Pick Me Up! Chapter 388

<Amkena Gaiden Episode 8>

‘Why the police?’

not one or two

Nearly ten police cars rushed into the complex and stopped.

A man in a police uniform with a loudspeaker came out of the lead car and shouted.

<Ah, inform the terrorist. inform the terrorist You guys are surrounded! If you surrender meekly, I will guarantee your safety. Alas, alert the terrorists! Come out and surrender!>

She opened her eyes wide at the unexpected words.

“A terrorist… … .”

“I guess you mean us.”

Aaron, hiding behind a broken wall, looked down and said.

They are standing on the third floor of an abandoned building.

Due to the dark surroundings, it will not be easily discovered.

“Hey, it seems that the boss of these guys is also quite quick.”

“yes. You must have expected us to come.”

She looked at the moaning hoodlums.

There’s no way that number of cops will be dispatched to catch a few thugs.

A number of police officers jumped out of the crowd of police cars that had already settled down.

They hold weapons in their hands with a stern expression.

It was a pistol loaded with live ammunition.

<Notice once again! You are surrounded! Free the hostages and surrender! There is no escape. You are surrounded! Liberate the hostages… … .>

‘trap? hostage?’

If you’re a hostage, you’re talking about her.

But it’s strange.

I couldn’t understand before and after work.

There’s no way the thugs and the cops have a cooperative relationship… … .

‘Could it be that the cops were also brainwashed?’

However, brainwashing a cop has a different weight than brainwashing a street gangster.

She felt as if her normal daily life until yesterday was collapsing.



“If their target is us, they won’t touch the Master.”

“that… … .”

I can not know.

However, what Aaron said was most likely true.

If kidnapping and arresting her had been his top priority, he wouldn’t have entrusted the job to a thug.

If it’s enough to brainwash the police, it would be ridiculous to manipulate public power.

It was enough to fabricate the facts of the crime and put him in jail.

Amkena didn’t know what it was. One thing is certain: she herself is in the greatest danger of her life.

“The opportunity is now. If you hang out with us more, the Master will eventually be targeted as well.”

She watched the cops below.

“… … .”

At home, my mother is waiting for me.

It was already deep in the morning.

You must be worried about what’s going on.

Moreover, she is of no help in this fight.

Because she was just a normal person.

‘It might rather be a hindrance.’

I was lucky if I didn’t catch my ankle.


“I will not go.”


“I want to help if I can.”

She looked at Aaron with determined eyes.

“It is dangerous.”

Amkena said nothing.

two silent.

Aaron, who finally read the determination in her eyes, relaxed his expression.

With this, she became the master of Taoni language again, Amkena.

“Then, please, for the time being.”

“First of all, junior, shouldn’t we take care of the following?”

At Nihaku’s point, the two of them looked down.

They were approaching the abandoned building with a police car barricading them.

“Junior, do you know about a weapon called a gun? Getting hit head-on is pretty dangerous.”

Aaron nodded.

Currently, Aaron and Nihaku’s powers are doubly limited.

The first is that the link with the nucleus is weakened by being far away from Valhalla.

The second one was weakened by the characteristics of the Earth dimension.

Now, the physical abilities and powers of the two were greatly limited.

Still, there are things you can do.

Especially if it’s Aaron who deals with karma.

His eyes sank.

“I will step in.”

Aaron jumped straight off the third floor.

<Ah, listen to the terrorists. You are surrounded… … .>

Aaron walked out of the light.

“Hey, over there! Are you okay?”

“Ahem, it would be difficult to ignore the juniors I raised.”


Dozens of pistols were pointed at Aaron.

“Lay down your weapons and surrender!”

Aaron straightened the mop handle he was holding.

The stance he took was a swinging stance, one of the basics of spearmanship.

“Lay down your weapons! I will not warn you twice!”

The police car’s headlights illuminated Aaron from all sides.

The shadow of Aaron cast by that began to sway like a wave.

“What… … ?!”


