Pick Me Up! Chapter 301


301. Ragnarok (6)


A dark night without a single star.

The Amkena, which was advancing with lights, stopped.

[Dimension 1000 – ????]

rattle. Rumbling.

Fuel was injected from the aft end of the Amkena, but the airship did not move forward.

reaching the boundary of the field.

‘No, not exactly.’

The line between server and server.

The place El Cid longed to go was beyond this field.

I stopped the Amkena and proceeded to the bow.

[weird… … ?]

Frey jumped off my shoulder, flew forward and fumbled across the transparent wall.

[There must have been a door here… … .]

“Is this nothing?”

[huh. It’s a passage that GMs often use, so I said they never close it. If you close this place, the entire game won’t run.]

I took a deep breath.

The previous raid was broadcast live directly to the Masters.

The hero and fleet he had cherished were destroyed at the beck and call of the boss. He couldn’t stand any deceased person. By now, the entire community of Pick Me Up must have been paralyzed. Pick Me Up, which continued to operate intermittently, must have suffered irreversible damage in the recent incident.

[Game operation… … Did you give up?]

“Because they said they were developing a new game.”

[Then, the road to server 1 is… … .]

I smiled.

‘Are you planning to waste time this way?’

He extended his right hand forward.

Charleureuk! Dark red scales sprouted all over his right arm. Hundreds of dragon scales stretched out on his forearms wriggled and gathered together, creating the shape of a single sword.

Dragon Lin Sword.

It won’t have the effectiveness of Bifrost, but it’ll be usable as a makeshift weapon.

“Look out.”

Frey flapped her wings and retreated.

I grabbed the hilt of the sword with all my might and thrust it into the empty space.

The tip of the sword dug into the transparent wall and soon disappeared.

‘I said I couldn’t run away.’


Violent lightning began to bounce along the blade of the sword.

It seems to be tightly closed.

The passage leading to Server 1 was surrounded by dozens of layers of firewalls.


I turned the blade to the side.

There was a crack in the wall with the sound of glass breaking.

[Illegal intrusion detected!]

[Unknown Error!]

[Unknown Error!]

[Unknown… … .]


I drove the blade of my sword all the way into the wall.


[Error – 0032: Fatal error. Immediate action… … .]

[Error – 0032: Fatal error. Immediate action… … .]

And, he pulled out the dragon sword at once.

The rift spread, creating a portal in the shape of a shattered window.

It was a simple passage to Server 1.

[…] … Ugh.]

Frey waved her hand with a tired face.

Well, I’m also aware that I’m not normal.

The more I used it, the more I could feel it. This ability to manipulate the data of the universe and modify the system is not allowed to ordinary beings.

‘This might be Tell’s intention.’

However, if you’re just waiting until I lose my humanity, I want to tell you to get rid of the misunderstanding.

No matter how broken my mind is, I will never forget one thing.

‘I will kill you.’

I returned the dragon sword.

When I entered this dimensional door, it was 1 server.

I didn’t have time to relax, so I decided to move right away.

“I’ll tell you first. Once inside…”

[…] … for a moment]

I looked to the side.

Frey was staring at the night sky with blank eyes.

I followed her gaze. the sky remains dark.

“Why? No time.”

[Wait, it only takes two weeks.]

Frey blinked her eyelids a couple of times.

That moment.


[Unknown Error!]

[Error – 3912: Fatal error. Immediate action… … .]


A white light spread across the sky.

[Master Amkenna, welcome to Pick Me Up!]

Through the scattered starlight, a hologram message emerged.

[Loading has finished.]

[TOUCH ! (optional)]

I stopped.

‘That guy… … I would have been suspended.’

There is no way Moebius would have lifted the sanctions now.

Finding the cause was not difficult. Just now, I broke the rules of the server. As the error spread throughout the server, Amkena’s suspension seemed to be resolved as well.

“… that’s awful.”

How many times have you been in and out of the game app, do you come right back as soon as the suspension is lifted?

If it was that bad, I might as well give up.

Above the sky, the light flickered dizzily.

‘Are you looking at me?’

Amkena’s control panel does not show a waiting room.

As soon as that guy entered the game, he called the field where I was.



The Master’s role has already ended.

With the game itself broken, there was nothing Amkena could do.

Shortly after the server is restored, Amkena will be ejected again, and you will never be able to connect to it again.

‘It’s useless.’

I secured the cloak to my shoulder and headed for the portal.


After walking a few steps, I stopped.

Amkena was still looking at me.

‘A fool.’

I narrowed my eyes.

As if breathing, I slowly raised my interference power and connected my mind to the depths of the system.


A small room with no decorations.

‘That guy’, who was sitting at the desk, was holding his smartphone by relying on the dim light of the nightstand.

No matter how much strength he gave, the guy’s hand holding the smartphone turned white.

did it look like this

It’s not too different from what I expected.


I opened my mouth.

At the same time, kudangtang! There was the sound of something collapsing.

Amkena, who was sitting in the chair, suddenly fell backwards.

I smiled.

The character in the game suddenly started talking to me, so it was understandable. I had a similar thing happen to me too.

After that, Amkena looked around the room, as if she was looking for a ghost.

“Here, here. The smartphone you are looking at. I’m talking here.”

“… … .」

“why? Is it like Gura?」

“… … !”

“Believe it or not, it’s up to you. Anyway, I have one last thing to say.”


I said after clearing my throat.

