Murim Login Chapter 827

Chapter 827

Moment. It was as if the world had stopped.

I stared blankly at my doppelganger, who was laughing silently.

In my head, where my thoughts had stopped, the voice I had just heard was playing over and over again.

– Do you really think so?

I was out of breath.

What is the meaning of this question

because i realized

However, the instinctive rejection that welled up from the depths of my heart was moving my lips without even realizing it.

“Don’t talk bullshit.”

It can’t be.

I know it, and everyone in the world knows it.

The demon king, Asmodeus, is already dead.

At the end of the cataclysm later called ‘Victory Day’, the hero of mankind fought against the demon king and finally defeated the disaster that drove the whole world into a pit of fire.

And a few hours later, a small life was born in a country on a peninsula surrounded by sea on three sides.

Right now, I am standing here.

“The Demon King is dead. on the day i was born On Victory Day.”

The cracked voice that escaped his lips was unfamiliar, as if it were someone else’s.

As if I had promised myself, I continued my words.

“It was destroyed, and we were victorious. That’s all. It’s true.”

just standing there lick your lips

Even though I’m just talking, I’m short of breath.

The breath he exhaled felt bitter, as if it contained poison.

Like a voice piercing my ears at this moment.

“Yes, that is also true. Taekyung Jin. You are the chosen one.”


A monster resembling an abyss looks at me and curls up the corners of its mouth.

The smile drawn from the stolen Grand Mage’s face was as cunning and wicked as that of a poisonous snake.

“That is all you know, and it must be the truth.”

that buck

Slow steps are heading toward me.

The sound of footsteps echoing through the huge and grotesque temple mixes with the voices that follow.

“But look at me.”

deep sunken eyes.

Those swirling eyes stared at me like an abyss.

“Even at the time when people died countless times, even when I was weeping for joy at victory, he

me who only watched I, who was with you at the command of the great King.”

“You still don’t know? My existence is the proof. Proof that the truth you believe in is false, and the truth you do not know exists.”

For an instant, my eyes were blurred.

The gigantic pillars supporting this temple, the bizarre stone statues, and the figure of the Skeleton King licking their lips disappeared.

only one being.

Only the doppelganger filled his field of vision. It was clearly locked in both eyes.

‘The Great Battle of Paris.’

My brain was dizzy.

Small puzzle pieces came to mind and filled the empty spaces one by one.

‘Since long before the demon king Asmodeus fell, the doppelganger had already permeated this world.’

Michael Silbert did not choose a doppelgänger from the beginning.

The doppelganger chose him.

In another world, the monster is in the present world.

I recognized the monster, and I read the great ambition that crouched in a human body of flesh and bone.

‘Why did the doppelganger choose Michael Silbert?’

I already know the answer to the question thrown in my heart.

‘Because what he wanted wasn’t just to exist in this world.’

The doppelganger has the ability to be called the one-of-a-kind.

He can absorb not only his appearance and abilities, but even his memories and make them his own, so he can live as a mere human being.

It would have been easier than anything else.

but now i know

That the doppelganger permeated into humanity was not a simple betrayal or conversion.

The bastard has an order.

The command of the demon king Asmodeus, the master he was loyal to with all his life.

The story after that will be as I know it.

The doppelganger moved the world by putting up Michael Silbert.

The scarecrow, who made his name known in the Great Battle of Paris, quietly grew in size, avoiding the sky called Cheon Tae-min, and the shadow controlling the scarecrow became someone’s soul from an invisible place.

And he climbed the stairs, recalling the orders he had received for over 30 years.

Until this endless staircase that leads upward is cut off.

Until the time finally arrived, and the door that was firmly closed appeared.

“Looking at the expression, it seems that I’m finally getting a feel for it.”

The moment the doppelganger laughed out loud and raised his hand.


The sphere of light, which had been swimming alone in the darkness without a single ray of sunlight, came to a halt as it approached the end of the huge temple.

A hazy halo of light illuminating the vast space.

And the only throne placed under it (王座).

‘That’s it.’

The moment I saw the empty throne, I instinctively realized.

Who was this temple and that seat made for?

Also, what do those seventy-two grotesque and hideous stone statues mean?

“The commander of the Pandemonium 72 Corps… …

The Skeleton King groaned. The doppelgänger spread his arms toward the throne with a face full of joy.

“The great King will surely return. One day soon, with countless troops following you.”

The hair all over the body stands upright. Cool energy climbed up his spine like a snake.

I don’t believe in doppelgangers. Because he is a being made up of lies itself.

I’m not sure right now whether what I’ve been hearing is the truth, or whether it’s a lie meant to shake me.

but… … .

‘If all those words are true.’

If so, what I had to do was already decided.

Dynamite with a blown wick does not explode.

A locked door cannot be opened without a key.

And in that sense, the doppelganger was both the wick and the key.

