Pick Me Up! Chapter 13


13. Building internal stability (1)

the next day.

As always, I boiled and ate ramen and came out to the training center.

After warming up with Jenna who was waiting for her, she started her daily routine of running. Jenna is running the track in her usual self.

After sweating lightly from running, I was about to start physical exercise, but Jenna suddenly opened her mouth. She had a determined look.

“Hey, brother!”


“i look forward to!”

“Did you eat something wrong?”

“I told you that if you get on the rope, you’ll be spared. That’s why I’m going to ride the rope harder! Please look at me kindly!”

Jenna bowed her head.

That’s amazing.

“Didn’t you say you lived alone?”

“So what?”

“Aren’t you grumbling?”

“No! I, Jenna Shirai, I swear I lived alone! I never even held a man’s hand!”

I said with a smile.

“Relax your shoulders. It won’t eat you.”


“If you don’t think about useless things like you do now and keep doing what you have to do, you won’t die. So don’t worry too much.”

“Thank you for those kind words!”

“I told you to relax your shoulders. You’re getting goosebumps. I’m not the master. You’re the only one bothering me when you’re in a top-down relationship.”

“Even if it’s annoying, I’ll be up and down! Oppa, please make me your number one subordinate!”

[Who is Loki’s subordinate No. 1!]

What is to come has come.

Isel shouted at the young face of the enemy.

[My subordinate number one is me! You are out!]

“Why are you here?!”

[Why are you next to Loki? A bitch like a fox. Do you know who this is? I’m not like a petty bitch like you. God of Pick Me Up, Master of… … town! town!]

I covered Isel’s mouth and dragged him out of the training center.

I let go of the wall in the corner of the plaza.

[what’s the matter? To that girl, what I saw!]

“You’re mistaken, but I’m not the Master here. Don’t say anything like I’m from Earth or Loki. Okay? I won’t talk to you if you don’t like it.”

[but… … .]

“Do you like it? Do you like it?”

[Ah Okay.]

When I returned to the training center, Jenna was looking at Isel with blind eyes.

[Anyway, Loki… … No, Han’s subordinate number one is me, so keep that in mind!]

Isel pointed at Jenna and then disappeared.

‘Did I just say that?’

My head hurts.

“What is he?”

“Never mind. Just an idiot.”

And, strictly speaking, my subordinate No. 1 must be Siris.

In Niflheim, there are a total of 5 subordinates who can be called my aides. 6 stars, level 99, various ultimate skills, and possesses 5 new weapons, which are super-special weapons that I have crafted with great care.

As you climb the tower, you will encounter something.

He continued his routine training.

While doing push-ups, I looked at the stats from yesterday’s synthesis.

[Han Israt(★) Lv. 7 (Exp 13/50)]

[Class: Novice]

[Strength: 19/19]

[Intelligence: 13/13]

[Stamina: 18/18]

[Agility: 18/18]

[Possessed Skills: Lesser Swordsmanship (Lv.3), Pain Resistance (Lv.1), Calmness (Lv.1)]

Strength by 2, Stamina by 2, Agility by 2, and total stats by 6. Instead, the intelligence is 1 off, so the overall growth is 5. Considering that the basic growth of 1 star is 4, it is a remarkable change. Level up efficiency increased by 20%.

I got the composure skill I wanted there.

Indeed, synthesis was the most efficient method of growth.

This time I looked at Jenna.

[Zena Shirai (★) Lv.5 (Exp 22/40)]

[Class: Novice]

[Strength: 16/16]

[Intelligence: 13/13]

[Health: 15/15]

[Agility: 19/19]

[Possessed Skills: Lesser Archery (Lv.4), Eagle Eye (Lv.1)]

‘A typical archer type.’

In the last synthesis, there was even a hawk eye skill that reinforces eyesight.

As your level and grade go up, you will be able to take the process of changing jobs from thief to archer to sniper.

fitness training is over.

Training became easier as the level went up. After consulting with Jenna, we decided to increase the intensity starting tomorrow. Run with a sand bag provided at the training center or reduce the number of fingers used for push-ups. As the training camp level goes up, there will be more diverse ways.

After lunch, we gather back at the training center.

Then, something strange happened.

In the corner of the training center, a young man with short hair was standing with a determined expression.

It was Aaron. A guy who rarely appeared in the square, let alone the training center, showed up. Aaron strode toward me.

“Ivo show!”

“What is it? I’m busy.”

“Please include me too!”

“Do you want me to put it in?”

“I will fight too. I will be of your help. So, teach me how to fight too!”

Aaron bowed his head.

“I’m sorry.

“How do you trust you?”

“Whoa, I’ll get down on my knees if you want. So please…”

“Do you think you’ve come to your senses?”

Jenna stabbed me with her elbow.

I smiled.


“What, what?”

“Have you ever fought a monster?”

Aaron shook his head.

“I didn’t even know there was such a thing until I came here, let alone fight.”

“But they fight so well…”

“It’s the difference between determination. The determination to fight and die, no, the determination to fight and survive.”

I tossed the wooden spear from the weapon barrel.

“It’s a window.”

“Tea, window…”

“I’m not an expert either, but I’ve heard that it’s the easiest weapon to learn. Try using it. Do you know the law of Geunjungwon?”

“What is the law of Geun Joong Won?”

“Near, mid-range, long-range.”

Jenna pondered, then clapped her hands.

“Aha! Short-range, sword! Mid-range, spear! Long-range, bow! These three are close and mid-range, right?”

“That’s it. When you form a party of three ignorant people, it’s one of the most efficient ways.”

