

It’s a complete goodbye.


After they leave, the passage connecting Earth and Mobius is closed.

You cannot go back and forth between the two worlds.

Even if you connect the aisle, it will take a long time.

At that time, it is unknown whether Amkena and the party will meet intact.

“This is the end.”

“Amkena-sama, we’ve only met twice. Enjoyed. If we met in a little more peaceful situation, we would have had a more valuable time. Too bad.”

“are you okay. Still, it was fun.”

Yurnet bowed her head.

so does everyone else.

Say hello in different ways.

“I salute you for your courage.”




“Master, be healthy.”


“It was fun! I hope to play again next time!”


“Good luck.”

to Yunet.

After greeting each other, head down the stairs to the airship.

[now! Ride red and red! Because we’re leaving!]


The airship started to tremble slowly.

The last one left was one Israt.

He stared at it as he rolled the worn-out warhorse statue in his hand.

“… … Aren’t you going?”

“Wait, I’m thinking.”


“Hmm. well.”

A look to remember something.

Amkena had no idea what he was thinking.


He saw Amkena.

A cold gaze that makes your body tremble just by meeting it.

But it contains the human heart.

Amkena, who watched everything, finally knew it.

“You can’t lose to them.”

“I said something.”

“I’ll cheer you on here.”

Perhaps they

From the moment I return to the end of my existence, I will live my whole life in battle and war.

But it’s not bad.

It’s not all bad.

Because I have colleagues and friends.

And the same goes for Amkena herself.

In the meantime, she wasn’t fighting.

I was living my life in a daze, entrusting myself to the passing years.

I gave up saying that life is like that.

‘I’m going to try fighting too.’

Fighting isn’t just about wielding a sword and shooting.

For example, forcing yourself to wake up in the morning when you want to sleep more.

Stop eating what you want to eat more of.

Gather up the courage to exercise and find a hobby.

There are too many other things to count.

It is to fight the monotonous and drowsy daily life.

Then, wouldn’t it be possible to live a more abundant life?

It was also a fierce struggle.

Decorating the inorganic gray life colorfully and splendidly.

Life can change with just that little courage.

Just like a few years ago, she took the trouble to turn on her smartphone and install a game called ‘Pick Me Up’.

With a little bit of courage,

You may be able to create memories that will brighten your life.


“… … hi.”

Amkena said.

Just like when we met a few years ago.

It was the same back then.

I had a lot to say, but in the end I said very little.

It’s still the same now.

Amkena learned all about Pick Me Up.

Therefore, I was able to understand why Han came out like that.

I could see why he was trying to distance himself.

It was caring.

He knew it a long time ago.

that the road to each other is different.

One Israt is Valhalla.

Amkena Earth.

The lives of two people who draw parallel lines are not suitable for each other.

Once there was a miracle, they were only briefly connected through a game called Pick Me Up.

Today, the string of miracles has been completely severed.

The two go their separate ways toward different goals in life.


Han replied.

Then I turned around and went up the stairs.

Soon the figure was hidden by the railing and was not visible.


Soon the mechanical stairs folded, and the airship began to emerge.

‘End with this.’

The adventures of Master Amkenna,

said the end

Again, she has to become a normal earthling and live her daily life.

Even if it’s not special, that peaceful daily life.

If you look for it, there will be something shining even in this daily life.

All this while she was just ignoring it.

‘Let’s find it.’

To live a little more worthwhile.

to live hard.

You will have more fun living.


The airship gradually gains altitude.

On the deck, the figures of the heroes could not be seen at all.


When the sight is closed,

She couldn’t stop crying.

‘I was going to tell you.’

No words came out.

I couldn’t say anything.

Had I not had the courage?

The moment you try to put those words into your mouth.

The moment I want to ask you to take me there too.

came to mind

mother’s face.

The smiles of friends.

Jinho’s grunting voice, like his younger brother.

precious time spent on Earth.

‘for me… … for me… … .’

leaving all that behind,

Courage to go forward… … there was no

However, all are precious.

My family, friends and relatives are just as important to me as I cherish my relationship at Pick Me Up.


“… … Black.”

let’s bury

With precious and nostalgic memories.

Still, as a treasure that brightened up a chapter in my life.

When a crisis strikes in your life someday.

When you want to give up everything.

The memories of now will give her strength.

One step of the man who did not give up despite any hardships and irrationality will give her courage once more.

“… … .”


The large airship gradually moves away and becomes smaller little by little.

Memories of her go up to the sky.

A story that happened in a game called Pick Me Up.

However, the story wasn’t actually a game.

This is the story of people fighting endlessly.

only she knows

A story you can’t tell anyone.

go away

The airship disappears as a star in the orange twilight.

She watched the airship recede from her blurred vision.

‘at home… … Shall we go?’

My mom would nag me, asking why I didn’t go to work.

I don’t want to think about anything today.

i just want to sleep

After a good night’s sleep, you’ll be fine.

everything will be fine

She turned her head.

That moment.


A chain extending from somewhere bound her body.


There was no time to come to my senses.

She was pushed up like a carp on a hook.


to the sky.

up to the sky.

A strong wind hitting the whole body.

The distant city scenery dances in all directions.



When she came to her senses, she hit her butt on the airship’s deck.

“uh? uh huh?”

My head doesn’t turn well.

An unexpected sight came into view.

On the deck of a small airship.

Han and colleagues are standing in a row.

I saw a carrier bag left open on one side of the deck.

