Pick Me Up! Chapter 339

<Aaron Side Story Episode 10>

2. Swords waiting to be drawn (4)

The man’s eyes narrowed.

The hand that turned the pages of the book accelerated.

<The king’s mission was one.>

<To extinguish the age of chaos and open the age of light.>

<He swung two blades to cut through the darkness, swallowed tears, and smiled.>

It is written in very difficult words.

The man had to use his brain quite a bit to infer the contents.

‘I guess he ordered his subordinates to kill the monsters and the bad guys.’

monsters eat humans

people don’t trust each other

Nature becomes a disaster and harms humans.

‘Isn’t it just now?’

The man laughed mischievously.

<The king carried it.>

<Carrying death, carrying sorrow, carrying tears.>

<His back was loaded with the weight of all people, but he did not give up on his progress.>

<He was the bearer.>

<He was the one who carves his destiny.>

<Reed, a no-nonsense and single-minded man, learned to make concessions by the king’s side, and his sword soon changed his fate.>

<Gion, who was ruthless and only knew himself, learned mercy by the king’s side, and his sword soon cut through his fate.>

My butt hurts.

The man read the book, sweeping down the letters with his finger.

Much of the book is full of metaphors and poetic expressions, making it difficult to infer details.

But the man did not stop reading.

An impulse of something was seething inside him.

<And thus, at last, the age of chaos has ended and the age of light and men has opened. Infinite glory be to the noble king and the two heroes.>

He closed the last chapter of the book.

Dawn was already over and morning was approaching.

A story of a king and two heroes.

The four books the old man brought were all in one bundle.

the next day.

The man found the old man.

The old man who was sweeping the hallway smiled heartily as soon as he saw the man.

“Hey, have you read everything already?”

“Who wrote that book?”

“I don’t know who wrote it. It’s just an adaptation of the myths of our time. Well, judging from the reaction, it must have been quite interesting!”

“Is there anything else?”

As the old man smiled, the man narrowed his forehead and threw a gold coin.

“Oh, thank you for this!”

“Find it and bring it. As long as it’s similar, it doesn’t matter.”

“Let’s do that!”

The old man found the book right away, as the man wished.

The man read books, sometimes in his room, sometimes in front of everyone practicing.

A story of a king and a knight.

There were many books, but the patterns were monotonous.

It was a way for a wandering knight to meet the king, blossom his talents, and save the world from danger.

“They say chivalry is also literature.”

The old man smiled every time I handed him a book.

“Isn’t it virtuous? All the kings and knights in that literature were our idols and models.”

The old man said, remembering the past.

It was as he said.

The knights in the story were noble and just.

He did not overlook injustice, saved the weak, and was loyal to the king and fulfilled his duty.

It was the same with the king, the object of loyalty.

He wisely governed his territory and loved his people.

Even the people under the rule were like that.

They believed in each other, helped the knights, and worshiped the king even in their poor and difficult lives.

each other love each other

We rely on each other and trust each other.

They were the light and hope of the human world.

so that,

The man soon lost interest in knightly literature.

“Did you say you can change your destiny?”

deep dawn.

A man who found an empty training ground pulled out an old iron sword.

Something that can wear a weapon even in normal times.

It was one of the privileges of advanced gladiators.

“This sword… … Will you change your destiny?”


A pure white blade appears.

He extended his sword and shone it in the moonlight.

According to the story of the king and the two heroes, this is the blade that changes fate and the sword that overcomes fate.

“Where is that?”

muttered the man.

A voice locked in a meeting.

The straight blade of the sword glowed blue in the moonlight.

He has fought countless battles with this sword, and has won every single one.

According to chivalry,

His sword and blade were the path and light of shaping his destiny.

But the man sees it.

Countless blood and flesh stained the blade.

The screams of pain and the resentment of the victims before dying.

‘Is this the light that opens up destiny?’

Don’t be funny.

it’s just a tool

It was a tool to slaughter life.

This sword was created to inflict pain, to scream, and above all to kill.

He was momentarily delusional.

When you read the story of the king and the two heroes, you saw hope.

He wondered if there was something meaningful about his innate talent and his bloody sword.

But I soon realized.

There is no king in this world with a mission.

There are no noble knights.

There are no good people.

Just yesterday, the man saw.

A scene in which a victorious gladiator framed the enemy and dragged him down the abyss.

He may have thought that there was no chance of victory by fighting fair and square.

The opposing gladiator, falsely accused of plotting treason, was dragged away screaming.

Perhaps he will die after an infernal torture.

he saw

The evil smile of the guy who made his opponent fall into the abyss.

Where is the nobility and goodness here?

It’s not particularly special either.

These things were commonplace in his life.

From the very beginning, he was abandoned by his parents and lived as a gladiator slave.

I have been fed up with scenes of alienating and killing others for a piece of bread or a sip of water since childhood.

‘A story is just a story.’

The story is not true.

built from scratch.

The truth is this.


The sword went into the scabbard.

He hated his talent.

The years passed again.

