Pick Me Up! Chapter 222


222. Mission type, multiple (2)

Field type is dark.

In the setting of Pick Me Up, it was an unknown place named as a super-dimensional space.

‘… … .’

I looked around.

In the sky that had turned purple, an afterglow shimmered like an aurora.

And under the sky, a vast forest spreads out. Up to this point, it was no different from the previous field, but the blackened forest was wriggling as if it were alive.



[The ‘Egg of Chaos’ starts working!]


The eyes of a giant egg in the middle of the forest opened.

“Brother, over there…!”


oh oh oh

The screams of the Chaos Eggs echoed throughout the field.

Tentacles protruded from the outside of the grayish-white shell and swayed.


The tentacles caught the herd of wyverns floating in the nearby sky like a whip.

Then, it took the prey with its mouth formed in the middle of its shell.


Countless teeth began to chew on the Wyvern.

At the same time, dozens of tentacles spread in all directions swept the monsters indiscriminately.

“…that’s not a very nice sight.”

Jenna smiled bitterly.

Well, when did that egg look good?


[Master, the ‘Egg of Chaos’ hunts surrounding monsters! When the level of evolution reaches 100, the ‘Egg of Chaos’ evolves into ‘Fluid of Chaos’. Meet the mission conditions on time!]

[Current Evolution: 001/100]

Oh oh oh oh!

The egg that swallowed a large monster the size of a building head first roared.

‘The goal has been set.’

Time Attack.

Before the evolution level reaches 100, the egg must be disposed of or its evolution slowed down.

There was no time to hesitate.

I looked over the field again.

More than 10,000 monsters swarming under the airship.

If that were all, it would be enough to deal with 30 monsters per hero, but monsters continued to pop up from somewhere. Faster than the tentacle can devour it.

‘Is it an impossible difficulty level?’

Novice masters tend to make assumptions only by seeing the beginning of the mission.

that this could never be broken


The masters are different.

They knew the higher rules of pick me up.

‘… … any task,’

Even if gods and demons come out,

There are strategies to break it.

<Han, what should I do?>

Edith’s voice echoed quietly.

It was a personal communication that only I could hear.

I put my hand on my ear.

“First of all, you have to go around the egg slowly and look at the field. There must be a hint for the strategy somewhere.”

I checked the notification window in the upper right corner of my field of vision.

[Current Evolution: 001/100]

The rate of evolution is not fast.

There was plenty of time to take a slow look at the field and organize the raid.

“Probably, on this type of mission, there’s a goddess statue hidden somewhere in the forest. It’s dangerous to get close to the egg, so let’s go around the forest and find the object. Ask those with good eyes to take a closer look.”

<That’s clear. ok.>

After cutting off communication with me, Edith immediately began disseminating what I had said through the command channel.

‘There aren’t many people who are scared.’

A few heroes have been seen in fear or panic, but they are recovering quickly.

was able to fight


The Lucette turned her bow.

Following Edith’s instructions, he was going around Al and exploring the field.

“I’ll come now.”

Belquist, who was crossing his arms, murmured.

It was as it was said.


The flying monsters that were hiding in the darkness of the forest flew up all at once.

Part of the sky seemed to turn black as they flew up. Hundreds even if you count them.

Naturally, their target was the Taonier airship fleet.

<Prepare for bombardment!>

Radi, Taonier’s chief mechanic and now fleet commander, shouted from the command channel.

clap. Kirik Kirik.

There was a mechanical sound, and four airships following the Lucette from behind each displayed their weapons.

From the basic armament of a large ballista to a repeating catapult and a magic cannon, the artisans of the equipment factory invested day and night to make it.

<La Siodio Cru.>

<Laundien yes.>

<La Bruceeum.>

On the other side, I heard the sound of wizards chanting.

In addition to the twins in the 2nd party, Amkena recruited several new wizards through paid draws.

A flash of magical power was rising from each airship.


[Contaminated Harpy Lv.48] X 321

[Contaminated Wyvern Lv.51] X 32

[Contaminated Chimera Lv.53] X 11

<Entire fleet, launch!>

Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!

Fire broke out side by side on the sides of the airship.

A harpy that was hit directly by a ballista arrow was cut to pieces, and the wing of a wyvern that was hit by the bombardment was torn.

Several meters of ice spears and bolts of lightning pierced one chimera from head to tail.

pop! Pupperpuppung! Puff puff puff!

Like fireworks, all over the sky were stained with flames, blood, and the screams of monsters.

<Archers, take care of those closest to you first!>

The monsters that pierced the airships and magicians had to face a barrage of arrows from the archers.


Paba Baba Baba Park!

The Chimera flying in the lead turned into a hedgehog and fell.

<We don’t have anything. I’m bored.>

Unfortunately, the fast ship, the Lucette, was unarmed.

“This is the first time I’ve ever shot an arrow without worrying about arrows.”

Jenna stood with her feet on a pole on the deck.

Beneath her feet was a barrel of dozens of steel arrows.

Jenna grinned and fed the string to the longbow.

[Unique skill, ‘Steel Storm’ activated!]


A single flash of light flashed, and the monsters caught in the arrow’s path shattered and disappeared.

“Don’t lose your strength and do it in moderation. We’re not here to deal with those petty idiots.”

“I know, I know. I will apply only when it seems dangerous.”


After killing the meter tall Chimera with a single shot, Jenna prepared her next shot.

<There is no armament, but there are human ballistas.>

“It’s not like a ballista.”

The flying monsters constantly flew up from inside the forest, but were being annihilated by the fire nets and arrow fire. So far, no one has succeeded in attaching to the airship’s hull.