In the case of 1 star without special skills, it usually ends in a dog fight if you randomly enter it. Of course, in that case, the survival rate of the hero hits the bottom.

The concept of party composition that emerged here was Geunjungwon.

First, the swordsman takes on the role of a tanker with a shield and sword in the lead.

At mid-range, Changsha assists inspection and plays the role of auxiliary tanker and dealer.

And from a distance, the archer takes on the role of the main factor sniper and dealer.

If the division of roles is done organically, the combat power and survival rate rise exponentially rather than just fighting. If the role is right, that is.

“Let’s see your skills.”

I picked up a wooden sword and wooden shield.

Aaron stood stunned with a spear in his hand.

“What are you doing? Not ready to fight.”

“Cheap, fighting? Didn’t you teach me?”

“Tell me, who has never held a spear before?”


“I learned it myself. You learn it on your own. At least be grateful for having an opponent. Back then, I fought against scarecrows.”

Aaron straightened up, but his expression was clearly frightened.


Aaron let out a strange spirit and threw out his spear.

His body was full of energy and his eyes were completely closed. As I took a step to the side, the spear cut through the air.

It’s not even a life-and-death fight.

If you get scared like that in simple sparring, what would it be like in actual combat?

With his left hand holding the shield, he swung the spear pole.

Aaron fell flat.

“Uh, ugh…”

“Wake up. Is this the end? If I’m a monster, you’re already behind.”

“Hey, I’ll get up.”

Poor posture is unavoidable.

I, too, would be clumsy in the eyes of a master. The problem was the mind. there is no coming There is no desire to win. There is no coolness to find a way out.

It just looks like he’s forced to because he doesn’t want to die.

An hour passed.

“Haha, haha, haha…”

Aaron was lying sprawled on the training ground. His chest moved up and down incessantly. On the other hand, I was sweating a little.

The difference in stats between me at level 7 and Aaron at level 1 is close to twice.

But no matter how advanced I am in terms of body and technology, it’s a little bit like I can’t even touch it. It’s not like there’s an overwhelming difference of dozens of times or more.

“Get up. Do it again.”

“More, no more…”

“Then don’t come tomorrow.”

Aaron turned over. And it happened slowly. His whole body was covered with sweat.

said Jenna.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to rest?”

“I don’t intend to carry a lump of luggage with me. If I can’t keep up, I throw it away.”

“Ooh, ooh…”

Aaron staggered the spear.

“Do you have a family?”

“Hey, my sister… is waiting for you.”

“Better than me. I have no one.”

I swung the wooden sword around.

“If you’re going to do it reluctantly, don’t do it. If it comes out like that, you’ll be killed by a monster. It’ll hurt terribly, but it’s worse than dying from synthetics. What do you think?”

“I, my sister…”

“What if you can’t come back?”

Aaron’s eyes widened.

“It’s more usable than before.”

“I’m going!”

After training, Jenna took Aron, who had fainted, to the dorm.

I couldn’t reach the collar this time either, but Aaron managed to make me use a shield. He started to try techniques such as swinging from simple stabbing. If it was an achievement, it was an achievement. If I trimmed it a little, I thought I wouldn’t have to worry about catching my ankle.

The next morning, Aaron joined the training ranks.

Although they are far behind us with sandbags and are panting, they don’t seem to have any intention of giving up. When I talked about my little sister, I jumped up.

After lunch, we started fighting.

Aaron sparred with Jenna, not with me this time. Jenna also needed a secondary weapon in case she ran out of arrows or could not use her bow. There was a suitable dagger made of wood.

spear and dagger.

The reach and power of the weapons were unparalleled, and likewise, Zena had never handled a dagger, but Zena consistently overpowered Aaron.

‘Why is he a 1 star?’

I felt that the grading system was unreasonable.

That day’s training was over, and Aaron went back to his dorm with a look of embarrassment.

“I did it while watching.”

“Don’t be cocky.”

I hit Jenna on the crown.

“It hurts. Why are you hitting me?”

“Whenever you ask to be subordinate number 1, tsutsutsu.”

I clicked my tongue and came out to the square. Jenna hurriedly followed.

“You know I’m joking! My brother is too.”

“Anyway, follow me. I have something to do.”

“What is it?”

“I’ll know if you follow me.”

I stood in the right corner of the plaza, in front of the steel gate. The name plate above the gate had the words ‘warehouse’ written on it.

“Isel, open the warehouse.”


coo coo coo.

The gate opened with an old sound.

We went into the warehouse. Inside the warehouse was a large metal display case with hundreds of compartments. Most of the display cases were empty, but there were also compartments with items here and there. There is a cart on wheels at the entrance to the warehouse.

‘It’s like this.’

I pulled the cart at the entrance and pushed it towards Jenna.

“Take this and follow me.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Don’t talk.”

I dragged the grumbling Jenna to the corner of the display case. On the top shelf, something like a parcel is wrapped in light brown paper. I took out the package and looked outside.

[Iron Ore (C)]

When you open the package, you find an iron ingot.

I put iron ore wrapped in paper into the cart. Looking at the other compartment, this time it was either leather or wood. I picked out a few and put them in.

[‘Han(★)’ took out Iron Ore (C) X 6, Leather (C) X 3, Plank (C) X 4 from the warehouse.]

Soon the cart was full.

I took Jenna out to the square.

“Open the armory.”


The door to the armory began to open.

“What are you trying to do?”

“I can’t just use the old iron sword forever.”

There are materials, blacksmiths are open, and autonomous actions are unlocked.

Then of course

I need to make a weapon.

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