Pick Me Up! Chapter 28


28. Paid 5 Gacha (3)

After a while, the maned wolf mercenary returned.

“This, there were only weak miscellaneous things!”

Jaqen licked the ax blade with his tongue.

There are no casualties.

There is no sign of embarrassment.

I went in like it was natural and came back like it was natural.

No wonder they were scared.

Those guys had a different atmosphere from the first stars. It felt like something was standing still.

“Who are you?”

The man with the scar on his eye looked at me and said.

It was Avant.

I answered.

“I don’t mind.”

“Hey, what are you talking about so arrogantly?”

“You’re the one who spoke plainly first.”

“What else is this bitch?”


Avant took a step forward and said.

Jaqen, who had a blood clot on his forehead, became quiet.

“I’m Avant Dezik. I’m the leader of the Maned Wolf Mercenary Corps. You?”


“You’re wearing a weapon too. Were you a mercenary?”

“No. He was a farmer.”

“You’re a farmer?”

A light of contempt flashed in Avant’s eyes and quickly disappeared.

Avant continued.

“Is the number of people gathered just now all of the people here?”

“But why?”

“That’s enough.”

[for a moment!]

Avant, who was heading to the inn, stopped walking.

Isel, who came out hastily, said.

[wait! Master still has business with you.]

“What’s the matter?”

[Anyway, don’t go recklessly!]

Jenna whispered, her mouth pressed into my ear.

“Brother, you asked me earlier what kind of people do you think? Opinions have been decided. In the bad way.”

“The reason is?”

“Your eyes look strange. Edith unnie seems kind…”

“I see.”

[Master, 10 consecutive summons begin. I’m looking forward to what kind of hero will come out!]

An unexpected message came into view.

At a time like this, it’s a sudden 10-year summon.


No, I was summoned because it was this time.

I touched the sheath of the waist dance. A tingling sensation clung to his fingertips.

[Talkak, Turururu.]

[Follow me!]


[Master ‘Amkena’… … .]


[Master ‘Amkena’… … .]

The door to the summons opened.

Me, Zena, and the entire Maned Wolf Mercenary Corps also set their eyes on it.

After a while, 10 different men and women walked out into the square. This was before they even grasped the situation.

[Master, synthesis begins.]

[Drag and drop a hero to be sacrificed to the hero you want to synthesize! The sacrificed hero will perish.]

[Such a jerk again!]

Isel, who realized Amkena’s intentions, wrinkled her face, but she couldn’t refuse an order once given. Isel raised his voice.

[Jaqen, Diman, Lexigle! Enter the synthesis!]

“You, who are you! How do you know my name? Us…”

“Master says go in! Shut up and go in! Diman, Lexigle! Which one of you are you? Come out quickly!”

Jaqen came out, snapping his knuckles.

Jenna muttered with a stiff expression.

“no way…….”

“I can’t believe it.”

“Anyway, I just came!”

‘Is it because it’s the first time I’ve ever had a paid lottery?’

Now Amkenna is making a big mistake. It is true that most of the first stars are useless, but there are many talented people among them who will definitely be used invaluable. However, he was trying to put freshly picked 1 stars without any verification.

“Are you Diman? It looks like you!”


“Follow me! Follow me!”

Jaqen grabbed the man with his mighty arms and dragged him to the synthetic lab.

“Jaqen! Take one more person. Who is Lexigle?”

An old man sighed.

Jaqen grinned and grabbed the old man with the other arm. The two were taken to the synthesis center without any resistance. The door is closed.

After a while.

[Synthesis complete!]

[‘Diman(★)’ and ‘Lexigle(★)’ become light and disappear.]

[‘Jaken (★★★)’, level up!]

“Haha, this makes me feel stronger!”

Jaqen came out of the synthesis center with both arms spinning.

[Avant, Soriol, Danil!]

“What, what! What are you doing!

“Don’t let me escape!”

According to Avant’s command, the mercenaries drew their weapons. People’s faces became pale from the sharp blue blade. They trembled in the corner of the plaza, stranded.