A sign of a great catastrophe that is about to happen.

The chance to prevent the second coming of a being that is like a nightmare for mankind is now.

‘Kill him.’

My mind, which was filled with dark clouds, becomes clear.

The energy of his whole body was seething with the thought of a mission.


The front of my eyes gets blurry.

The body, which had to endure the aftermath of the unreasonable teleport magic, complains of pain.

However, without hesitation, I poured the Yeolyangjigi that I had pulled up from Hadanjeon into the Sajibaek Sea.

It dulled the pain, forced the ruptured muscles to come alive, and finally exploded them.


Chloride furnace.

Blue-white flames bursting out along the toes consumed the darkness.

I, rushing in while erasing the space in the fragmented time, I stretched out my spear.

With the action repeated thousands or tens of thousands of times.

towards a single being.

Wedge love!

True to its name, white flame, the blade of a spear cutting through the darkness was dazzling like a pure white flame and burned intensely.

As if nothing could stop it.

Like turning everything to ashes.

At least, it seemed that way until the next moment, with a beckoning gesture from the doppelganger, something invisible stood in the way.


A roar that tingles the ears.

and great repulsive force.


I firmly gripped the piercing spear.

Just ten steps ahead.

The doppelganger’s face, still smiling, was swaying and being wrapped in an invisible transparent membrane.

“Do you understand now? Why did I even come here?”

defense magic?

No, this isn’t just defensive magic.

Even if my current doppelganger was a weed master, it would be next to impossible to instantaneously create a magical shield strong enough to block my blow so easily.

except for one case.

‘The magic circle.’

Siegfried Basman.

Among the only three great mages in the world, he is one of the best magic circle masters.

And the time of three years given to the doppelganger who absorbed the soul of such a person.

“You, you bastard… …

“You humans have heard of insurance. If you think it’s similar, you’ll understand.”

Relaxation oozes from the corners of the lips that have been rolled up.

It was a smile I hadn’t seen since I was running away after suffering countless deaths because of me.

“Don’t work in vain. I am the owner of this place.”


Unprecedented energy resonates everywhere.

Magic circles with dazzling lights rose from all sides, and huge stone statues embodying the commander of the Pandemonium 72nd Corps trembled.

“As a representative of the great king, I command you to wake up.”


Stone crumbs falling from all sides along with the powerful voice of the doppelganger.

At the same time, the megalithic statues that seemed to remain motionless forever moved.

No, I opened my eyes.


Huge monsters measuring several meters in height and tens of meters in height looked down at the faraway ground with red eyes.

The Skeleton King, who was blocked by the translucent membrane, stared blankly at the sight, no different from me who had attempted an attack earlier.

And then he shouted like a thunderbolt.


That moment.


The arms, legs, and claws of the monsters made of rocks fell down, filling the field of view.

At the same time, the world slowed down and breathing became long and scattered.

‘no. can not avoid.’

It wasn’t because the attacks of those stone statues were strong and fast.

Because the more you step back to avoid them, the further away you are from your doppelganger.

‘Now is the time to go.’

Those stone statues controlled by doppelgangers are obviously powerful.

But i know

What he imitated was only the shape of the commanders of the 72nd division of the Pandemonium, and their strength was not even that of an S-class monster.


‘It’s cut.’

My body moved at the same time as I thought.

No, it wasn’t just the body made of silk that moved at that moment.

ugh ugh

“1—I—I—厂 6 .

With a strong resonant sound, the closed middle dantian (中丹田) opens.

At the same time, a space far too cramped compared to this gigantic temple, but sufficient to achieve the goal, fell under my control.


A headache that makes your vision blurry for a moment.

But be patient. You have to be patient.

I bit my teeth to the point that my lips were in tatters, and I let go of the spearhead of the white flame in my hand.


hot. dazzling

A spear carrying Yeolyanggi from Hadanjeon was burning in a bluish-white color, and Jungjungjeon’s will moved it.

No, it was blown up.

Shoot Aaaaaaa!

No roar was heard.

In a world filled with only piercing stars, a single beam of light blaze cut through everything around it.


cut the space


I brushed across the Golems that moved without a soul.

How many times. Or dozens of times.

And finally, after tearing it apart and returning to find its owner, it is in my hands.

moment captured by


everything fell apart

Seventy-two huge statues of stone. Pillars as thick as the World Tree.


Numerous magic gins that filled the temple.


Is it because of the state of the body that has reached the end beyond its limits?

The front of the eyes is pure white. I can’t see anything.

but can be heard I can feel it.

Mana and magical powers scattered. Even the one existence that is astonished beyond that.

“Tell me again.”

I groaned in a voice that seemed to be cut off.

Gathering the last bit of strength he had left, he took a step forward.

that buck

“Who the hell is the owner of this place?”

That moment.

Instead of an answer, a dazzling radiance moved the temple

filled up


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not work with dark mode