Pick Me Up! Chapter 300


300. Ragnarok (5)


A single bolt of lightning struck through the dispersing dark clouds.

A large thunderbolt several kilometers across passed the Amkena we were on.

[Dimension 1013 – Baldrak]

Taoneer had long since departed.

Isel and I, who had already gone through several dimension jumps, were passing through a nameless dimension.

The tower, a token of the waiting room, was nowhere to be found. Storms of hundreds of meters per second, accompanied by lightning, raged incessantly in the fields. If I hadn’t put a shield on the entire airship, it would have been swept away by the wind and crashed.


Out of the gray clouds, pale lightning bolts fell into the darkness.

I was sitting in a half-broken iron chair on the deck.

‘It feels like watching a movie.’

If there was a full 3D movie, would it feel like this?

Outside, a storm was raging that could tear human bodies to shreds, but the airship was extremely quiet. The Amkena was traveling from dimension to dimension without shaking at all.


I took a piece of biscuit from the pouch behind my belt and chewed it down.

If the war started in earnest, it would be difficult to afford this kind of composure. I couldn’t say it was delicious as it was an emergency food, but it was enough to soothe my boredom.



[Are you really okay?]

Issel sat on my shoulder and wiggled his feet.

[Don’t you regret leaving like that? Even though Loki isn’t the current Master, those heroes… … .]

“It’s more irritating if you cling to it in detail. This is right.”

It would have been very annoying if she had even poured out tears to tell her not to go.

No matter how they reacted, it was only a hindrance to me.

“What if I take the weak and die? It’ll be annoying if I’m taken hostage. I’m more comfortable alone.”

[Then me?]

“You’re from Server 1. I needed a guide.”

I have no intention of delaying.

When you enter Server 1, you immediately attack Mobius Headquarters.

speedy conclusion. I will finish it as soon as possible before their hands reach out elsewhere.

“Oh, I’ve been thinking of a new name for you.”

[My Name?]

“You said you wanted to be real?”

Nissel, Samsel, Tassel, Rosell… … .

I came up with a few derivative names, but none of them fit.

“Change the toy-like body you made.”


“Then will you stay?”

Issel pursed his lips.

The physiques of the fairies belonging to Moebius are, at most, about the size of an adult male’s forearms.

Also, all of them had the appearance of immature girls. It should be seen as a miniature version of a human being. There was no doubt that Tell had made it this way on purpose.

“After this fight, I’ll get you a pretty body. The one you like. Hold on until then. Frey.”

[…] … Frey.]

“Why, that’s not good? It’s because I don’t have a good naming sense. Please understand.”

[No, no no.]

Isel muttered the name several times, then shook her head.

[Fray! It sounds like there is something! I think it goes well with Loki.]

“I’m glad.”

[It’s a bit awkward, but it’s better than Isel. Yes, my name to be reborn is… … Freydot!]

Isel, no, Frey laughed, blushing.

Then he started humming in a high pitched voice.

I hit it with a name that I heard somewhere, but I think it was the correct answer.

‘This guy… … He’s quite useful.’

It wasn’t brought to you by a moment of sympathy.

After the fight in Taoneer, I already connected data with Frey. The fairy’s unique multifaceted and wide-ranging calculation ability will be of great help in the ensuing battle. To put it in an analogy, it would be the effect of evolving from a single core to a dual core.

[cancer! cancer! Leave this body to me! I’ll take care of anything!]

Frey laughed out loud.

Then, suddenly, he looked at me with a worried expression.

[So, can’t you just throw me away?]

“of course.”


A large vibration was felt in the airship.

It was a sign of a leap forward. It has transcended yet another dimension.

‘It’s not long.’

Less than an hour was left before we reached the border with Server 1.

I put a wolf fur cloak on my front. Shall we take a nap? Rest like this will be impossible in the future. Enough… … .


said Frey in a low voice.

I got up from my chair.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to rest.”

Beyond the horizon, countless black dots were approaching.

Woo woo woo woo.

You can also hear it here.

The noise of countless airships burning fuel.

“How many?”

[82 large class, 113 medium class, 155 small class.]

350 to be exact.

I got up from my chair.

‘I do not belong to Mobius.’

At first glance, it looks like a single mass, but the structure, equipment, and formation of the airships were varied.

It wasn’t difficult to tell them apart. I’ve seen troops like this before.

Above the sky, a huge hologram letter appeared.

[This time, Masters will face an unprecedented, unprecedented, strongest, and worst enemy!]

[The malicious master who spreads various bugs and cheats, Loki, is trying to subvert the server! Show the strength of the united masters. Our Moebius is with the Master!]

I clicked my tongue.

You should also worry about eating in moderation.

<Compensation information>

[Masters who defeat the main boss ‘Loki’ will receive super rewards including the Book of Reversal, the key item for 7-star promotion!]

[One more reward according to the contribution of defeating the boss!]

[In addition to various clearing and participation rewards… … .]


[Masters of all servers can participate in this raid.]

[Going everyone! Show justice to outlaws who don’t know the good!]

“Do you think this works?”

[However, looking at the gathered fleet… … .]

“That’s right. I’m doing this because it works.”

Even in this situation, where the server is half-dead and the operation has become a dead end, there are so many.

