Pick Me Up! Chapter 32


32. Striker (2)

“Why don’t you let go of this hand?”

“You are.”

I tightened my grip on the swallow. Edith also grabbed his hand as if he would not lose. Two hands crossed in the middle of the lot.

Meanwhile, I turned to the woman and said.


“Are you saying that?”

The woman blinked and replied.

“Yes, you. Are you a wizard?”

“Let me introduce myself… that’s probably it.”

The woman inflated the flames in her palms.

Temporarily, heat pervaded the entire plaza.

There is nothing to ask. The only profession that could do such a thing was a wizard. I immediately popped up the status window.

[Iolka Libel Strashur (★★★) Lv.1 (Exp 0/10)]

[Class: Magician]

[Strength: 7/7]

[Intelligence: 31/31]

[Health: 8/8]

[Agility: 7/7]

[Possessed Skill: Intermediate Flame Magic (Lv.2)]

‘I’m sure.’

Depending on whether or not there is a wizard in the party, the range of tactics expands to a different level. Knowing that, Edith wasn’t letting go of the lot either.

In Pick Me Up, warriors and thieves can be fostered from 1 star and changed jobs, but wizards are different. It is a rare talent that can only be obtained through a paid lottery. Correspondingly, the probability of occurrence was also quite low.

“Give me a graceful concession. If we bring that person, I think the party balance will be right.”

“Do I look like such an easygoing person?”

While we were arguing over the lot.

Jenna approached Iolka and her eyes lit up.

“Wizards! I’ve never seen them! I’ve only heard rumors that there are such people.”

“But here…”

“It’s called the waiting room. It’s where summoned people like us live.”

“A waiting room?”

Iolka frowned and touched her forehead.

“It’s strange. It’s the first time I’ve felt like this.”

“You can think slowly. There is still plenty of time.”

“What are you two doing?”

“As for what you’re doing… Oh, come to think of it, swallows, I secretly watched them! It’s against the rules. It’s a matter of luck.”

Jenna stepped between us, pulled out the swallow, and turned her back. And rocked it side to side.

“I’ll mix it again. This time it’s invisible.”

“What are you doing?”

“It’s simple. You decide where to enter.”

“Where are you going?”

“You’re slow to grasp the situation compared to the uncle next to you.”

“Suddenly dragged to a strange place and grasping the situation!”

Iolka raised her voice in displeasure. Roderick, who had her arms crossed with her eyes closed, murmured.

“Think carefully.”

Iolka thought about something as she narrowed her eyes, then furrowed her brow.


“Do you think you know?”

“I feel bad.”

“I agree.”

After mixing all the lots, Jenna put the barrel down between them.

“You can’t use foul play this time. We’re doing it fairly.”

“Okay, okay.”

“No matter who picks which one, I won’t hold grudges.”

“of course.”

“Me first.”

Edith took a deep breath and drew a lot for the left side.


I smiled.

“Don’t be resentful.”

Edith bit her lip in silence.

Roderick isn’t a bad choice either. Edith’s party of two swordsmen and bandits had no middle-range agents.

Of course, it would be better to have a wizard.

Anyway, the result came out. Iolka in the 1st party. Roderick is in the 2nd party.

I recalled the feeling I had the last time the duel request message popped up. I explained to Edith in advance how to do it.

[‘Han(★)’ wants ‘Iolka(★★★)’ to join ‘Party 1’. Accept?]

[Yes / No]

[‘Iolka (★★★)’ joins ‘Party 1’!]

[‘Edith(★★★)’ joins ‘Roderick(★★★)’ in ‘Party 2’… … .]

The party distribution is over.

Afterwards, Amkena touched the Synthesizer menu.

‘This, one.’

What followed was as expected. Two 1-stars who were trying to learn skills by attaching themselves to assistant positions were dragged out by Isel.

Among them was a young man who cried and asked me what to do.

“Mr. Han, Mr. Han! Didn’t I say you can live if you work hard! This is too good! It’s too much!”

‘I didn’t learn the secondary skill.’

I turned my head without a word.

Isel, who threw two people into the synthesis center, said.

[Iolka Strashur! are you a wizard I just needed it and it works! There are sacrifices over there, so go into the synthetic lab.]

“A sacrifice?”

“Go in first. If you don’t want to end up ugly.”

At my words, Iolka entered the synthetic lab with a bewildered face.

after a while

[Synthesis complete!]

[‘Yon(★)’ and ‘Jenin(★)’ become light and disappear.]

[‘Iolka (★★★)’, level up!]

Next it was Roderick’s turn.

All the 1-stars who noticed that it was unusual locked themselves in their rooms and locked the door, but Issel tore off the doorknob and dragged out the sacrifice.

As a result, all four of the victims were candidates for auxiliary positions.

A few people managed to get job skills and avoid synthesis. I don’t know if it was a difference in talent or a difference in effort.

Roderick, who came out of the synthetic lab, muttered with a stiff face.

“It’s terrible…”

“Ahaha. It’s okay. You can live if you work hard.”

Jenna laughed awkwardly.

Aaron and Dicka had their heads down.

After completing the synthesis, the master continued the next process.

[Register ‘Iolka (★★★)’ to Favorites.]

[Register ‘Roderick (★★★)’ to Favorites.]

[Open the space-time gap!]


The door in front of the plaza exposed its insides.


“I’m trying to test the newcomers. I think you’re the first.”

[Party 2! Enter the space-time gap. practice!]

As always, Isel appeared.

Edith sighed and stood up from the bench. Deca and Usher followed suit.

“let’s go.”


“Come with me too. You are the protagonist of this battle.”