A sound like a bee flapping its wings echoed from the shadows.

The faces of the cops surrounding Aaron changed.

“Bar, fire!”

Tata Tata Tang!

Gunfire and gunpowder smoke.

“X-foot, what is that!”

“Shoot! Shoot!”

“Ji, a request for support… … .”

Police panicked.


A Smith and Wesson M60 revolver fired.

At the same time, a 38-caliber bullet protruded from the action of the gunpowder hit Aaron’s forehead.

In an instant, a strange ripple arose between Aaron’s forehead and he absorbed the bullet as it was.

“… … ?”

The bullet that was supposed to pierce the skin and skull and stir the brain disappeared the moment it collided with Aaron.

It doesn’t disappear.

may be absorbing

No, it may not actually be absorption.

“What is that!”

“Shoot, shoot!”

Faced with an incomprehensible situation, the police gave up their thoughts.

I just screamed like crazy and pulled the trigger.


Aaron sighed inwardly.

A reaction like seeing a monster.

No matter how many times I met him, I never got used to it.

“Hey, what is this! Immediately request support from the upper level… … !”

Aaron swung his spear horizontally.

That moment.


Dozens of shadows jumped out from the tip of the spear and covered the crowd of policemen.

After a while.


The sound of cops collapsing all at once.

Aaron threw down the mop sack.

didn’t kill

Amkena widened her eyes.

‘Just what?’

I wanted to swing my spear into the air, and the policemen all fell down at once.

Neither the cops in cover nor the cops in the car are insignificant.

I couldn’t figure out what happened.

“What, what, just now?”

“Can’t you just look at it? Shush! Do it! Did you do that?”

“Shushuk Park?”

Since I’m not from Earth, I thought it would be different from normal people.

“Huh, that junior is a bit special. Even without a Master, you can exert some power. Ahem, I guess it’s worth saying that this body taught me hard.”

“There is no time.”


Amkena hit her buttock.

Aaron, who was standing below, turned into a dark shadow and in an instant went up to the third floor.

Aaron made a sad face.

“Oh, sorry! That, I don’t know… … .”

“it’s okay. because i’m used to it Anyway, let’s move on. It is dangerous here.”

“Yes, but where?”

“Secret Base!”

“A secret base?”

“Hold tight!”



Nihaku picked up Amkena.

Afterwards, the world seemed to be spinning around, and the scenery outside was reflected.

Nihaku is jumping between the roofs of buildings while holding Amkena in his arms.


A feeling of buoyancy I’ve never felt before.

she let out a shrieking scream.

* * *

Inside the old garage.

A dim light illuminates the interior.

“… … .”

Dust blows up.

Amkena sat blankly on top of the lung drum.


Just yesterday, it was peaceful without anything happening.

This happened in one day.

is it a dream?

I pinched my cheek, but it only hurt.

‘Why did he say he would help?’

dried up and gone

I’m a civilian with no special skills.

At home waiting for my mother to come home.

‘What do we do?’


look at the screen of the cell phone.

Missed messages and calls piled up.

It belonged to her mother and her cousin, Jinho.

‘Should I reply? Are you late for work?’

If you don’t do it right, you might even get your family involved… … .

While thinking about it, the two people who had been outside came back.

Aaron said with a firm expression.


“yes yes?”

I’m not used to being called a master.

Amkena hurriedly answered.

“The future will be quite dangerous.”

“Woah, is it dangerous?”

“I thought about it again, but I’m not sure about the other person’s purpose. If it was to lure us in with the Master as bait, the defense wouldn’t have been that much. What do you think, Miss Nihaku?”

“No sheep, senior.”

“… … What do you think, Nihaku-senpai?”

“I am not sure.”

Nihaku replied brightly.

“Using the head isn’t our specialty, so why are we focusing on the sword?”

“No, we are the only ones here… … .”

“Can’t we just call the seniors?”

call other members.

Aaron agreed with that opinion.

But by what means?

The rest of the members were scattered during the emergency escape of the airship, and it is unknown where they are.

