Pick Me Up! Chapter 118


118. Desert of heat, storm (4)

Every time the stone statue tried to pull out its fist, the ground shuddered.

I saw his forearm as I slid down the sand dune. It looks like a large bridge was inserted vertically. Lizardmen caught in the shockwave were scattered around.


I waved my arm without even looking.

puck! The lizard man fell out with an elbow stuck in his face. He immediately plunged his sword into his torso.

Chijik. Edith’s voice rang in her ears.

<Han, are you all right?>

“Yeah, no big deal.”

<I was surprised. Suddenly the ground shook… … .>

“Is it worth dealing with?”

<I can still hold on, but I think it will be difficult if I keep coming like this.>

It was similar to the 20th floor.

An infinite number of enemies. The amount of time you can endure is limited.

I had to find a way in it.

coogu palace.

Leaving the crater behind, the stone statue’s fist began to rise into the air.

‘Is the attack pattern simple?’

move your feet strike down with fist

So far, it’s all been two actions. The range is incredibly wide, and the Lizardmen keep getting in the way, but the possibility of getting hit in an instant is not high. I looked at the surface of the rising stone statue again.

‘The material is hard rock. The surface is flat. There aren’t many parts that can be grabbed and climbed, and I don’t see anything else different.’

I looked back.

A hardened Freesis and the remaining two members were waiting.

“We move too.”

came out of the immediate vicinity.

As they climbed the hill, they saw another party struggling against the Lizardmen. They were repulsing the constantly swarming enemies shoulder to shoulder.

“What are you going to do?”

“One of two things. Get in or get on.”


“Look over there.”

I pointed over the hill.

Iolka’s gaze followed her finger. Iolka widened his eyes.

“The flames are getting smaller. It won’t last long. This place will soon turn into a sea of ​​fire.”

“They say there’s only one place to escape.”


“But how do you get on it? It doesn’t look easy.”

I looked up at the stone statue.

Endless sizes and heights. The fist has already returned to a height of hundreds of meters.

“You have to adjust the angle.”


“First, get away from him.”

kia ah.

The Lizardmen who broke through the defense line from afar were running.

I glanced at them and turned around. ran to the other side of the field.

“It’s one of the first parties. I want to ask you something. Is there a statue of a goddess nearby?”

<A statue of a goddess, what do you mean? fire than that… … .>

“Never mind that. Focus on the front.”

<Can’t you see the goddess statue?>

<Goddess statue? Are you referring to the strange-looking human female sculpted? It’s buried in the pile of sand next to it.>

It was Kishasha’s communication.

I looked west of the field.

All 3 parties were fighting against dozens of Lizardmen. His claws flashed and each time his legs swung, the Lizard Man’s limbs and torso were torn apart and he flew through the air.

I focused my eyesight.

Next to the Lizardman corpses piled up like a small mountain.

Something is buried in the sand.


A stone statue was moving behind.

“From now on, run to the west of the desert. Run!”

I put strength on my toes and ran out.

My ankle gets stuck in the sand and I can’t speed. Still, I had to time it somehow.

Jenna, who was running side by side, said.

“Brother, what are you going to do? Wouldn’t it be better to stay near that monster to avoid the attack? I think it’ll be easier to escape if you’re close!”

“Just running away isn’t the end.”

“Yes? That’s…”

“Nerissa, take care of the little one.”

“All right.”

Nerissa picked up the lagging Priasis and sped up.

Belquist leaned over and jumped out.

Lizardmen were attacking from the right. Belquist quickly drew his sword and sliced ​​the two Lizardmen like sashimi. I glanced behind me and shouted.

“Little boy! Take out the key.”

Priasis drew a dagger from her bosom.

There is no light. Although flashy, it was still just an ordinary dagger.

“Enough. Put it in.”

The first point has been checked.

Special items used in the mission of Pick Me Up are bound to have light. The key doesn’t respond,

‘The key cannot be used yet.’

It was time to check the second point.

“Kishasha, it’s Han.”

<Naha, in the midst of excitement!>

The Lizardman’s screams could be heard far away.

“I’m sorry, but I have a request. Would you like to put your hand on that goddess statue?”

<I do.>

After a while, the voice continued.

<Warrior, nothing seems to have happened.>

“Okay. You guys get away from there. I’m going to drag the statue away.”

<What is your intention?>


<Okay, I’ll follow you!>

I laughed and hung up.

Kishasha’s party, who slaughtered the Lizardmen in one fell swoop, was moving away.

“Brother, there’s a monster coming from behind!”


The ground shook greatly.

It was the aftermath that spread as he took a step.


The field was further narrowed by the flames.

Lizardmen appeared out of nowhere and continued to flock.

[Monster Wave!]

[Round 9.]

[Lizardman Lv.23] X 57

[Lizardman Rider Lv. 25] X 13

[Lizardman Magician Lv. 26] X 6

<The number is getting bigger and bigger!>

“Close the defenses. Join me where I am.”

I turned my head to the side.

An arrow grazed his cheek.

Wedge! Jenna responded. The Lizardman, whose head was pierced, fell face down.

[‘Annan (★★★)’ has become bleeding. Stamina decreases for a certain period of time.]

[‘Gilbert (★★★)’ has returned to the arms of the goddess! His fighting spirit will be remembered forever.]

‘The breaking point has already been reached.’

one person died

another one is injured.

Gilbert seems to have lasted longer than expected.


The speed at which the flames spread accelerated.

The flames stretched dozens of meters and roared, spitting out flames and smoke.

‘I made it dirty.’

Ping Ping! ping!

Three arrows pierced the Lizardman’s body at once.

