Pick Me Up! Chapter 343

<Aaron Side Story Episode 14>

2. Swords waiting to be drawn (8)

It’s dawn, but morning is getting closer.

A hazy mist enveloped the landscape.

‘This is the beginning.’

Bian’s gaze turned to the hourglass on the table.

There is no clock in the gladiator quarters. Therefore, it was supposed to set the time of the execution through the hourglass that the old man had smuggled in.

The top of the hourglass is completely empty.

It’s about time.

Bian got up from the bed and looked at the beds next to him.

As a low-level gladiator, he is not given a private room.


Roommates are in different places.

This was also the result of a number of cumbersome preliminary work.

Therefore, the only time that planning was possible was now.

Bian made up his mind and went out into the hallway.

‘Once you check the location of the guards… … .’

Several guards stand guard at the lodging where he is staying.

Confirming their patrol location was Bian’s role in the first plan.

If colleagues gather all at once, they will naturally be suspicious, so they are supposed to join through a sequential process.

Bian left the room.

According to the captain’s information, a guard is not far away… … .

“… … ?”

does not exist.

Bian looked around.

from end to end of the hallway.

The guards were nowhere to be seen.

strange thing.

Bian asked the gladiator who stood blankly beside him.

“Guards, where are you going? Maybe, you know?”

He shook his head with a puzzled expression.

It was as if he didn’t even know the language.


This is not what was expected.

Bian started running.

Get out of the hallway and enter the hall.

Gladiators were gathered there, making a noise.

“Where has everyone gone?”

“well. Didn’t you arrange a set?”

“Come to think of it, I heard a strange noise while sleeping.”

Bian approached the gladiator.

“Sounds strange? What did you hear!”

“What, why?”


“Uh, uh. Just running around? Was it the voice of the guards? I think I heard a fight… … .”

Such a sound, Bian hadn’t heard.

Maybe it was because the room was at the end of the hallway.

“Was that what it was?”

“I think I heard… … .”

Bian ran again.

I ran out of the communal quarters reserved for low-level gladiators.

Passing through the middle aisle, I was able to check Bian.

‘This… … Bloodstains!’

Red blood is splattered here and there.

It was a sign of battle.

And when I got out of the passage and reached the training ground, I could see it.

“… … !”

This is a dedicated training ground to the east of the arena.

This is the place where I first met the captain, Kainil.

It was also the second convergence point in the plan.

The bodies of hundreds of nobles were scattered there.

“You’re here, Bian.”

Kaineil said in a firm voice.

He scanned the corpses with a keen eye.

“He died not too long ago. It must have been an hour ago at the most.”

“Leader? This is who… … ?”

“I do not know.”

Kainil shook his head.

“Anyway, we have no choice but to proceed as planned. let’s go.”

A feeling of uneasiness crept up.

Bian suppressed this and followed Kainil.

Originally, a fierce battle should have been fought from this point on.

“… … .”

As you pass through the aisles, your colleagues will join you one after another.

There was never a single collision with the guards who were supposed to be there.

Thus, Kainil’s gang arrived at the final confluence.

The exit of the arena and the place leading to it.

“We are almost together.”

Kainil looked at the faces of his colleagues.

The number of comrades is twenty-three.

two are missing

An old man who was a contact with the Liberation Army,

A gladiator who was considered a core force, unknown.

Coincidentally, only the two of them did not gather here.

‘It’s completely different from the plan.’

I don’t understand.

why did he do that?

But I can’t stop.

Kainil reprimanded his comrades for being confused.

“let’s go.”

There were traces of a fierce fight in the aisle he had passed through.

I also checked the corpses of several hundred nobles.

Looking at their outfits, they were all guards guarding the arena.

Kainil was convinced that it was individuals, not groups, who had eliminated them.

It is even more so if you listen to the words of a colleague who joined from the other side of the aisle.

It seems there were no signs of a battle there.


Did you notice, by any chance?

Kainil bit his lip.

“Guards, where are you going?”

“I think someone killed it.”

“Did you do this by yourself? how?”

The hum in the back intensifies.

Kainil didn’t care and walked on.

The arsenal, which should be guarded next to the exit, was also unlocked.

