Murim Login Chapter 913

Login Murim Episode 913

Sisanhyeolhae (屍山血海).

It was literally like that.

Everywhere I looked, there were corpses and blood flowing.

This vast space, created to celebrate the royal family’s auspicious events, has become a battlefield where countless people are killed and killed, and the Geumwiwi, led by Jeong Ho-gun, was unable to enjoy the joy of victory to the fullest even though they finally punished most of the traitors.

No, we had to face each other with our backs in fear.

Because their battle is not over yet.

And now the opponents they had to face were monsters that had escaped Sangli (常S).

That’s right. Wow.

A terrible stench that erases even the thick smell of blood.

With his back to Jin Tae-gyeong, the enemy, Cheon-gang, who was looking at the guys forming an artillery net while letting out incomprehensible screams, suddenly opened his mouth.

“Let me ask you just one question.”

“You can ask questions all three days, without limit to the number.”

Jin Tae-kyung, who spat out the blood that had accumulated in his mouth, picked up the spear knife that was lying on the floor and added,

“If those bastards wait until then.”

Of course, Jin Tae-kyung also knew.

At least something like that wouldn’t happen in the first place.

‘Everyone probably thinks the same thing.’

Before we know it, we have our backs to each other

I could feel the tension that could not be hidden from the faces of the members of the National Assembly and from the quiet voice of Jeokcheongang that followed.

“In the fairy world… So, do things like that exist in your hometown?”

Jin Tae-kyung answered without hesitation.

“Of course there is. There are even a lot.”

“That’s a lot, how many are there?”

“Well, Noya, how many meals do you think Taesan has eaten in his life so far?”

“That must be a lot. “It’s unfathomable.”

“I think so too. But think about it being at least tens or even hundreds of times higher than that.”

Jeokcheongang, who achieved enlightenment, sighed. ‘That’s a lot.’

“yes. There really are so many. “There are so many different types, which crazy bastard even took into account differences in tastes.”

“Damn it. “It wasn’t a fairy world, it was a demon world.”

“Ah, the demon world is separate. “I think I told you this last time.”

“······Damn it. “What on earth is this world like?”

“How can I get it back? It’s a shit world. But do you know anything?” “what?”

“I feel like things are becoming just as dog-like here as my hometown.”

Cheon Gang, who was silent for a moment in response to Jin Tae-kyung’s answer, soon opened his mouth.

‘Yes, I guess that’s what Nobu thinks. It seems that Nobu has lived too long. “I can’t believe I’m looking at you like this.”

“You’ve lived a long time, why do you say that? Good luck getting rid of scabies.”

“Stop worrying about unnecessary things. “I plan to live for another fifty years.”

“It’s much better. yes. Of course you should.”

Although he tried to answer brightly, Jin Tae-gyeong already had a large rock in the back of his mind.


As I look around in silence, numerous faces, both familiar and unfamiliar, come into view.

These faces clearly reveal the swirl of complex emotions you are currently feeling.

nervous. Astonishment. fear.

And even a handful of courage that was squeezed out of those heavy and dark emotions.

‘How many of these people will be able to survive?’

Jin Tae-kyung tried to erase the ominous question that suddenly appeared in his mind.

At least at this moment, all I had to do was keep a close eye on the enemy in front of me.

“I have been waiting for this day to come for a long time.”

An army of the dead surrounded the battlefield. Dongcheon Demon Army, standing tall at the front and center, spoke slowly.

To everyone here.

No, towards the emperor.

“At this place today, a great nation disappears.”

That moment.


An unknown chill spread out.

The whitish energy flowing from the Dongcheon Demon Army’s entire body permeated throughout the battlefield like smoke.

No, it encroached.

To the sound of bells coming out from a single weapon in the hands of the Dongcheon Demon Army.


The faint sound of the bell ringing clearly was transmitted to the mind, not the ears, and was closer to a sound wave than a sound.

Most people who lack martial arts skills cannot understand.

At the same time, sound waves that raise those who are no longer alive from death.

And when Jin Tae-kyung realized that fact, it was already too late. chin.


“Stop it.”

Jeokcheongang held Jin Tae-gyeong’s shoulder as he was about to shoot towards Dongcheon Demon Army and continued speaking in a calm voice.

•’It’s already too late.”

Next moment. Jin Tae-kyung’s eyes opened wide.

It was because I felt what Jeokcheon-gang’s words, that it was already too late, meant through the changes that began soon after. Suddenly. Suddenly.

The ground shakes. As the vibrations grew louder, blood flowed and the air became cold.

‘No, that’s not it.’

Jin Tae-kyung swallowed the sigh that was about to burst out. His trembling eyes were fixated on the body of someone unknown, shaking slightly beneath his feet.

‘What’s shaking now is not the ground, but the corpses.’

Countless corpses filled the battlefield. Thousands of them were waking up.

To this world that I should never return to. As something other than human.


“What is this?”

“Hit those monsters before they wake up! hurry!”

puck! Suddenly!

The fear becomes more and more concentrated as the air gets colder.

And corpses that do not fall easily even when spear knives are slashed like crazy.

In that dizzying chaos, Jeokcheongang looked at his disciple, recalling the legends of the Mosan faction that had already been erased from the martial arts world in the distant past.

