Pick Me Up! Chapter 330

<Aaron Side Story Episode 1>

1. Pure for One (1)

* * *

“… … ?”

Aaron Delkard looked around.

The place where he was standing was a circular library.

A silver chandelier shining from the ceiling.

A tall bookshelf that can only be organized by climbing up a ladder.

A low bookshelf under it. In addition, countless bookshelves, large and small, filled the round room tightly.

‘I… … Since when?’

it’s a strange place

The light from the flickering candles dimly illuminated the inside of the library.

“Are you okay, Aaron?”

Aaron looked to the side, startled.

A silver-haired woman wearing a long robe is smiling.

Her appearance was so mysterious that it did not feel real.

It feels like part of a dream.

Only Aaron knew the woman’s name.

Yunet Seed.

“Why are you blank? Please sit here.”

“ah… … yes.”

Aaron sat down at a table in the center of the library, as Yurnet guided him to.

“Well, why am I here?”

“Don’t you know? Because of my request.”

“Miss Yurnet’s… … please?”

“is it so. Didn’t I ask Aaron to match my hobby?”


Only then did Aaron’s memories gradually begin to return.


While Aaron was resting in the fortress of Valhalla, Yurnet suddenly came to his room.

I need you, but you won’t hang out with me.

Usually, the Yurnet Sid he knew rarely expressed his thoughts.

That’s why she asked for Aaron’s help.

Aaron, bewildered, accepted her request.

So, following Yunet’s guidance, he stood in front of a door in a certain hallway, and Aaron’s memory ended there.

“Aaron, is life in Valhalla worthwhile?”


Yurnet said while pouring the unknown tea.

“Yes, it is fine.”


It was a fortress built around the dimension called Niflheim in the past.

The purpose of Valhalla is to prevent the planned destruction of a certain dimension.

This fortress was maintained by a transcendent being named ‘Loki’.

Aaron and Yourenet were one of Valhalla’s key executives.

Each position was different, but the two had worked together before ‘he’ gained divine status.

Yurnet as a mage in Niflheim.

Aaron as a spearman in Taonier.

Now that many things are over, together in Valhalla.


Aaron drank tea.

“… … .”

Normally, Yurnet Sid was wearing a black uniform, but now he’s wearing a plain white robe.

“In order to preserve combat power in a long war, condition management is necessary.”

“Yes, it is.”

“What the master also emphasized. Do you agree?”

“… … yes.”

The war continues.

Even now, some troops in Valhalla are fighting against the enemy on the front lines.

Aaron is just taking a break right now.

When it’s your turn, you have to step in.


A war with no end in sight, close to eternity.

In order not to lose oneself while fighting such a war, it is necessary to manage one’s physical condition.

The heroes of Valhalla must acquire a hobby, whether they like it or not.

This was also the Master’s order.

By the way, Aaron’s hobby is writing letters.

The target was his sister, Nina.

Although letters never reach the person concerned, he wrote them every day.

“Is Miss Yurnet’s hobby of reading?”

“yes. I like books. To be precise, as written in the book… … I like the stories of different people.”

Yurnet smiled.

“That’s why I invited him to the library with the intention of having Aaron cooperate with my hobby.”

Aaron blinked.

“What help can I do? I’m not really interested in books… … .”

“It is the story that matters, not the book. A book is a vehicle for telling a story.”


“Why don’t you tell me Aaron’s story?”

“You mean my story? Even if you say so… … I’m nothing special… … .”

“Aaron is still humble.”

Yurnet continued.

“I wonder how you got that mysterious power called karma.”

“… … .”

“Can you tell me if it’s okay? Of course it’s not free. If there’s a story you want to know, I’ll tell you what I know.”

“Even if you say so… … .”

Aaron lowered his head.

“I have no memory of that time… … .”


“I’m really sorry.”

It’s not a lie.

The process of obtaining Aaron’s karma.

I could roughly guess it, but it was by no means complete enough to be told as a story.

What Yurnet wants must be the complete truth.

Aaron’s memory was only faint like fog.

“Hmm. remember okay. Maybe not. Your journey will be something others have never been through.”

“… … sorry.”

“it’s okay. I was kind of expecting it. You must be prepared to bring Aaron’s hidden memories.”


memories of that time?

the years of eternity?


Can not be done.

“Oh, please don’t make a scary face. It’s not a direct pull. in an indirect way anyway. Aaron, can you trust me?”

“… … .”


Aaron gave up getting out of his chair.

“Thank you, Aaron. Then, while the preparations are over, shall we come up with stories to soothe Aaron’s boredom?”


Yurnet started waving her hands as she hummed.

Then drip! The bookshelves located on the wall rotated arbitrarily.

“Is there a story you want?”

Aaron looked inside the library.

Everywhere you look, there are books and bookshelves.

What should I read?

However, there are certain books that stand out among them.

Aaron’s gaze turned to the huge bookshelf in front of him.

Dozens of books were lined up there.

Those books, all of the same color and shape, are probably an epic poem.

“As expected, you have a good eye.”

“Somehow it stood out.”

“Excuse me, but please choose another book. The King’s story is still unfinished. One day, when his story is over, I will tell you.”


After a while Aaron noticed who the word was referring to.

So, I just nodded my head.

“Now, how about this?”

Cook Cook.

Yurnet laughed and gestured.

Then, a black book flew from somewhere on the bookshelf and was sucked into her hand.

“It is the story of the forgotten gods.”

“A forgotten god?”

“Before Valhalla was created, they were the ones who ruled Mobius.”

Aaron noticed who Yurnet was talking about.

The gods who governed and managed Mobius before Valhalla.

They were also the ones who made a game called Pick Me Up and made fun of the heroes.

‘Tel Ikar.’

