Pick Me Up! Chapter 355

<Aaron Side Story Episode 26>

3. First Dream (10)

* * *

Time goes by.

The time limit declared by the boy is 40 years.

In other words, within it, Aaron must somehow get the answer.

You have to do one of two things.

Break through the wall and go to the next level.

Or, they dig up their hidden memories to confirm their true intentions.

‘The former is impossible.’

Aaron is aware of it too.

It was the result of decades of acceptance.

You can never cross the wall with your own talent.

Then there is only one option left.

‘I need to get my memory back.’

What pushed you into a maze with no exit?

Why is he moving contrary to his goal of returning home and meeting his sister?

Of course, even if you knew it, your daily life wouldn’t change much.

At best, less time stabbing spears and more time writing letters.

[I have a purpose to be strong.]

purpose to become stronger.

At first, I thought it was because I wanted to help my older brother.

In a dangerous moment, I thought how great it would be if I could help my colleagues with my own power.

‘Wasn’t it?’

Be honest.

There is no need for ostentation or pretentious justification to look good to others.

So I decided to admit it.

In fact, hanging out with colleagues is just a pretext.

Adding to the waiting room and becoming stronger to defeat the enemy was just a means.

It is not an end in itself.

Then you must return to the purest heart.

First, when the hero named Aaron was summoned to the waiting room, what did he want more than anything?

There was only one.

to return home.

getting along with co-workers.

The days when I swung a spear and sweated.

Fighting the enemy in front of you at the risk of your life.

All of this was just a process to achieve the dream of ‘returning home’.

‘Is it like that?’

Aaron would be sad if a close friend died in a fight.

However, it does not stop.

Because the true purpose continues.

‘But no matter how much I fight, if it becomes a story that I can’t go home… … .’

it will be different

Aaron despairs.

I will give up on moving forward.

No matter how persuasive anyone is, it is useless.

Aaron saw some of the forgotten memories during the 2-star promotion ceremony.

It gave Aaron even more confidence that if he was strong, he could return home.

From then on, Aaron was unstoppable.

“You worked in vain.”

Aaron mumbled.

Inside a dark room with the windows closed.

He is writing a letter by a single candle.

There, his name, history, and reasons for becoming stronger were recorded in detail.

At first it was just a few lines.

That alone made him realize the purpose of his coming here.

However, as time passed, the content gradually grew longer.

After only one or two chapters, I lost sight of the purpose.

Decades of time have worn away most memories and emotions.

Blurred memories and events after Aaron was summoned.

In a way, it’s a natural thing.

My life in the waiting room was less than a year.

That cannot rule Aaron’s entire life.

“… … .”

Aaron reads the letter.

[I have a reason to be strong.]

The reason why it was a few lines is hundreds of lines.

No matter how long I write and read, I don’t get any emotions.

[For my brother.]

[For Miss Jenna.]

[For Miss Iolka.]

[For Master.]

[For Thragin.]

Other than the name, there are records of people who do not come to mind.

After that, the memories with those people are written in verse.

what happened with my brother.

what he did for himself.

that he had made a mistake.

Various life risks and deaths of colleagues.

Other incidents and impressions.

“I’m sorry, brother.”

Aaron apologized.

His face no longer comes to mind.

“A person’s memory is such a futile thing. I’m sorry, Ms. Jenna. Miss Iolka. everyone else.”


The letter is torn.

Aaron tore apart the papers he had spent hours writing on.

corner of the room.

Letters written over the years are piled up on the prefabricated bookshelf.

Aaron even took out the letters.


burn it

throw away

It was cheaply disposed of.

Because it is false.

It was proof that he had deceived his heart.

‘It was just one sheet.’

Again Aaron sits in front of the bookshelf.

He takes out a piece of wide drawing paper and spreads it out on his desk.

After he dipped his quill pen in enough ink, he began to draw.

big circle.

Two eyes in it. One nose and one mouth.

It was a level that anyone who knew the painting could not help but burst into laughter when they saw it.

Actually it is.