“What are these things called where you live?” Overwork!

Jin Tae-kyung, who trampled on the corpse under his feet, gritted his teeth and answered.


That ah. ah.

A corpse with a torn uvula raises its head from a pool of blood. Even though Jin Tae-gyeong had already trampled on it and its vertebrae were crushed, it was still trying to get up.

“It means monsters that are not dead, but not alive either.” Jeokcheongang nodded.

Although the pronunciation is unfamiliar, the meaning is similar.

Among the numerous sects and martial families scattered throughout the world, there is no better way to describe the monsters that appear in the legendary stories that only the Mosan sect has.

‘Monsters who are not dead, but not alive either.’

When I first heard the story about him, Jeokcheon River was also a story made up by celebrities.

I thought it was nonsense. Because it’s something that can’t possibly happen.

Because it was a truly bizarre legend that went directly against the laws established by heaven.

But not anymore.

The incredible legend is now before your eyes.

“······ Gangshi (傷厂)

Jeokcheongang, groaning, stretched out his hand toward the writhing corpse.

Hwareuk. Fuuuuuuu!

Even though I suffered a not-so-light internal injury, a flame bursts out that has not subsided in the slightest. After crossing the river from which it was not supposed to return, it dug into her skin and burned her bones and internal organs.

Pussyuk. Slosh.

Jeokcheongang, who had trampled on the body that had turned into a heap of ashes and melted into a puddle of blood, turned his head towards his disciple.

“Is there anything in the world that can survive even in the face of the flames of Yeolhwamun?” ”“!”

“Burn endlessly. If it doesn’t die, reduce it to ashes until it dies. “Just like our ancestors did.”

Jin Tae-kyung, who was looking at the Jeokcheon River with wide-open eyes, answered with a vaguely serious expression.

“How did you know? “That’s what I’m most confident about.”

The teacher and student laughed along with each other without even considering who came first.

And it was fired at the bodies pouring in from all directions.

A ray of flame. No, it becomes two rays of flame.

rattle. rattle.

Listening to the eerie sound of bells ringing endlessly.


* * *

It was a clash between the dead and the living, and it was like watching a rock falling towards an egg.


Undead. Jiangxi.

Or perhaps something else, corpses were shot like awls from all directions towards the surviving humans.

They were not stiff or slow like jiangshi, nor were they weak like undead.

That’s why it was strong.


“Stop it!”

“For His Majesty the Emperor… !”

Kakakang! Suddenly!

The loyal cries are buried without a trace.

The thousands of corpses that fell upon the people who had formed a circle like shields looked like they had been alive.

They moved as nimbly as a bird, and their souls, captivated by the sound of the bells, no longer feared injury or death. Overwork!


Bright red blood gushes out like a fountain. The screams that felt like their lungs were being squeezed out belonged only to the living.

Even though their arms were cut off, their legs were cut, and their chests were pierced by the sword, the dead continued to stand up and move forward, gradually destroying the human camp.

Following the sound of the bells ringing faster and steeper. For what its owner commands.

Tinkle, tinkle.

Dongcheon Demon Army walked slowly. Hundreds of dead people, including Masambo, followed him, and there was a high platform at the end of the direction they were heading. No, there was an emperor.

“When the long and fierce era of military conflict was coming to an end, I was only thirteen.”

With a singing-like voice, Dong Cheonma-gun was shocked.

In the loose gray eyes, the image of the young king trembling next to the emperor was reflected.

Just in his early teens.

There was a time when he was called a boy even though he was an old man and had become a monster that was not human.

“I was a sinner from birth. A sinner who was born in a difficult age and has committed an indelible sin.”

The day when my father, who was an ordinary farmer, and my two older brothers, who were only teenagers, were taken to the battlefield together. Dongcheon Demon Lord realized this for the first time.

That misfortune does not only come to those who commit sins.

If you have no wealth, no strength, and no spear or sword to fight, it is a sin.

“But in reality, the politicians who put the innocent people in front of their spears and swords were not criminals. They were heaven. Even if tens of thousands of lives were lost on the battlefield they created, they were full of rice and meat. “It was these people.”

The final spark of the turbulent times was spectacular. Those who considered themselves kings and emperors of a nation fought fiercely at the edge of the cliff.

And among the countless lives that were reduced to ashes in the flames, those of young Dongcheon Demon Lord’s father and two older brothers were included.

His mother, who was only thirteen years old, fought against the soldiers who came to conscript the Dongcheon Demon Army, but was scared and died.

From that very day, the boy did not cry.

A year later, the final winner, who ended the turbulent times with the sharpest and strongest sword, ascended to the throne.

When a Taoist monk recognized the qualities of Dongcheon Demon, who was living a wandering life, and took him to his sect as his disciple.

That’s how I met my teacher. He knew capital punishment.

What I found at Mosanpa was laughter, not tears. It was happiness.

And that happiness ended in just a few years.

“Did you know?”

Dongcheon Demon Army stopped walking. And he asked the blood of his enemy, who was looking down at him from the top of the hundreds of stairs.

“What did your grandfather, King Taejo, do to us?”


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not work with dark mode