Pick Me Up! Chapter 296


296. Ragnarok (1)

Take a deep breath and once.

Exhale and then again.

I slowly savored the air filling my lungs.

The air here was disturbingly mixed with the thick smell of blood, the smell of burns, and the peculiar smell of metal, causing discomfort.

‘Taoneer’s waiting room.’

This is where my second life began.

Without knowing why, I fell here, struggled to survive, and killed and crushed someone. and… … .


I opened my eyes.

The scenery of the upgrade center came into view.

It hasn’t changed much from before. Except for the fact that Nisled and the Assassins of Niflheim who attacked me were nowhere to be seen.

I touched the bifrost at the waist.

With every beat of my heart, something hot spread throughout my body.

This is a gift I received from them.

Unprecedented power was circulating through his veins and getting thicker and thicker.


I looked sideways.


[Dimension 1035, ‘forced suppression posture’ is being activated in ‘Taoni’!]

[Effect: Disable ‘continuous recovery’ in the waiting room]

[Effect: All heroes’ stats -75%]

[Effect: Abnormal Status Resistance -75%]

[Effect: Magic power reduction -75%]

[Effect: Effect of skill and imprint, duration -50%]

The debuffs applied to the heroes became much worse.

3/4 of all abilities were cut off, abnormal status resistance and magical power were reduced, and skills and imprints were extremely weakened.

‘Forcible suppression posture.’

I’ve heard of Issel.

When faced with an unavoidable bug account, it was an emergency martial law imposed on the field with the authority of Omega Zero, that is, the CEO.

[Effect: All stats + 200% to NPCs belonging to ‘Mobius’]

[Effect: Grants ‘continuous recovery’ to NPCs belonging to ‘Mobius’]

[Effect: Grant ‘Frenzy’ to NPCs belonging to ‘Mobius’]

[Effect: To an NPC belonging to ‘Mobius’… … .]

For some reason, the body was said to be heavy, so a curse was applied.

No matter how well-trained a hero is, if these restrictions are placed on him, he will not be able to demonstrate even half of his abilities.

‘… … then.’


I opened the door to the lift and went out.

Next to the fountain in the middle of the plaza, heroes dressed in Niflheim’s costumes were lying in a pile.

“Find the target. Initiate suppression.”

The Mobius commandos, who were gathering by the fountain, began to move.

The number is thirty.

[Mobius Inc.]

[Delta Ranger Lv.99] X 37

I could tell at a glance.

They’re not ordinary guys.

Weapons trained only for war.

They were true Moebius elites, on a different level from the guards I fought on the dimensional liner.

Fully automatic assault rifle designed with bullet-proof, anti-magic, and bullet-proof helmets that cover the entire head and cutting-edge technology. From the special protective clothing covering the whole body to the efficient movements that prove that they have undergone high-intensity training.


The captain, who had been muttering something to the communicator, stepped forward.

His face was also hidden by his helmet. A mechanical voice came from inside the helmet.

“Master Loki. Surrender obediently. The current location has already been occupied. If you rebel, your safety cannot be guaranteed.”


Thirty bullets were pointed at my body.

The muzzle is aimed at different orientations and places. No matter how I move, I will fire towards it. I was preoccupying the angle I would avoid. It was an extremely excellent encirclement, which could be guessed at the level of training.

“Has the waiting room already been captured?”

I smiled.

probably not I could still feel the presence of enemies and heroes upstairs.

It seems that a small number of commandos were put in here first, probably through a coordinated teleport.

“A compulsory suppression posture has been issued at the current location.

“That’s what I’m going to say.”

I muttered in a languid voice.

“If you don’t want to die, get out of the way. The road to go is busy.”

“……Start suppressing the target.”

The captain raised his hand.


At speeds reaching 900 m/s, dozens of 5.56mm rounds were fired simultaneously.


The bullets seem to have a high-level curse engraved on them.

If it hits properly, it not only deals physical shock, but also magical damage at once.

It was a combination of science and magic. Great.


The bullets were spinning wildly and rushing at me.

slowly. very slowly

In a world slowed down by a thousandth,

I closed my eyes.

I can feel it now.

The power of the true ancient species that ruled and ruled a dimension.

‘Lantia Nior.’

A transcendental species called the King of Jeokmi (赤尾王).

The saintess who borrowed his power gave me trouble.

However, the power the saintess used was mere dust compared to the real one.

[Fate Eye, activated!]

I opened my eyes.

In the distance, my red eyes were reflected on the metal wall.

‘Stochastic future observation.’

future vision.

Countless red tracks were drawn in front of my eyes.

The path the bullet moves is shown in advance.

‘Possibility to hit… … Is it 99.99%?’

I turned my body lightly.

The stopped time has moved.

one step sideways.

two steps back.

Again three steps sideways.

run slightly forward

With that alone, all 93 bullets pierced the air.


You don’t even have to draw your sword.

I turned sideways and approached them.

I raised the chin of the guy in the front with my palm.


The glass of the bulletproof helmet shattered, and red blood gushed out.

“Prepare for close combat!”

Paper weave!

They pulled out their suppressors in unison.

At least hundreds of thousands of volts of current were flowing on the surface of the suppressor.


I smiled.

‘I can see everything.’

It is not an ability built up through training and experience in martial arts.

