Murim Login Chapter 812

Chapter 812

That buck

Jin Tae-gyeong thought as he felt the soil being crushed along the tip of his toe.

The reason why the sound of footsteps resonated loudly at this moment was because it was late at night. Or is it because of the sharp bristling sensations of the whole body?

I don’t know. maybe it’s both

But one thing is certain. now

From there, without Jin Tae-gyeong’s permission, no one can pass through this long and narrow gorge.

” jin?”

Magic Johnson, who had been looking at Jin Tae-kyung as if he couldn’t understand in the air that quickly became heavy, suddenly turned his head.

Beneath the moonlight streaming down the far-flung cliff, the golden eyes of a human figure blocking the exit were shining.

Skeleton King.

The lips that move silently hide In-young’s true identity.

At the same time, the Grand Mage’s eyes sank deeply as he realized the situation surrounding him.

“This… … What do you mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything in particular. Just, I have a few things to check.”

Contrary to the soft tone, the cool eyes.

The existence of the eagle seen in the distance has already been completely erased from my mind.

Magic Johnson stared blankly at Jin Tae-kyung.

“If it’s not an urgent matter, why don’t you check it out later?”

“This is an urgent matter. Must check now.”

“Prudence is a virtue of a leader. But I don’t think it’s the right person right now.”

“You can think of it that way. But isn’t it the leader who judges the right time?”

Magic Johnson, who was silent for a moment, suddenly let out a laugh.

“That’s right, Jin. I didn’t know you could be such a good talker.”

“Sometimes I feel that test scores and mouth are two different things.”

Jin Tae-kyung, who smiled vaguely after him, called out the name of a person out of the blue.


“Yes, yes?”

Kenji Yagamoto, who was watching Magic Johnson’s side, was taken aback by the sudden call.

I already noticed that the situation was going unusually. Jin Tae-gyeong chinned toward him, who only rolled his eyes.

“You look uncomfortable, come this way. It bothers me for nothing.”

“Ha, hey!”

Genji Yagamoto glanced at Magic Johnson and stepped forward.

However, when the big wizard showed no reaction, he quickly jumped up and stood next to Jin Tae-kyung.

“Me, over there. Jean-sama. Now what the hell is this… …

“shut up.”

Jin Tae-kyung answered calmly and stared at Magic Johnson.

He was still sitting on a rough rock with his complexion unchanged even in the rapidly changing situation.

“Johnson. When was the first time we met?”

It’s an absurd question. However, Magic Johnson answered meekly.

“Ark Rich subjugation battle. It hasn’t even been a year yet.”

“I feel strange. It seems like it’s been ten years already.”

“Because there were so many things. Now the unimaginable things that I thought would never happen again.”

“Iknow, right. I really didn’t know it would turn out like this.”

Jin Tae-gyeong smiled bitterly. Two years, no, even a year ago, he was nothing more than a slightly exceptional subcontractor hunter.

With awakening, I couldn’t get out of the fence that was set like fate, and I spent every day in the narrow and musty room of the gosiwon.

But everything has changed.

Last summer was exceptionally hot. The notice of dismissal came without notice one day.

and…… A junk capsule waiting for him on the melting asphalt.

All those moments are still vivid.

That night, the junk capsule fearlessly crawled into itself and threw the sleeping idiot into a new world, and Jin Tae-gyeong escaped the fence and changed his fate.

“The unimaginable. I think that expression is the most accurate. It’s because I experienced it myself. But you know what’s funny?”

Jin Tae-gyeong did not wait for an answer.

Contrary to his words, the corners of his mouth that even erased the faint smile were Magic Johnson’s

It was as rough and hard as a broken rock.

“Even after going through countless unimaginable things like that, my imagination seldom grows.”

A being called the Demon King descended to Earth. Numerous monsters burned cities and slaughtered people.

After five years of great war, mankind has emerged victorious and built a more splendid and gigantic civilization.

something impossible. But that’s what everyone went through just a few decades ago.

Although Jin Tae-kyung did not go through that era, he went beyond the dimension and entered two worlds.

I have accumulated a lot of experience going back and forth.

“Sometimes I feel that common sense is really scary. Because I kept thinking within the set frame, I ended up walking in place.”

Jin Tae-gyeong tapped his temple with the dagger he hadn’t known when he had taken it out.

Magic Johnson, who had been silently watching the scene, broke the silence and opened his mouth.

“So, did you use your imagination a little more this time?”

“yes. I looked back over what had happened so far. slowly. as objective as possible

From the person’s point of view.”

“Jin, humans can’t be objective.”

Magic Johnson is right.

Human judgment is always subjective. Ironically, humankind was able to become the master of the world because it is an animal composed of thoughts and emotions more than any other living thing on earth.

but… … .

“It was possible as long as I tried. The information I know, while reducing my feelings for someone as much as possible.”

“Yes, you can try to be objective. that’s the most human

That’s a big plus.”

a ugh 99

Jin Tae-kyung licked his lips.

“It’s a bit risky to speak now.”

“Which part?”

“well. Do you feel as if you are not human?”

