Murim Login Chapter 781

Chapter 781

Goo Goo Goo!

A sound that shakes the air.

At the same time, a turbid aura of light and darkness flowed out, encroaching in all directions and hanging over everyone’s heads.


It was obviously early for the sun to set, but the inside of the Capitol was already entering the first page of the night.

A night without the rising moon or the stars embroidering the sky.

However, in the fog that is fainter than moonlight, there was someone who exuded a clearer presence than anything else.

that buck that buck

The flow of air changes along with the slow steps.

No, it’s not just that that has changed.

Gray eyes that slowly turned black as if ink were spreading.

White skin unique to white people is like

It was wrapped in a thin membrane like leather, and it seemed that the body, which had become long and thick before I knew it, felt an incomparable strength and elasticity.

like… … .

‘As if I’m not human.’

But at the same time, they are not monsters either.

It was because Mana was also contained within that gigantic aura that radiated from his whole body.

Then what should I call him, Michael Silbert?

The slow footsteps come to a halt.

My face, with a contemptuous expression, was reflected in the eyes of that dark glimmer.

“A monstrous bastard.”

Maybe that’s not my opinion.

The astonishment that came to hundreds of faces.

Now, talented people from all over the world gathered in one place, but no one dared to open their mouth or move.

As much as each of them has risen to a high level.

At this moment, I could feel how vast and terrifyingly strong the energy that Michael Silbert radiated was.

Along with that, I also realized the true meaning of the words I had heard earlier.

– The only person I fear is not here right now.

Even I had to admit it in my heart.

Michael Silbert was never mad

It’s not what I did.

Even if the essence of the power he had built up was dirty and cloudy, the size of his energy was incomparable to anyone he had ever fought with.

‘If I had to choose one person, it would be Nam Cheonma-hu.’

However, there is a clear difference between the two.

The Nancheon Demon Hu is constantly supplied with mana flowing from the ‘crack’.

On the other hand, Michael Silbert made it completely his own by finding a way to coexist magic itself with mana.

is to put

‘why… … How many magical powers have you hopped on?’

I stared at Michael El Silbert with deep sunken eyes.

Something that is no longer a human, nor a monster.

The monster that had been accumulating power for decades, avoiding the eyes of an absolute being, was right in front of his eyes.

While unreservedly revealing all the power that had been hidden until now.

The one with a predatory smile looked at everyone including me and closed it tightly.

He opened his tongue.

“You said it. Without him, no one can stop me now.”

The cold, frozen air and swaying eyes.

However, not everyone in this room was overwhelmed by Michael Silvert’s momentum.

“I haven’t seen you, so the jokes have grown a lot. Michael.”


Suddenly, the wind blows somewhere.

No, it’s not the wind. Enormous mana that felt like wind.

A thick plume of smoke rose from behind Magic Johnson, who slung his staff over his shoulder like an iron pipe.


Now, only the tip of the cigar is crushed by the military fire. Rejuvenated by the nicotine supplement, Chuck Hagel spat out phlegm.

Flames were pouring from his eyes as he glared at Michael Silbert.

“What you just said, say it again. You F*cking neo-Nazi bastard.”

And that’s not all.

Pi Chen had already put on a bowstring, and Prince Felix drew a longsword adorned with gorgeous jewels in a dignified posture.

However, Team Leader Choi’s behavior was different from them.


He finally handed the [Hero’s Sword] that had escaped from its sheath to someone else.

with a short word.

“Take it. It will suit you better than me.”

The other person, who blinked at this unexpected favor, soon nodded to express his gratitude.

Then, while staring at the handed sword in silence, he suddenly opened his mouth.

“I have to say it now… …

Skeleton King.

The King of the Dead stared at Michael Silbert and continued.

“From the moment I first saw you, you bastard

I didn’t like this.”


A golden line across the white forehead delineates a crown.

At the same time, a bleak aura that didn’t go well with that brilliant light flowed through the Skeleton King’s body, but this time no one pointed a weapon at him.

Now that all the truth has been revealed, it was clear who the enemy they had to defeat.


Cut through the turbid darkness and aim

Losing weapons and dazzling brilliance.

But the smile on Michael Silbert’s face was still there.

No, rather, he opened his mouth with a smile that grew deeper and clearer.

“Oh, Fabian. You too?”

a. yt


The head of the Cronus guild, whose name was called out of nowhere, gritted his teeth.

The trembling eyes and the shaking sword body.

Mikael Silbert, who burst out laughing at his visibly agitated appearance, turned to the others.

“Christopher, Fernando, Joanne, Marcel, Halid… …

The names of the giants that came out one after another.

The embers that burst out between Michael Silbert’s lips spread everywhere, starting with the Cronus Guild.