There are only two decapitated corpses lying there.

The gladiators, who were prepared to fight to the death, were in a state of exhaustion.

And, right here.

The passage in front of the exit, the final battleground.

It is a place where security is stricter than anywhere else.


someone took a breath.

It has to be.

“It is the man’s work.”

“Who are you talking about? who would do this… … .”


Kainil murmured in dismay.

Clearly, this hallway is optimized for many-to-one.

The place where the left and right sides were blocked did not allow them to be surrounded.

That means you can move forward and iterate one-to-one.

But, isn’t it strange?

Was it this strong?

That man… … Was it like this?

It might be possible if there was only one Kainil.

It could be anything up to two people.

Up to three is difficult, but you can try gambling.

Starting from four, you must prepare for death.


“alone… … How many people have you killed?”

Only near the exit, close to 10 nobles are lying in pieces.

Including the corpses we saw in the aisles, training grounds, and hallways, there were at least twenty to thirty people.

‘Did you induce? All the guards in the arena?’

So I killed them one by one and cut them to pieces and came to the exit.

And after killing all the guards guarding the exit and the guards, they escaped?

If that’s the case, was there a need to make this plan?

Have you had to rack your brains for days and nights to devise an escape plan?

Just kill them all and escape.

they are not human

Even a skilled gladiator would have to risk his life to face one hundred nobles.

But did you just slaughter them all?

“monster… … .”

someone muttered.

No one objected to it.

‘To that man, our plans meant nothing.’

Kainil sighed.

How funny would that have looked?

If he puts his mind to it, escape is always possible.


Kyneil looked around.

All the guards blocking the arena’s exit either ran away or died.

Colleagues are in confusion because they do not know the English language.

“Let’s move. Reinforcements may come.”

Action comes first.

Leading by Cainil, the gladiators pushed through the exit.

The mutilated corpse and the thick smell of blood made them aware that this was reality.

Land of Mist, Niflheim.

It was early in the morning and the city was covered with a light mist.

However, you can fully enjoy the scenery of the city. It was a world they had never seen since they were enslaved in the arena.

“freedom… … is it.”

There must have been an uproar in the arena by now.

Soon they will notice that the guards are gone, and all the gladiators will escape outside.

‘This is this city.’

It was morning, but there was no warm sunlight.

The city was immersed in a gloomy fog and sticky dampness.

The party started walking toward the southern gate.

“… … .”

Beyond the dark alley.

There was a girl squatting with a tattered blanket wrapped around her, looking this way.

Eyes like dead fish.

There was not the slightest glimpse of hope in life.

Not one.

Every time Kaineil and his companions passed the main street, their eyes, hidden all over the alleys, turned.

They were all human.

I stare at Kaineil and the others in a dirty and lonely alley.

It must have been quite unfamiliar to see gladiators walking down the street armed, but there was nothing like surprise in their eyes.

Their minds are not sober enough to feel various emotions similar to jealousy or surprise.

He grew up as a slave from birth, gave up and lost everything, and as a result, his emotions died.

They were nothing more than livestock in human skin.

“… … shit.”

someone cursed

“Where have all the hundred nobles gone?”

The avenue is empty.

Humans were hiding in alleyways, but the hundred nobles were nowhere to be seen.

Only a dreary mist settled down on the main street that was originally lively.

“Most likely escaped.”

Kainil explained briefly.

“According to outside information, there was a civil war going on. They’re probably fighting somewhere. The others must have fled out of town long ago.”

“Didn’t I say that the only way out is through the south gate?”

“It’s the only known exit there, but there must be other places.”

“Then wouldn’t it be better for us to go to that exit as well?”

“We go to the south gate as planned.”

Kainil shook his head.

Obviously, there is an exit from the city besides the South Gate.

However, humans in the city cannot use that exit.

Such a hidden route is a place only allowed to those with power.

In order to evacuate refugees from the entire city, the south gate must be secured.

‘At this point, the rumors of destruction can be considered the truth.’

Cainyl concluded.

The city has long since lost its function.

close to ruins

Rumors of destruction couldn’t change it to this extent.

It’s not a rumor.

The group moved quickly.

The number of people gradually began to increase.

