Murim Login Chapter 959

Login Murim Episode 959

All things that exist in the world have their own colors, and people are no exception.

Eyes, facial expressions, and the unique energy surrounding the entire body explain and prove someone.

In that sense, Jin Moo-gyeong had no choice but to instinctively realize this the moment he saw the man in front of him.

‘Main (魔人).’

Two letters passed through my mind. It was definitely true.

Eyes drunk on life and the corners of the mouth lifted loosely.

Additionally, the scent of blood emanating from the man’s entire body was enough to make the tip of my nose tingle just by standing face to face with him.

‘What on earth is this guy…?’

Jin Moo-gyeong stared at the man with sunken eyes.

I already felt it with my skin. Her head figured it out.

The fact that the new enemy that suddenly appears is on a different level from ordinary villains.

Even Jeokpungdanju Pungyang, who had surprised the Hangsan police in the past and inflicted considerable internal injuries on him through unexpected inaction, was thought to be nothing more than a mere magic bandit compared to the author.

The texture is different and the status is different.

Not only the killings that have been accumulated so far, but also the inaction of Ilshin.

And looking at Jin Moo-gyeong, Qing Gen grinned.

“As expected, I like your eyes.”

Jerk. Whoosh!

The moment Qingen took a light step, as if taking a walk, Jin Moo-gyeong, who had thrown away his sword and stepped back, straightened his sword at an angle.

“The feeling is also worth using.”

Qinggen nodded with satisfaction.

Even though it was just a tiny bit of bloodshed, the reaction speed was without even the slightest hesitation.

Even though he was an enemy, he liked the young sword demon in front of him more than he thought.

It would be a shame to think of it as a mere prey.

“Although his mood is dark, like that of an old man dying, he still seems young… who are you? “Do you want to be my student?” With the appearance of Chingen, the atmosphere of the battlefield, which had been in a lull for a while, became turbulent.

In particular, the hundred or so nomads who were groaning in the crevices of the collapsed rocks looked at their great chief with wide eyes, doubting their eyes and ears.

They belonged to the western steppes ruled by Temur and Chingen, and they knew the two young chieftains well, which made this situation all the more unbelievable.

Qingen, who ascended to the position of khan through resourcefulness and ruling power rather than through single-handed inaction, would make such a proposal to an enemy who had single-handedly slaughtered hundreds of his brothers in the steppe through extraordinary inaction.

“Ka, Khan!”

“What nonsense…!” Shouts of astonishment erupt from all directions.

The look of joy at the appearance of Chingen and Kesik had already disappeared a long time ago.

Chingen’s appetite was whetted by the sight of the nomads looking at him with wide-open eyes, each suffering from injuries big or small.

“Well, isn’t it a bit strange to suggest in a situation like this? “There are still eyes around.”

It was right then.

The small sword in Qingen’s left hand became blurred.

Come on, Kugu Goong!

With a chilling sound of cutting, the pile of rocks that were barely held together collapsed and hit the nomads.

Their screams as they waited for rescue were drowned out by a loud noise and were soon completely erased.

“There are so many useless things that don’t help at all, but it’s a problem because there are so many words.”


“Well, now that we’ve lost our ability to see, let’s finish talking about what we were talking about earlier. huh?”

In the momentary silence, Jin Mu-gyeong, who was staring at Qing Gen with deeply sunken eyes, suddenly parted her lips.

“Chingen, you bastard?”

“Uh huh, is it you?”

Chingen clicked his tongue slightly and continued.

“No matter how much of a brat you are, there is nothing you can’t say to Master. “Just pull the crap out of it.”

A cocky attitude and the composure of a strong man that cannot be hidden.

It was not difficult for Jin Moo-gyeong to realize that the man in front of him with the nomadic pigtail was a being made up of many secrets.

“You used it against your will.” Where is the real Chingen?”

Qingen, who was thinking deeply, answered. “Well, maybe you’re in the eagle’s stomach by now?”

“Who else?”

“The other one? Ah, Temur, I saved that guy. “We need to keep one of the two alive so we can properly control the Western bastards.”

Qingen answered without hesitation.

In any case, Keshik is controlling dozens of fields within a radius.

They are the bodyguards that Jamuka painstakingly raised over a long period of time and never betray their master.

Just as any ferocious hunting dog would not bite its owner.

“Well, I think this has sufficiently answered your questions… What do you think of this generous offer?” The moment when Qinggen looked at Jin Mu-gyeong with very expectant eyes.

“Not possible.”

A low voice suddenly rang out.

Qing Gen frowned at the face of a person seen over Jin Moo-gyeong’s shoulder.

“Why not? No, before that, what are you?”

The uninvited guest who interrupted the conversation responded calmly.

“How would the wolf be below the baks? “He’s my younger brother, whom I raised with love like my own child, but as an older brother, I can’t see him like that.”

“cadet? older brother?”

Qing Gen, who was looking at the uninvited guest, Qin Yuqing, with slightly widened eyes, chuckled.

“He’s Jin’s brother…. “This is a much bigger catch than I thought.”

A big fish.

At those two letters, Jin Wei-gyeong’s eyes became heavy.

Before the battle, the old fisherman who had laughed and said he would catch a large catch was excited.

“What happened to Senior Noh?”

I had a guess in my mind, but I still wanted to hear it directly from the guy’s mouth.