Where is this guy going to attack me? How to move and when to swing your arms.

it just looks

puck! Perk! puck!

With each swing of his arm, the bloodied commandos flew one by one.

Even protective clothing harder than steel and a high-tech helmet with all sorts of magical treatments are useless.

“Zu, request for reinforcements…!”

The water surface of the fountain was stained red.

“About a 75% decrease in stats…”

“Even if I cut that much, it doesn’t even show.”


I punched my fist into the bulletproof glass of my helmet.

The commando, whose face was smashed, collapsed.

“Open your distance! Encircle and fire!”

It seems that the strategy has changed.

They were spread out in each direction, loading their rifles.


At that moment, the corner of the plaza. Space was distorted and a portal was created.

It seems that new troops are about to be brought in. I stepped lightly and flew to it, then inserted my index finger into the portal. The dimension gate that was supposed to be created disappeared again.

“What, what…? How…”


I stamped my foot hard.

[Unknown Error!]

[Unknown Error!]

[Unknown Error!]

[Hero, ‘Ability -75%’ applied to ‘Han (★★★★★★★)’ is released… … .]

[Hero, ‘Han (★★★★★★★)”s ‘Status Ailment Resistance -75%’ cancelled… … .]

[Hero, ‘Han (★★★★★★★)”s ‘Magic Decrease -75%’ cancelled… … .]

[The hero, which was being applied to ‘Han (★★★★★★★)’… … .]

I stretched out my right hand.

A man who was trembling and loading a rifle came in with my hand.


“Look into my eyes.”

I put my right eye on his face.

‘Definite change in the future.’

It was the second ability of the Jeokmi King.

Paper weave! Red lightning flashed from his right eye.

“You kill all your comrades.”


“You die too.”

The boy started to tremble all over.

Before long, the guy staggered to his place… … .


They started firing their rifles at the nearby commandos.

In an instant, the commandos, who had become hives, collapsed one by one.

10 seconds later.

Having shot all of his teammates, the man put the gun under his chin.



The blood spurted by the corpses formed pools.

I took a small breath and snapped my fingers.

Woo woo woo.

The corpse trembled, expelling white particles.

Those particles became a beam of light and were sucked into my body.

‘this… … The power of the real ancient species.’

I only used the power of one of the four.

I was about to laugh out loud. There are no cheats like this.

‘With this power… … .’

things that are gods.

Even with such a terrifying power, he was only holding his back?

All they did was get in shape and roll the inhabitants of their world.

What happened in Taonier is only part of it.

They made fun of the fate of the heroes and made fun of them, trying to reign as rulers until now, when destruction was imminent. without taking any risks.

‘Thirty-two people in total.’

It was the number of divinities existing in all of Mobius, extracted from the memories of Rantia and Stenberg.

Each of them holds a high-ranking directorship of Mobius, and the representative director, ‘Tell’, is located at the top.

‘All of them are trash.’

I grinned.

I’m glad there are many

If there were only a few people, the fun of killing would not have been enough.

Woo woo woo.

The dimensional portal opened once again.

It seemed like they were going to send more troops.

‘Am I incapable of learning?’

It was my consideration to close the aisle with my own hands.

Because I thought the first thing to do was to clear up the chaos in the waiting room.

But if it comes out like this, I think I will have to change my plan.


[…] … .]

A little fairy appeared with star dust.

Isel was looking at me with a frightened expression.

[really… … Loki… … that’s right?]


[terrible… … .]

Issel closed her eyes.

His body was trembling.

[really… … terrifying… … interference… … .]

is it.

It devoured four deities and thousands of heroes all at once.

However, this was just the beginning.

32 litters left.

If you suck them all in, you’ll be able to do it with the little pup.

“Don’t be afraid. Will my subordinates be like that?”

I smiled and put my hand on Issel’s head.

Snug. stroked lightly Isel’s trembling body gradually subsided.

[really… … Loki?]

“There’s been quite a bit of work inside. I don’t want to explain it now.”

[…] … .]

“And, I have something to tell you.”

Isel’s eyes turned to me.

I calmly opened my mouth.

“From now on, I’m going to Server 1 to destroy Mobius Corporation.”

[…] … .]

“I’m going to kill them all. Directors and CEOs alike. All trash that gets in my way. It’s no use even if I run away. I’ll follow you to the end of hell.”

[that… … .]

“Choose, Issel. Will you stay by my side. Or will you go back to work.”

[I am… … .]

I met Issel’s gaze.

This guy is nothing more than a low-level manager at Mobius.

It doesn’t matter if you ignore it. If this guy can do it, I can easily do it now.

‘still… … .’

It is true that it helped me a lot.

[…] … Loki.]


[If I’m with you, can I be real?]

be real

Well, maybe you have that kind of desire.

Right now, this guy is just one of the many, many fairies scattered across tens of millions of waiting rooms.

Substitutes are widely available. There are close to 100 million of them with the same look and name.

but… … .

“of course.”

I said with a smile.

[…] … huh.]

Issel wiped the tears from her eyes and sat on my shoulder.

that it was promised. To be hostile to the Creator who created him.

I’ll have to think of a new name for this guy.

‘When this thing is over.’

Garbage is strewn everywhere.

I decided to start cleaning.

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not work with dark mode