Pick Me Up! Chapter 203


203. Don’t hit me even with flowers (1)

Returning to the waiting room, I had to lie down for two days.

It wouldn’t matter if it was just a knife or arrow wound, but Exceed’s aftereffects couldn’t be fixed with simple recovery.

At the bedside, I explained what had happened to Jenna, who was agitated about what had happened.

The mission type suddenly changed and I was left alone, and I broke up to the 45th floor in that state.

More detailed information can be seen through the regeneration stone. It would be okay to leave the conversation with the sparrow, which contains the secret history of the empire, as it is. His voice will only be heard by me.

Anyway, the important thing is not the 45th floor.

No matter how difficult it was, it was a mission that had already passed.

The future was important.

‘The mission of the 50th floor is almost fixed.’

A large-scale battle with monsters will take place.

To prepare for that time, we need to increase the power in the waiting room.

Not only in quantity, but also in quality. The members of the 1st party, including me, are still not familiar with the fighting method of handling the imprint. In order to deal with boss-level objects smoothly in subsequent missions, this side also had to work.

‘Even Amkena will have no choice but to use her hands.’

After returning from the 45th floor, a notification window was displayed with a red warning icon on the right side of the menu window.


[The next main mission has a time limit.]

[If you do not clear by the specified period, the difficulty will increase significantly.]

The fixed period refers to the period before the egg hatches.

Amkena will also have a rough idea. The fact that if you don’t rush to clear the 50th floor, you’ll get in trouble. Every time I connected, I couldn’t help but be concerned when that warning window flashed.

Therefore, the current waiting room was in an emergency state.

“This is the current status of the waiting room.”

A few days later, in the office of the mansion.

I accepted the paper Nerissa handed over.

On the white paper, the progress of the ‘Taonier Force Reinforcement Plan’ was recorded in detail.

“100 low-level heroes have been selected, and 5 high-level heroes have been recruited. All of them are receiving training from instructors in the training center.

Nerissa calmly recited the contents of the report.

The content doesn’t matter. He summoned a lot of heroes and made his equipment.

“I think we will be able to put it on the front line within a month at the latest.”

“One month.”

The grace period will be more than that.

I was holding the Maginot Line for about two months.

“If these guys are usable, and the equipment is roughly equipped, there will be about 200 combat positions.”

“It is.”

“How about it, do you think it will work when you see it?”

Nerissa narrowed her brows.

This guy also watched the video of the 45th floor section with regeneration stone.

The records from that time also included the sight of me and Freea looking down at the army of thousands of monsters encamped near the egg.

“I don’t know if there are reinforcements or special objects.”

“There will be no reinforcements. Objects too.”


Nerissa didn’t answer.

Well, that was difficult.

“The number is not enough. Do you think it would be okay if I added more?”

“It will be difficult.”

Nerissa shook her head.

“Because there is a limit to the materials gathered from daily dungeons.”

“I guess so.”

I tapped the desk in my office with my index finger.

Currently, the total number of people in the main and sub combat positions in the waiting room is about 100.

We just hired 100 more, so now we have 200. But it’s not the end of the draw.

We had to feed them, equip them, train them, and maintain their morale.

‘I can’t do it anymore.’

Master’s level is 45.

At most, the mid-level dungeon was open.

As there was a limit to the amount that could be collected per day, there was a limit to the daily dungeon alone.

‘I can’t just tell them to eat potatoes.’

Amkena was aware of this situation.

It doesn’t make you stronger just by pulling it out.

It would be meaningless if the support was not done properly.

“If you can’t increase quantity, why not increase quality?”

“I’m doing that.”

Belquist is down as a daily instructor at the training center.

This morning, he was dragged out of the private training room by half force.

No matter how stubborn I was.

Jenna was supposed to go in the afternoon and Edith in the evening.

In order to make up for the lack of mission experience of the newcomers, a large amount of regeneration stones were also prepared.

They will relive the video records from the 5th to the 45th floor.

And I’ll start leveling up from the first floor.

‘If there is one peculiarity… … ,’

From the 41st floor to the 44th floor, you can’t repeat the challenge.

There was a lock on the subject, which was a sub-stage.

Accordingly, it became difficult for newcomers to rise above level 40.

This was also one of the bad things.

“How’s the airship going?”

“Yesterday morning, the Lucette was completed.”

Nerissa laid out the report on the desk.

The Capitalism was upgraded for combat, and the second airship, the Lucette, was also completed. And at the bottom, it was written that the magician in charge worked overtime for over ten days, and that he was about to die from a cold, so he asked for a vacation for a week.

“Tell them to prepare to build a third airship.”

I tore the report in two and threw it in the trash.

Nerissa cleared her throat a couple of times before speaking.

“I will tell you so.”

“If that guy runs away…”

Nerissa pulled the rope and handcuffs from her bosom.

good. The preparations are thorough. I nodded in satisfaction.

‘Is this much to tell Amkena?’

I took a white piece of paper from the drawer and dipped a feather pen in blue ink.

And I started writing a report to show to Amkena.

‘Heroes are being trained at the training center… … . Another airship has been completed… … . I think it would be better to make the third airship right away… … .’

The report I wrote will appear on top of the game screen when Amkena logs in.

Just like Siris did.

‘I must be busy.’

Originally, a little break was given after beating the boss stage, but there is no such thing this time.

