Murim Login Chapter 761

Chapter 761

No matter how powerful a monster is, it will die if it is pierced through the neck or heart, unless it possesses regeneration beyond that of a troll.

like right now


Neck twisting in haste. However, it was already too late to avoid the unstoppable spear blade.

No, my blow was too fast and precise to miss him.


The blade of a spear that dug into the uvula protrudes, slicing through the flesh and bones inside.

Two eyes widened in pain. A bloody sputum leaked from his slightly parted mouth.

Kreuk. Krukreuk… … .

It is truly a life force.

It’s time to put an end to that too.



The flame carried on the spear blade exploded. The tree-thick neck snapped at once and soared into the air.

belt ring.

– You have killed [Lv.140 Minotaur Lord]!

– Acquired a large amount of experience and reputation!

– Level up!

System notifications ringing in your ears

Together, I slowly turned around.

A battlefield that has become silent. All the humans and monsters who had been fighting a fierce battle just a moment ago were looking at me.

Seonna in front of the corpse of a monster that collapsed as if it were falling apart.

I am a hope to some and a disaster to others.

And towards them who stopped as if they had promised, I kicked the head of the Minotaur Road that was rolling on the ground.

Shiiik, empty!

The sky-high supply and demand fall to the center of the battlefield.

the second half of this battle. No, Kick Off to signal the start of the final overtime.

However, a word from the referee is needed to move the bewildered players.

“What are you doing. Wipe it all away.”

The eyes of the two completely different races opened wide at the same time, but the emotions inside them

It was different.

humans delight.

Monsters fear.

And the moment when countless gazes with different emotions left me and met each other.


With a deafening roar, waves of people who were certain of victory attacked the monsters.

Wedges and liquids! Puck!

“Come on everyone! You F*cking monsters!”

But why is that bastard always in the lead?

‘Lee Wan-yong of the monster world. What is it?’

Shaking my head at the sight of the Skeleton King holding a halberd and slicing at random monsters, I rushed towards the already half-destroyed line of monsters.

Shhhhhh, heh heh!


The battle isn’t over yet. Only the slaughter remained.

The slaughter, which began at sunset, ended only late at night.

The Minotaur Corps, which lost its leader and was gripped with fear, collapsed in an instant and scattered in all directions, and I, who had become the field commander before I knew it, decided their fate with a simple and clear word.

“Chase. Even if you overturn the whole city.”

After that, it was literally hunting time.

Like the name Hunter, they became hunters and turned the minotaur troops that had already been destroyed into powder.

“These motherF*ckers!”

“It’s Jonas’s revenge. Kill me!”

Whoa! Kwajik!

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Originally, it is said that the life of a hunter is to go to the goal if you are unlucky, but that does not mean that you can take the death of your colleagues for granted.

how many people will there be

The sorrow they felt so many times today turned into great anger, and the other word for victory was retaliation.

“Find a group of Minotaurs! Moving towards the international airport!”

“What should I do?”


“Give me instructions!”


I was a little perplexed.

Aside from the military commanders in charge of the rearguard, why mention that when each team leader is there?

I don’t know if you’re asking me, my wife, but it was easy with a simple answer.

“What are you doing. I should go and kill him when he asks me about these things.”

“thank you! Follow Team 3!”


“The Ubermensch told me to slaughter the monsters!”

“Follow the Übermensch, let’s break their bones and flesh, and swallow their blood!”

“Ubermensch! Ubermensch!”

“Flesh and bone! Bone and flesh!”

What is it, Sibal? scared.

If you listen to the cry that echoes everywhere, it is not Germany, but at least the Aztec Empire.

Of course, there is a very big difference in that they hunt monsters, who are invaders, not humans.

“Still, it would be better not to drink blood… …

“What are you talking about?”

“no. nothing.”

Team leader Choi, who looked at me with strange eyes, wiped the blood off his face.

he opened his mouth.

“I think most of this has been sorted out. The German Federal Army sent in the rearguard left behind, and they said they were on the verge of annihilation.”

“Still, he ran away quite a bit.”

“I’m flying a drone to figure out everything, so I won’t be able to mess with it.”

Nodding my head, I asked the most important thing.

“What about the casualties?”

“As far as we know, there are only about 1,500 people. 1,000 of them died, and the rest were seriously injured.

But not to the point where your life is in danger.”

It is a world where science and magic are fused.

Quite a few wounds were healed through surgery, and with the addition of healing magic and potions, even if limbs were cut off, they could recover without any problems in a month.

But at this moment, what weighed down my heart was the number of deaths.


So many people lost their lives.

Although it arrived as quickly as possible,

Even though they fought with all their might, they could not prevent their deaths.

“Jin Tae-kyung.”

I shook my head at Team Manager Choi’s low call.

“it’s okay. I know what you’re going to say.”

From an objective point of view, today’s battle is a clear victory.

