Pick Me Up! Chapter 115


115. Desert of heat, storm (1)

afternoon the next day.

The leaders of the five parties gathered in the lobby of the third-floor dorm.

Me, Edith, Kishasha, and the two new members. It was to finalize our opinions before leaving.

“I didn’t expect you to come.”

Edith looked at Kishasha and said.

Kishasha grinned.

“We also came here on a mission. We have no intention of neglecting our mission.”

“thank you.”

Edith lightly bowed her head to Kishasha.

“You’re not a hardened warrior, but you’re polite. Not human.”

“I’ll take it as a compliment.”

Edith looked away and took a deep breath.

I am not the one who brought the five together. Edith said he would do it himself, and he did it himself. Edith let out a long breath and continued.

“The reason I called everyone is to establish a chain of command.”

“The chain of command? What is it?”

“The number of people on the mission is 25, so let’s decide a captain. If there are many sailors, the boat will go to the mountain.”

I answered.

“Aha, did you mean to decide the commander?

“Just because you’re strong doesn’t guarantee you’ll lead everyone well.”

Edith shook her head.

Then he saw me sitting on one side of the table.

“I recommend Han. He’s the most mission-experienced of us, and he’s accurate in his judgment and direction. Anyone who’s fought alongside him would agree.”

Edith looked back at Kishasha and smiled lightly.

“He’s also a hardened warrior.”

“I see. If you’re a warrior of dragon slaughter, there’s no complaint. However, we fight alone. It’s not right to fight together.”

“Then the meaning of the decision is…”

“Do it.”

I nodded.


“The Beast Tribe have a different way of fighting us. Forcing them to hold on to them doesn’t work.”

“You know well, warrior. Of course, we are not ignorant of the meaning of cooperation. We respect your opinion on missions.”

Originally I knew it would be like this.

The sub-species in ‘Pick Me Up’ are usually stronger than humans, but tend to be less cooperative. It is better to leave it alone than to insert it and cause conflict yourself. Of course, you will have to ask for help if the mission requires it.

“Are you Han?”

A middle-aged man in the corner of the table said.

A greatsword was slung across his back.


“I am Liman from the 4th party.

I narrowed my eyes.

“Yes. I’m just giving you basic instructions. Do the rest yourself.”

“Ah, okay.”

“It’s nice to say this.”

“Don’t add.”

I looked at the two newcomers.

You must have experienced a lot of real battles including missions. However, this is the first boss stage. A subtle tension was visible on each face.

“I’ll tell you in advance, don’t be scared no matter what happens. Those like that will die first. There’s a way to live. You just need to know that.”

“Look, I’ll tell you everything… ugh.”

I gently stepped on Edith’s foot.

The simple greeting is over. Next, the two new leaders were given a basic course of action. Never panic if someone in your party dies. Do not lose your cool under any circumstances. Remember team play.


“What is it?”

“If you’re going to fight clumsily, get out of here.”

“It came up hard. I have no intention of doing that.”

‘You’ll understand when you see it.’

The boss stage has a completely different feel.

If you do your part here and survive, it would be nice to recognize it as a full-fledged party. Not now.

The meeting was dissolved.

The scheduled date is today. I went back to my room and put on the leather armor on the cradle. It was an object that had been modified for use in the desert. A white cloth was wrapped around the joint to block ultraviolet rays.

The medicine was then put into the pouch.

Supplies were distributed yesterday. Three Lesser Health Potions, Two Bottles of Anti-heat. In addition, a canteen full of water was added. It was for hydration.


A dagger case containing seven throwing daggers was wrapped around her waist.

The bifrost’s scabbard was then fastened to the belt.

When I open the door and come out,

Four of the first party were waiting.

“Are you ready?”

“It’s done.”

“There was nothing to do.”

“Have you written a will?”

“So, did you write the senpai?”

Belquist grinned.

“Of course I didn’t.”

“You don’t intend to die here. Don’t you, everyone? Brother will lead you again this time.”

“Aren’t you too dependent on me?”

“It’s a different language. Whenever I tell you to ride well.”

I laughed and said

“let’s go.”

Four people get up from their seats.

Calm while appearing nervous. I’ve already gone through the shitty missions. No matter what happens, I will do my best.

While I was walking down the aisle with the members of Party 1, a light came on in the sky.

[Welcome to Pick Me Up!]

[Now Loading… … .]

[Loading has finished.]

[TOUCH ! (selection)]

The main screen of Pick Me Up came to mind.

Amkena immediately pressed the gap in time and space as soon as he connected. The party selection window was displayed along with the climbing status of the tower.


[1 Party!]

Issel’s voice echoed throughout the waiting room.

[2nd party, 3rd party, 4th party, 5th party. Everyone gathers on the 1st floor!]

Looking around, the two parties were coming out of the aisle on the other side.

Led by Edith, Roderick, Anan, Bennik, and Lilini. Edith looked at me and said.

“It will be more helpful than the 20th floor.”

“What are you talking about?”

[It constitutes ‘1 raid’ (small).]

[Party composition – ‘Party 1’, ‘Party 2’, ‘Party 3’, ‘Party 4’, ‘Party 5’]

[Total Heroes – 25]

[Raid Leader – None]

[Recommended raid leader – ‘Han (★★★)’: The majority of raid members recommend it.]

[Do you want to appoint ‘Han (★★★)’ as the raid leader?]

[Yes / No]

I smiled bitterly and went down the stairs.

As we went downstairs, the number of people increased. 10 to 15 people. 15 to 25 people. Before I knew it, a procession formed behind me.

“The number of participants is gradually increasing. Isn’t it going to be hundreds of people later?”

said Iolka tiredly.

When there was no answer, Iolka widened her eyes.

“Is it really like that?”

