Pick Me Up! Chapter 126


126. All or Nothing (4)

I wrapped myself around the struggling boy.


The boy tapped his back with the tip of his toe.

It’s a meaningless outburst. I got out of the magic hall.

[You, you, gear… … !]

“What is gear?”

I smiled.

“I’m taking this guy.”

“Ugh! Ugh!”

I said to the trembling guys in the corner of the training ground.

“You guys get out of here. Lock yourself in your inn. If you want to live.”

“Oh, I see!”

Four or five men and women left the training center in a hurry.

jump. The door to the training camp opened and Jenna entered. She is carrying a cart full of chests. It’s a selection of items that haven’t been burned.

“That child…”

“It’s an indispensable spoil. Don’t miss it.”

I threw the boy into the cart.

“Isn’t this a kidnapping?”

“It’s kidnapping.”


The cart rocked greatly. The boy had kicked the inside of the cart with his foot.

I saw his face Tears welled up on her pretty face. The fierce eyes were looking at me.

“Take it to the airship. I’ll finish it.”

“Okay. Don’t be late!”

Jenna pulled the cart and disappeared.

I took a deep breath and pulled out the firewood. I went outside for a while and moved the remaining fire.

from the Magic Hall.

No oil needed here. Because there is a lot of paper to burn.

[You, self-interest! Why are you doing this!]

The fairy stomped her feet in place.

[Killing people, setting fires, looting talent! What is the difference between you and the devil!]

“Call me what you want to call me.”

I opened the door to the magic hall.

The bookshelves are crammed with old books. I threw in the burning firewood. Fire. Immediately, smoke and flames began to rise.


[A fire broke out in the magic hall!]

Desks and chairs, various magic tools, and countless magic books are disappearing as ashes.

The fairy flapped its wings and tried to put it out somehow, but the fire, once ignited, was not easily extinguished. Inside the training ground, I uncapped the fuel tank Jenna had brought and poured the oil onto the floor.

It was only a matter of time before the flames of the magic hall reached this place.

[why… … .]

“There is no compromise.”

When I robbed the hunter for the first time, he begged me so much that I left him in moderation.

A month later, I was hit in the back of the head right away. The next one and the next hunter were the same. Even if people and circumstances change, the result is the same. Through numerous experiences, I was able to establish one principle.

‘These bastards never change.’

It’s just a temporary cover.

Once established, tendencies do not change. When the situation gets better, I just think about picking someone to eat again. There is only one way to get them out of the game completely.


Finally, the fire moved to the training camp.

[You, even after doing this… … I think it will be all right!]

The fairy punched me with an angry expression.

However, the fist was blocked by the transparent wall. The small body spun around and bounced off.

‘There are two conditions for fairies to self-defense.’

First, if you disobey the master’s order.

Second, when the hero attacks with the intent to kill.

This guy can’t do me any harm. He had no choice but to stand by.

The flames from the magic hall reduced everything it touched to ashes.

Scarecrow and wooden doll. Various practice weapons, chairs and desks. I came out to the square and closed the door. The flames won’t stop until the entire camp is burned.

I walked slowly through the ashes of the plaza.

Blood, embers, and the corpses of heroes were burned everywhere.

A man sat down and looked around the square with blank eyes. I walked undeterred. I made this. I cut off the hope of this world.

‘I don’t regret it.’

Trampling on others to survive.

I have already made up my mind to this extent.

[If you come this far, Master… … .]

“Maybe I can fold it.”

[Did you do that knowingly? Then what should we do!]

The fairy sat down.

I pushed the big gate outward.

A linear space and a dimensional gap were revealed.

Inside the aisle, a small, streamlined airship was stationary. It was capitalism.

‘With naming sense.’

The flames did not reach this far.

I even did that on purpose. I walked out near the airship. Jenna and Nerissa were storing loot at the bottom of the airship.

“Are you here?”

“How’s the airship? Do you think you’ll be able to depart?”

“The driving function seems to be disabled. There is enough fuel. It seems that something needs to be verified.”

“Where’s the kid?”

“I tied it to the deck.”

I climbed the stairs

On the deck, a boy tied to a pole struggled.

“Eup! Eup!”

‘I don’t know what it is.’

I approached the boy and untied the rope from his mouth.


dodged to the side.

“It’s dirty.”

“You’re dirtier, you bastard!”

The boy shouted in a high-pitched voice.

“Release it right now! If you don’t want to get your head cut. Do you know who I am?”

“It must be a magician.”

“Yes! Third-class wizards are Katio-sama, who trembles just hearing his name!”

“I want to launch the airship, how do I do it?”

“Crazy. If it were you, would you tell me? I’ll kill you by splashing you in muddy water… ugh.”

A sword blade hung over the boy’s neck.

Belquist stood behind him with a cool expression.

“You’re a cheeky bastard. Wouldn’t it take care of yourself if you cut off a few fingers?”

“Don’t do that. We’re like real villains.”

“You’re a villain!”

“I want this. Misunderstandings have accumulated between us.”

“Misunderstanding is a piece of shit. The worm of the world… Hick!”

The blade of the sword dug a little into the boy’s neck.

“This, for now, put the sword away and tell me.”

“Take it away.”

Belquist sheathed his sword.

I spoke in an emotionless voice.

“If you get a hint of using magic, cut off your arm right away.”

“I will.”

“Such an outrageous…”

The boy’s complexion turned pale.

“Misunderstandings will be resolved later. We must return to where we were. We need your cooperation. Do you understand?”

“You’re going back?”

“You can’t stay here. There’s nothing but ashes.”

“You guys made it that way… Ah.”

The boy looked at Belquist behind him, and then fell silent.

“It won’t be difficult. Just start with the coordinates you went to just before. It’s the place you guys were trying to rob.”

