Pick Me Up! Chapter 348

<Aaron Side Story Episode 19>

3. First Dream (3)

A confrontation with a boy who is said to be one of Niflheim’s strongest.

A light of anticipation and enthusiasm flashed in Sraagin’s eyes.

“Is that what you want? Minimizing the difference between physical abilities and skills, and fighting only with weapon skills.”


same level.

same stats.

Even the same skill if you want.

In that state, it overwhelmingly crushes the opponent and makes them feel the difference in rank.

Ridigion was a tactic that men often practiced when competing with their juniors.

He did not dodge any fight that came his way.

Thragin could not forget the shock of that moment.

A life full of victories.

The first taste of defeat.

There, the man named Thragin was frustrated and a little excited.

“Everyone in the first party in Niflheim is a monster.”

“Ohh? Does that mean you’ve fought them all?”

“Even if you look at it like this, you’re treated as a promising prospect.”

Sraagin smirked.

His fight did not end with the match against Lidigion.

Did he acknowledge Thragin’s spirit, or was the other member free at the right time?

He was able to fight under the same conditions as his colleagues from Ridigion.

“All you have left is you.”

“Ah, so you’ve done everything with Siris, Yurnet, and Nihaku.”

“Yeah, everyone was great. So much respect.”

Weapon skill is one of the basics of a hero.

It’s inferior to Lidigion, but everyone has reached an incredible level when it comes to their weapons.

Yurnet is magic, so it’s a little different.

‘Am I a better person than I thought?’

Aaron was even more surprised by Thragin.

All members of Party 1 gave permission for the sparring.

It meant that the man had a glimpse of that much potential.

“But why are you here? You can pair up with them.”

Sraagin’s mouth twisted.

“To become stronger.”

“Shall I guess? Did they all object? you coming here.”

Sragyn didn’t answer.

It was just quietly pulling out the sword from the scabbard.

The tip of the sword glowed bright blue.

“One hand, please.”

“It’s violent.”

Sraagin kicked his foot.

Dust and leaves are scattered violently.

In the meantime, the new model of the man exploded.

“… … ?!”

Aaron couldn’t catch that speed with his eyes.

Lightning-like stabs flashed among the remnants.


The boy stumbled and deflected the stab.

Then Thragin’s sword bent.

Rapid weaving.

“Yaya! Be gentle!”


The boy barely blocked it by turning the window sill.

already broken posture.

Anyone can see that it was their turn to fall in the next blow.

However, Sraagin, who had to prepare for the finish, stopped attacking.

“… … .”

Sraagin lowered his sword.

The boy was able to adjust his posture after a few seconds.

“Hey, kids these days grow up fast. Strong, strong!”

“… … What are you doing?”

Sraagin’s voice grew cold.

“Am I wrong? I lost my posture in the second attack.”

“What do you mean you’re strong? Pretty good, you?”

crooked eyebrows.

“The heroes of the 1st party did their best. I also respected them. Are you different?”

“It is different. What do you mean?”

“Pretending to be weak, playing with it.”

The boy placed the spear on his shoulder.

“I don’t know what you mean?”

“Am I wrong? If I had gone out one more time, you would have lost to me. Is this a deception to deceive me? After the level difference… … Did I not recognize you?”

Aaron agreed with that point of view.

Clearly, the boy’s stance, which managed to repel the two attacks, was terribly broken.

Even from the outsider Aaron’s point of view, the situation was like that.

Had Thragin continued to attack, the outcome of Dalian would have been decided.

He felt strange about it and stopped attacking.

Because it can’t be.

Because the weapon skills of the so-called legendary 1st party members couldn’t be anything like this.

“you are… … I heard that you have been training here for thousands, no, tens of thousands of years. If so, your spearmanship must have reached its peak.”

said Sraagin displeasedly.

“Show me. The extremes of spearmanship.”

“The extremes of spearmanship? You have another strange misunderstanding.”

The boy scratched his head.

“My spearmanship skill is, at best, an early intermediate level?”

“… … lie.”

“Why do you think it’s a lie?”

“I’ve been training for tens of thousands of years. Early intermediate? I’m in the middle class?”

“Oops, is this overblown? Actually, my weapon skills are low grade. Only the skills are intermediate, but the real skills are lower than that.”

Sraagin gritted his teeth.

Aaron was also confused.

‘Intermediate spearmanship?’

You said you trained for tens of thousands of years?

If you try that hard… … If you pour blood and sweat… … .

Wasn’t it possible to push the limits of one’s talents?

Aaron was aware of his lack of talent.

So, I came here to overcome my lack of talent with effort.

