Pick Me Up! Chapter 121


121. Desert of heat, storm (7)

<Nahaha, the seventh!>


Strong steam erupted from everywhere.

The hallways vibrated and the walls collapsed, exposing the cogs and wires inside.


[‘Ancient Stone Statue’ is seriously damaged!]

<You’ve come to a dead end! It seems that there is no other way.>

“Go up the stairs. From there, go to the right. From the three-way intersection, go all the way to the middle road and you’ll find an exit. You just need to be ready to go out from there.”

<What are you going to do?>

“We break the head and follow it to escape.”

<You are struggling, warrior!>


Kishasha’s voice disappeared.

I ran down the aisle where the red light and the fluorescent rod flashed together.

“Brother, I think something is coming from behind!”

I turned around at the sound of Jenna’s voice.

Rumble, rattle. In the dark passageway, something huge was approaching, breaking through the ceiling and walls.

[XYZ Super Magic Ultimate Golem Lv.46]

<Kareuk! Carrara! Don’t underestimate my invention!>

“Looks like you broke down the door.”

The golem crawled up and held out its hand.

The reticle of the repeater crossbow began to rotate rapidly.


Bolts came pouring out of his hands with a rather shallow sound. Belquist, who was running in the back row, turned around and swung his sword. Shattered pieces of wood and arrowheads were scattered in all directions.

“I’m in charge here.”

“What are you talking about? If we’re going to fight, we all have to fight together.”

[‘Benik (★★★)’ has become bleeding. Stamina decreases for a certain period of time.]

<Han! Suddenly, a lot of enemies started to flock!>

Edith’s urgent voice rang out.

“What about the numbers?”

<More than 100. I’m on my way to the exit… … .>

“Okay. Hold on a little. Don’t let Priasis die.”

<I will do my best.>

Communication was lost.

Nerissa looked at me and smiled lightly.

Iolka also stopped as if she had been waiting.

“Three is enough. Go first.”

“If you two block it and I shoot magic, it will be possible.”

I tapped Jenna’s shoulder as she was looking at the three with a blank expression.

“let’s go.”

The aisle is narrow. Three or more will only get in the way of movement.

I don’t even have that much space.


“Don’t you believe me?”

Eventually, Jenna shook her head and patted her cheek.

“Okay. Brothers and sisters, you can’t die!”

“This is ridiculous.”

“If you think it won’t work, jump out right away. I made it clear.”

I turned around and ran again.

Jenna followed. Moments later, the sound of a fierce battle began to follow from behind.

“Are you all right?”

“They must have been training hard for no reason. Trust me.”

I sped up.

To tell the truth, the outcome is unknown. It might turn out that those guys lose. If so, three death messages will come to mind.

‘I must hurry.’

You must complete the mission as quickly as possible.

[Elite Lizardman Fighter Lv. 32]


The door next to the aisle burst open, and the Lizardman jumped out.

He is wearing hard plate armor. In her hand, she held a curved sword that shone brightly.


An arrow pierced the gap like a needle.

I drew my dagger and thrust it into the Lizardman’s faceplate as it screamed in pain. Upon retrieving his hilt, he collapsed, spitting his own blood.

So I ran down the aisle.

Lizardmen appeared several times, but they were dealt with without stopping.

[‘Belquist (★★★)’ has become bleeding. Stamina decreases for a certain period of time.]

[‘Rosa(★★)’ has returned to the arms of the goddess! Her fighting spirit will be remembered forever.]

‘I made it really annoying.’

No matter how difficult pick me up is, few people will do it once it reaches this level.

It was such a difficulty that the developer didn’t want to clear the stage.

‘My account was similar.’

I recalled the heroes of Niflheim who were struggling a few times while rolling.

especially Siris. He must have felt the same way as I do now. A smile crept across his lips.


“Don’t worry. I’ll wake up unconditionally.”

He slaughtered the Lizardmen blocking his way and proceeded.

Bifrost’s blade was dyed crimson. I was able to reach the last room only after jumping over two sections and climbing many stairs.

All kinds of wires are coming together.

The thick iron door was firmly closed, as if denying entry.

<Kareuk! Foolish human, you’ve finally come this far.>

I heard the guy’s voice.

<Do you know what the girl you protect is trying to do? That bitch is trying to defy the providence of the universe!>

“What are you talking about?”