Dirty, torn, dressed in rags, they are heading somewhere.

Like moths attracted to fire.

Humans who became livestock walk to the south gate.

A party of gladiators made their way through them.

“… … .”

Soon the group arrived.

In front of them, a magnificent castle gate built in the distant past, in the era of humans, revealed its majesty.

To the north of the gate is a large circular plaza.

Refugees stood in groups in the plaza.

‘Is it as expected?’

The officially known exit from the city is the South Gate.

If so, those who wish to live have no choice but to gather in the plaza facing the south gate.

Refugees dressed in rags are gathering in the center of the plaza and making a fuss.

The number is roughly in the hundreds.


Fear is in the eyes of the refugees who see the armed gladiators.

They hesitated and retreated in fear.

“Do not be afraid. I don’t mean to harm you.”

Kainil’s words are useless.

As the party advanced, they retreated like the ebb tide.

Someone in the group sighed.

They have lived with persecution all their lives.

This reaction is unavoidable.

‘entire… … A child on a woman.’

To prevent a rebellion, I heard that human men in the city are not allowed to live for long.

But, was it true?

Most of the refugees are women and children. It is only very rarely that the elderly are mixed in.

The group made their way to the center of the plaza, crossing the refugees fleeing from them.

It wasn’t long before they saw it too.

At the entrance of the south gate, a group of hundreds of nobles gathered armed.

The reason the refugees couldn’t get out was because of them.

They are dressed the same as the guards in the arena.

Iron helmet and armor. And a spear in his hand.

However, the snake-like pupils are vertically curved.

Horns sprouted from between the helmets.

One of them met Cainil’s eyes.

“Kuhh… … .”

He let out a grim laugh, but didn’t come close.

You must have been ordered to guard the door.

“They are the defenders.”

“The number is lower than expected?”

The group giggled.

That was right.

According to the report of the old man who was out scouting outside, there are usually close to 20 troops guarding the south gate.

However, the number you see now is only ten.

I can’t help but think that the incident happened.

An event that was so urgent that even the troops of the South Gate had to be brought in.

The image of the man appeared in Kaineil’s mind.

‘… … .’

The man was nowhere to be found at the south gate.

If so, where did he go?

‘Did they lure you on purpose?’

for us?

However, the relationship between the man and Cainil is not close enough to wish for this level of devotion.

For now, Kainil decided to put an end to the accident.

Planning came first.

“Kiruk, Kiruk.”

“Kihihi… … .”

They’ve captured a group of gladiators, but they’re holding their ground.

“If it’s ten, it’s worth it.”

“We weren’t just playing.”

The number of people in the party is 24.

It conserved much more power than originally planned.

The gladiators began to prepare for battle.

“Wait, I have something to do before we fight.”


“It is a promise with them.”

Kainil took out a trumpet made of horns from his bosom.

This item is the signal for the start of the operation that was handed over from the Liberation Army contact person.


Kainil blew his trumpet vigorously, and a low tone resonated throughout the plaza.

“… … ?”

Most of them did not understand why, but a few gladiators who knew about the existence of the Liberation Army shone in their eyes.

‘If the trumpet is blown, the liberation army will immediately attack outside the south gate.’

Kainil and the others attack from inside the South Gate.

It’s a two-sided attack.

“… … .”


Nothing happened.

“Captain, what are you doing?”

“It is strange. Why aren’t you coming?”

“Rather than that, where is that trumpet?”

Leaving the group in a commotion, Kainil blows the trumpet again.


“… … .”

It’s still.

Kainil’s complexion turned pale.

“Wait, Captain? Where is the Liberation Army?”

“Didn’t you say reinforcements are coming? Obviously the old man… … !”

“What is the liberation army and what is the reinforcement army? Could it be that you hid it from each other?”


Silence came over Cainil’s work.

“Nothing happened. You can start planning.”

“Captain, the Liberation Army must be… … .”

“There is no such thing.”


“There is no such thing as a liberation army.”

Kaineil murmured.

Bian hastily intervened.

“Are you lying? Wasn’t there evidence? The flag, the horn, and… … .”


Kaineil closed his eyes.

Bian looked at the ground with blank eyes.

‘also… … Was it a lie?’