“Stop playing this trash game right now. Even though the back of the head was hit like that, why didn’t you fold it? There is no such thing as a professional dog pig. Aren’t you pathetic about yourself? Aren’t you ashamed to see your family?”

“… … .」

“I think today’s work is a dream. I’m saying this because your game addiction is so bad.”

to reflect.

It’s just that you’ve been so attached to the game that your head has gone crazy to the point where you’re hallucinating.

“You worked hard, and from now on live your life.”

“… … that.”

“I don’t take questions. Enough then.”


I disconnected from Amkena.

He was no longer in sight.

The embarrassed face and the trembling voice disappeared.


I think I was trying to say something, but I’m not interested.

I jabbed Frey’s side with my elbow.

“What are you doing? It’s closing soon.”

The gap between the divided dimensions is being filled.

If you hesitate, the aisle that was opened at best will be closed again.

Amkena’s connection will also be cut.

‘End with this.’

I saw a cluster of twinkling lights with my distant eyes.

Now my relationship with him is over. Amkena was a human of Earth, and I chose to remain here.

Servers for this game will be closed soon. The point of intersection between each other will disappear.

“let’s go.”

I stepped

The light in the sky moved busily, but I had no intention of connecting with him again.

I have said all I have to say One greeting was enough.

“What are you doing? Let’s go. If it’s late, I’ll leave it…”

Amkena’s control panel flashed.

[Gift shop!]

[Purchase ‘War Horse Statue’ with 5,000 gold.]

[I present the ‘Warring Horse Statue’ to ‘Han(★★★★★★★)’!]


A white statue was held in my right hand.

An ordinary war horse statue made of low-grade wood.


I narrowed my eyes.

It’s been a while since I graduated from toy collecting.

All that was there was abandoned in the past.

‘I want this.’

I opened the leather pouch behind my belt and put the warhorse statue in it.

And I tied the string at the entrance tightly.

‘Well, even if I go when I go… … .’

One statue would be fine.

[‘Han (★★★★★★★)’ is delighted to receive the ‘war horse statue’.]

[Increased favorability!]

paper weave.

The hologram message floating in the sky split.

[Connection terminated!]


[The account above is a sanctioned account for using an unlicensed program. For details, please contact the customer center for one-on-one inquiries. Banned accounts… … .]

I fastened the pouch to my belt and looked ahead.

The torn portal was fading.


[huh… … ?]

“I think I have one more favor to ask of you.”

Frey looked back at me.

I spoke.

“If you look through my data, there will be a list of property in the district. Probably quite a lot. 3 billion in won. And somewhere in Gangnam, there will be a few pyeong of land, a high-rise office building, and a foreign car. “

[Isn’t that the property that was meant to be used on Earth?]

“I don’t know when I might go back, so what are you doing by staying there?”

I scratched my cheek.

These were things Yurnet gave me as a gift when I was about to return to Earth, but they are now useless.

“If he goes back to Earth, just tell him to give it up. I’ve got his face and address. It’s no use trying to pretend he doesn’t know.”

[Are you really okay?]

“of course.”

Frey made eye contact with me, then disappeared with a shower of stardust.

It seemed that he had accessed the server database to find the necessary information for the name transfer. The job is over in an hour at most. I’ll be back when I get into a fight with Tell.

‘With Amkenawa… … .’

In the future, if there is work, we will meet.

I jumped over the dimensional door that was about to close.

The sensation of being reconstructed as the body disintegrates in countless waves of light.

‘I won’t forget.’

Several times I relived the memories that were about to fade.

Even if you forget all the memories, don’t miss out on what you have to do.

Dalgrak. I touched the war horse in the pouch.

That firm touch made me forget who I was.


[Dimension 0000 – EDEN]

Landed silently.

I brushed the dust off my sleeve and looked around.

It was a deep night.

Dismissed! Paperweight!

Broken neon signboards spurted electricity.

I was on the roof of an old high-rise building.

‘1 server.’

I looked out on the roof.

The exact scale is unknown, a huge metropolis (Metropolis).

Hundreds of high-rise buildings were erected, and overpasses connected like a spider’s web coiled around the city. On the road, a streamlined car was sliding out of the road.

This place… … It had the appearance of a future city that can only be seen in science fiction movies.

‘I can tell at a glance.’

In the middle of the city in the distance, a skyscraper stretching out beyond the clouds stood out.

As a rule of thumb, the height is over 1000m. That building will be the headquarters of Mobius. Countless floating boats were patrolling around the building with their lights on.

‘I’ll have to keep an eye on it.’

Eyes wide open.

A huge city where hundreds of thousands live.

Beneath the building I was in, I could see a large number of people making noise on the street.

‘A place I have to break.’

I stepped under the railing.

The body began to descend under the influence of gravity.

Right before falling, I flipped over.

bang! What a profit!

Asphalt-covered roads overturned, and cars driving beside me were thrown out.


“What, what!”

I pushed off the asphalt fragments that were holding my upper body.

Coming out of the gap in the broken road, I brushed the dust off the cloak a couple of times.



Citizens who took a few steps back looked at me and murmured.

‘Are they Moebius employees?’

Unwillingly or voluntarily, they must have been dragged in from each dimension to do their work.

As long as it adjusts close to 100 million dimensions, it seems to have the right scale.

Looking at it now, he was a modern citizen without fail.

“Hey, are you okay… Ugh!”

paper weave.

The man in the suit who reached out to me flew away.

It’s embarrassing if you touch it carelessly.

I started walking down the street slowly.

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not work with dark mode