“Won’t you know when the time is right?”

We arrived at the plaza on the first floor.

The gap of space-time was already open.

Beside him, Isel flapped his wings and looked around at the heroes.

[you! You know just by looking at it? It’s on the 30th floor. I don’t take responsibility if I look at it lightly and end up with it. Don’t let Han get in your way! Han, fighting!]

Issel clenched a fist at me and disappeared into the light.

“You’re popular. I’m envious.”

“Never mind.”

I took a deep breath.

Each party is gathering in the plaza and doing final maintenance. Check the armor and equipment, and check the condition. Delivered warnings between missions.

“Come in when you’re done. Issel won’t wait long.”

I stepped into the gap of time and space.

The first party followed, followed by the second party.

[Climb the tower, save the world!]

[Main Dungeon: Current number of floors to climb – 29]

Heroes came one after another.

I leaned against one side of the wall and touched the scabbard. Deep tension was seeping across people’s faces.

[The main dungeon, the current challenge floor is the 30th floor.]

[After 10 seconds, the door opens. Get ready!]

[The mission is being recorded. Play history will be preserved.]


The door slammed shut.

Light began to leak from the mirror in the middle.

“Everyone, if you keep your senses, you can live.”

Jenna said in a firm voice.

I chuckled.

‘It depends on the situation.’

There was no further talk.

Light filled the gaps in time and space. A strange yet familiar sensation of the disintegration of the body.

when you open your eyes again

‘The field is a desert.’

As expected, from the 21st floor to the 30th floor.

Ten floors are assigned to one field.

A sandy wind blew through my body.

I pressed the hood down deeply.

“This place…….”

“City? Is it a city?”


I looked around.

Square stone buildings are lined up like a checkerboard. However, all the buildings were buried in sand. from the entrance to the window. Pure white sand filled the building from the entrance to the inside.

‘I think it’s quite old.’

I touched the wall

Weathering is severe. It has been abandoned for at least a hundred years. I murmured as I drank the water from the canteen.

“Respond when you hear it.”

<Is it Han?>

It was Edith’s voice.

“Yes. One of the 1st party. Where is the current location?”

Twenty-five people were summoned, but there is only one party here.

<I came to a strange city-like place. There is a lot of sand and the weather is hot. how are you?>

“I am the same. Let’s gather together. Come to the center of the city. You will know the location even if I don’t explain.”

<I’ll be there soon.>


A grating sound rang in my ears.

It was a distinctive noise when the communication ended.

“Are there any other parties?”

<Yes. Liman from the 4th party.>

“Come to the 4th party too. Try contacting other places. It seems that we can’t reach here because of the distance.”


I touched my ears.

Lyman’s voice cut off.

‘Every party is separated.’

Gathering power was a priority.

“Collock. Why is there so much sand?”

Iolka wiped her hands and coughed.

A sandstorm was constantly blowing through the city.

“The weather is terrible.”

Nerissa put a rag around her mouth and said.

As if they had made a promise, the members each wore a hood and covered their mouths. At the same time, I took anti-heat medicine.

“Go to the center of the city and join the other party. Nerissa, please do me a favor.”


“Oh, and. Look for Priasis. It might be there.”

Nerissa nodded and disappeared into the sandstorm.

“Let’s move too. To the location.”

The movement formation is equipped.

I was in the lead, Zena and Iolka were in the middle, and Belquist was in the back.

“Your eyesight isn’t very good.”

“Nerissa will report most things, but watch out for surprises.”

“I know.”

walked along the road

The objective window for the mission has not yet appeared.

There was no sign of an enemy appearing. Suddenly, Jenna said.

“I’m anxious. If nothing happens in the beginning like this…”

“Don’t be silly.”

Iolka hated it.

I continued my steps. The yellow sand darkened the view.

“Party 2, party 4.”

<There is.>

<I am listening.>

“Do you see the round building in the center of the city? Gather there.”

Beyond the thick sandstorm, the outline of a gigantic temple was visible.

It was clear from the statue of the goddess on top of the roof.

<I found it.>

<This one too. Also, I’ve finished contacting other parties. I’ll pass it on.>

“I get it.”


I cut off communication. At the same time, he put his hand on the scabbard.

A blurry shadow appeared from the building next to it. Shadows leaped swiftly down the roof. He had someone on his shoulder.

“I found the princess. She was collapsed in the middle of the road.”

Nerissa gently set Priasis down on the floor.

I raised my hand. Jenna and Belquist took a guarded posture.

‘The possibility of a trap.’

I chinned Iolka.

Iolka’s magic wave passed through Priasis.

“It’s real.”

“What is he doing here?”

“It looks like you collapsed while overdoing yourself, but…”

I took out a canteen and brought it to Priasis’ mouth.

Gulp. Her small lips moved and she swallowed the water. The eyelids trembled and raised.


“Is there even suicide support?”

“I just came here to find the key.”

“Is this the right place?”

“It’s certain. It matches the sight I saw in my dream. It’s here…”

I took out the life force potion.

Priasis swallowed it in one bite. He even added heat repellant. Priasis, who had come to his senses to some extent, raised his body.


“I wish I hadn’t done anything to thank you.”

Even in the middle of the desert, the environment here is particularly bad. If you don’t prepare thoroughly, you will quickly become a guest. Priasis bowed his head.

“……I’m sorry.”

“Stay next to Jenna. Hide immediately if something happens.”

Priasis nodded and stood in the middle of the group.

The formation has changed to protect the central priasis.

The mission window came up with him.

[Floor 30.]

[Mission Type – Exploration]

[target – ???]

[Special Goal – Survival of NPC ‘Priasis All Ragna’]

want this

I clicked my tongue and walked away.

The sandstorm continued to blow.

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not work with dark mode