All of them were owners of huge guilds or S-class hunters, but they hardened like stone statues just by being called.

race, nationality and gender. age.

Although everything was different, there was only one thing in common between them.

Even just a little while ago, they were supporters of Michael Silbert.

And their relationship, which has been built up one after another over not a few years, is so complicated and heavy that no one could have guessed.

“Even if we consider the shortest relationship among them, it has been over 10 years, so everyone feels familiar. Aren’t you like that too?”

No answer came from anywhere, and Michael Silbert smiled at the frozen people.

“Now this is your choice

I don’t mean to dry the ramen… … Let’s all think about it once. About the trust and friendship we have built over the years together.”

I could feel the invisible agitation and confusion spreading.

This is not simply an appeal to jeong.

Now Michael Silbert was putting pressure on those who turned against him.

A shadow hiding behind the words trust and friendship. Under the pretext of an ugly secret that only the parties involved know.

The fire thrown by Michael Silbert

Soon, the seed burned fiercely, using the fear and anxiety hidden deep in people’s hearts as firewood.

With a word from a guy who makes you forget even your little conscience.

“If the whole truth were known to the world, would you guys be safe?”

“But there is no need to worry. After all, history is the spoils of the victors.”

Mikael Silbert, who slowly turned his head, looked at me and added.

“Not just history, but the whole world.”

That was the decisive blow.

And the moment when the hunters, who amount to half of the total number of people, led by the head of the Kronos guild, all lowered their weapons.

An unfamiliar, cold voice, like someone else’s, leaked out from my lips.

“Yeah, thank you. For coming out like this.”


The word of doubt on Michael Silbert’s face did not last long.

No, someone burst out almost at the same time

Ga’s screams drowned out his voice.



Seogeuk, chwaaak!

A fountain of blood gushing through the layers of screams.

As soon as he lowered his weapon, the guild leader Cronus, who grasped the situation a step later, shouted at the surprise attack that began from all directions.

“Such a dog… … !”

“I’m sorry too. Fabian. like this

I was hoping it wouldn’t happen.”

Magic Johnson, who had risen in the air before he knew it, responded coldly and grabbed the staff.


shivering air.

The fire and ice that embroidered the air along with the enormous flow of mana fell to the ground like a flash.

To traitors who were once comrades, but now enemies.

Huung, Ferber Bubbuck!

“Much, heck!”

Three or four A-rank hunters with a relatively low level fell to their knees with a deathbed.

In the meantime, the head of the Kronos guild, who was about to launch a weapon at Magic Johnson in the air, was welcoming a new guest.

“While I couldn’t see it, I completely lost my taste. Why did you make such a stupid choice, Fabian. This idiot is a baby. ”

Dirty military boots and the acrid smell of cigars wafting from the body.

The guild leader of Cronus gritted his teeth when he faced a white man who had passed middle age and approached an old man.

“Chuck Hagel.”

never a good opponent.

no, it’s dangerous

I looked back to see if I could get help from my allies, but it was a fleeting expectation.

Just a few steps away, the s-class hunters who had turned to Michael Silbert’s side with him were facing another enemy and were struggling.

Pi Chen, Prince Felix, and even the Skeleton King and Choi Min-woo, who raise up dead hunters and charge.

In that rapid movement, all nets

I couldn’t even find an appointment.

“I hope you guys… … from the beginning?”

“Once you start, you have to root it out.”

With a frenzied laugh, Chuck Hagel rushed towards the Kronos guild leader.


The atmosphere explodes with the collision.

But soon, another roar and scream that came in from all directions like waves covers it.

With red blood that splatters into the air.

Yes, the blood of the enemies was red.

Human blood, not monster blood.

The red blood, which I did not want to see in this world where I was born and raised, was soaking the Capitol, the huge round table.

Perhaps that is the case.

Even though it was an expected situation, the taste is so bitter, and the blood in the whole body is boiling.


The Fire Dragon, which was coiled in the Danjeon, surged up.

Hot lava-like heat all over the body

Feeling it permeating everywhere, I suddenly opened my mouth.

“It’s such a F*cking sight. Isn’t it?”

Michael Silbert, who was just staring at me without saying a word, leaving behind everything that was happening in front of him, asked back instead of answering.

“Is all this happening right now your will?”


“I applaud your bold decision.”

bold decision.

Those words become an awl somewhere in my heart


But I didn’t show it, and answered calmly.

“Then don’t just hit your mouth and clap your hands, you fool.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s troublesome.”


“Because if I open up to you even a little, something will happen. of course… …

Michael Silbert continued, erasing the smile from his lips.

“That won’t happen, but

One year old.”

“well. Is it really?”

And at that moment when silence fell


All the space between him and me was erased, and two gigantic energies shot towards each other.

Kwah O] Aang!

Do I C


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not work with dark mode