Pick Me Up! Chapter 253


253. Battle of the Saints (4)


The stone statue struggled and twisted its upper body.

I twisted the hilt with my feet firmly planted on the ground. Hundreds of meters of blades dug deeper into his body.

Paper weave!

Dark red lightning constantly bounced all over her body.

I bit my teeth until they bleed.

‘Not yet… … It’s not easy.’

Even if the penalty like Exceed or Black Dragon Rin disappeared, Demon Dragon Soul was not a skill that could be used infinitely.

Absolutely there are limits. This skill amplified the sword’s gravity and at the same time, I had to go through delicate adjustments so that I could handle it. On days when I make even one mistake… … Everything around Freea, including me, will be crushed.

Bifrost cut the statue in half and walked past.

The guy staggered and glared at me. Huge eyes resembling glass beads began to flicker white.

[The ancient stone statue casts ‘Eye Beam’!]


A white light emanated from its eyes and pierced me.

[This hero is immune to magic!]

[This hero is immune to magic!]

[This hero is immune to magic!]

[This hero is immune to magic… … .]

The Kaga Gaga River!

Well, it crashed into the barrier in front of me and just disappeared.

I sneered and put strength in my hand.

And in an instant, it swung to the side.

cutting done.

There was a scream as if something was about to explode, and the upper part of the statue’s body began to slide diagonally.

I brushed my sword. charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Bifrost instantly returned to its original form.

“Han, what are you…!”

“It’s not a very nice look.”

I brushed the dust off the blade.

Freea was looking up at me with trembling eyes.

In those golden eyes, my image, which had become a monster, was reflected.

“It’s not like that. It’s just…”


“……I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize. I chose it because I wanted it. Let’s chat later and get out of here.”


Only then did the upper body of the stone statue fall to the ground.

A huge cloud of dust rose along with a pillar of sand.

I lowered my sword wide and cut it.

The sandstorm that hit us lifted at once.

‘… … This is the end.’

The ancient stone statue stopped moving.

Only his waist and two legs lay on the sand.

It stopped functioning after a single slash. It was an absurd end when I recalled the past with dozens of party members who went through all kinds of hardships to subdue this guy.

The golem was easily finished, but the illusion was not over yet.

I looked down the hill.

A vortex of light swirled around.

“let’s go.”

“Ah, got it.”

Freea grabbed my hand and stood up.

It’s stinging because it’s full of scales, but it can’t be helped.

[Drag and drop the screen! Please extend a helping hand to the NPC trapped in illusion!]

Amkena redraws the screen.


[The dimensional door connected to the fantasy has opened!]

‘I’ll have to finish it as soon as possible.’

I clenched my fists.

It is impossible to maintain the state of mineification indefinitely.

All illusions had to be defeated within a certain amount of time.

<Are you not confident even with that much power?>

“No, it’s just a little annoying.”

Yeah, just a little annoying.

I took a short breath and stepped into the vortex of the third dimension.

The now accustomed feeling of floating engulfed my whole body.

Eventually, when I opened my eyes again.


[The hero ‘Han (★★★★★)’ has entered the ‘third fantasy world’.]

[A special mission has been assigned. If the mission fails, the special NPC ‘Priasis Al Ragna’ will die. Master, watch the situation carefully!]

I looked around.

rippling water and waves.

I was thrown onto a raft in the open sea.

‘Is it this much?’

I still can’t see Freya’s figure.

I looked up.

“It can’t be like this. Is there anything stronger?”

I smiled.

Ancient sorcery or whatever, whenever they mocked it, and now it’s quiet.

<The time has finally come.>

A voice sounded like it was being crushed.

The source of the voice is below the surface of the water.

Rough waves crashed, and the raft rocked as if it would capsize.

I straightened my sword.

Well, I’m going to go easy this time.

Because this guy seems to be my target.

[Floor 35(?).]

[Mission Type – Subjugation]

[Goal – Destroy the water dragon!]

oh oh oh oh!