I kicked the door hard.

A dwarf lizardman in a robe was glaring at me from the inside of a circular room tens of meters in size, with large monitors extending in all directions. The single-eyed spectacles reflected the light.

[Magic Seeker, Kurusach Lv.35]

“Kiaag, human! You guys made a mistake…”

I took the poisoned dagger from my belt and threw it.

A purple blade pierced his robes and lodged in his abdomen.

Then, three arrows pierced the bridge of the nose, neck, and heart, respectively.


Iron puduk.

He fell to the ground, vomiting black blood.

instant death. I looked around. To the right of the wall was another door.

“Destroy all suspicious devices here. Leave none behind.”


opened the door and entered.

An octagonal crystal appeared that filled the entire room.

Kwajik! puck! puck!

The sound of a blow echoed outside the open door.

It looked like Jenna was having fun banging the device to pieces.

‘This is the last one.’

I looked under my feet.

The black blood he spilled sticks to the soles of his boots. If I had been relaxed, I would have listened to what he was talking about.

I grabbed the sword hilt with both hands.

When the sword was inserted into the crystal, the gold spread like a spider’s web. twist and pull Quaching! Shards of the shattered crystal were scattered in all directions.

Koo Goo Goo Goo!


[The holding power of ‘Ancient Stone Statue’ has run out.]

[It collapses!]

The whole room started shaking.

[The mission type has been changed.]

[Mission Type – Escape]

[Goal – Get out of the area!]

[Special Goal – Survival of NPC ‘Priasis All Ragna’]

Came out.

While shaking, Jenna was firmly pressing down on mechanical parts with her bow.


“Oh, brother!”

“This place will collapse soon. It has to bounce.”

“What about my colleagues?”

“I’ll join you on my way there. Follow me!”

Jenna jumped up and approached.

I immediately left the room. Vibration intensified.

coo coo coo. Rock debris was falling from the ceiling.

“I just took care of the last fix. The door should be open. The fire outside should be gone. Get out now.”

<I checked the door! I’ll take you out now you?>

“It’s okay here. We’ll take care of it.”

As soon as I cut off communication, I ran to the side.

A sharp piece of rock fell where I was. I then ran Lizardmen were struggling all over the aisle. Ignore it.

‘The location.’

I remembered the map of the bonus stage.

Joining the three, I calculated the fastest way out.

left, right. Right again.

Kwak Kwa Kwak!

An intense explosion erupted in the hallway next door.

I immediately moved. A human shadow emerged from the acrid smoke. Jenna’s eyes lit up and they dug into the smoke.

“Here it is!”

Three people emerged from the smoke.

“It’s slower than expected. You waited.”

Belquist spat red spit.

Half of his face is covered in blood. Nerissa and Iolka next to her were not all well either. There were small scratches between the torn clothes.

“What about that machine?”

“The moment it was about to be destroyed, it stopped on its own. Did your senior do it?”

“I only put my hand on it. Anyway, you’ll know when you see it, but this place will soon collapse. Follow me.”

“I will.”

Belquist moved unnaturally.

I lowered my gaze. Belquist’s right leg was deeply cut, revealing flesh.

“Don’t worry and just go. This much…”


Belquist fell.

Behind her, Nerissa was holding a scabbard.

“Useless stubbornness.”

Nerissa wrapped herself around the fainting Belquist.

“I will carry it. Let’s go.”

I nodded and started running again.

Chii profit! The walls cracked and steam leaked out. Detoured.

An explosion occurred in the next hallway. We went down through the collapsed floor.

‘The road got twisted unintentionally.’

There are many impassable roads.

If I hadn’t memorized the map, I might have lost my way.

I went downstairs, took the stairs and opened the emergency exit door. A strong sandstorm hit my face. it was outside Then he came out through the passage outside.

Oh oh oh oh!

I looked up.

The stone statue twists its body and groans.

Parts of the body were gradually cracking and collapsing.

I looked down.

The fire that covered the ground was gone. Below, about ten survivors, including Priasis, were moving away in a row like ants.

“How do I get down? It’s too high!”

“Sister, can’t you use telekinesis?”

“I’m not omnipotent to that extent!”


A strong wind blew.

I looked behind me and held out my hand.

“Nerissa, the rope!”

Receive a rolled rope.