Kainil visited the old man’s room 20 minutes before the start of the operation.

It was for a final check.

It wasn’t difficult to hide because the two’s accommodation was close.

That’s how Kainil saw it.

The dead body of an old man who had hanged himself.

Of course, he was horrified, and when he saw the suicide note next to the corpse, he was even more horrified.

The old man’s confession was written in the will.

what mistake did you make?

Kainil grasped the truth from the suicide note.

The Liberation Army doesn’t really exist.

Kainil’s plan, premised on reinforcements, went awry.

However, you cannot notify your colleagues of the cancellation of the plan.

In the past few months, the security of the arena has become extremely tight.

Groups of three or more are immediately suspected. The three of them visiting an unknown inn was close to a huge gamble.

Their usual way of communicating is point to point.

By the way, the news of canceling the plan is notified to all colleagues throughout the arena within an hour?

Moreover, it is night now.

There is a ban on going out at night.

Even if I knew it yesterday, it would have been difficult.

So, the plan is irreversible.

If the one person who didn’t hear about the cancellation gets caught moving as planned, all the other colleagues will be doomed.

Cainil had to start a plan that was doomed to failure.

‘Still, the situation worked out well thanks to the man’s whim.’

The reinforcements were fake, but instead a similar role was played by an unknown gladiator.

“From now on, we will break through the South Gate.”

“… … yes.”


Kainil drew his sword from its scabbard.

It was time to move on from behind.

“… … ?!”

The entire party’s footsteps stopped.

They couldn’t help but look at the situation around them in awe.

Two boulevards connected by circular plazas.

Suspicious shadows fell from the roofs of the buildings on the left and right.

“Kihihi… … .”

The floor and roof were over 5m high, but they landed without incident.

It was an armed nobleman.

“Now, wait… … .”

“This is different!”

The number of enemies increases rapidly.

Those who appeared from the roof of the building were blocking the exit and forming a siege.

‘Was it an ambush!’

I didn’t notice because I was hiding on the roof of a high-rise building.

It was a trap.

Kainil stepped back and counted the number of them.

Twelve at the south gate.

Twelve on the western avenue.

Eleven on the northern road they passed.

Thus, the number of the Hundred Nobles besieging the refugees… … 35 people in total.

“Liberation Army… … Where are the Liberation Army!”

“The number is higher than expected! I haven’t even heard of this!”

Hundred nobles approached.

Gladiators and refugees retreated into a corner.

to the east of the circular plaza.

But there is no exit there.

A huge barrier stands in the way.

the passage is blocked.


“Sah, live… … .”

Confusion among the refugees was added.

They flocked to the barrier on the east side of the plaza, where there were no hundred nobles, and began to tremble.

People tried to climb over the wall, but in vain.

There is no place to go up.


Someone said to Kaineil.

He was a man whom he had known for a long time, and who could be called his henchman.

“Where has the liberation army gone? Did you lie to us?”

“… … .”

“Yes, even an ambush is good. But if there is a liberation army, isn’t it worth fighting them? Where have they all gone?”

Kainil gritted his teeth.

enough to bleed.

Whatever you say, it’s just an excuse.

“… … sorry.”

“We trusted the captain. I mean you risked your life But what is the result? For your self-satisfaction, do we all have to die like dogs?”

Distrustful gazes are fixed on him.

“We said we were prepared to die, we didn’t say we would die pointlessly.”

“… … sorry.”

“There was no Liberation Army?”

Kainil lowered his head.

that was the answer

“Right. That’s what happened.”

“… … .”

“Good. Is that what the old man did? Seeing that he hadn’t been seen since before, the captain probably didn’t know either. I hope you understand.”

Kainil couldn’t even say thank you.

It was because he was the one who put them in danger.

“I think we need to change our policy.”

“You change?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Fighting head-on would be dog death. If that’s the case, you’ll have to break through the siege and escape.”

said the man.

“It cannot be said that their ambush was aimed at us. If they had known we were escaping, they would have stopped it right away. If so, their purpose is not ours.”

The man glanced back.

Refugees trembling in fear of death were gathered there.

‘As expected.’

Kainil could have expected that much.