A column of water gushed out with a scream.

[God Dragon Ktaart Lv.81]

A huge, streamlined body that rises above the surface of the water.

The red-eyed water dragon that had been bothering me on the 35th floor appeared.

<It’s only possible.>

Halgion smiled.

Perhaps, I have a similar expression.

Because that child has a grudge.

‘You don’t kill easily.’

It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple resentment.

I firmly gripped the hilt of my sword.

<The real hunt begins… … .>

“Yes, the hunt begins.”


I kicked off the raft and jumped out.

Fragments of the smashed raft scattered in the air. Now it doesn’t matter whether it’s the sea or the air. Like a water swallow, I spurred the surface one after another and leaped toward Ktaat.

“You don’t kill easily.”

<Something like a weak human… … .>

<Hahahaha! A lowly mongrel barks!>


<… … ?!>

I pierced the neck of the water dragon that was about to bite me.

And hacked a few times.

Until the sea turns red with his blood.


I brushed off the blood soaked on the blade.

Far away, Freea, who was basking in the waves, looked at me with a blank expression.

“What’s next?”

I smiled and looked ahead.

Whirlpools of light sway over the sea. However, the light has become noticeably duller than at first. It seemed that the saintess’ secret arts were gradually approaching their limits.

‘Actually, I’m on the edge too… … .’

you shouldn’t be tea

I took Pria and went into the next illusion.

The next one was also a variation of the mission I had cleared.

A mission to survive 5 minutes against thousands of Tainted Goblins. A mission to reverse the game of war that is many times unfavorable. A mission to defend a fortress that is about to fall.

As the saintess asserted, it was a terrifying secret technique.

To the point where I was on the brink of death before awakening the Demon Dragon Spirit.

‘but… … .’

It’s too late.

I fought against Halgion countless times in the spirit world.

That number alone is more than ten thousand times. Thanks to this, his body had to be torn and cut into pieces thousands of times, but he was able to gain strength to match.

‘It’s not invincible.’

I knew that better than anyone.

Among the high ranker heroes, there are many monsters with stronger abilities than me.

No matter how much the weight of the sword is amplified hundreds of millions of times, it will not work if the physical force itself is neutralized. If Lidigion were an enemy, he would treat my Black Sword like a toy.

The same goes for the Black Dragon Rin.

The top heroes had at least one such ‘special means’.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to challenge the 80th floor.

Even for me now, if one of Niflheim’s 1st party gave up everything, they would be corpses and spread out within a minute.

Well, but that was a top-notch story.


I gave strength to my hand.

There was an unpleasant sound of bones shifting, and the broken black dragon’s neck drooped.

The last illusion is on the 20th floor.

As if trying to put an end to it, three black dragons appeared at once, but the compatibility was not so good.

What dwells in me is the ancestral existence of these guys.

‘There’s no way I can be an opponent.’

I brushed my hands.

Crying. Black blood spurted from the corpses of the black dragons.

This is the arena that was the stage on the 20th floor. They couldn’t last three minutes from me.

“Think of it as a dream. Forget it when you leave.”

I said to Fria, who was sitting behind me.

Freea kept her mouth shut and looked at the black dragon’s corpse alternately.



“You’ve gotten stronger. Really.”

“Because it’s been three years.”

3 years for this guy.

I beckoned her, and Fria nodded with a hard face before entering the vortex of light.

End with this.


[Hero ‘Han (★★★★★)’ has cleared the special mission.]

[The special NPC returns to the field.]

I then calmed down my breathing.

[‘Han (★★★★★)”s minecraft status has been cancelled.]

The scales sprouting here and there went into the skin.

The dark red lightning that wrapped around his body also disappeared as if it had been washed.

I squeezed my throbbing hand.

‘The situation outside… … .’

It’s almost over.

Although it was not completely recognizable, I was able to figure out the battle situation by referring to Amkena’s control window.