You can’t catch up with him by sharing the same time as the genius.

just draw parallel lines.

Therefore, in order to beat a genius, you have to run a different time than him.

When a genius strives for a day,

Ten days, no, a month.

I came here with that kind of faith.

Didn’t your older brother also guarantee it?

The proof of that faith is that boy.

“Is that statement true?”

Aaron had no choice but to step out.

The belief that anything can be achieved if you work hard.

The foundation was about to crumble.

“Oh, why am I lying? To be sure, my weapon skills are in the early intermediate level. The real skill is inferior.”

“Haven’t you been practicing spearmanship for a long time?”

At Aaron’s words, the boy nodded.

“Well, yes. I’ve been stabbing and swinging all day long.”

“however… … Early Intermediate?”

“okay. This must be the limit of my talent.”

“You joke about there.”

Sraagin’s voice rose.

He was in a state of anger.

“Do you think you would believe that?”

“Why don’t you try it? Have you tried it before? It’s purely a technical battle. As a result, I lost.”

“… … .”

“The conditions are the same as those of the 1st party members? stats are similar. Fight only with weapons. everything you want… … .”

It wasn’t until the boy finished talking.

Spurring the ground as if flying, Sraagin galloped.

“Hey, you’re quick-tempered.”


The wooden spear and the blade collided.


The blocking timing was off.

The boy had to take a few steps back.

Sraagin, who did not miss the opportunity, slashed upward strongly.


dull sound.

The window rises into the air.

The boy who lost his weapon hit his butt.

At the same time, Thragin’s blade touched the boy’s neck.

“I lost, I lost.”

“this… … Are you sincere?”

A look of contempt flashed in Thragin’s eyes.

“Only, with this kind of skill… … Are you on the same line as them?”

“I’m sorry. It’s a skill like this.”

“I just need to know.”

Thragin said terribly.

“I’m dying.”

The blade pushed through the boy’s neck.

“Wait, what are you doing!”

Aaron hurriedly ran, but was late.

The boy’s throat spurted blood… … .

“… … ?”

Both Aaron and Sraagin stood there blankly.

Because the boy who had been sitting down suddenly disappeared.

Something that had no foreshadowing.

No one reacted.

“Uh huh, was it a little dangerous just now?”

Sraagin looked to the side.

somewhere not far.

Standing crookedly, the boy yawned.

“Young people these days have no manners, no manners.”

Sraagin did not open his mouth.

Scattering dense killing blows, it penetrated in an instant and cut the boy’s torso.

“Let’s see, his name is Sraagin. from Niflheim. Only 3 stars born. Growth and talent are fine.”

The boy who appeared to the right of Thragin muttered.

“… … !”

The blade grazed the boy’s neck.

However, before that, the boy had disappeared.

“My flaw is that my personality is like a bug, but this can’t be helped. My colleagues around me would have supported me.”


Again, a sharp cut grazed the boy’s body.

But the boy isn’t there.

“What, what are you doing!”

Sraagin swung his sword, his face contorted.

right. left. front. back. front again. right. farther right.

The boy’s body appears and disappears momentarily.

The sword dances in all directions.

However, he couldn’t even touch the boy’s body.

‘It’s not about avoiding by moving.’

Aaron, watching from a distance, could tell.

The boy’s movement was not borrowed from the recoil of kicking the ground and high-speed movement using the elasticity of the whole body.

It’s not that it’s moving so fast you can’t see it.

Teleportation in the literal, pure sense.

It’s like magic.

There is no prior action.

There is no trembling or sound in the air that would normally occur during the movement.

complete silence.

It seemed to tear through space itself and protrude.

“Should I say that Inseong can’t be helped? Let’s see, so your limits, as judged by my colleagues… … It’s roughly the 100th place in Niflheim!”


The excited Thragin’s sword couldn’t reach.

The boy is making fun of him by walking through the spaces as if dancing.

I couldn’t even guess what that principle was.

“You understand the meaning of the limit I said, right?”

the boy laughed

“When you work hard without a single day off, when luck coincides with luck, you get a chance like breathing, and when the master takes care of you with all his heart, you’re just at the level of 100th place. When you achieve all your ‘potentials’, that’s about it.”

“shut up!”

“It’s not okay, you know? When you fought with them, did you get a rough idea? That I can never follow you.”

Veins appeared in Thragin’s eyes.

Now his swordsmanship skills are not visible.

They are just wielding it at will, loaded with emotions.

“You know what? that there is a sky above the sky Why are you greedy for nothing? You just have to be satisfied with where you are. Still, if you’re ranked 100th in Niflheim, you won’t be treated badly anywhere?”