He fought two fights, and survived this time to cement his place as a high-level gladiator.

His only hobby is reading.

I lost interest in chivalric literature, but books about the end of the age of man helped to kill time.

‘That’s foolish.’

As the man encountered the knowledge of the book, he also learned why the human era had ended.

Basically, humans are no match for the Hundred Nobles.

The Hundred Nobles looked like humans, but their strength was like that of a bear and the speed of a leopard.

Its sharp teeth and strong jaws were like those of a crocodile.

Its long, outstretched claws could cut through hard wood like radishes.

In addition, breeding and growth were also very fast, and two hundred nobles grew to 30 people in 50 years.

In the past, even in the human era, there were a hundred nobles.

However, it is not because humans lost their honor and became their cattle because they lost the war against the Hundred Nobles.

It was mine.

Countless warlords rose up claiming to be kings, repeatedly fighting wars among themselves and destroying the civilization they had built.

A hundred aristocrats permeated into that ruined place, and the era of humans was closed without realizing it.

It was a boring ending.

human age.

The hundred nobles were treated worse than animals.

At first glance, their appearance and personality looked similar to humans, but they were extremely savage, greedy for blood, and enjoyed eating meat.

Above all, the reason why they have not been able to step forward is because they do not have the ability to create civilization.

The city where the man lives is magnificent.

There is a splendid palace in the center of the city, high-rise mansions of the upper class around it, and numerous houses and streets stretch like a spider web on the outskirts.

A silver wall was built around the city to block external threats.

However, the city does not belong to a hundred nobles.

They just slaughtered and usurped all the owners.

The Hundred Nobles, who have the ability to kill and destroy something, but lack the ability to create and create, were living like parasites relying on the collapsed human civilization.

By using humans as livestock and slaves.


Like that, the man closed the book about the hundred nobles.

Humans are ruined anyway.

There was no need to be sad.

“… … .”

The man’s gaze turned to the front.

moonlit night.

The old man was looking at the man.

“Did you read the book well?”

“Do I have a business?”

“If you’ve read this much, you must have known our history.”

The expression of the old man, who always laughed meanly, is incomparably serious.

The man’s eyes took on a cold color.

“If you have no business, disappear.”

“Can I ask you a little question?”

“… … .”

“In the meantime, I’ve been busy trying to find a book for you. Please pay me a little for that.”

The man who thought for a moment said.

“do whatever you want.”

“Thank you.”

Big hum.

The old man coughed.

“Hey, why don’t you learn the sword?”

“… … .”

“I have been watching you fight. it was amazing I was also envious If only I had that kind of talent.”

The old man brought out his true feelings that had been hidden for decades.

“On the one hand, I was grateful to the twin goddesses. They haven’t abandoned humans yet.”

“what are you talking about.”

“I believe I came to believe when I saw you If it’s your strength… … It could end the age of ghosts.”

said the old man.

“Learn the sword. please.”

“… … .”

“I will not ask you to write for others. Great for your own movie too. It’s also good for wealth. However, please do not wait for death like this.”

“Waiting for death? Is this me?”

“You know? What is the end of the gladiator?”

The life of a gladiator in this city.

The stronger it is, the more victories it has, the longer its lifespan.

However, there are limitations.

If it is judged that it has become stronger than necessary, it will be disposed of.

To the hundred nobles, the existence of gladiators was just a means of entertainment.

“Even if you hide your power, it will inevitably come out someday. Then there is only death. Why don’t you know?”

“What does that matter? My death and life are my own decisions. It is none of your business to interfere.”

“If you learn the sword! If you learn and become stronger! you can survive You can get your freedom! Does that mean you don’t like it?”

The old man exclaimed urgently.

“Surely, Genga is going to throw away his life in vain!”

“… … .”

“I know. Your nobility!”


“I saw you. I watched your matches every time! Your fight isn’t about killing your opponent. To save the opponent… … !”

The old man was silent.

A sharp blade of a knife was at his neck.

The man said in a low voice.

“More than that, stop talking nonsense.”


A trickle of blood ran down the old man’s neck.

“I came here with a lot of blood on this knife. for me to live Don’t wrap my killing like that with such a pun.”

“you… … .”

“Was the human age in which you lived so virtuous? Was everyone laughing and talking with glee?”

“… … .”

“It is none of my business whether you live trapped in the past or what dreams you have. Don’t transfer that dirty delusion to me.”

The drawn sword went into the scabbard.

The old man hung his neck.

Blood dripped from the wrinkled skin.

“… … That’s right.”

muttered the old man.

“Don’t appear in front of me now. I am tired of reading books.”

“Listen to your warning. I will do that.”



An old man with a stoop walks into the shadows.

The man did not see off his back.

“To you, I am not good enough.”

“What are you doing not turning off?”

“But you are mistaken.”

“… … ?”

“This is not an illusion. It is faith.”

The man looked back at the old man.

However, the figure of the old man buried in the shadows could not be found.

“The sword is here, but where is the king… … .”

The old man’s lament resounded in the moonlit night.

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