Specially designed high-strength rope. The length is close to 100 m.

It was woven into a noose and held in the left hand. There is no time. If it wasn’t now that the posture is maintained, there was no chance.

I attached my butt to the thigh of the stone statue.

The body started to descend along the slope. Just as his body was about to bounce past his thighs, a noose of rope was hooked around the protruding part of his knee. He kicked the rope that swayed from side to side against the wall and fixed it.

“Ride down!”

“Nell sister, go first!”

Nerissa climbed down her thighs, with Velquist tied behind her back.

I landed on the rope safely. Then Iolka, and finally Xena.

There are no dropouts.

I pulled up my leather gloves and made a quick descent on the rope.

Beside them, a group of Lizardmen were crashing to the ground.

The ground came closer.

Kwajik! The bodies of the Lizardmen left red marks on the sand.

Beside him I got down. After waiting for four people, I looked up.

bang! Kwak Kwa Kwak!

Explosions were occurring all over the statue’s body.

“It’s still dangerous! Run!”

Rock fragments fell from the sky.

We ran through the sand. At the side, Amkena diligently waved a fluorescent stick.

Did it run for about 3 minutes?

We were able to reach a small sand dune.

Next to him, the heroes who had arrived earlier were taking a break.



With a rather empty sound, the 300m giant collapsed at once.

Instead, what was left was a jagged tangled mountain of sand and rocks.


Iolka sprawled on the sand.

[Stage cleared!]

[‘Han (★★★)’, ‘Jenna (★★★)’, ‘Iolka (★★★)’, ‘Belquist (★★★)’, ‘Nerisa (★★★)’, level up !]

[‘Edith (★★★),’ ‘Roderick (★★★), ‘Anan (★★★)’, ‘Benik (★★★), ‘Lilini (★★★)’, level up!]

[‘Kishasha (★★★★)’, ‘Lakari (★★★)’… … .]

[Reward – 300,000G, magic parts (lower grade) X 3, mercury (C) X 5… … .]

[MVP – ‘Han(★★★)’]

[Master, congratulations on clearing the 30th floor!]

[If you want to know the added content, touch ‘here’!]

“It’s over somehow.”

Nerissa said, putting down her Velquist.

Light began to envelop the edge of the field. Dazzling particles rose into the sky.

“Good work, Han.”

I accepted the canteen that Edith gave me.

He said while drinking water.

“How is it?”

“It’s fine without anything to look at. Although a few people died…”

Edith slurred.

I knew there would be deaths. Is this the expected range?

“Haha! More than that, you are amazing! Where did you come from and what did you do? It’s been a while since I opened my eyes!”

Lyman, who stood leaning on his greatsword, smiled cheerfully.

Lycan laughed along.

“You’ve already seen it. But it’s more amazing than we thought.”

“Ah, oppa’s real performance is after he broke up with the old men.”

“Mr. I’m still in the middle of the day!”

The voices of the heroes rose.

There was one guy standing awkwardly between them.

“It’s complicated. I don’t know how many people died because of me.”

Priasis’ complexion darkened.

“If my collecting keys is connected to your crisis… Ugh!”

Priasis backed away, clutching her forehead.

I hit the night.

“Muh, what are you doing!”

“So, if I don’t collect them, you won’t?”

“That’s what I thought…”

“If it’s complicated, don’t think about it. That’s better.”

Light enveloped the entire field.

“……is it.”


When I opened my eyes, a familiar space appeared.

A circular room with three mirrors. It was a gap in construction.

‘I’ll see you again.’

I hear there are three keys.

I’ve only collected one so far. A very difficult road has been opened.

I smiled bitterly and slipped through the space-time gap.

[Loki, Loki, Lokiyeeee!]

It feels like something happened somewhere.

Isel was flying in with a bright expression.

[As expected. It’s literally King God Emperor General Majesty!]

“Don’t make a fuss. It’s ringing in your ears.”

[To Loki, this is a gift from the Master!]

‘no way.’

Isel held out the object in his arms.

[I present the ‘Warring Horse Statue’ to ‘Han(★★★)’!]


I accepted the statue.

What number is this?

I’ve decided to admit it now.

‘I lost.’

[‘Han (★★★)’ is delighted to receive the ‘Warring Horse Statue’.]

[Increased liking!]

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