The number of enemies remaining in the holy city of Delhive is less than 500.

It was a landslide victory.

‘I did my part, so you should do yours too, right?’

I looked up.

Amkena immediately called the menu.

[Gift shop!]

[Purchase ‘War Horse Statue (X60)’ with 300,000 gold!]

[I present the ‘Warring Horse Statue’ to ‘Han(★★★★★)’!]

[I present the ‘Warring Horse Statue’ to ‘Han(★★★★★)’!]

[‘Warhorse Statue’… … .]


Remuneration was received.

<That’s ridiculous. Why are you obsessed with that useless piece of wood?>

“It’s not a useless piece of wood.”

<So what?>

“A wholesome hobby.”

It’s a give and take.

I don’t want to serve without pay either.

I smiled and looked ahead.

The illusion of the arena was gradually distorted, and a familiar landscape came to mind.

<… … .>

Before I knew it, I was back in the hall on the top floor of the temple.

In front of me, a saintess with a hard expression was looking at me.

The fantasy is over.


I took a step towards her.

This time the transparent walls didn’t block me.

<If it was your strength that I saw before… … It wouldn’t have been easy.>

“It’s the result of hard work. I’m not just playing around.”

<I didn’t expect the power of the ancient species to be this great. That’s great.>

Irene muttered as if in despair.

“Is there anything more? Something like the ultimate eye that can kill me in one shot.”

<If there was, I would have written it right away. Please let me know if you know. Let’s try hard.>

Irene covered her mouth and laughed.

sereung. I approached her with her blade drawn.

<Ancient stone statues, blue water dragons, and Halgion’s family heads… … It was like dust to you. So do I. >


<Is the princess alive?>

“Can’t you see?”

I looked over the terrace.

Freea, who was standing at the entrance of the castle, was looking up this way.

The pair of eyes floating in the sky disappeared completely, and only the shouts of victory from the mercenaries resounded.

<You said it before.>

Irene put her hands together neatly.

<Don’t take out your anger on the princess. She was just used by the goddess.>

“……It was.”

<I see, you know to some extent.>

I remember it well.

When the witch, the beast king, and the saint attacked Asinis’ camp.

Just before I was surrounded and attacked by them, I jumped off the cliff after saying that.

“Tell entered Freea’s dream and seduced him. He was tricked by flattery…”

<Do you think so?>

What do you mean?

I frowned.

<When you dream, can you notice that the dream is not reality?>


<Even if it’s a dream, if it’s sincere, the contract with the goddess will be established. in other words… … The princess really wanted to sell out all of us and Tao Nier. To give her another chance.>

“I can’t talk nonsense now.”

In a corner of my mind, the scene at the time was replayed.

The end of the world, the scenery during the 4-star promotion ceremony.

“You told me you wanted to do it again, even if you risked yourself and everything around you.”

I remembered Tell’s voice as he declared in front of everyone.

“I, the goddess of innocence, ‘Tell’, stake my soul and declare it. This is the clear truth.”

I turned the blade.

「Admit it. You sold them.”

Fria objected, but Tell finally spoke up.

“It was in your dream.”

I made a contract with you in my dream.

The contract created an excuse to intervene with the goddess, and Taonier became like this.

However, the contract was made in a state where Freea did not know the context. After knowing the back and forth, Pria definitely gave up on his contract.

‘A pun.’

Shameless shaking doesn’t work.

Because the situation at the time was checked several times.

It’s not a lie.

<You can never know the heart of a person.>

Irene took a step back.

Suddenly, her back was leaning against the railing.

<Anyway, thanks to the princess, we are here. It is the fate of suffering without dying or living, and then becoming your prey. I look forward to the look on her face when she knows the truth someday.>


<Please, enjoy your meal.>

Irene pushed her foot forward.

I didn’t even have time to stab my sword.

The saintess’ body slowly leaned back and disappeared from sight.

after a while

Amidst the cheers of victory, a very small sound, like something breaking, was heard.

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