Murim Login Chapter 790

Chapter 790

“Where is the Prophet?”

With that one word, the smile on Team Leader Choi’s lips blurs.

How did it happen, where are you?

The clear-headed man immediately recognized this simple yet clear difference, and I already knew what this brief silence meant.

“Not yet.”

Team leader Choi, who was staring at me with a hard face, nodded.

” yes.”

“Isn’t the location revealed?”

Team leader Choi did not answer, and silence (無言) is an affirmation.

‘Damn it.’

I swallowed the swear words that were about to jump out and looked up at the night sky.

Just because they are in the same place, doesn’t mean everyone is looking in the same direction.

At this moment, Team Manager Choi and I are each

Like looking at a different landscape.


A new era is just around the corner, and the last word in this long and fierce story has yet to be decided.

hope. or despair.

And at this moment, the only person holding the pen is you.

I wish you good luck.

Rank: Main Quest

Restriction: Taekyung Jin

mission : ???

compensation : ???

failure : ???

Looking at the hologram window dotted with question marks, I brainwashed myself.

‘The fact that the quest hasn’t been completed yet… …

It just means one thing.

The existence of that question mark written on the quest window was not Michael Silbert from the beginning.

‘What the hell, why the hell?’

It was an unexpected situation for me as well.

Because I had a firm belief that only getting rid of Michael Silbert was the key to solving this quest, a new cataclysm.

But I was wrong. Got it completely wrong.

‘The Prophet.’

The real key to this main quest was that crazy fanatic who called himself a messenger and prophet of God, and a terrorist who thought he was a minion following Michael Silvert’s orders.

or… … .

Or the beginning of an impending upheaval.

belt ring.

– Information on the main quest [Cataclysm] has been updated.

– The mission changes according to your awareness.

– Mission: Defeat the [Prophet] within the time limit (unfinished).

New holographic windows filling your field of vision with sudden notifications.

At the same time I realized

The second hand of the bomb called cataclysm that will soon shake the world is moving even at this very moment.

Nowadays, the word global village has become outdated.

There are so many issues in the world that it is impossible to count them in a single day.

However, even for modern people who are accustomed to seeing all kinds of news through TV and the Internet and forgetting it soon, a week is not enough.

The previous incident was a shock itself.

As if landmines exploded, armed suppression and arrests started all over the world by hunters.

Among them, high-ranking politicians led by the president, world-class rich people and hunters were also included.

All of them are titans who can influence politics, economy, and security around the world beyond a specific province and country.

People who had been waiting for the inauguration ceremony of the new World Hunter Federation, which would go down in history, fell into confusion, and the confusion soon turned into astonishment.

– In this, all the truth is contained.

Standing in front of the camera as a temporary spokesperson, what Minwoo Choi held in his hand was a microchip smaller than a fingernail.

It was the only one that survived the aftermath of the tremendous battle among the many cameras installed throughout the Capitol to capture a moment in history.

At the same time, it was also a Pandora’s box containing the truth that we couldn’t bear to face.

A video of just over three hours.

However, the video, uploaded to a streaming site for all to see, plunged the world into silence.

What Choi Min-woo said was true. It contained all the truth.

There were no edits or lies.

There were only obvious facts.

In this way, billions of people faced an unbelievable truth and discovered something that remained in this suddenly opened Pandora’s Box.

that was hope

– One thing is certain. I can entrust the lives of my family to them.

I agree with L.

They’re lazy heroes. A true hunter.

that’s right Among them, Jin is a hero among heroes.

<_Damn it. What kind of idiot insulted that young savior?

!_I’m sorry, but I was like that not too long ago. But I have to admit I’m an idiot. I have nothing to say even if you call me an asshole.

A bald asshole like W.

L Take out the bald head. before I put a bullet through your head.

L I get it, you asshole.

i-God bless you.

I was lazy I will name my soon-to-be-born child Sibal. It’s a very good name, after Jin Tae-kyung’s nickname.

As a Korean passing by, my advice is that it’s not a very good choice.

.■Wait. Am I the only one who knows about the existence of that F*cking monster? Why is everyone not saying anything?

If you’re talking about Nston King, water

Don’t blur, turn off.

L is crazy he’s a monster

Oh. so?

listen well My cousin was shot dead by a black man, but I don’t treat my black friends as murderers.

U Michael Silbert killed many people, and the Stone King fought for them. Now, who’s the hero and who’s the monster?

“hit. The world will be ruined because of idiots like you.

■■Good. If you say everything, go away.

go well idiot.

I I’m French, but at first it’s terrorism

I thought it happened too I was looking at social media, but there was a video of the president falling from the window of the Elysee Palace.