I had to go straight into the exhibition system. There were no birds to open their eyes. There were no birds either. Even while lying in the aftereffects of Exceed, I watched the work in the waiting room.

‘Receiving a report in the morning, writing a report in the afternoon, giving Amkena’s instructions in the evening, and personal training at dawn.’

About 3 hours of sleep per day.

It’s a killer schedule.

“How many materials are left in the warehouse? I must have brought a lot of them as an event reward last time.”

Nerissa immediately handed over the details of the warehouse item.

I couldn’t help but sigh.

You almost fell. It seems that I used almost all of them while making a new airship.

“Building the third airship…”

“It’s hard, isn’t it?”

Aside from wood or metal, there are no floating magic stones and blueprints, which are key materials.

These items do not appear in daily dungeons. It came out very rarely in the exploration dungeon, or had to be procured from somewhere other than the waiting room.

‘I need five.’

The airship was a useful combat tool and a means of transportation for heroes.

It was also essential for rolling large armies.

“Should I cancel the drying instructions?”

“No, tell them to prepare. I’ll bring the ingredients somehow.”

Nerissa looked at me with questioning eyes.

not a crowd Because there was no place for the material to come out anymore.

Now, Taoneer’s finances alone could not increase their strength any further.

‘If it’s only here.’

Amkena also studied quite a bit about Pick Me Up.

Even if I don’t force advice, I’ll come up with a solution on my own.

I decided to wait until the evening when he connected.

[Welcome to Pick Me Up!]

evening comes,

[Loading has finished.]

[TOUCH ! (selection)]

As expected, Amkena connected.

[Master, there are unconfirmed reports. Would you like to confirm?]

[Author – ‘Han(★★★★)’]

[Yes / No]

A report appeared on the control screen.

The heroes recruited in large numbers by Amkena last night are being trained, and the second airship has been safely built.


[Submaster, ‘Han (★★★★)”s opinion]

[It is recommended to build a new airship.]

Amkena went straight into the warehouse and checked the items.

Of course, there were very few ingredients left. After closing the warehouse, Amkena froze on the main screen for a while. She seemed to be contemplating what to do.

“The old days were good.”

I looked to the side.

Belquist, topless, was swinging a sword at the steel doll.

“It used to be.”

“I didn’t know that paying attention to others would be so annoying. At that time, all I had to do was think of myself.”

“Why don’t you want to teach me?”

“A word.”

Belquist took out a blue dagger and cut his forearm.

It was a dagger coated with a special numbing agent carefully crafted by Nerissa.

In a paralyzed state, Belquist continued to swing his sword.


A skill that changes status ailments into strength.

That guy also learned how to fight ignorantly enough to fight back and forth with me.

“I don’t like fighting with others. I don’t like pretending to be friendly and clinging to you.”


The steel doll’s shattered upper body flew away.

It was a superhuman strength.

“Anything like a hero, I hate complicated situations. It’s either dead or killed, just one of the two.”

“This is a scary guy.”

“I don’t have anything to say, sir.”

Belquist threw away the steel sword with all its teeth missing.

Then he put on his gown and walked towards me.

“So what’s going on? Didn’t you throw it away when I asked you to fight, saying you were busy? Did you change your mind?”

I sat down on the iron chair and crossed my feet.

This was Belquist’s personal training room located on the 4th floor.


As I stayed still, Belquist narrowed his eyebrows.

“You wouldn’t say that you came to play.”

“Can’t we come over to play?”

“A funny story.”

Belquist snorted and drank the water.

I looked up. Amkenna seemed to have made up her mind.

I was looking for help at the bottom of the menu.

Just then, the door to the training room opened and someone came in.

“Brother, did you call me?”


Belquist’s eyes widened.

all gathered

I got up from my chair and closed the door to the training room.

Jenna tilted her head.

“There’s also Bell oppa. Are the three of us getting together and talking about the old days?”

“It’s not such an idle time.”

I smiled.

“You guys know the situation.”

“In the current situation……preparation for war?”

“Yes. The master is picking heroes and making weapons and airships, right?”

Even the heroes who don’t know the situation can tell that the atmosphere in the waiting room has changed.

“You told me that there would be a large-scale battle on the 50th floor. That’s why I’m training my skills too! I think Bell oppa is similar.”

“By the way. Resources are scarce.”

“Looks like you’ve stretched it out enough. You mean you need more?”

“Of course. You have to double it. Wouldn’t that be worth it?”

“There aren’t many ingredients available in dungeons every day of the week. I’m not sure what you mean…”

Jenna, who had been thinking hard, stiffened in shock.

“Brother, no way… are you saying we’re going to rob the storage room in the other waiting room?”

“If necessary, I will.”

“That’s a bit…”

“The worst way is to think that far. Piracy isn’t very effective anyway.”

I never claimed to be a mannered user.

All users who interfered with the play were removed.

‘I brush it off.’

That’s not wrong.

If your own is not enough, you have no choice but to bring someone else’s.

It’s just that the method isn’t piracy.

There is such a thing as relics.

It was a special place that was created one or two places in a sector where masters of a similar level stayed.

It’s simple.

Occupying it will drain your resources.

And, of course… … .

Numerous masters are engaged in a melee.

“War for the sake of war.”

After my explanation, Belquist laughed and threw away the empty water bottle.


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not work with dark mode