“If we make a mess, won’t we get together on our own?”

“You make a mess?”

“Unconditionally known, splendidly broken in the center of the city! Flash! thump! You can do it.”


Aaron opened his mouth.

Amkena couldn’t keep up with their conversation.

No, actually, even the current situation was dizzy.


On the way home from work, she was caught and kidnapped by a strange boy.

It was the heroes in the game that released the restraints.

Since then, the heroes in the game are asking you to hold a strange strategy meeting in an unknown garage?

‘Reality… … It’s too small.’

However, it was she herself who accepted the offer.

He had surrendered himself to an unknown impulse.

“Whispering, whispering, talking like that.”

Nihaku seemed to be explaining the outline of the operation to Aaron.

Aaron, who finally heard the plan, expressed disapproval.

“Isn’t that way too risky?”

“It’s okay! Sirini and Yurni should know that we move like this.”

“How do you know?”


“It doesn’t matter.”

Aaron shook his head.

And I looked at Amkena.

“Master, there is something I would like to do.”

“If I can do anything.”

“that… … .”

“This is it!”


Nihaku pointed to the corner of the garage.

An old model car was parked there.

“If I ride this and run randomly in the middle of the city, won’t Pababak’s eyes gather?”

“… … ?”

Amkenna is lost.

“Get in this car and run through the city! People’s eyes are gathering! Then the sisters and brothers will know where we are! It is roughly like this.”

“That, so.”

The head does not turn.

“Riding this car through the middle of the city at random, attracting people’s attention?”

“It is. It should be very visible. What is it, reverse driving or drifting? Just play it like a great car thief game!”

“No, I… … I don’t have a license.”

Amkena cried.

driver’s license.

I tried to pick it up.

But it failed.

The writing was perfect, but I failed in the practical.

The instructors who were sitting next to me were kicked out of school because of sudden braking and speeding on a practice course with a driving practice truck, or an S-shaped drift on a simple curve course, or strange driving methods.

“And this is a junk car. It won’t roll.”

Abandoned car in an old garage.

It’s impossible to move properly.

The car in the garage was dusty.

Of course there will be no oil.

“Tsk! Tsk!”

Nihaku lightly waved his index finger.

“Here, juniors appear.”

“… … .”

“Can’t it be that you can’t do it?”

“No, I will.”

Aaron sighed deeply and raised his right hand.

The power of karma to turn fantasy into reality.

It will be possible.

“… … ?!”

Amkena, who was watching, was startled.

Aaron’s hands began to turn black.

Something like a black shadow rippled and swayed.

Aaron put his hand into the junk car’s gas tank.


Before long, the shadow of the hand began to seep into the car.

“Ahem. Junior’s karma is a sword that can do anything! As expected, this body, a great senior, taught me well.”

Amkena’s eyes widened.

A shadow fell over the car, and the exterior began to change.

reality manipulation?


When Amkena came to her senses, there was an open sports car in front of her.

“Recharge energy here!”

When Nihaku put his hand on the side of the car, he grabbed it!

Intense yellow lightning flashed.


“… … .”

“Name it Black Thunder!”

Black or Thunder?

“Let’s go, let’s ride!”

Nihaku smiled and pushed Amkena onto the steering wheel.


The comfortable feel of the cushion.

I can’t believe it’s a junk car that was covered in dust just a moment ago.

put your hands on the steering wheel

This cool and heavy feeling.

It’s been a while.


If you run through the middle of the city with this car like that girl said, won’t your life be over?

Amkenna has lived a peaceful and boring life.

No, most Koreans are like that.

I go to work on weekdays and spend the weekends at home.

An ordinary life, nothing special.

But what if you do something like this?

What if you run frantically on the congested roads of Seoul?

‘Isn’t my life over?’

No matter how much it is to help Han, can we go this far?

Is it worth mortgaging my life?

Amkena was troubled.

“… … .”

and said

“How many seconds is this zero hundred?”

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not work with dark mode