As I dug in, I turned around. The three upper bodies caught in the sword’s trajectory were sprayed with blood and entrails. creeps up again Beyond, a soft light was shining from the half-buried statue of the goddess in the sand.

“Follow only Priasis. The rest help the other party.”

“Are you all right?”

“are you okay.”

Belquist and Iolka escaped.

Parties 4 and 5 are coming up not far away. After that, hundreds of Lizardmen followed. In the direction of the 2nd party, Jenna and Nerissa headed.

“What are you trying to do?”

“Super-large monsters are my specialty.”

The bad luck in Niflheim was not the first or second.


The lizardman, whose face was torn, flew away.

I straightened my sword and stopped. The stone statue was right in front.

Beside him, Priasis took a deep breath.

I’m going to go to the middle of the day.

A peculiar sound was heard.

It was the sound he made when he raised his arm.

‘The angle is right. The location has also been decided.’

I felt the wind pressure crushing my body.

When I looked up, the stone statue’s fist was descending, half-obscuring the sky.


I took a deep breath and wrapped the freeasis on my side.


“You practice running.”


I guess I’m stronger

I braced my feet and ran.

[Monster Wave!]

[Round 13.]

[Lizardman Lv.23] X 93

[Lizardman Rider Lv. 25] x 25

[Lizardman Magician Lv. 26] X 3

‘How many were piled up?’

I glanced to the side.

Hundreds of them were passed over.

They were flocking like ants.

‘It’s tight.’

It doesn’t seem like a mission made with the assumption of a one-tri.

There is a way. However, it was made difficult to understand without the annihilation of the first attacking group.

You had to try at least the 2nd or 3rd round to get a basic strategy. It was a characteristic of high-difficulty missions.

I flew like a dive.

The thunderous fist struck again.


I rolled on the floor holding the screaming Priasis in my arms.

[Activate object effect!]

[The power of the goddess binds the ancient stone statue!]

A dazzling light leaked from the spot where the statue of the goddess was.

The light stretched out into the air like a spider’s web and began to climb up the statue’s forearm.


The stone statue stopped in the same position as its arms were lowered.

The angle of the arm embedded in the floor is 35 to 40 degrees.

Not perfect, but good enough.

I opened a channel

“From now on, I’ll ride this guy up.”

<… … .>

“Don’t be lazy. There’s no time.”

I cut off communication and called the 1st party together.

“This is so…”

“You’re doing all sorts of things.”

“So, are you not going?”

Belquist laughed and lowered the bloody sword.

“Do you mean horse?”

The flames have already covered half the field.

Lizardmen in the rear row were swallowed up in flames and turned to ashes. The heroes surrounded the statue’s fist in a circle to block the monster.

“Who are you going to go with?”

“Naha, of course it’s us!”


After smashing the heads of three Lizardmen in succession, Kishasha jumped up and somersaulted. She moved the little model swiftly and landed on the back of her huge hand. The other beastmen climbed on the forearm kicking the protruding part.

Next was the 1st party.

I kicked the ground hard and jumped up. After touching the protruding rock with his left hand, he leaped again. My feet felt the touch of the hard stone floor. When I turned around, another member was also coming up.

“Kiaak! Karrureuk!”

Hundreds of Lizardmen surrounded us and advanced.

[Inferio! Burn up!】

Standing on the stone statue, Iolka waved her hand.

The flames that ran in a circle blocked the Lizardman’s path. Numerous Lizardmen who jumped in regardless were roasted and burned all at once.

“Come up quickly!”

Jenna lowered herself into a shooting stance. Dozens of arrows per minute rained down on the Lizardmen. The flames of the field spread to within 10m. People were climbing the rock wall in a hurry.

“thank you.”

When I reached out my hand, Edith grabbed it and came up.

All 23 people boarded.

Downstairs, the Lizardmen engulfed in flames were clamoring.

oh oh oh

A moaning sound was heard.

rattle! The immobilized arm swayed greatly.

“Now what?”

Edith turned to me.

His hair, wet with blood and sweat, stuck to his forehead.

“I told you. Going up.”

I pointed to the skull on the other side of my forearm.

A huge but funny face was looking this way. The arm angle is 35 degrees. 30 meters wide and over 150 meters long, its forearms were like huge legs.

“Go up…”

“I have to smash it.”


The floor shook once more.

The light that wrapped around his forearm dimmed.


[The stone statue’s ‘self-defense system’ is activated.]

clap. Kirik Kirik.

Suddenly, a ballista came out from the side of the forearm.

“Kreuk, kill the intruder!”

Lizardmen appeared as the lids opened in various places.

Armed with scale armor, they began descending in line.


With a heavy sound, the reticle spewed arrows.

I planted my feet on the ground and braced my shoulders. Kwajik! A heavy shock was transmitted to the arm. The arrow split in half lost its power and fell.


The Lizardmen in the front let out a roar.

I straightened my sword and said.

“Has everyone seen it? This bastard is empty inside. I’ll break it from the inside out.”

“No, more than that, a ballista…”

“Is that important? Hurry up. Get this done before this bastard pulls his arm off.”

The lid opened right in front of me.

“Just in time to meet you.”

I kicked the Lizardman’s head as he tried to jump out.

simplicity and honesty!

With the sound of bones breaking, Lizardman’s neck was bent and broken.

The body that had been stretched out was suddenly sucked inside. The moment the square stone slab was about to close, I dug in as if sliding and put my sword in the gap.


As I threw the dagger into the hole, I heard a small scream.

I kicked the lid up with the instep of my foot. A black hole appeared.

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not work with dark mode