L Emmanuel? That bastard will fight even if he dies, sticking with Michael Silbert.

1 ■Have you seen the video of the Swiss Interior Minister being arrested? Magic Johnson beat him up with his big beautiful staff.

WMG… …

■■ Friends. Not what you think. Don’t think of anything strange.

L It was a very quick and brilliant operation. The World Hunter Federation was organized in just one hour and spread all over the world.

Rooted out the planted traitors. There was no time to spoil or rebel.

Confidentiality was perfect until the start of the operation. If it was Mexico or Brazil, the information would have passed through the gang.

We support and love you. Please God bless you all

U It’s still too early to be relieved. Hasn’t everyone forgotten that fanatics and terrorists exist?

!_Of course I remember. But the World Hunter Federation will protect us. The madman who calls himself a prophet is also lying on his back and looking at his eyes.

L It’s already been 2 weeks since the terrorism stopped. The prophet will soon die like Bin Laden, and only then will true peace come.

i_Jin. Wake up. We are waiting for our hero.

A week was absurdly insufficient to offset the shock felt by the world, but humanity was quickly finding stability.

With faith in the World Hunter Federation and the hope that everything will get better.

But somewhere unknown to them, a new movement was already beginning.

Or, a fire that will devour the world.

“Focus all available forces on the Middle East. Right Now.”

A word from Jin Tae-kyung was transmitted directly to the World Hunter Federation’s leadership through Choi Min-woo, and no one raised any questions.

This is a command, not a request.

The first order given by their chief lord.

And the answer they had to give was decided from the beginning.

“Yes. boss.”

The World Hunter Federation began to move.

“They are coming.”

A trembling voice echoed through the cave.

The prophet, who was silently looking down at the man lying at his feet, opened his mouth.

“What is the expected power?”

“That, that… …

“Answer me.”

The hesitant man lowered his head to the floor.

“Estimated at least 100,000.”


“… …

100 thousand.

The huge number that exceeded expectations, the otherwise cool air in the cave froze.

Those present here know. The fact that the number of 100,000 did not mean simple infantry.

‘World Hunter Federation.’

Hunters are rare by their very existence, regardless of rank.

Because only one person out of a thousand gets a chance to awaken, and you have to go through specific training to be recognized as a Hunter.

However, the opponent was the World Hunter Federation.

As its name suggests, it is a huge organization to which all hunters in the world belong.

Out of billions of human beings, millions of hunters who have been chosen by God through 0.1 percent probability are attacking the desert.

no, the whole world.

“The entire desert is under surveillance.”

“We lost news from the informants we planted in the Pentagon.”

“Residents of nearby towns and towns are said to be evacuating.”

“The information that the US has moved an aircraft carrier… …

Amplified anxiety spills out in my voice

come. They poured out the information they had obtained for a long time.

That’s because the situation was already headed for the worst.

The unexpected death of Michael Silbert a week ago was the beginning of the downfall.

The newly born World Hunter Federation was truly unconventional and moved without hesitation.

Starting with the inauguration ceremony stained with blood, the seeds sown by Michael Silbert were reaped, and the whole truth was revealed without any addition or subtraction, gaining support from around the world.

pure justice.

There was nothing that could stop the mace struck by the World Hunter Federation. The president of a country and the head of a giant corporation that dominates the global stock market all fell while possessed by blood.

Even Pakistan and Middle Eastern countries, which refused to pass through US airspace half a century ago after Osama bin Laden’s terror attack, will not dare to rebel against this measure.

Because he couldn’t do something crazy that turned the World Hunter Federation into an enemy.

If you do, you will be visited by countless hunters along with countless fires.

However, unlike those who could choose a compromise, those gathered in this cave were not given even the slightest option.

“O Prophet!”

“Please, please tell us which way we should go!”

An anxious cry resounded everywhere.

Armed with fanaticism, they kneel down and face only one person.


Although he was afraid of the enemies who came right in front of him, he firmly believed at the same time.

The past days when I gave my life for God and walked following the prophets sent by him.

Those amazing miracles the prophet showed them.

“Give a lesson to these lost servants!”

“Defeat those infidels and let the whole world know God’s will!”

Fire, fire.

The torch that lit up the cave sways in the wind. Between the deeply pressed robes, the prophet’s voice, whose gender and age could not be guessed, resounded.

“According to your wishes, I will punish them according to God’s will. Inshallah.”

“Oh, oh oh… …

“God is great!”

“Inshallah. Inshallah!”

The anxiety that seemed about to explode turned into cheers. And looking at them crying out for the greatness of God and bowing down, the prophet thought.

That his long wait would bear fruit soon.

〒 is;


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not work with dark mode