The most representative of them is the twin goddesses.

The goddesses, each representing purity and mercy, drove Moebius into hell.

I didn’t know it when I was a former hero, but now that I entered Valhalla, Aaron knew the truth about them.

‘It’s forgotten now.’

I’ve heard the reason.

It was subjugated by the king of Valhalla, Loki.

They were absorbed in every single being.

Now, no voice praising God can be heard from anywhere in the Mobius dimension. The very existence of the gods is forgotten.

“Oh, you don’t look serious.”

“Because I think I’ve been tricked.”

“That sounds right.”

Tell and Ikar.

The promise of the goddess that she would restore the destroyed world if she climbed the tower was a lie.

The heroes and monsters of Pick Me Up became toys of a higher dimension and had to suffer endlessly.

But, anyway, that’s a thing of the past.

Currently, only a few people remember the name.

Aaron wondered why the gods were being mentioned out of the blue.

“Especially, the representative goddess of innocence was annihilated by the Master in return for what she had done. She was entirely synthesized.”

“Then why are you suddenly talking about that?”

“Because I think it is necessary.”

I need?

“Right now, few people know of the existence of the goddess. But I hate that way. It’s okay if she’s just forgotten. I don’t condone that.”

The heat rose in Yurnet’s voice.

“If it has been forgotten, it is necessary to know. what was why did it happen Record it and use it as a lesson for future generations. This is called history.”

If forgotten, you should know.

Especially in that part, Yurnet’s voice rose.

“It’s not just the goddess. The same goes for anyone else. Because I don’t want to miss it.”

Having said that, Yurnet looked at Aaron.

As if there was someone behind his back, staring at him.

But there are only two of them here. Aaron didn’t know who Yurnet was referring to.

“Whoops. You can look forward to it. How the game called Pick Me Up was created in the first place, and what was its purpose. What happened to the gods a long time ago. Aren’t you interested?”

be interesting

It would be a lie if you said you weren’t curious.

“You don’t know how many times I begged the Master to get that memory. This is a very hard-earned book.”

Aaron looked at the black book on the table.

It is said that this book contains the memories of the forgotten gods.

“Are you okay, Aaron?”

“it’s okay.”

Aaron answered.

Yurnet built a flower color.

A game called Pick Me Up.

What was there in that first period?

I was just wondering

“Then let’s begin.”

Yurnet opened the first chapter of the book.

Aaron’s vision was colored with light.

It was the beginning of the story.

* * *

“How is development going?”

office of any company.

The office was busy with the sound of CPU fans spinning, typing, and mouse moving.

A man and a woman were having a conversation there.

“Ah, I think we can meet the schedule.”

“is it so? What a relief! It was still close.”

The girl was overjoyed at someone’s answer.

“Come on, are you all tired from working late into the night? I’ll pass you one cup at a time!”

“No, this far… … !”

“Ah, I’m just doing it. I’ll do chores too! Leave the office cleaning to us! Fighting everyone!”

The coffees on the tray the girl was holding were placed one by one at each seat.


Ice crunched inside the clear plastic container of coffee.

“Come on, we’ll give you a big bonus when it’s over.”

“thank you!”

“Oh, by the way, how about a dinner after work today? I’ll do the payment. Any menu, just tell me!”

“Tuna belly fat, is it possible?”

“of course!”

“What about the rib eye?”

“of course!”

The atmosphere in the office heated up when he said he would do anything.

They burned their passion for work and began to concentrate on their respective tasks.

Dinner tonight.

The employees’ mouths were watering at the expensive menus they couldn’t eat.

“Then I will go! Everyone, please do your best!”


The morale of the development team was boosted at once by cheering.

As always.

Despite her high rank as CEO of the company, she treats employees without discrimination and works hard for them.

“Kyaa, ribeye sirloin on the dinner menu?”

“Isn’t it a food that’s a mess because you can’t even find it on Earth?”

“What is tuna belly fat again?”

“Have you heard of sashimi?”

When the CEO left the office, each of them giggled.

The company’s name is Mobius.

It was a special purpose company created for the development of a certain game.

Befitting its special purpose, the company’s headquarters was not located on Earth.

“I hear it’s the prettiest food on Earth?”

“episode? Eating fish flesh raw?”

“Hey, it’s popular in that district.”

They wear suits and wear employee IDs around their necks, but they are not native to Earth.

He wasn’t even human.

Its identity is a spirit.

It was a race born for smooth dimensional management of the gods.

The spirits here have human bodies, but the core of their existence is the spirit Buddha dwelling somewhere in their bodies.

The body is only a medium, and even if it is lost, it can wander as a translucent soul or dwell in other spare bodies.

These spirits imitate humans by being possessed by soulless bodies.

“Ikar cares about us like that. Whew. I don’t know what he’s doing.”

“I always crave.”

“If I were only half like you, I wouldn’t have a wish.”


The office door slammed open.

The staff who were talking behind their backs all became quiet.

“… … .”

It was a girl who came in this time.

It looks almost similar to the woman who encouraged the employees earlier.

The difference is the sharp eyes and cold expression on the face.

“What you looking at? Don’t you close your eyes?”

The girl’s eyes hardened.

The spirit temples lowered their eyes in unison.

“What? iced coffee? The release is right around the corner, but the coffee goes over, right?”

The girl gulped down someone’s coffee on the table.

“So, how is the development progress?”

“Fortunately, the schedule can be met!”

The same person as before gave the same answer as me.

The girl’s eyebrows crooked.



“The schedule is definitely right. That’s the problem. Is the game fun or not?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Are you sure? When this game comes out, it will definitely explode. You can sweep the money.”

“The game has to come out… … .”

“Why is a bastard who doesn’t know that the team leader!”


The girl hit the table.

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not work with dark mode