Jin Tae-kyung was reflected in Magic Johnson’s transparent eyes. Suddenly, a laugh escaped his lips, breaking the brief silence.

“Yes, Jin. Did you achieve your goal in the end?”


Magic Johnson is already learning about what Jin Tae-gyeong made such an effort for and what the purpose was.

“The Prophet.”

A deep, low-pitched voice rides through the night air. Jin Tae-gyeong nodded her head slightly.

“I thought of the guy with the biggest connection first.”

“Michael Silbert. Considering the connection between the two, it would be a natural step.”

“Hugin called the prophet Munin. That’s the fifth Munin. Replaced like parts several times, the current Michael

One of the beings that made Sylvert exist. In addition, they use magic that is not human.”

“I assumed it was a monster for that very reason.”

“that’s right. But isn’t it a bit strange? It was only three years ago that Hugin learned of the existence of the fifth Munin, but Michael El Silbert had already been dealing with magic little by little since the Cataclysm.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Of course it is strange. It’s crazy that mana and mana coexist in a human subject. Thirty years ago I couldn’t do it

gnome? It’s nonsense.”

At that time, Jin Tae-gyeong added a word.

“This award is not helped by real monsters.”

Magic Johnson hesitated. Jin Tae-kyung didn’t care and continued.

“But it didn’t go right. three years ago and thirty years ago. It’s too empty in the middle, time.”

“After thinking about it, I came up with an answer.”

Jin Tae-kyung scratched his chin with a dagger. The sparse beard, which had not been shaved for a week, was scraped off by a sharp blade.

“The Prophet is not the fifth Munin.”


The moment blood dripped from the tip of the finely cut chin. A cool voice pierced everyone’s ears.

“For more than thirty years, there has been only one Munin.”


“… …

The air around was chilled. Jin Tae-kyung brushed off the blood on his dagger and continued.

“Now that it’s about that, I think it’s a little bit more right now. It’s not some kind of punishment, it’s not a doll picker. I couldn’t understand how strong and loyal kids like that would come out every few years.”

Kenji Yagamoto, who had been listening to the story with his eyes wide open, opened his mouth blankly.

“Well, that means… …

“Yes, the Prophet is Michael Silbert.

The crab was a mentor who taught me how to handle magic, and it was a cooperative relationship that helped each other achieve their goals. And he must have been strong enough from thirty years ago.”

The scattered pieces settle down one by one. Jin Tae-kyung’s voice became an invisible hand, groping for countless pieces.

one. two. three. heat.

Fill in the blanks according to the shapes that fit. Every time that happened, someone’s figure slowly revealed its outline.

It was. This was someone’s portrait, but at the same time it was a puzzle.

but… … .

‘Not enough. For a long time.’

Unresolved questions remain to put this huge puzzle together.

If even one piece is missing, the puzzle is not complete. Even more so, it was close to impossible to fill this empty space that had become sparsely empty.

To be precise, with Jin Tae-gyeong alone.

“Jaw L’s”

1— 1—.

Jin Tae-kyung suddenly opened his mouth.

Hemp rose up from a rock before I knew it

The Taoist’s shadow was huge, and his hand

The staff holding it was shining in the moonlight.

“Can I ask you one thing?”

“Anything, Jin.”

“Why have you helped me all this time?”

“Because we are friends.”

“Like Siegfried Bassman?”

Magic Johnson answered, raising his staff.


“I hesitated until the end. In fact, even at this moment, I am not sure. Mons

It makes absolutely no sense to use mana and even potions.”

“Every human being is bound to think that way. But there is nothing in this world that will not happen.”


The magic crystal at the end of the staff vibrated. An S-class magic stone obtained by killing a monster that single-handedly annihilated a city during the Cataclysm.

Feeling the huge flow of mana swirling along with the wind, Jin Tae-kyung suddenly opened his mouth.

“Remember what I said earlier?”

Magic Johnson nodded heavily.

“I don’t remember. Humans cannot be objective.”

“That was right. Since I am a human being who can’t help it, I had no choice but to think subjectively.”

“Everyone does. It’s a bit of an odd case, but it’s the same with that friend.”

Magic Johnson chinned his back.

A golden crown made of magic

Behind the back of the bitter Skeleton King, hundreds of eyes that filled the canyon were twinkling.

“Then sending other troops to the east… …

“I didn’t want useless people to get involved.”

“Great. Is this your judgment?”

“yes. but… …

Raising the dagger in his hand, Jin Tae-gyeong continued.

“It is not simply a subjective judgment.” and that moment.


A dazzling flash of light burst out of Jin Tae-kyung’s eyes.

Facing the light that suddenly burst out of the darkness, everyone momentarily stopped moving, but not one person.

Because it was Jin Tae-kyung who called out and wanted this light.

Kwajik, Phuc!

The dagger that moved forward like a beam of light shattered armor and tore flesh and bone. Taekyung Jin looked at the staggering Kenji Yamamoto and opened his mouth.

“What are you doing, bastard?”

Kenji Yagamoto, who opened his eyes wide in disbelief, no, the prophet laughed.

Do-買:: He


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not work with dark mode