There is nothing to see in its contents.

It was a collection of warhorse statues that she had carved one by one.

They were filling the inside of the carrier.

“… … .”

Han’s gaze, which had been looking down at the carrier, turned to her.


eyes never seen.

like glowing.

something burning.

“Is it you?”

Han said in an emotionless voice.

She sat bewildered.

It was a parking lot just a moment ago.

In an instant, it was dragged onto the airship.

“Were these things made by you?”

Han asks.

she replied bewildered.

“I-I made it… … .”

“is it.”

Han closed his eyes.

“The things I saw back then, weren’t they illusions?”


Close the carrier with the han open and lock it tightly.

Then he looked down at her and said.

“You go with me.”

It was a strong tone.

“master. Didn’t you ask to leave Amkena alone?”

Yurnet tilted her head.

Han answered briefly.

“I have changed my mind.”

“what. What kind of change of heart will it be?”

Originally, Han did not even care about the contents of the bag.

In the meantime, Yurnet suddenly opened the suitcase while looking at the presents.

“Whoop whoop… … .”

Yurnet laughed grimly.

“uh? uh huh?”


eyes turn again

She had round eyes and an open mouth.

“answer… … I mean.”

Yournet explained.

“Just now, Master made a decision. I will take Amkena to Valhalla.”



Just a moment ago, were you preparing to let go?

why is the situation

“That’s a bit! I have a family at home… … ! I haven’t been contacted… … !”

“Don’t worry. We have prepared a letter that Amkena’s family and acquaintances can understand. Prepare the appropriate reasons and justifications.”

“What did you say?”

such absurd.

“If you care. Valhalla will give you a chance to contact us. Even though the direct passage is closed, communication is still possible. Is it possible to make video calls or text messages? Could you please explain in detail there?”

“What, what are you trying to explain?”

“Yes, it means that an urgent situation has arisen and we have no choice but to leave here.”

“How are you going to explain it?”

Suddenly one day, the reason why you have to run away and disappear.

If you talk about Pick Me Up or Valhalla, you will be treated like a psychopath.

How are you going to convince me?

“More than that… … I am!”

Without me, my family.

Mom is!




No, why does the company come to mind!

“The property in the name of Amkena has already been transferred to the family. It will be better than rotting away.”

she was dumbfounded

It’s like it’s all been worked out beforehand.

She staggered to her feet.

Things didn’t go well in my head.

I was preparing to say goodbye, but I was suddenly kidnapped here, what, I have to go to Valhalla?

“I am… … .”

“Do you like it?”

Han asks.

To that straightforward question,

She was at a loss for words.

“If you don’t like it, don’t come down. I have no intention of forcing it.”

Just like that.

The airship stands still for a moment.

“… … .”

She looked around.

Everyone, including Han, was waiting for her answer.

‘What are you saying?’

I, I was determined

come back now

To me, oh… … .


Han asks again.


What I don’t like.

What I really hate… … Although not.

Maybe not.

It could be something like this.

There’s no way he’ll just walk away like this.

Without shame, without greetings, leaving everything on Earth and leaving… … .


That moment.

Someone’s voice echoed in her head.

It was a direct voice.

<Sometimes, for your own happiness, you need to be pure.>

It was Aaron.

Smiling, he was talking to her in his mind.

<Please select In order not to have bigger regrets in the future.>

my future.

<Of course, no matter which one you choose, you’ll regret it. However, we must move on. What the Master really wants. Follow the voice of your heart.>

“… … .”

<That is the teaching my master left behind.>

Aaron’s words are over.

‘What I really want.’

It makes no sense.

It was absurd.

She already knew.

This is stupid.

To leave everything in life and walk away.

You will definitely regret it later.

It’s just a fleeting wind.

‘Nevertheless, though, I am.’

It is not explained.

why do you want it

I couldn’t give a good reason.

It was a blind impulse.

‘still… … .’

If you ask me if I don’t like it.

“… … no.”

she replied lightly.

“Can’t you hear me?”

says Han.

Even though you should have already heard the answer.

She got a bit nauseous and said it out loud.

“I don’t like… … no!”

I can’t say it’s very good.

Say it like that.

“Then it’s decided.”

Han smiles.

“Don’t leave. Increase your speed.”


The airship, which had stopped for a while, started to start again.

The distant scenery of Seoul was reflected under the railing.

‘I’m leaving.’

like this.

like this?

“Oh, and.”


“What is your name?”

She was bewildered.

Suddenly asking for your name

In the meantime, you’ve been calling Amkenani Master and whatever you want.

But you notice right away.

She was no longer Amkena.

The adventure of Amkena, the master of Pick Me Up, had just ended.


The adventure that begins now needs a different name.

“My name is… … .”

she said.

your true name.

not out of nowhere

Her true name given by her parents.

“I’ll call you that from now on.”

“… … huh.”

“Don’t think that your future path will be easy. If you can’t pay for the meal, I’ll kick you out right away.”

“okay! All you have to do is make an infinite number of warhorse statues!”

She nodded.

Han frowned.

“Besides that, there must be a lot to do as a native of Earth.”

“So, you don’t need a statue?”

“… … .”

Han was silent.

Also, she was sure.

From the first time I met Issrat, I really liked the statue of the war horse.

And the airship finally becomes a star in the sky,

I started taking her to places I had never reached before.

future, beyond.

<Pick Me Up! Amkena Gaiden> complete

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not work with dark mode