My sister used to burst into laughter, asking what kind of painting this was.

Say it though

I drew hard in my own way.

Aaron was not dexterous in anything.

Even if you play the game of exchanging the ball, you often miss it.

When I drew a picture, my friends around me laughed out loud.

In hide-and-seek or tag, he always came last.

In any case, the kinesthetic sensation was miserable.

Most people don’t even recognize that this painting is a human face.

Two small circles inside a circle, one vertical bar and one horizontal bar.

If you look closely, you’ll see that it’s an eye, nose, and mouth.

When I said this was your face, my sister got pretty upset.

He patted Aaron on the shoulder, asking if he was kidding.

but it seems

If you look very closely.

They say it’s the mind’s eye.

You can tell by looking into those eyes.

I see my sister’s smiling face.

like that,

Aaron drew the picture over 30 minutes.

It is unknown whether it is a painting or a graffiti.

However, one picture made me feel it more clearly than hundreds of letters.

‘I haven’t forgotten you.’

Above all, it was unmistakable proof.

Aaron smiled sincerely for the first time in a long time.

The sister’s picture was beautifully decorated in a frame and hung on the wall.

next day.

“What is this garbage?”

Returning from training, the boy is flapping the paper.

It was a portrait of his younger sister that Aaron had drawn with all his might.

“I told you to keep your mind straight. Why are you doing such graffiti? Why are graffiti hung in frames again? Are you insane?”


The boy tore the portrait in half and writhed.

“… … !”


A surprise that even the boy did not expect.

“Are you crazy! hey!”

“Bring it back! You are my little sister!”

“What is this, your little sister! It’s just garbage scribbles!”

“I am not kidding!”


From that day on, Aaron’s room was decorated with graffiti, no, portraits of his family.

* * *

It was from then.

Aaron started dreaming.

Sleep is originally something that cannot exist in this world.

I forcibly cut off my thoughts and just lay down with my eyes closed.

But it has changed.

As Aaron lay in bed covered in blankets, he would sometimes lose consciousness.


It must be a lucid dream.

In that strange world, Aaron was conscious.

It is the transfer of consciousness from the real world to the fantasy world.

I saw it when I opened my eyes.

A winding dirt road and a small house on the other side of the road.

Smoke is pouring out of the chimney of the house.

A golden smell leaked out, as if the bread was being baked.

‘It’s a house.’

can’t forget

If you open the door and go inside, Nina will greet him.

As a merchant, Aaron often left town to trade goods.

When they come home, Nina always bakes bread for Aaron.

A landscape that I miss enough to bring tears to my eyes.

Aaron walks on a dirt road.

warmth of the air. the smell of grass. A familiar looking house built of bricks. The sweet smell of smoke and bread.


It was this.

There was only one thing Aaron wanted.

Open that door and go inside.

Aaron walks.

The gait changed to a half-run.

I ran down the dirt road and arrived at the closed door.


Aaron opened the door.

It doesn’t matter if the door is broken.

with power. amain.

“Your brother is back… … !”


“… … ?”

The door does not open.

rattle. rattle. rattle.

He shook the doorknob left and right and pulled.

The closed door did not budge.

“Nina, it’s me! It’s me!”

bang! Bang!

Aaron knocked on the door with his fist.

“Open it!”

you’ll hear it inside

can’t know

I’ll curse you for being noisy.

and the door… … .

doesn’t open

“… … ?!”


The door is closed.

Knocked, knocked, and later kicked.

it can be ruined If only I could open this door.

To fix it, you have to call a carpenter.

So open it.

Open the door!


He kicked Aaron through the door.

The door didn’t budge.

At most it would be a wooden door.


Aaron was distraught and lifted a large rock near the door.

Throw a rock at the door.


The door swings as if it were going to break with a loud sound.

It shook but did not break.

I threw it several times until my body was covered in sweat, but the door stayed the same.

“Nina, can you hear me? I am Aaron!”

I kept shouting outside but it wouldn’t open.