Perhaps the order imposed on them is to wait for the refugees to gather in the square and then ‘clean’ it.

Kainil and the others were only involved in it by accident.

The bow was there.

“Do you mean that? Shall we use them as bait and escape?”

Anguish was written on the man’s face.

After a while he replied.


“… … .”

“If I could have kept it, I would have kept it. But there is no chance of winning. I think saving our lives comes first.”

“Seriously, are you?”

“Then what are you going to do? Fight and die with them? That is… … Is it your decision we followed?”

The duty of a gladiator is to be calm.

They are not allowed to feel sympathy or pity.

Such clumsy emotions become a fatal weakness in battle.

Cainil was an advanced gladiator.

Being a high-ranking gladiator meant that he had fought more calmly than anyone else.

He did not give up on interacting with his colleagues, but he did not hesitate to meet them.

If it wasn’t for that, I couldn’t have survived until now.

The same goes for the gladiators gathered here.

The connection and disconnection must be clear.

“Captain, isn’t there a way? Shouldn’t we live with it? You can do it again next time to save others!”

“Captain, please make a decision!”

“Captain, if there is no Liberation Army, this is the only option!”


What they said was the truth.

Since the existence of the reinforcements was revealed to be fake, the rescue plan has lost its effectiveness.

If so, the next course is retreat.

As a leader, he has an obligation to bring his comrades back to life safely.

A rescue plan can be devised next time.

Survive first.

Opportunities to wield a sword to save others are endless.

So let’s compromise.

Taking a step back is a virtue of a captain.

Let’s live and wait for the next opportunity.

This sin must be repaid someday.

That is… … .

‘… … .’

A picture appeared in Kaineil’s mind.

A blade thrust into his throat.

the man says to himself

I will help you with the plan, so give up your life.

Kainil nodded.

She made up her mind and entrusted her life to him.

‘Was that resolution a lie?’

I thought it was okay to die.

If I could lay down my life to make my plan work.

But, was that a deception?

Did you have a different mind?

What certainty did he have that he wouldn’t kill him, and did he act that way?

What if the man knew he was going to kill himself?


would have made excuses

I would have rationalized

The plan needs me as the leader.

so you can’t die

Kainil remembered the nameless gladiator.

He envied the man.

He had to do his best in battle with his comrades.

I’m not strong enough to fight while watching.

That’s why he couldn’t save his comrades.

Before the king’s disposition was given, he had to end his life with his own hands.

It would have been different if it had been a man.

He may have been able to save his colleagues by satisfying the audience enough.

Where is that man now?

I only knew one thing.

Somewhere, there is a fight.

“Captain, just give me orders.”

“If you are in the north, the siege is weak. Enough to escape!”

“I will be in the lead. Leave it to me if it breaks through… … .”


Kainil exclaimed.

The group was enveloped in silence in an instant.

in between that silence,

A sob was heard.

Refugees who foresaw death were crying.

“also… … Are you going to run away?”

Kaineil murmured.

“what… … ?”

“I can’t help it… … If I could do it next time… … Are you thinking of leaving again?”

“… … .”

“When are you going to do it? When is the next time you guys talk about?”

“Captain, are you crazy?”

A man came out.

“We live first! If you are alive, you can always do good!”

“So you’ve been living for nearly thirty years, but what kind of good deeds have you done?”

“… … .”

“Are you going to rationalize that? You can do it next time. As long as you live, opportunities will come. So there is no choice but to abandon them. Are you just going to back off like this?”

The man’s face turned red.

Is it anger or shame?

No one could have known.

“It has to be now or not. It has to be done right now! If a person who wants to save a person leaves the person in front of him alone, what kind of contradiction is that!”

“What are you talking about… … !”

“Because it is a lie! Because it’s a lie!”

Kainil was furious.

“Since you have no real intention of seeking it, you are deceiving yourself. Things don’t follow. no method. So next time. next time. in the next order. next time! Then! But, the next one will never come!”


It’s called hypocrisy.

“That trash and myself are different. I have a heart to help people, and someday I will. We’ve been thinking this way all this time, and we’ve been bragging about words.”

Kainil laughed.

Lamentation and ridicule for one’s own life.

“Daejangdaejang, then what are you going to do?”