“… … !”

“When you heard my story, you must have wanted this. There is a kid who pierced the sky with hard work! Then I can too! What would it be like? You have a strange illusion.”

The boy smirked.

“If I try, I can break through the wall! If you try, you can achieve anything! I won’t lose my desire to become stronger to anyone!”

Aaron lowered his head.

The boy wasn’t just talking to Thragin.

“Don’t be foolish about the world.”

The boy’s gaze turned to Aaron.

“An ant remains an ant even after a thousand years. A rabbit cannot fly in the sky even if he trains for ten thousand years, and a deer cannot swim to the depths of the sea no matter how much he practices swimming.”

“… … .”

“Realize the fountain.”

Sraagin cried out in anger.

“then… … kill me!”

Drenched in sweat, Thragin staggered and shouted.

“Don’t be a rabbit, fight me properly! I want you to defeat me with your trivial intermediate weapon skills!”

“Oh, don’t you know if you did this much? My weapon skills are at the level of worms. You don’t want to fight a losing battle, do you?”


“At this point, you know? The source of my strength is not technology. That’s a talent too. So, even if you guys try for 10,000 years and 100,000,000 years, you can’t follow me?”


Thragin screamed and charged at the boy.


the boy sighed.

And stretched out a long window.

“… … .”

Aaron didn’t know what had happened.

Before I knew it, Sraagin was on the ground.

The boy looked down at him and said.

“I didn’t kill him.”

“really… … Isn’t that a weapon skill?”


“You have that power… … Did you get it through hard work?”


The boy glared at Aaron.

“There is nothing to be gained through hard work. It is the self-consolation of losers.”

“But even if you have talent, if you don’t try… … !”

“Don’t get me wrong. that’s not effort It’s called training.”

“What difference does that make!”

“That’s a big difference. Training guarantees certain results, but effort is useless, right? In other words, training if there is performance. If there is no result, it is effort. How is it, is it easy?”

Aaron felt like he had been hit in the head.

“Aren’t you curious? Even if you do the same thing, if a genius does it, it becomes training, and if Dunjae does it, it becomes effort. The winners tell the losers that they didn’t make enough effort, but that’s just teasing? Where is there enough and not enough for such a useless thing as hard work?”

“… … I am.”

Aaron gritted it.


It seemed like it would collapse before it even started.

“I don’t think so.”


“Dunjae’s efforts will surely be meaningful.”

“Well, yes. If you work hard enough, you can become a criminal. By the way, did you come here for that?”

“… … .”

“You wanted to surpass genius.”

Aaron closed his eyes tightly.

couldn’t resist

If he would have been satisfied with the line of supplementing his lacking talent, he did not come here even with a push.

“You came all the way here because you wanted to cross the line that shouldn’t be crossed, right? I know a lot about your story. I have to practice thoroughly. They say they hear news from the outside.”

“… … .”

“Yes, why did the Master send you here?”

“Brother… … .”

“Isn’t that because you’re a mess?”

Aaron shut up.

“You should just accept your shortcomings and be satisfied with your fraction, you sent me here because you wanted to cross the line, saying you wanted to keep getting stronger, right? If you have done this, realize your limits.”

“… … .”

“Did you work hard there? Try twice as hard as everyone else. Do all you can But it didn’t work. Giving up neatly is important in life.”

A boy approaches Aaron.

Then he said mockingly.

“You don’t really need to be strong, do you?”

“… … .”

“Wouldn’t that place called Taoni not work without you? If you don’t become strong, will you disappear? it’s not Go well without you.”

That was right.

In Taoneer’s waiting room, the hero Aaron was just a replacement that could be swapped out at any time.

If there is an irreplaceable existence there, there is only one.

one israat.

It was never Aaron.

“As you can see, he must have been recommended by an instructor. Wouldn’t it be more helpful for the waiting room to do your part there than to force yourself?”

“that… … .”

“Master is also different from before. There’s a lot of useless affection. He was a man who knew how to quit when he quit.”

The boy nodded as if he understood something.

“aha. It hurts my feelings when I explain it in words, so I sent it here. to understand naturally. You must have been prettier than I thought?”

“I am… … .”

“Aaron Delkard.”

The boy looked up at Aaron.

Even though he must have looked younger than that, Aaron couldn’t move from those eyes.

“Resolve the contradiction hidden within you. otherwise… … .”

said the boy as if he were sentenced.

“You get nothing from me.”

The figure of the boy with his back turned was scattered like bubbles.

Aaron hung his head and said nothing.

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not work with dark mode