Pick Me Up! Chapter 358

<Aaron Side Story Episode 29>

3. First Dream (13)

Aaron’s goal is homecoming.

If you want to achieve it, all you have to do is forgive yourself.

Where else can you find something as good value for money?

You just have to forgive your sins.

If so, Aaron will be able to return home safely.

“It must be a thousand times easier than being forced to be strong.”

the boy declared.

Aaron also felt the same way.

You just have to change your mind.

“It will be easier for you now. That heart must have cooled down a little.”

Aaron also felt the same way.

In the past, it might have been difficult to control emotions.

It’s different now.

I was able to judge myself calmly.

100 years had brought him calm.

You don’t have to read martial arts books.

There is no need to wrestle with the spear.

It’s okay that you don’t have to shed blood and sweat to become stronger.

‘What were those times?’

Forgive yourself for your sins.

Let’s face the past honestly and overcome the disease of the heart.

Was it to get this answer?


“You have 20 years left.”

“What is 20 years? won’t it take a year? The rest of the time, um, take it easy and go. There are also good vacation spots.”

“What kind of resort is a place like this?”

The boy grabbed Aaron’s shoulder.

Just snap your fingers right away.

Instantaneous euphoria.

In the blink of an eye, Aaron arrived at an unfamiliar place.


Aaron opened his mouth in embarrassment.

An unimaginable landscape unfolded before my eyes.


water flows

It was a small river.

Various trees, flowers, and grass surround the river.

On the left side of the river was a quaint pavilion.

“How are you, this place?”

“Where are you? It’s a place where you can play. You have nothing to do until you get home, right? Please match my hobbies.”

The world Aaron knew was a place full of wilderness.

But it’s a garden out of nowhere.

“It took over three hundred years to make this much, maybe? It’s hard to dig the river, and the trees and grass don’t grow easily. I barely raised you to keep searching.”

Aaron tried to understand the situation.

In other words, this garden was made by the boy as a hobby.

“are you okay. It’s better than wielding a spear all day.”

“… … .”

“Take it.”


Aaron received the flying object.

It was a straw hat that farmers would often wear.

“Take this too.”


Aaron’s hand held a heavy leather pouch.

Looking inside, there were a lot of seeds.

“Put it in moderation. If there’s something you don’t know, ask.”

“… … .”

“Oh, don’t ask why. Because you seem to know.”

The boy put on a straw hat and said.

“I have to do something. To live like a human.”

“Be human… … .”

“If I go home and you act like a tin can, will Nina like it?”

I guess so.

Aaron is tired of his daily life without change, and has lost quite a bit of his humanity.

If I wasn’t conscious of it, it became difficult to even change the expression on my face.

“It will help.”

“Is that so.”

“Because these guys are honest. You grow as much as you work hard.”

“That is very fortunate.”

Aaron laughed.

You grow as much as you try.

What a blessed creature this is.

‘The next 20 years.’

If the past 100 years have been a journey to find answers.

The remaining 20 years are a journey to return the mind to its original state.

I decided not to decline.

‘older brother.’

It took 100 years to get this answer.

If you go back to Taoneer’s waiting room, apologize to the man.

And let’s do our best in the work given to us.

Because that means it’s really strong.

“thank you.”

The boy laughed.

Two people, side by side, began tending the garden.

Aaron started by pulling weeds.

“Can I call you Master?”

“do you want to die? What did you learn from me?”

“You haven’t learned how to use a spear, but haven’t you learned how to use your mind? Then he deserves to be called a teacher.”

“Do something.”

Aaron smiled.

This is the end of the youth’s journey.

Although he never surpassed the limits of his talent, he gained peace of mind.

Mental illness will make it difficult for him, but one day he will surely be healed.

It was possible to return to the hometown that I longed for.


This is Aaron Delkard’s… … .

* * *

Aaron removed his hand from the book.

The book has a brilliant glow with the bookshelf exposed.

“Why is that, Aaron?”

Yurnet smiled softly and looked at him.

“That was the good part. A story about a young man suffering from a mental illness who heals his illness with the help of his teacher. Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Are the contents of this book true?”

Aaron said in a subdued voice.

“Sure. The memory Aaron was hiding. It is as it is.”

Aaron’s eyes twinkled.


Did I get what I longed for after 100 years?

Did you just admit that you abandoned your sister and ran away and repent?

“Then, what am I now?”