I loosened the restraints and raised the boy.

And made them walk to the airship’s cockpit.

“I-I was just doing research…”



A moan mixed with crying leaked out.

I sighed.

“Don’t procrastinate. You’ll want to kill me.”

Belquist said in an annoyed voice.

‘This guy really has no blood or tears.’


The boy went into the cockpit, went to the instrument panel, and started talking.

I watched the scene from behind. Belquist had his hand on his scabbard so that he could draw the sword at any moment.

‘If this guy existed, it would have been a little different.’

The guys wouldn’t have been so vain.

The magician’s true value is revealed in various auxiliary magic. Among them, the magic that could quench the fire was apparently included.

I remembered the guy talking in his sleep.

You said you stayed up three days and three nights. It was the master’s responsibility for failing to manage his condition.


A hologram floated over the instrument panel.

[Capitalism Ho!]

[Access granted.]


“That’s right. Good job.”

“You’re going to release them now, right? Send them back.”

“What are you talking about? You should go too.”

“What, what?”

I passed the boy and stood in front of the instrument panel.

“Tie him up again.”


“Hey, this, dog… Eup! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Belquist wrapped the boy and dragged him out.

I looked at the hologram. It was full of various strange shapes and unidentified language, but the words ‘start’ and ‘departure’ were recognizable. back.

Gee ying!

The airship started vibrating lightly.

It’s triggered. I came out on deck.

“Everyone ride!”

“It’s all loaded. I’ll be right there!”

Jenna and Nerissa came up the stairs.

As soon as the two stepped onto the deck, the stairs automatically retracted.

[You really take everything! take it all! These guys!]

On the floor of the airfield, a fairy was hitting the ground and crying.

[We just wanted to say hello!]

“Have you ever had such a greeting?”

[You guys, do you think it will be all right? I know who is behind us!]

“Who’s there?”

[You will be surprised to hear it. Its name is also a famous unity! It’s a super elite guild made up of 30 rankers! This master’s skills are shit, but he has a point of contact with the executive there!]

‘What is that?’

I can’t hear you.

Anyway, the master here is said to be connected to the ranker.

It meant that he made an airship with Baek and operated a waiting room. It was pretty weak for that type.


The airship shook greatly and began to slow down.

direction is forward. It was a place where the dimensional vortex was swirling.

“What time is it, right now? I think it’s almost all night.”

Jenna, who was on deck, murmured.

“If you’re sleepy, go in and sleep. I’m enough alone.”

“Can I leave it to you?”

Jenna entered with a yawn.

Belquist entered the ship with the boy tied up, and so did the rest.

I was left alone on deck.

I pulled a chair and sat down.

Inside the airfield, a fairy was glaring at me.

[Enjoy this victory. But when the time comes, it’s no use begging to see you! I am a fairy who knows no mercy in front of enemies.]


[If this is also the process to become the Pirate King, I will accept it with a smile. Trials are bound to appear in the biography of a great person. My name is Captain Issel, don’t forget!]


[What’s your name!]

I didn’t want to answer because I was Han, but I stopped my mouth.

Hmm. A little playfulness kicked in.

“My Name.”

[Do not remember.]

“My name is Loki.”


Captain Issel let out something.

[Could it be that Niflheim… … .]

The fairy blushed and burst into exasperation.

[You bastard, hit the unreasonable Gura! Do you want to get scolded, huh?]

I didn’t answer.

Of course, it’s not something I thought I would believe.

You won’t know at this stage.

[I won’t forget, I’ll definitely get revenge!]

The fairy ran amok.

And a whirlpool engulfed the airship.

[※ Information on losses]

[The following items have been stolen by the master ‘Amkena’.]

[Airship ‘Capitalism’]

[Magician ‘Katio (★★★★)’]

[Advanced Upgrade Seat X 5]

[Intermediate Soul… … .]

[300,000… … .]

Sine’s lost items are listed.

It was so huge that it was difficult to read it all.

I did as much as I could. He was beaten enough to knock him down.


It’s such an annoying word.

Because of this, I have been involved in numerous disputes.

I just wanted to attack the tower quietly.

‘I did this because I didn’t want to get involved.’

[Master, unconfirmed channel chats (114 cases) have been confirmed.]

[Do you want to confirm?]

[Yes / No]

Sine> Hey, this ****.

Cine> Don’t you have a conscience? a dog.

Sine> I tried to help, but what a ****. ***** to fry to death.

Sine> **, you give me ***, *******.

Sine> ***, *****. ****, ** really.


Amkena would be surprised to see it, but I have no other choice.

I have no choice but to recommend reporting and blocking.

I looked at the scenery outside the railing.

The airship was cruising through the stormy skies.

<Master, did you enjoy it?>

Suddenly I heard a voice in my head.

Yunet Seed.

“Were you watching?”

<Please forgive the rudeness. There are many famous scenes that cannot be missed. The album of my memories has grown by another page. My Name. My name is Loki… … .>

“Don’t do it. I’ll be ashamed of you.”

I spoke.

“By the way, what is a solidarity meeting? Have you heard of it?”

<I’m hearing it for the first time too. Let’s investigate.>

Yurnet continued.

<Just give me orders. We will identify the base of the organization called Unity and destroy it. The fleet has been out for a long time, so everyone is excited.>

“You don’t have to. Leave it alone. If you don’t touch it first.”

<If you touch it… … .>

“Then I’ll leave it up to you.”

A shallow laugh was heard.

<I’m looking forward to it.>

Communication was lost.

I clicked my tongue.

‘I don’t want to borrow Niflheim’s hand if possible.’

If things get worse, there is no way for me either.

‘If you want to fight in the background.’

do whatever you want

I put my back on the chair.

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