“What are you doing? Aren’t you the same maned wolf?”

Avant pulled out his longsword and spoke to Edith behind him.

Edith hadn’t drawn her weapon.


Edith lowered her head, bit her lip, and drew the dagger.

Jenna jumped up and said.

“This is wrong!”

[‘Jenna(★)’ expresses dissatisfaction with the action just now!]

“What are you? If you don’t want to get hurt, get squashed!”

“We have to give it a minimum chance! Where is the law like this! Oppa, what do you think? Do you think this is right? This isn’t it!”


I closed my eyes.

I’ve been through a lot since coming here.

‘It’s been a lot. really. To the extent that people change.’

I opened my eyes.

“Isel, answer me!”

[Yes, tell me.]

“Put a tip to the master. If you don’t use any 1 star, they say you don’t know.”

[uh? that… … .]

“Okay, didn’t you know?”

[Now, wait a minute!]

Isel fluttered his wings in panic and disappeared.

[Tips/If you don’t write any 1 star, you won’t know. Rather than recklessly synthesizing, how about watching over time?]

Master’s operation stopped.

After a while, the door to the synthetic lab was closed. The mercenaries who had smiles on their faces hardened in an instant. Jaqen approached me with a lifeless expression.

“What are you disturbing?”

“Interfering? I was just advising.”

“Did you give me advice?”

“What, pick it up?”

“Is this bastard crazy!”

Jaqen, who was swinging the axe, stopped on the spot.

Jenna’s arrowhead was pointed at his head.

“Did they point their weapons at us?”

Avant murmured.

I grinned and took the sword out of the scabbard. And he aimed it straight at Avant’s face.

“Avant. Let’s finish here for today. It’s too late…”

“You’re shutting up!”

Avant pushed Edith hard and asked me.

“Do you know who we are?”

“You know. That’s it.”

I pointed to the bones rolling around on the plaza floor.

“What is that?”

“It’s trash.”

In an instant, Avant drew his sword and charged at me.

I stopped until the sword was in front of me.


Isel got in between me and the Avant. The blade of the Avant hit the transparent membrane and stopped midway. Avant’s eyes flashed and his sword gripped his hand with strength.

“Get out of the way. If you don’t want to get hurt.”

[Fights between heroes are prohibited! Do you want to be scolded by the Master?]

“It wouldn’t be banned.”

I said.

[That’s true!]

‘Is it time to use it?’

[‘Avant (★★★)’ shows hostility to ‘Han (★)’!]

[‘Jaken(★★★)’ shows hostility towards ‘Han(★)’!]

[‘Waif(★★★)’ shows hostility towards ‘Han(★)’!]

[‘Baignin (★★★)’ shows hostility to ‘Han (★)’!]

[A hostile relationship has formed between the ‘Han (★)’ and ‘Maned Wolf’ teams. Observe carefully between heroes!]

Edith lowers her head.

I looked at Avant and said.

“Hey, be honest. Aren’t you a mercenary?”

“What nonsense are you talking about?

“Don’t berate them. They’re bandits.”

“Let’s see, you’re talking too much! Do you want to be cut into pieces!”

I have no intention of pretending to be a warrior of justice now.

It’s just that these guys are just a hindrance. Occasionally, a hero with an evil tendency is summoned regardless of rank. They gossip in the waiting room and cause all sorts of chaos. It was the main culprit that harmed the order of the waiting room and reduced efficiency.

In other words, it is garbage that needs to be weeded out.

This was the second and true meaning of weeding out.

I gather these guys into a party and send them out as advance guards for advanced dungeons. They were mostly wiped out.

If I were a Master, I would do that, but unfortunately I am a hero. Then it was time to use the second method.

“Isel, open the duel.”

[Wait, a duel?]

[‘Han(★)’ challenges ‘Avant(★★★)’ to a duel!]

[Tips/Dueling is one of the means of resolving disputes between heroes. Depending on the agreement of both parties, special conditions may be imposed.]