“Why am I here? It’s strange.”


memories don’t fit

After forgiving himself, Aaron returns to Taonier’s waiting room 20 years later, admits his mistake to his colleague, and does his best in the given task.

It should be like this.

But Aaron was here.

He did not return to Taoni.

“Why didn’t I go back? Did something happen? For example, the dimensional gate opened late… … .”

“no. According to the records, the portal opened just in time. Exactly 120 years later in Luanan’s time stream at the time, the second portal to the waiting room opened.”


Aaron kicked off the table and stood up.

“That is strange.”

“What do you mean?”

“It can’t be.”

If it’s for the family.

I had to go back home.

Nina needed a family to help.

Even if Taonier escapes the fate of destruction and the dead come back to life, Nina’s life will be difficult.

She is weak from birth and needs a helping hand.

Aaron should help.

He also faced his own heart.

Knowing the truth about how he abandoned his sister, he sincerely reflected and repented.

Even his sister will forgive him.

you knew

But why

‘The front and back don’t match.’

Even if the pieces of the puzzle are swapped, they do not connect.

Did I get it wrong from the first piece?

Aaron thought about it for a long time, but he couldn’t come up with an answer.


Yurnet, who was looking at him, smiled lightly.

Aaron frowned slightly.

“What is so funny about you?”

“Yeah, you’re thinking about an obvious problem.”

“Is it a matter of course?”

“Please sit down. You feel dizzy, I understand.”

After a moment of hesitation, Aaron sat down in the chair.

“Your memory is not perfect. It is one of the side effects of karma.”

I can’t deny Yunet’s words.

If you spend a long time in that world, your memories are bound to become turbid.

Aaron was going through a lot of confusion.

“Shall I guess the correct answer?”

Yurnet’s voice has an ominous resonance.

Aaron tried to refuse, but somehow his voice didn’t come out.

He himself doesn’t know why.


“… … .”

“What Aaron-sama really wanted wasn’t his sister.”

* * *

An endless wilderness.

Fallen leaves are scattered in the unsettling twilight.

A young man stood there.

“… … .”

The young man’s eyes opened.

By the time you first arrive in this world.

The eyes that were filled with the light of will no longer shine.

It was slimy like mud and turbid like a swamp.

The young man tried to smile, but the muscles in his face were twisted and he couldn’t.

The strangely twisted corner of his mouth was rather creepy.

“How many years has it been since I came?”

the young man says

His tone without accent was like a machine.

“Well, you haven’t counted since 200, maybe?”

The boy next to him answered.

The boy was looking at the young man with a cap on his head.

“I can’t feel anything.”

muttered the young man.

The long, long years have chipped away at everything.

The young man once called himself ‘Aaron’, but now that name has lost all meaning.


The young man touched the fallen leaves that had stopped in front of his eyes.

I don’t know what to touch.

I didn’t feel any sensation.

“Why didn’t you go?”

the boy asked.


The young man’s neck twisted and moved.

Both eyes slowly observe the boy.

“Anyway, you could have gone back. You said you would accept your sins and return to your family.”

“Are you rebuking me?”


The boy unwrapped the pod.

There was a black spear in his hand.

“Isn’t your goal in life, to return home?”

100 years ago.

No, 200 years ago.

It’s fine now.

Like time, I don’t know.

Anyway, at that time, the young man called Aaron had a chance.

The portal to Niflheim opened.

However, Aaron did not go.

Aaron ended up staying here.

I was forced to do it again.

If so, it must be wrong.

His feelings for his family must have been a lie.

Even the thought of being for her sister was deceptive.

“I guess not.”

“Looking at it, it seems so.”

So now.

what is left

“I warned you, Aaron. You have to go back.”


The jet-black spear, Ruin, stretched out from the boy’s grip.

“Master, you didn’t stop me in particular, did you?”

“Is it?”

“They said they sent it by forcibly kicking it, but you respected my judgment, right?”

The boy laughed wryly.

“It was, I. I don’t remember.”

“Master, it was because he wanted something else from me. If not, there is no point in leaving me here.”


The young man foreboded.

If the boy can’t present what he wants, his life is over.

The tip of Ruin’s spear was frighteningly flashing.

“I, I don’t even know who I am.”

“It will be. 300 years without any stimulation. I managed to hold on.”

“It has gotten better.”

brother too.

other colleagues too.

Nina too.

Also going home.

Any emotion cools down in the end.