‘It’s about time.’

I looked beyond the sky

The prince who turned the field into darkness had disappeared somewhere.

He’ll be watching us flirting with his men.

‘It can’t end here.’

I put my hand on the hilt of Bifrost’s sword.


[A dark portal is created!]

On the deck of an airship gliding through the sky.

The black hole twisted open.


[Contaminated Goblin Lv.38] X 315

[Contaminated Lizardman Lv.41] X 85

[Contaminated Human Soldier Lv.45] X 76

[Contaminated… … .]

All kinds of monsters came out of the hole and began to fall onto the deck of the airship.

The goblin in the forefront clung to the side of the Lucette.

<Raise the electric barrier!>

<Go! Million Volts!>

Jigsaw Jigsaw!


The roasted goblin fell hundreds of meters down.

High-voltage current is flowing in all parts except for the deck and interior of the airship.

It was a facility to prevent those who climbed up in this way.

<The melee ones stick to the railing! Ready for battle!>

“It’s about time.”

Belquist quietly drew his sword.

Dozens of monsters were falling on this side as well.


Kishasha, who exposed her fangs, clashed her fists.

[Unique skill, sign language (transcendence type) activated!]

[‘Kishasha (★★★★)’ transforms!]


Kishasha roared.

transcendental sign language. It brings the physical abilities of a beast without losing its human form.

It was a higher level than the existing sign language.

The ears of a fluffy tiger are sprouting from above the head.

Kishasha, whose tail waggled once, clenched her fists.

“Tiger Punch!”

Kishasha raised a fist.


With the sound of exploding bombs, the flesh and blood of monsters fell all over the deck.

“Don’t lose your strength from the beginning.”

“I know, Han! This is about warming up.”

A soldier fell from the edge of the deck.

The helmet was worn over the steel armor. There was no reason to be seen in the eyes peering through the armor.


He screams and stabs the window.

Kwajik. I took out the bifrost and cut it at the same time.

In an instant, the dismembered upper body of the soldier fell out of the airship.

I said after wiping the blood from my cheek.

“Each person decides their own area and organizes them. As I said before, our role is not to deal with petty people. Don’t use your strength unnecessarily and deal with it with minimal force. I will take over the aft side of the deck. Kishasha is the center, Belkist. Go ahead. Jenna will continue firing support, and Katio will rest without wasting magic.”

Everyone didn’t answer, but they moved as I said.

I walked to the back of the deck with my sword drawn. Just then, a Lizardman was falling.



When I threw a light jab with my left hand, the Lizardman, whose head had disappeared, stumbled and fell.

‘There aren’t many monsters here.’

The monsters that appeared from the gap of darkness were concentrated on the main unit of the raid.

In particular, hundreds of monsters were attached to the capitalism, the flagship of the raid. On the deck, heroes were fighting fiercely with monsters.

“We can make a passage to Unit 1.”

Katio, who was sheltering inside the deck, said.

I shook my head. There was no point in attacking if it was destroyed by an attack of this magnitude.

[Current Evolution: 004 / 100]

Evolution increased by 3 points.

Al was still in the process of preying on monsters while wielding tentacles.

<The basic formation is Wonjin! Get together as a party unit! Bring the injured on board immediately and treat them!>

Messages of heroes’ injuries came to mind one after another.

The number of monsters that have invaded the airship is already close to a thousand.

However, the hero’s side had not yet suffered a single fatality.

‘can do.’

The exchange rate between heroes and monsters was over 100 to 1.

This is enough to withstand tens of thousands of birds, not 10,000.

It would have been difficult if it was surrounded on the ground, but this was our stage, the sky.

[The warehouse is open!]

[Ballista Arrow X 13235]

[Magic Explosives X 9831]

[Health Recovery Potion (Intermediate) X 511]

[Magical Recovery Potion (Intermediate) X 364]

[Transport Summoning Stone X 318]

[Chun Jeon Seok… … .]

[Master, do you want to remotely supply the airship fleet? ‘Summoning Stone for Transmission’ is required for supply.]

[Yes / No]

Ammo and potions were full and overflowing.

Amkena, who opened the tactics menu, was steadily filling the airship with supplies.

It didn’t matter if I wrote all of them.

Taonier’s Equipment Factory, which resembles a large factory, is producing additional parts.

<Binary, Shift!>

A member change took place on deck.

The 2nd Army, who had been conserving their stamina on board, switched positions with the 1st Army, who were fighting in full swing.

As the space above the airship was limited, the shift system was the most effective tactic in this situation.

<They are no big deal. I can do it!>

Edith exclaimed.

[Hero ‘Edith(★★★★)’ comforts her colleagues!]

[The morale of the raid is rising!]

“It’s still boring.”

Belquist slashed the three soldiers in one motion.

Monster corpses were also piling up on the deck of the Lucette. First of all, most of them are dealt with at the current barrier. The number of monsters that land on the deck is not that many.

<It seems that there is nothing outside the forest.>

Edith sent a private message.

The Taoneer 1st Fleet circled around the edge of the field while dealing with the monsters, but there were no unusual objects like statues of goddesses.

“It must be inside.”

I looked deep into the forest where the eggs were wriggling.

Clouds of ominous colors were covering the place.

‘I have to break through that cloud.’

Well, there’s no way the object is outside.

Then it’s too easy.

<I’ll go in there.>


Edith cuts off communication.

after a while

<Instructions delivered! I’m going into the woods! A little scary, but… … !>

The Lucette began to turn.

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not work with dark mode