Murim Login Chapter 891

Login Murim Chapter 891

(Kakape Typo Episode 890)

Although it was only a few days away, it is still nice to see you again.

And the fact that it only lasted a few days but felt like months played a big part.

‘There must have been so many big things.’

Still, what can I say? Although it’s an unfamiliar place, seeing familiar faces makes me feel like I’m home for a while.

I smiled and waved to the people who gathered in an instant.

“Wow, it seems like it’s been a long time since we all saw each other. how have you been doing?”

The reaction was immediate.

Jeokcheongang had already seen it a few o’clock ago and snorted as if nothing had happened, asking why it was such an unusual situation, Sima Pyo and Song Ilseom silently nodded, and Joo Hwaran, who had been as frozen as a stone statue at my sudden appearance, suddenly jumped down the stairs like a beam of light. He came down and said this in a restless voice.

“Uh, uh. benefactor. No, footnote. “Are you anywhere safe?”


“No, no. My words came out in vain. So what I mean is…

“Are you hurt anywhere?” “oh. yes!”

Sinui, who had come closer, opened his mouth with a hollow smile.

“I’m glad you don’t seem to have been through much hardship. “I think the Lord here will have a good time now.”

Joo Hwaran trembled.


“No? “They care more about me than I do as a member of the National Assembly.”

“Isn’t it natural for you, as a member of Hwaryongak, to be concerned about your safety?”

“Ah, that’s natural. Anyway.”

Sinui nodded his head like a grandfather responding to his granddaughter’s words and narrowed his eyes at me.

“I say so.”

What on earth should I say in this situation?

I was feeling strange for no reason and was urgently looking for something to say. Suddenly, darkness fell over my head and something wet touched the top of my head. Tuk. Fighting.

For a moment, I thought it was raining from the ceiling. Until I felt heavy breathing and sticky saliva behind my back. ‘ah. ‘Two ten birds.’

I think I know its identity without having to look. When I slowly lifted my head and looked up, the person I expected was drooling.

“Taesan is so happy and happy to meet Gakju again.”

Is he crazy? Look how fast you talk.

“Have you had a good time in Gakju? Taesan has had a good time. I have eaten Hyangjang meat, I have eaten Goohyang-jangguk, and I have eaten Ohhyang-jangguk.”

It means that they just ate as much as they could.

Of course, at this very moment, he was not looking at me right in front of him, but at the pile of dishes in the corner.

“Taesan is fully prepared to help each state. Just give the order.”

It seemed like everyone was fully prepared to eat the five-spice-jangyuk, so I gave the order in a liberated voice.

“Okay, so eat it before it gets cold.” “Taesan. “I obey the orders of each state!”

With a more enthusiastic answer than ever, Taesan, throwing his massive body, began to slaughter the five-hyang Jangyuk.

As I looked at the scene of the terrible slaughter with blurred eyes, I suddenly remembered a person I had forgotten.

“for a moment. Where is old man M?”

“we are here.”

Namho, who clumsily came down the stairs holding his waist, spoke with a gloomy face.

“I was resting for a while. “Maybe it’s because I’m old, but my body isn’t what it used to be.”

“No, how did you get hurt?” “Go to the side and stop.”

“Well. “I guess you slipped.”

“Maybe because it’s an imperial palace, even the sides were well oiled. “I’m holding on to the ceiling beam, but my strength is gone.”

“Ceiling beams? “Not the floor?”

God whispered to me as I was puzzled.

“It seems like they were hiding among the sides and trying to surprise the Taesan Sohyeop.”

“It will be okay soon. “You’re not only old, but your body is in perfect condition.”

It was crazy. really.

I took a deep breath and looked around at the people surrounding me.

There were normal people and abnormal people, but these were people who followed me to the cave called the imperial palace for me.

Even though they knew the danger of the mission, they risked their only lives, so there should be no hiding or lies when discussing the matter.

“I can’t be gone for as long as I thought, so I’ll speak quickly.”

I took a deep breath and started talking.

No, I was about to start.

Big size. Big size. Paohu.

Please stop eating.

Immediately after I poured out the situation of the past few days without stopping, the inside of the palace was engulfed in silence.

In fact, it is worth it.

They probably already knew the series of situations through their classmates, but there were some stories they heard about for the first time here.

And the first person to break the silence was Jeokcheongang.

“Something went awry once.”

He muttered softly, his eyes sinking into silence.

“There are only six masters of the highest level and there are gold medalists of that level… Is this why it is called a great country?”

With a heavy heart, I corrected Jeokcheon-gang’s words.

“That’s all I have personally confirmed. “There may still be some hidden masters out there.”

At first glance, Moorim and Gwan appear to be completely separate, but in reality, they are different.

A large country is a continent. The military power curled up in the Imperial Capital was so powerful that even the Jeokcheon River groaned.

Moreover, there was an unexpected ambush.

“First, tell me more about that woman named Sogyo. Appearance and speech. “What weapon does she use and how does she move?”

