Murim Login Chapter 822

Chapter 822

Immediately after the cataclysm, the boundary between common sense and nonsense that mankind possessed collapsed like a sand castle.

Awakeners, monsters, magic, gates.

Things that only appeared in novels and movies have become reality.

Catastrophe was a neighbor, and the word death was cheap.

However, humans are animals of adaptation.

They quickly accepted the unbelievable reality that confronted them, and recognized emergency sense as new common sense.

Thinking that something like this will never happen again in human history.

No, I hope so.

However, at this moment, those who endlessly piled up blood and corpses in the nameless canyon of the Rub Al Khali Desert had no choice but to admit it.

That the common sense they had accepted collapsed again.


The rain of steel that rained down in the darkness stopped. The gust of wind that seemed to engulf the entire desert slowly subsided.

And in the midst of the silence and amazement that engulfed everyone, there were thousands of pairs of eyes looking at the one person who finally appeared.

“oh my god.”

“What the hell have I just seen?”

Hunters in awe and joy

“Evil. He must be the devil.”

“Inshallah. Oh God… …

Fanatics burn themselves with fear and hatred


And among the many people in this place, the only non-human being vomited out a word that everyone wanted to say.

” monster.”

The Skeleton King, who raised the corners of his mouth, looked at the opponent in front of him and continued.

“You said it. Let’s finish it quickly before someone scarier than this body comes along.”

The man = rose. Scattered hair and large and small scars all over the body.

He had already been fighting a difficult fight against the Skeleton King, but he was fine with his injuries.

“how… … . How could that be’?”

The man muttered in a bewildered voice.

His bulging eyes stared out over a gust of blood and corpses.

being a few days old.

The number of warriors waiting in the rear was a whopping one thousand.

The best that was saved for the last stop. In addition to that, there is also the best warrior and commander, Amir (3mir).

no, there was

Until a huge blast of steel swept them away.

‘Everybody died? And to just one person?’

A reality that cannot be believed or understood.

The man’s grip on the hilt of the sword trembled. Before I knew it, a voice that sounded like a moan flowed from between the teeth of the mouth.

“This, this is unbelievable…


The dangerously continuous voice cut off abruptly.

The Skeleton King, who cut off the man’s words like a guillotine blade, calmly continued.

“Jin Tae-kyung. If it’s that person, it’s possible.”

“Can’t you shut up!”

An angry voice cut through the desert. The man glared at the Skeleton King with burning eyes.


A huge wave of life and energy centered on the man engulfs the space.

The momentum that any normal hunter couldn’t even breathe.

However, the Skeleton King did not blink an eye.

To the undead, killing (殺气) was the most familiar energy.

Because he was facing death just by existing

The same was true of the momentum that the man was generating.

‘You have to hit it well to be half that guy’s

I’m sorry.’

Thinking of ‘that guy’ shimmering like a haze in the distance, the Skeleton King laughed.

The world calls a monster like itself a monster, but there was a true monster.

“Then why did you do this? If I had been quietly stuck in a corner of the desert, I wouldn’t have made him angry.”

“… … God, God chose us. The Great One Himself sent a prophet to lead His warriors into the Promised Land!”

“The Promised Land?”

The Skeleton King looked around with Banmun.

Bodies were strewn all over the place.

The blood that flowed like a river rose up to my ankles, and the limbs and flesh that belonged to me were in full bloom like flowers in the desert.

“The Promised Land, which you bastards have been talking about so much, can’t possibly mean this kind of sight, right?”

“Let’s all die together here, God and the medicine

If you’re cheating and saying it’s the promised land, well, I’ll admit it to some extent.”

The man’s eyes twinkled. No, all the fanatics around him were the same.

The enchanted Skeleton King’s voice spread far and wide.

Hunters and fanatics, enough to reach all of them.

And each word poured cold water on the flame of fanaticism that was burning like it would never go out, and made the hunters hold arms again.

“There was a human. no, humans

there was They were born with the fate of being mortal (必W), weak enough to compare with this body.”

Skeleton King came to mind.

Countless faces that I have encountered in the world so far passed by before my eyes.

“These humans fought countless times and died endlessly. But it wasn’t just for the god they believed in.”

I have family, I have friends.

The lover I loved was worth protecting.

“I couldn’t understand those stupid humans. I couldn’t even accept that there were kinds of death.”

But not anymore.

The Skeleton King watched humans closer than any monster.

was with them

so i finally realized

The fact that the countless deaths he had witnessed were of a kind that could not be simply called death.

“It was a sacrifice.”

Some people kill for money and power. They abandon their parents and children, and betray their lovers and friends.

But there were also those who burned like torches and died like wildfire.

Those who are determined to die and move on.

Those who fight for others and for a better world without giving up even in the face of death.

The world calls them heroes.

That death is called sacrifice.

“But what should you call your death?”

“If you have a mouth, answer me. Foolish people who were deceived by illusions and caused disaster.”


The man swallowed his breath at the sight of the fading golden crown on the Skeleton King’s forehead emitting light.

Disorientated, swaying pupils brushed across the many faces surrounding them.

hatred and contempt.

resentment and confusion.