Aaron, in a hurry, went back to the side window.

seen through the curtains.

small kitchen.

A girl in an apron is baking bread in the oven.

“Hmm~ Heh-Hum~ Heh-Hum~♬”

A cheerful hum comes out.

The girl is decorating the plate with vegetables and fruits with her back shown.

He is waiting for his brother to return soon.

thud! thump thump!

Aaron knocked on the window.

The windows are locked from the inside.


cried several times

She shouted until her throat burst, but the girl didn’t look back.


He lifted a sharp stone and hit the glass.

It’s fine. why why

Over and over again, I hit the window with a stone.

Blood flowed from his half-naked fingernails, but he didn’t care.

“… … why.”

Aaron waited.

Bread will be baked someday.

The girl’s cooking for the family will be finished soon.

If so, the girl will turn around.

To arrange dishes on the table.

“… … .”

Bread in the oven is not baked.

“Hmm~ Heh-Hum~ Heh-Hum~♬”

The girl’s hum never ends.

The girl in the apron looked back.

This is a closed world for eternity in the future.

The younger sister who waits for her family will never be able to welcome her older brother.

My brother, who wants to go home, can’t open the door forever.

* * *

It’s been 100 years since I came here.

Every day Aaron had dreams.

I spent more time living in dreams than swinging and stabbing a spear.

Dreams don’t change.

Aaron keeps knocking on the door that won’t open.

dreams don’t change

just overlaid.

From nightmare to more nightmare.

The buds of forgotten memories bloom.

It extends the stem and sprouts the leaves.

The last thing to appear is a flower bud.

waiting for blood

And finally.

A jet-black flower blooms.

Aaron regains forgotten memories.

* * *

What is the happiness of the weak?

Like a sandcastle on the beach.

It disappears at the whim of a wave.

become grains of sand and scatter

What is the happiness of the weak?

It’s just a daydream that will end someday.

that’s not happiness

If you can’t keep it, it’s not happiness.

* * *

burning sky.

A young man and a girl run.

They ran while holding hands.

A young man named Aaron looked up at the sky.

The clear sky is dyed red as if it has been painted over with blood.

Obviously it was daytime.

The sky should have been blue except for the sun and a few clouds.

It was burning with jet-black flames.

The sky is on fire.

How should I express this?

Everyone in the church prayed for the mercy of the goddess.

But the longed-for mercy and salvation do not come.

The twin goddesses of innocence and mercy who loved humans and the world did not appear anywhere.

everyone said

everyone said

that the end of the world is coming

that this is the end of the world

‘… … It’s unfair.’

Aaron gritted it.

what is the end

what is the end

The days when I lost my parents when I was young and depended on my younger sister.

It was hard and painful.

But Aaron did not give up.

I did whatever I could.

I went out into the city and robbed for a piece of bread.

Pickpocketing and giving money to the trash called the captain.

Of course, there were many times when Aaron, who was not dexterous with his hands, was caught and beaten until he was about to die.

That’s how I started the business by collecting money like tenacious.

Anything that could be sold was sold.

either intangible or tangible.

It’s fine if I’m starving alone.

But I have a younger sister at home.

Having been weak since birth, she found it difficult to endure the harsh life.

‘What is happiness?’

Even when they were young, the siblings were happy.

They had parents who cared for their children.

Father and mother were affectionate.

Both parents’ professions are merchants.

They used to go back and forth to nearby towns and villages to buy and sell goods.

The village even had its own shop.

I must say that the siblings were quite affluent.

But happiness is so easily scattered.

On the way to the city, they encountered a group of bandits.

Their lives ended there.

‘It’s like that.’

The siblings lost everything.

All happiness is lost.


Being happy is their own illusion.

At first they weren’t happy.

The happiness of the weak is not happiness.

Happiness that cannot be kept is not happiness.

‘If only my father and mother were strong.’

If I had the strength to defeat the thief

If only they had the skills to handle spears and swords.

Happiness was not stolen.


‘Then, our happiness… … .’

It was an illusion from the beginning.

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