Jeokcheongang seemed to be more wary of Sogyo’s existence than anyone else, and I told him everything I had personally seen and felt.

When a brief clash took place. As she explained her movements in detail.

However, Jeokcheon Gangdo, who was ranked among the three most powerful men in terms of age, and Namho, who was second to none in terms of knowledge, could not come up with an answer of any kind.

“I can’t really specify the way he speaks, so even if it can’t be helped, I’ve never heard anything about a master who looks like that and uses a soft sword.”

“I also agree with what senior Noh said. Considering that she is the leader of the Dark Heaven, she is most likely a person belonging to the Demonic Demon Way (邪魔外道)… Among the demons that Eun Yeong-gak identified during the Great Demon War, female masters of that level were very rare.”

Namho answered in a worried voice and turned his head towards me.

“Was there anything strange? “We cannot ignore the possibility that he used a sophisticated bast mask or a reverse technique (易容術).”

I tried to remember for a moment, but then shook my head.

The deeper the level of martial arts, the sharper it becomes.

Losing is a smart thing to do.

No matter how well you make a bast face, there are limits, and maintaining the technique requires constant maintenance of energy, but from what I saw, I didn’t feel the slightest sense of déjà vu.

“no. “At least from what I felt, it was far from that kind of method.” “But there is a possibility that… “Stop. “If that guy is like that, then so be it.”

The understanding of a person who has already walked the same path as me for a long time and has reached a further distance is nothing compared to Namho, who has not learned martial arts.

Cheon-gang, the enemy who decisively cut off Nam-ho’s words, slowly stroked his chin.

“It is the state of returning to return to the highest level of advancement. How old is it?”


“Maybe around thirty? “It took a lot of effort to make him look like he was in his mid-thirties.”

“It is impossible to have that level of military status in a rough estimate…”

Jeokcheongang, who met my eyes, blurred his horse’s tail.

“······It’s not impossible, but it’s really close to impossible.”

“No, why are you looking at me during the conversation?”

“Nobu when!”


“Give it to me now, do you want to explode?”


“Then keep your mouth shut.”


This is how Hyuk Mujin felt.

‘sorry. I’ll treat you well when I get back.’

I closed my mouth while reflecting inwardly, and Jeokcheongang, who drank the cold water in one gulp, quenched his appetite.

“Shit. It’s one of two things. Either the Lord of Heaven took a disciple from a certain ancient world and raised him up to this day, or he was an old ghost who went beyond the halfway point of returning to the old world and reached the stage of returning to the old world.”

“Personally, I think it’s the latter. It was the same with Namcheonmahu.”

“That is likely to be the case. Even when the world was shaken by the Great War, there were people who retreated to Simsanyugok (深山幽谷). “Right now, Nobu was one of them, so there’s no guarantee that she wouldn’t be that girl named Sogyo.”

It’s a very possible story.

Almost half a century has passed since the old sky of Demonicism closed and a new sky called Amcheon opened.

In the present, many of those who have appeared under Amcheon’s command were veteran veterans of the previous era, so-called great demon heads, but they were blood lords and the Seocheon Demon Army. And key figures such as Namcheonmahu were rather unknown to the world.

‘It would be correct to see the Confucianists as being of the same type as them.’

However, there was something else more important than finding out the identity of Sogyo.

The reason why they let me go even when they could have easily suppressed me.

No matter how much I thought about it, the question was not easily resolved.

“I do not know. Sogyo, why did she make that choice?”

Ju Hwa-ran, who had been listening to the story in silence, suddenly opened her mouth.

“I never understood that either. “It may be rude to say this, but I was wondering if there was a reason to release fish that were already caught in the net.”

“Isn’t the intention to strike all at once? “At the grand banquet that will be held soon.”

Joo Hwaran shook his head in response to Song Ilseom, who was sitting next to him.

“If information leaks out, they are the ones who are in trouble. “Now that they’re out like this, won’t we fight the decisive battle with all our might?”

That is correct.

It would be understandable if the people gathered here were all of our troops’ strength, but the strength of the anti-government army that has been preparing for over ten years centered around Masambo would also be formidable.

‘If there was no chance of victory in battle, we wouldn’t have even dreamed of revolt in the first place.’

So, are the enemies completely unaware of this fact?

No way.

At the same time as the success of the treason, the current emperor gradually reduced Tong Dong’s authority, which means that he was concerned about the current situation and kept it in check.

‘The Gold Medical Commission is also a group that is not inferior to its peers in terms of military force or intelligence, so it must have been conducting thorough surveillance.’

At least the emperor I personally experienced was that kind of person.

A person who is thorough, has a deep heart, and must eradicate any misfortune that may cause trouble in the future.

A cold and cruel ruler. The master of the continent with such power.

It is difficult to explain why he ignored this situation.

Unless in just one case.

‘I’m sure. No matter what we do, no matter how hard we fight, the outcome will not change.’

Even if you step on weeds again and again, they do not wither.

But once and for all, uprooting all roots

If so, the weeds will finally disappear. ‘Damn it.’

The air settled heavily.

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not work with dark mode