Not just Hunters.

Even the fanatics under his command were agitated.

Seeing them looking at him with a mixture of resentment and confusion before turning their heads away from their gaze, the man felt a shock as if something solid was about to collapse.

“Me, me. I am… …

I wanted to say.

I wanted to shout at them who were shaking.

Don’t play with the devil’s tongue.

Dare to the Great God and His Prophet

Please don’t ask any stupid questions.

But the tongue did not move. Her hand holding the hilt of her sword seemed to keep getting weaker.

In my white-washed head, only the whispers of the devil I had heard a while ago were constantly repeating.

‘But what should I call you, your death?’

The man gritted his teeth involuntarily.

Intense pain rose from his already shattered molar, but it felt distant to him like a dream.

The corpses of the believers who filled the four sides.

Even the sticky puddles of blood under my feet.

‘This place is really…

Is this the promised land that should be green and beautiful?

Is this the kingdom of heaven prepared by the Almighty God and the Prophet for His people?

The voice I managed to swallow echoed in my mind as a question.

And in the hazy vision like a dream, a dazzling ray of light lit up the darkness.

A golden flash of light rising from the five-colored blade.

How warm the light felt. Do you feel sacred again?

The man even forgot that the one holding the sword was the Skeleton King.

He asked the demon staring at him while holding the [Hero’s Sword] that emits a dazzling light only allowed to the chosen ones.

“You guys… … Are you really the devil?”

That was the moment.

that buck

In a world where everything stopped, the sound of one person’s footsteps resonated.

At the same time, a calm voice pierced the man’s ears.

“You see what you want to believe. Just as you called a certain monster a prophet and held it up.”

The wind held my breath.

Everyone’s heads moved in one direction.

And at the end of those countless gazes, there was Jin Tae-kyung.

“Hamid Shah Massoud.”

The man blankly looked at Jin Tae-gyeong.

It was a name no one knew except Amir. It was also a name unknown to the opponent in front of him.

“How on earth?”

“If God told me, would you believe me?”

“You are a very easy-to-understand tribe. You see what you want to believe, you believe what you want to see. All of this is God’s will

while thinking.”


Rough steps advance.

Puddles of blood from which flesh had floated were splattered in all directions. However, the young man, who had already become a man of blood, did not care.

“Thanks to fools like you, there are already tens of thousands of people. No, hundreds of thousands died.”

The city is on fire, and a huge tidal wave sweeps through the harbor.

In the sudden disaster, countless people died.

Harmonious families disappeared, and children who lost their parents were moved to orphanages.

And all of that was man-made, not natural.

“There is no god. Even if there were, they wouldn’t be idiots looking down on scumbags like you.”

Jin Tae-gyeong, who chewed and vomited out each syllable, captured countless fanatics in his eyes.

Someone staggered the new model in shock, and someone realized what they had done belatedly and sobbed.

But in a few short words

If it had been able to influence them, the past disasters would not have happened either.

“How dare you, how dare you go, a wicked cultist!”

“God is great!”

Papa pat!

With sharp cries, newcomers attack like beams of light from all over the place.

A cool sneer formed at the corners of Jin Tae-kyung’s mouth as he faced the eyes seething with hatred.

“Yes, it should come out like this.”

That moment.


Silver flashes shot up from all sides and cut the wind.

It tore open the space and pierced the body with sharp blades that flew in.

Hey profit! Awesome!

Only then did everyone who survived find out.

What was the storm that preceded it?

And how those who were within that range met their deaths.


An eerie noise spreads over a radius of ten meters.


Blood poured down like a shower, and arrows and daggers shot through the space returned to where they came from and took the life of the owner.

“It’s so… haha!”

It was fortunate if I could leave even a final word.

Half of the hundreds of fanatics who rushed at it all at once were torn to pieces without even leaving a proper shape.

t i three de

“1 II—three de three

Flesh, blood, and bone fragments filled the empty space of the screams.

And the hilt slipped from the grip of Hamid Shah Massoud, a man who could only watch the whole scene with his eyes wide open.


No one opened their mouths.

Hunters and fanatics.

The Skeleton King with the hero’s sword stretched out, and the Magic Johnson standing tall in the air.

At this moment, only one person could open his mouth.

He alone was the judge and the forgiver.

That’s why Hamid Shi = Masood had no choice but to ask for forgiveness in a trembling voice.

In order to survive, he had no choice but to beg for his one and only life.

Dropping the sword, kneel down.

The faith in the heart, which had already been shattered beyond recognition, was thrown into the trash.

“Sah, save me.”

earnest plea.

Jin Tae-kyung, who was looking down at him with steady eyes, suddenly reached out his hand.

There was a feeling of heat on the tips of his blood-soaked fingers.

hooked dump.

A ray of heat.

That was all, and the man who fell meekly never got up again.


Jin Tae-kyung let out the breath he had been holding in and raised his head.

Chunk. Dududuk!

Countless sergeants still standing, their knees covered the blood-soaked grains of sand.

Victory came in the dark of dawn. the end of the battle.

However, Jin Tae-gyeong’s eyes were still looking toward the dark west.

Do”己 Two Three;

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not work with dark mode