A number of users quit due to a series of accidents, but it was not enough to close the server yet.

The guys gathered here are the so-called deceased figures of the game. They were genuine dogs and pigs who barked when the operator told them to bark and rolled when told to roll. Whether it was because they didn’t want to spend money or for other reasons, they had no intention of giving up the game yet.


[‘Death protection’ is applied to all heroes on the field!]

[When the battle with Loki takes place, even if the hero dies, it does not disappear. Heroes with death protection are resurrected after a certain period of time, and their levels, abilities, and skills are comprehensively reduced. Keep that in mind!]


[The ‘Blessing of the Supreme Goddess’ is applied to all heroes in the field.]

[The stats of all heroes increase by 200%, and the effect of all skills and imprints increases!]


[To the heroes across the field… … .]

From the beginning, various buffs are being pushed in.

crunchy I threw out the empty biscuit bag.

[Dimensional Channel (GM Only) – 3 Participants]

[GM Largo – Kihehehe! Dare to go against the CEO, it’s cheap even if you die a hundred times! Let’s die ugly there!]

[GM Sendain – Our CEO Shin Joong-sin! don’t support anyone I will show you that authority until you get tired of it!]

[GM Ueryl – Frey? Does a lesser elf have a name? Fufufufu!]

I shrugged.

Numerous Masters have been looking at the chat window, but they don’t seem to have any intention of hiding it.

This is a game that will be folded anyway.

<Master Loki!>

The man’s majestic voice rang out.

A voice of immense power. He seemed to be the commander-in-chief of this raid.

<We do not know who you are or what you have done. However, one thing can be said. If you don’t want to cut the lifelines of your heroes, surrender immediately. I will end it with only your life.>


<Don’t think you’ll be like El Cid! You don’t get the same thing twice. Here, even your synthesis abilities are not at their full potential. It’s a pointless fight!>

I stretched out my right hand.

charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Hundreds and thousands of threads, imperceptible to the naked eye, stretched out into the air.

Transparent threads spread in all directions like a spider’s web.


[Yes, I’ll connect!]

Frey’s eyes glowed blue.

The data of the current field is being read.

‘I can see it.’

Countless data passed by my sight.

A realm not allowed for human interpretation.

However, I was able to read it.

[000010101010101010101010… … .]

[110101110100101010111011… … .]

[010010111010010101011100… … .]

[011111010001010111010101… … .]

Was it like this

The system of this world resembles the source code of a program.

‘Three thousand people.’

It was the number of the subjugation party gathered here.

All light users were folded, so only true hard users were gathered.

It is flooded with 6-star max-level heroes armed with various rare skills, equipment, and engravings.

<Stop the airship right now and drop your weapon. Loki! I won’t warn you twice!>

However, the Amkena did not stop.

They just silently advance towards the subjugation party that filled the sky.

Their fleet spread out and tried to encircle us.

[End of analysis!]

“You can stop now. Good job.”

[eww… … ugh… … This is my first time… … .]

Frey, who was sweating profusely, stretched out.

I set her gently on the deck.

<If you ignore the warning, our fleet will pulverize your airship… … .>

“I can hear you, so stop talking.”

<Did you think of surrendering now?>

I narrowed my brows.

Hundreds of meters ahead, a man in silver armor stood at the bow of a super-sized flying ship.

That guy seemed to be the leader of the subjugation party. Behind the captain, numerous elite heroes were standing upright.

<I know your exploits. I want to treat you with respect. If you obediently offer your head, I won’t touch your land. Airship right now… … .>


<… … Are you insane?>

The captain’s voice lowered.

<You are so arrogant. For the sake of your honor, I tried to treat you well.>

“Are you saying you’re not going to get out of the way?”

<I will not leave a corpse behind.>

I grabbed my right hand.

charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! The thread that stretched countless times returned to its place.

‘Get ID.’

It would have been a different story if they had been able to use interference, but there didn’t seem to be such heroes.

It must be that cases like Siris are not common.

No matter how much I am, killing 10,000 humans at the same time is a burden.

I didn’t want to be a murderer on purpose.

‘therefore… … .’


<Prepare for battle!>

The captain drew his sword.

The magic cannons aimed at me opened fire side by side.

The Amkena continued to accelerate and was gaining speed.

Just before the Japanese artillery fire was launched.

<Battle of bullets… … .>


I snapped my fingers.

pop! Puff puff puff!

Thousands of shells rushing towards me were extinguished all at once.


<… … .>

The Amkena we rode leisurely passed between the punitive forces.

Surrender and all, when there was a deafening noise, now it is quiet as if water has been poured on it.

<This… … how… … .>

The captain was still alive.

I set the odds to half, but luckily it didn’t seem to be caught.

On the other hand, exactly half of the men standing behind him were gone. If I handled it with a little more care, I could have absorbed it, but even if I ate these miscreants, I wouldn’t even get a message.

I smiled and wrapped my cloak around.

[Me, Loki.]


[Balancing the universe… … It’s not very fun.]

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

[I just wanted to try it]


The airship that hit the border of the field broke through the dimension once more.

The entrance to Server 1 was right in front.

‘… … .’


Just now, it seemed like he had lost another memory, but he decided not to care.

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not work with dark mode