“Don’t force me.”

Kainil took a slow breath.

The man in front objected.

“I don’t know if the Liberation Army can help. But I didn’t say that the rumor was fake. It’s all lies. There is no liberation army… … !”


A dazzling white flag flutters.

White symbolizes freedom.

It was the symbol of the Liberation Army.

“… … .”

Behind Caenil.

Someone was standing with a flag out.

he said with a smile on his face.

“If I throw those people away and run alone, will I be able to sleep? Will it come out without even trying? Why did we abandon it, why did we abandon it.”

he grinned.

“Isn’t that right, chief?”

“… … thanks.”

“We have been living like dirty rags. Still, it seems okay to do the laundry properly when you go, right?”

“you’re right!”

A youthful young man stepped out.

It was sad.

“If there is no Liberation Army, we just have to free ourselves.”

“Hey, did you grow up a lot? I know how to say that.”

“That, that… … .”

“Wah ha ha! done. You spoke well.”

The middle-aged giant stroked Bian’s head with a rough hand.

Then, holding an axe, he stepped forward.

“Like the captain said, leave cowards out. I’ll just whine in my mother’s arms later. I wasn’t bad.”

The pair’s eyes change.

They, who had retreated little by little, were moving forward.

“Let’s do it. let’s do it.”

“If you die, you die.”

“It is as the chief said. If you jump out to live here alone, what’s the difference between you and those bastards?”

There were some who were worried until the end.

They were the ones who reprimanded Kainil for deceiving them.

Kainil said lowly.

“It’s not your fault. If we fight, there will be a gap. Run away then.”

“ha. I’m really going crazy.”

The man scratched his head.

“To put it nicely, you die together while protecting it, isn’t it just dog death?”

I don’t know if I can protect it, but if I fail, I’ll just be killed along with the refugees.

To a man with a cold personality, this action was pointless.

Kainil laughed and said.

“You have to choose.”

“select? You have no choice, do you?”

“what are you talking about? I didn’t force it.”

“Don’t you think the atmosphere itself compels it?”

“I don’t know.”

“Oh, damn it! Genjaang! It’s amazing. Good, good, this!”

He roared and joined the group, drawing two swords.

With this, none of the 24 men escaped from the battle line.

“Key profit… … !”

“Get out of here, human! I have no intention of fighting you!”

One of the hundred nobles who were besieging came forward.

“Our order is to dispose of that trash. You guys have nothing to do with it!”

“Shut up, you bastards.”

“… … ?”

“What makes your tongue so long? I’ll kill them all, so come.”


The white nobles, who had lost their reason, began to raise their nails.

Some of them even threw away the spears they were holding.

It is customary for human guards to wear armor and use spears as weapons.

The true weapon of the Hundred Nobles was their own bodies.

“These… … You are inviting death.”


“kill! meat! eat!”

35 vs. 24.

run away from the numbers

Individual combat power cannot be seen as superior.

The odds of winning are hopeless.

But Cainil doesn’t give up.

decided not to give up.

Recall all the fighting experience and training you have gained as a gladiator.

Arena matches are not limited to individual competitions.

Occasionally, team competitions were held, where teams competed against teams.

In that team match, Kainil and his friends were arguably the strongest in the arena.

“everyone! Straight up!”


The formation changed at Kainil’s command.

24 people stood side by side in a straight line as if they were measured with a ruler.

Each of them poses with their arms outstretched in front of them.

“Go, thank you.”

“thank you… … thank you… … .”

Behind Iljajin are refugees.

Their whispers were heard by Kaynil.

Now is not the time to hear that greeting.

When that time comes, after everything is over.

After protecting them.



Kainil looked ahead.

Hundred nobles are screaming and running.

Their long, outstretched fingernails shone viciously.

“Everyone, prepare for battle!”

Kainil firmly gripped his longsword.

There is no fear.

It just burns quietly.

A long time ago, a fire in my heart that I thought had been extinguished was burning.

Kainil smiled.

Yeah, it felt like this.

To use the sword not for the pleasure of the hundred nobles, but for oneself and for others.



The leading hundred nobles rushed like beasts.

Kainil took a step forward and swung his sword.

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not work with dark mode