He crushed an army of minotaurs close to 10,000, killed the s-class monsters that led them, and minimized damage to his allies.

but suffered relatively minor injuries

That doesn’t mean you don’t feel the pain.

As you can see, just by looking at the hunters hunting monsters for revenge despite being exhausted.

We have certainly won a great victory, but at the same time we are groaning in pain.

‘From a very long time ago, all the way until now.’

War is like that.

In reality, there are no winners or losers, and the result is determined by who inflicts the greatest damage on the treadmill of pain.

However, knowing all this, it was my duty to fight.

Secretly reaching out in the dark, stopping someone who had stopped for a while and started to turn the wheel steeply.

– What about Michael Silbert?

Team leader Choi, who heard my transmission, pursed his lips without raising an eyebrow.

– I heard that you are on your way to Munich after finishing your work in South Africa.

– You’re a little late this time.

– It’s a situation that wasn’t planned from the beginning.

The scale of Odin’s guild was truly staggering.

Of course, it was possible to respond quickly as there were branches all over the world, but even if that were the case, it would have been impossible to build a major like today.

This incident caused by using the prophet as a tool.

In the eyes of others, it may look like a madman’s indiscriminate terrorism, but Michael Silbert orchestrated it all behind the scenes.

had a clear understanding of when and where terrorism took place.

‘Perhaps the South African monster wave was one of them.’

But there are exceptions to everything.

I intervened in the Munich Monster Wave, which Michael Silbert had not predicted, and prevented the disaster one step ahead of him.

No, at the same time, I gained the strength to block the guy’s path.

backed by popular support. and their trust.

“Why is that?”

“… … no. nothing.”

After answering briefly, I looked around.

collapsed city. The streets are full of corpses and puddles of blood.

Suddenly, I felt dirty.

I feel like I used the lives of over a thousand people as a means.

At some point, I also felt like I had become a monster no different from Michael Silbert or the prophet.

however..… .

I obviously did my best. You can call it self-defense, or call it mental victory.

They tried to save even one more life and fought with their teeth gritting to prevent a bigger disaster.

And as a result, it became the only and greatest obstacle in the world that could stop Michael Silbert.

‘Quest window open.’

belt ring.

A hologram window opens with the familiar sound of a bell.

The very main quest that hasn’t changed a single thing from the first time I saw it.

‘Cataclysm (激變).’

I brainwashed those two letters in my mind.

Even after killing the Minotaur Lord, the biggest cause of this monster wave, and annihilating as many as 10,000 monsters, the system remained silent.

as if it was still far away.

As if I would only finish the mission given to me by destroying all of Michael Silvert’s plans, or by cutting off his breath.

And it was at that moment as I silently stared at the hologram window floating in the air.

ho uh uh



I suddenly turned my head. A faint light was approaching from a far, dark sky that could not be seen with the eyes of an ordinary person.

‘That one?’

question. guesswork. and sure.

The complicatedly tangled brain derives an answer through a three-step process.

Team leader Choi, who noticed this a step later than me, opened his mouth in a calm voice.

“You have arrived.”



The hand holding the spear pole is stained white. I blinked as I watched the rapidly approaching light.

“He came.”

Simon, a reporter in his 10th year of career, was gripped with great excitement and suspense.

‘This is a scoop. Scoop.’

The smartphone in his hand was filled with all sorts of notes and makeshift headlights that he had already typed in for hours.

A monster corps led by the S-class monster Minotaur Lord.

Estimated number 10,000. great military force.

Munich center. outbreak of street fighting.

A war situation that is unfavorable to mankind. And Jin Tae-gyeong finally appeared.

Joel Schumacher, an S-class hunter in crisis, the true transcendent who saved him. Jin Tae-kyung is an Ubermansch?

big win! Scoop! Are you watching the press chief? You bastard worse than this pig’s ass. Why did you tell me that the meeting was canceled because of Daniel Daisuke?

Tok. Toto Talk.

Fingers that were busy tapping on the screen

Stopping, Simon erased the last note.

About half a day ago, I heard a shout from the director of the news department about the cancellation of the rally against Jin Tae-gyeong, but my heart softened a little when I remembered that he was also the one who sent me here.

‘okay. what can it be Because they peck so much from the top of the fortress.’

It is also the duty of a subordinate to cover up the boss’s semblance. Nodding his head, Simon typed a new note.

A meeting of two heroes.

Taekyung Jin and Michael Silbert. in Munich

Encounter again!

And when Simon hit the final exclamation mark, a strong wind blew towards him and numerous reporters.

Wooooo easy.


“Is it the Odin Guild?”

“Are you sure! It’s the guild leader’s plane!”

Cries erupted from everywhere. Simon, who was admiring the huge aircraft that was slowly descending in a nearby clearing, saw the reporters who began to move like waves.

I hurriedly walked along.

today. Without imagining what would happen in this place.



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not work with dark mode