Roderick stiffened his face and pulled out the long spear behind his back. Then he followed the 2nd party into the space-time rift.

The door is closed.

I said to Iolka, who was looking down at the floor with a blank expression.


“Are you saying that?”

“Who else is there besides you?”

“I have one too.”

I squeezed Jenna and continued.

“What magic can I use?”

“Why are you asking that?”

“Why do you ask that? You don’t want to fight?”

“I am…….”

Iolka muttered in a dull voice.

“I…why am I here…”

“Didn’t you come to fight?”

“It’s unpleasant! To fight in an unknown place for an unknown reason!”

“Otherwise you’ll end up like the ones you just ate.”


There seems to be confusion in my memory, but it seems that I don’t know at all. Iolka sat down on the bench next to me, downcast.

“I’ll ask again. What magic can I use?”

“Flame magic. I can use flame magic up to the third layer.”

You can tell that you are using fire magic by looking at the status window.

“I know that. Any other magic? Can I use auxiliary magic like teleportation?”

“Those are third-rate magic.”

“You can’t write.”

“Any complaints? If I show you my magic, you’ll be shocked.”

‘I’m a little disappointed.’

The auxiliary system is more versatile than the attack system. Even if there is no skill window, there is a possibility of awakening, so when I asked, it seems that it was not.

Still, a wizard was a wizard.

“From now on, you have to fight alongside us. Do you understand that fact?”

“I understand. I feel really bad.”

“Do you have experience fighting monsters?”

“Of course! My nickname was the Witch of Libel!”

Anyway, I learned fire magic and had experience fighting monsters.

Iolka seemed to feel more displeasure than fear at this situation. If so, good. He seemed to be able to write with a sense of power immediately, as befits a three-star.

There is little time left before the second party returns.

In the meantime, I asked what he knew about Pick Me Up. Iolka stuttered in response.

The basics are the same as Edith. I have a feeling for summoning or synthesis. I did not know detailed concepts such as level and grade.

“Why do you ask about using magic? Do you even know about magic?”

“Not so much. I don’t know.”

I don’t know much about magic.

That’s not wrong. There is no such thing as magic on Earth.

Pick Me Up’s physics-class heroes can somehow shape and classify, but wizards are different. Each individual has such a different personality that it was difficult to determine the type. I don’t know how to write it unless I try it. Dealing with wizards was one of the most difficult problems for beginners.

Of course, I’ve seen and analyzed hundreds of different spells, so I can somehow get a feel for it.

After a while, the 2 parties returned to the plaza.

There are no casualties. Since it was a pilot test, they would have toured the lower floors.

Edith’s expression isn’t bad. It seems that Roderick was stronger than I thought.

Next it was the turn of the first party.

Following Isel’s name, we entered the space-time gap.

Aaron, who was fixing the window, said.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen a wizard, too. I thought they were imaginary beings.”

“Are wizards that rare?”

“Don’t you know my brother? I’ve been around to sell things, but I’ve never seen a wizard.”

“It’s my first time!”

“Because you were stuck in the woods.”

I checked Iolka in the back.

She was slowly looking around the gap in time and space. She looks unreliable on the outside. From the start of her dress, she was eye-catching.

You will know the result when you see it for yourself.

I focused my gaze on the mirror on the left.

[Climb the tower, save the world!]

[Main Dungeon: Current number of floors to climb – 7]

‘I’ll go to the fourth floor.’

The upper layer is tied.

If you’re testing magic, the 4th floor, where harpies and goblins are mixed, is appropriate.

What you need to know is what type of wizard you are.

If it is fire magic, it is a system with a strong tendency to attack, but the method of operation is also different depending on the individual’s characteristics. Depending on the method, the formation of the party had to be set differently. It is something that needs to be changed a little in the concept of the close and medium class of the milli class.

I told Aaron and Jenna.

“When the fight starts, we back down.”


“We’ll see what kind of magic he uses.”


Anyway, the 4th floor can be overpowered with just one of the three of us.

Iolka was only level 2, but it was still 3 stars. That much would be possible.

“Don’t you have confidence? They say that if you show me magic, you’ll be surprised.”

“But! I’m special.”


“Ha, anyway, you’ll be surprised when you see it.”

I laughed.

Since I came here, I have seen dozens of ridiculous and staggering scenes. It didn’t surprise me that now a woman was breathing fire from her hands.

[Then let’s go! Han, fighting!]

Isel’s body slowly faded.

Light leaked from the left mirror.

[Main dungeon, current challenge floor is 8th floor.]

[The door opens in 10 seconds. Get ready!]

I frowned and said.

“It’s the 8th floor! Everyone take out your weapons!”

“Just step back…”

“shut up!”

‘This bastard.’

Is it boring to test on the 4th floor?

I didn’t expect to make two consecutive climbs.

He drew his sword from its scabbard. Then he fixed the shield on his left hand. The light enveloped our bodies and sent us to an unfamiliar place.

An empty field spreads out in front of you. In the distance, I could see the walls of the city I had seen from the 6th floor. Jenna tilted her head.

“Oh, I think I saw that somewhere…”


I heard the sound of footsteps shaking the ground.

behind your back.

“Everyone avoid!”

Jenna quickly ran to the side. Aaron runs along.

Iolka stared blankly ahead.

“Don’t be crazy!”

I hugged Iolka and rolled to the side.

The hem of her dress briefly blocked her view, and a knife was swung through the blocked view. He held Iolkar with his right arm and deflected it with his shield.

[Floor 8.]

[Mission Type – Subjugation]

[Goal – annihilate the enemy!]

[Goblin Rider Lv.9 X 27]

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