“You’ll see all the crazy ones. What damage are we doing to you?”

“I think I was bitten by a mad dog.”

I know the habits of these guys very well.

If you think your opponent is weaker than you, you will mercilessly crush them. It must have been for the sake of exploration that you asked me if all the people gathered just now were there. If someone stronger than you is here, it will be difficult.

When I answered no, I made a judgment, and this was the result.

“Even if I eat a freshly picked star, I don’t even get a message. Right?”

“Oh-ho. Are you saying you want to be the sacrifice?”

“If you beat me.”

“Brother, what are you talking about?”

“It’s simple. If I win, he eats him, and if he wins, he eats me.”

“That’s fun.”

[‘Avant (★★★)’ accepted the duel.]

[The duel condition suggested by each hero is ‘synthesis’. Do you agree?]

[Yes / No (optional)]

‘Is it a refusal?’

I laughed bitterly.


[‘Han(★)’ expresses his confidence!]

[Will you accept the duel between ‘Han(★)’ and ‘Avant(★★★)’?]

After thinking for a while, Amkenna made a decision.

[Yes / No]

[The duel between ‘Han(★)’ and ‘Avant(★★★)’ begins!]

“Avant, you don’t need to step out…”

“Jolttagu is out of it. You guys have nothing to do with it.”


I saw 1 stars trembling in the corner of the plaza.

“Jenna, take them to the inn. Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Will you be okay by yourself?”

“Do you think I will lose?”

“That’s right!”

Jenna folded her bow and approached the newcomers.

They looked at Jenna with frightened eyes.

“It’s dangerous here, so follow me. I’ll guide you to a safe place.”

Following Jenna’s guidance, the 8 survivors returned to their quarters.

The mercenaries looked at me with amazed eyes. Only Edith was chewing her lips and looking at the floor.

“If the word surrender comes out of one of the two mouths, the game is over. Do you agree?”

“I’ll do whatever you want. I won’t kill you. I need a fresh offering.”

“Isel. Keep an eye on the others so they don’t interfere.”

[Are you really okay?]

“I’m not losing.”

“Ha, great.”

Avant laughed as if it was absurd.

Then he drew his sword and charged at me.

I had already looked at the guy’s status window.

Level 2. Strength is already close to 20. Low-level swordsmanship has also reached the third level. If you simply look at the ability, it was a good tree to grow.


[‘Han (★)’ has entered a berserk state!]

I grabbed Avant’s head and pinned him to the floor.

Blood splattered where the face was hit.

He drew his sword at once and inserted it into Avant’s right wing bone. The blade pierced the leather armor, pierced the bone and lodged itself in the metal floor.


Avant screamed for the plaza to leave. How many of his teeth were knocked out, the wind roared from his screams.

‘Status window.’

[Han Israt(★) Lv. 9 (Exp 11/70)]

[Class: Novice]

[Strength: 28/23 + 5]

[Intelligence: 1/11 – 10]

[Health: 26/21 + 5]

[Agility: 26/21 + 5]

[Possessed Skills: Lesser Swordsmanship (Lv.5), Pain Resistance (Lv.2), Calmness (Lv.3), Berserk (Lv.1)]

[Current Status: Berserk (Lv.1)]

I finally succeeded in going into a berserk that I couldn’t eat.

One side of his head was burning hot, but an unknown sensation neutralized the heat.

I looked down at Avant.

How many level differences are there? His skills are also less than mine.

This kind of situation is perfect for a guy who runs rampant without knowing the fountain. Avant lay on his stomach and wriggled.


“It hurts more when I move.”

You won’t die unless you explode your head or heart.

My right hand is sore because I gave it too much power. I turned my wrist and looked at the mercenaries. They were staring blankly at the Avant.

Suddenly Jaqen raised an ax and came running.

Isel flew in front of Jaken and swung his right hand. Isel’s right hand moved so fast that he couldn’t see it, grabbing his ax and throwing it away.

I smiled and whispered into Avant’s ear.

“Say surrender.”

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