What happened to the virgin fish that the owner of that ink-colored fishing rod lying on the ground gave to Taewon Jinga after willingly risking his life?

And, ominous premonitions are always wrong.

“Ah, that old man.”

Qingen continued with a faint smile.

“My fishing skills were quite good, but my strength was not enough. I grabbed something big that didn’t fit in the fountain and it broke. “Like that fishing rod.”

“No, it’s not just broken, it’s probably crushed. “I was thrown down about thirty feet.”

Jin Wei-gyeong swallowed his teeth.

The black wooden jogan, soaked in dark red blood and with cracks here and there, was evidence of how fiercely Dongdong Eoong fought.

The old fisherman who had a habit of saying that when he died would have his ashes scattered in the blue river, today he buried his bones in this gray canyon.

Throwing away his life, which he owes to Taewonjinga, for Taewonjinga.

And now the Taewonjin family owes him a debt.

A debt not only to Dong-Eo-ong but also to all those who have died so far.

“Give your name and nickname.”


“I need to know your identity so that I can speak with confidence when I hold a memorial service for the dead in the future.”

Jin Wei-gyeong looked at Qing Gen with cold eyes and continued speaking.

“We killed that bastard who dared to invade Shanxi Province and harm you.”


“No matter how much the world spins like a dog, isn’t that the way of being human?”

Chingen, who was blinking his wide-open eyes, suddenly laughed out loud. “Haha, hahaha!”

The loud sound of laughter echoed everywhere.

No, it was no longer what could be called a simple sound. Ugh. Crash!

Swelling air.

With tremendous pressure, the ground and cliffs shook as if there had been an earthquake, and uncontrollable groans escaped from everywhere.


What would it feel like if you were caught in the clutches of a giant?

The people nearby lost their balance and stumbled due to the huge energy carried by the Great Laugh of Angcheon.

Among the low-ranking warriors with little skill, there was one with a pale face who was vomiting blood.

“Second, supreme expert…!”

A word that came out between someone’s lips like a sigh. The surprise contained within

The emotions of represent everyone’s feelings. No, that wasn’t enough.

Just as there are differences in height among dozens of mountain peaks, the man in front of him who looked like Chingen was also not someone who could be described as the highest peak.


At that moment, the warriors of Shanxi Province could not believe their eyes.

As if connected by an invisible thread, broken and broken rock fragments were floating in the air here and there.

The number is over a hundred.

The sharp cross section was like a memorization in itself, and the figure of the man standing tall in the center was nothing short of a monster.

A truly ever-changing monster wearing human skin.

Uduk. Puddeuddeuk!

The sight changes moment by moment, accompanied by the eerie sound of bones being misaligned and flesh being crushed.

While everyone was staring blankly at the amazing sight, three flashes of light flashed from somewhere.

Shut up!

Parting wind.

To the extent that even the Kesiks could not react in time, the three people who became a bolt of lightning and crossed the space went out at the same time as if they had promised. Whoosh, whoosh!

The moment when the powerful sword and two swords rushed towards Qingen, emitting a dazzling beam of light.



A huge energy exploded like lava with a roar, pushing everything around.

I got it out.

With a crazy howling wind.


A cloud of dust so hazy that you can’t even see an inch ahead.

That time when three people, who had been pushed back a distance of three feet by an irresistible force, looked at each other with deeply sunken eyes.


With a sharp sound, Qingen, or rather someone unfamiliar to whom no one had ever seen, appeared.


Heavy steps.

Noshin, whose physique was as large as two or three men put together, muttered as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

“Damn it, I can’t get used to this at all.”

He, who was called Chingen just a moment ago, traced his face that had been restored for the first time in a long time and the flesh that seemed ready to explode at any moment.

It was old and ugly.

This alone was extremely unpleasant, and the fact that he was even surprised during the painful process of reverse surgery and reversal of the axial bone made the old man feel worse.

“I saw such an ungrateful bastard in the world…

The old man glared at the rats that had dared to surprise him with narrow eyes that were buried deep in his flesh and seemed hard to see.

At this moment, he was truly angry.

Even more so in the fact that among them, there is Jin Moo-kyung, who has fallen in love with him for the first time in a long time.

“You dare attack your teacher, you will be excommunicated.”

Jin Moo-gyeong suddenly thought about the old man’s declaration.

If his troublesome younger brother were here, what would he have said in response to that nonsense?

And soon I found a plausible answer.

“Suck your dick.” “this person

“ah. “Also added a piglet.”

In the old man’s eyes, which suddenly turned red with anger, the images of two men smiling to the left and right of Jin Moo-gyeong were reflected.

14What are you guys?”

Two men, one young and one old, opened their mouths calmly.

“Ghost sword (鬼劍) Wi-Pang.”

“Hangsanho (恒山虎) Cheolmubaek.”

In response to the answer of the two masters representing Taewonjinga and Hangsangeommun, the old man touched his lips with his tongue, which was sharp despite his size.

“I was a ghost who would die soon and the dogs of anti -acid. with pleasure.”


A cool friction sound.

The old man crossed the two swords he held in both hands and opened his mouth.

“When you go to the underworld, say that the devil sent you.”

That one word was a signal.

A signal flare that throws away what remains of the battlefield as time has come to a halt in bloody flames.


With a huge roar that awakened the deep night, two waves crashed into each other.

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