300 years was too long for a young man who only had memories of less than 30 years.

Especially if you’ve been stuck in one place for 300 years.

Now the young man’s heart is empty.

Whatever emotions you pour out, they disappear like pouring water into pottery with a hole in it.

The human heart hardens like plaster if it is not stimulated incessantly.

the young man was

As a result of living in an insensitive world for hundreds of years, he lost even his emotions and eventually became nothing more than a walking doll.

That was the ghost the boy referred to.

The young man was driven to the verge of the specter.

“So now, are you saying you don’t have anything?”

Depending on the answer, the spear edge will pierce the young man’s heart.

Power was in the boy’s hand.

“There was only one thing left.”


“It is a dream.”

“… … .”

“My old master said it. i have a dream Because I have that dream, I can live for a long time.”

The boy is quietly closing his eyes.

The young man did not know what his master was thinking.


The young man’s heart was empty.

The years took away all emotion and reaction from him.

But all did not go away.

one dream.

It fills the young man’s empty heart like moonlight.

Only after losing everything did the young man realize.

“It’s a dream.”

The boy muttered with his eyes closed.

“What is the dream?”

the young man replied.

what is your dream

What brought you to this point?

“… … .”

young man’s answer

The boy listened silently.


Time passed.

* * *

The young man opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, the young man was standing on a plain.

The vast plains extend beyond the horizon.

Probably, even if you run for days and days, you won’t be able to reach the end of the plain.

With a strange certainty, the young man stepped forward.

He had work to do.

getting stronger.

Memories from up until then are automatically put together.

As the memories accumulated and gathered, they became conscious, and gradually formed the ego called Aaron.

‘My name is Aaron Delcurd.’

The young man realized himself.

Born in Taoni, summoned by the system.

His life is a chess piece in a game that is swayed by the existence of a master.

Aaron accepted the role.

to survive.

To see Nina, her one and only sister and family again.

And Aaron met his colleagues.

Fighting alongside them, I learned what a bond is.

“… … .”

But that was it.

Aaron couldn’t help them.

He lacked the qualities of a warrior.

I didn’t want to hold on to their ankles.

I wanted to prove my worth by being with my colleagues.

But it failed.

His immaturity put his colleagues in danger.

He wanted to get stronger, but he couldn’t go any further.

But to Aaron, his older brother gave him a chance.

‘I can’t fail.’

Aaron made a promise.

He said there was a hero who was in a similar situation here.

You said you surpassed the limits of your talent through hard work.

I want to know.

And I want to catch up with him.

Aaron walked the road with firm determination.

This is a strange world where the sun never sets.

It is fixed in the air as if the fallen leaves are drying up.

While walking down the street, a strange familiarity came over Aaron.


Aaron scratched his cheek.

‘Have I ever been here?’

It’s strange.

The scenery here is so impressive that it is hard to forget if you have seen it once.

Clearly, in my memory, this is the first time.

like you’ve been

as if i saw it somewhere

Did you call this a sense of deja vu?

Aaron shook his head and walked down the street.

It wasn’t long before a large hut appeared.

After a couple of clearings, Aaron approached the cabin.

“Are you there?”


Knocked on the door of the cabin.

There was no reaction.


When the door was opened, the inside was revealed with a dull sound.

A scale closer to a wooden mansion than a cabin.

Aaron cautiously passes the kitchen-dining room.



At the cry from behind, Aaron fell to the ground.

“Puhaha! What a fool! You should have checked whether someone was there or not!”

“What, you, who are you!”

Aaron wakes up in a fit of rage and prepares for battle.

A boy was sitting with his legs crossed on an empty table.

There was no sign at all?

“who? Who am I?”

“I don’t know!”

see for the first time

No, is this your first time seeing it?

no… … .

intense feeling of deja vu.

Aaron frowned at the feeling that was stirring in his head.

“Oh, there was one of your classmates. Do you want to remember?”

“Is there one more? Who is that?”

“I do not remember?”

“It’s a memory and a nabal, and just now, I’m here for the first time. I came alone.”

The boy smiled bitterly.

However, that expression disappeared as if passing by.

“Come on, let’s go quickly. Is it the second round?”

“The second round? what sound… … !”

“Run, run, get scolded! Horny!”

Aaron was pushed as if he was being chased and made his way to the gymnasium.

I have no idea what is what.

It’s true that I came here because I wanted to be strong, but it’s hard to push without explanation!

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