Murim Login Chapter 692

Chapter 692

Sometimes instinct beats reason.

For example, like the moment I saw the expedition of the water dragon nestled in the black tiger’s mouth.

“You bastard. When did you steal that again?”

A word that jumped out without my knowledge.

The Black Tiger, who was looking at me with cold eyes, let go of his thoughts.

– You stole it. Talk too much.

In fact, it was a bit too much.

Even if it’s true that he stole the water dragon’s expedition, it’s always my fault in a situation where I can swallow it whenever I want to.

“Okay, I apologize. sorry

I apologized neatly and politely held out my hands.

“So let’s spit it out now. See my palm? Let’s spit it out here. Huh?”

– It was amazing.

“Oh, yes. I am very surprised now too. I know everything, so first of all… …

– I felt the power contained in this, and then I saw the distant time.

I paused and asked again.


– Yes. It was a time and memory of hundreds of years that only people of the same kind could glimpse. It contains everything of an Imoogi that could not become a dragon.


– A human appeared at the end of the eternal memory. A young, wild, infinitely reckless human being.

Blue-white eyes resembling muyaho stare at me. After that, thoughts like the voice of a calm man resonated in my mind.

– Be grateful to that Imoogi. If I hadn’t seen his memory… … You, too, must have met the same end as that unpleasant human being.

The nasty humans in this world are tough and tough. It would be enough to fill the Yangtze River if it turned the world upside down and robbed it immediately, but at least he seemed to know who the black tiger was pointing to.

“No way, Black Woong?”

– I don’t know the name. But unlike you, he only had one front leg.

First of all, it’s a hand, not a paw. That’s not important now.

I looked at the black tiger with strange eyes.

“Um. First of all, should I say thank you for saving me?”

– Does not matter. Because it was my choice.

“Then thank you. I mean it.”

The black tiger, who glanced at me, turned around and started walking slowly. Naturally following him, I opened my mouth.

“I have a few questions.”

– It’s annoying.

“What? Even if it’s annoying, you’ll answer with sincerity?”

– Can not be done

“oh. Thank you for your willing permission.”

– … … The way humans communicate is truly bizarre. Is it because too many years have passed?

Having lightly chewed Black Tiger’s will, I asked the most important thing first.

“How much time has passed?”

Looking at the stiffly lowered tail, it was clear that he was uncomfortable, but the answer came back shortly after.

– You stayed here a day in human time.


By normal standards, it’s an incredibly short time.

But in the current situation, the story is different.

The Great Snow Ghost and the Black Water Fist Demon foretold the bloody winds that would soon blow across Southern Manchuria, and now that even the Beast King’s whereabouts have become obscure, there is nothing that can stop the Southern Heaven Demon King.

‘Damn it.’

It was an unavoidable situation, but it wouldn’t be strange if thousands or tens of thousands died during the day I lost consciousness.

Gritting my teeth and swallowing the swear words, I managed to continue.

“exit. Please tell me the way out of here.”

– Are you thinking of leaving?

okay. Thanks for saving me, but I don’t have time to wait any longer.”

– I’m thinking of saving my people in danger. recklessly like last time.

“You, by any chance?”

– Calm down. I couldn’t even read human memories, so I just guessed by looking at the image of you left in Imoogi’s memory. The reason we fought so fiercely must have been for the same reason

“… … Were you watching?”

– okay. from start to finish. always

I was watching everything that happened here.

The black tiger naturally turned his head to look at me and calmly continued his thoughts.

– But I couldn’t find a reason to intervene in human affairs. At least until you pull out the ‘stand’.

U ≫

I opened my eyes wide. It is not because I knew that ‘that means the expedition of the water dragon’ that Black Tiger said.

It was because of the memory of being stopped by the chilling wind that blew from somewhere when I was about to embark on an expedition in my last desperate attempt to live.

At the same time, feeling something strange, I put down the expedition, and thanks to Muyaho, which arrived right after that, my life was saved.

“Then that wind…

Blurred horsetail. Then, the thoughts sent by the Black Tiger resonated in her head.

– He did something stupid. If you go against the established rules, that is reverse heaven. If left alone, you would have died without being able to overcome the power left by the Imoogi.

As I silently watched the back of the black tiger walking on the endless cliff, I suddenly muttered.

“Not once, but twice.”

– What are you talking about?

“You saved me.”

The black tiger snorted lightly.

– I felt sorry for someone who handed over everything to a stupid human being. If it wasn’t for the 2L reason, you deserved to die

“That’s a bit embarrassing. I don’t know why you’re hostile to humans, but I’ve never made such a big mistake in my life.”

– Even though you tried to take innocent lives and burned down the place where you used to live peacefully?


Instead of answering, Black Tiger nodded and pointed down the cliff.

Numerous beasts with tanned bodies were drinking by an unknown stream. Thousands even if the number is estimated.

If you add other beasts who will be staying in this endless space, it is difficult to guess the number at all.

‘why… …

standing tall on a cliff. It was at that time that I was staring at the scene in a daze.

– The fire you caused is still consuming the entire mountain. If the fire had spread as it were, everything would have been destroyed by fire.

– Yes, I led them here. Like seven nights ago.

If it is before seven days and nights, that is the day. The very day when I and the Beast Myowang received an urgent report and headed to Aenye Mountain.

A flash of realization passed through my mind as I quickly recalled it.


I remember clearly.

About 200 of the 300 warriors stationed at Mount Aenye returned alive, but they were not beasts of prey.

I haven’t seen them anywhere. At Aeneo Mountain and at Toxic Blood Pond.

“That was you too. You saved the beasts.”

– Are the stone mum who shouldn’t be here? grow. I haven’t been involved in human affairs for the past hundreds of years, but at that time I had to step out.

If it was normal, I might have overlooked it inadvertently. However, as I listened closely to Black Tiger’s intentions, I immediately noticed something strange.

“Are you released?”

– Didn’t you know?

Blue-white eyes with a hint of contempt stare at me.

– It was all human work. You’ve been like that for a long time, and I’ve been here watching it all.

damn it

The work at Aeneo Mountain that was only guessed at the end. However, it was confirmed by the Black Tiger’s words.

In the end, that too was the work of Darkness.

‘a little bit. If only this fact had been revealed a little sooner.’

When with past regrets, I stared at the black tiger. Now it seemed that he had a vague idea of ​​why the guy he had seen that day acted like that.

It reminds me of the back of the black tiger that repeatedly appeared and disappeared even though it was able to escape.

“You didn’t attack us that day.”

– Yes. Because that is not the mission given to me.

“only… … I was just trying to let you know The place where the thousand-year landlord is.”

– I couldn’t just watch Saddon Amul disturb this mountain. Since it is a seed planted by humans, it is natural for humans to reap it.

The black tiger’s steps, which answered quietly, continued

it continued

The road on the cliff became narrower and steeper, and birds nesting on the rugged peaks towering among the clouds were looking at us with curious eyes.

How long did you walk during the conversation? From a place full of clouds and mist in all directions, the view of the ground was truly far away.

‘I’m sure it wasn’t this large.’

When I first opened my eyes, I thought it was a forest with a small pond.

But when I looked around, it was now full of huge mountains, valleys and green pastures.


Now I can’t even get a feel for it. As I gazed at the scene unfolding in front of me with a feeling of being surrounded by mysteries, I managed to part my lips.

“This place… … Where are you?”

– The land of life. A place where everything comes alive in harmony. What kind of ghosts are forgetting? At that moment, I suddenly remembered the church deacon who gave me tteokbokki and cried out to Jesus, heaven, disbelief, and hell when I was a little kid.

“Anyway, it wouldn’t be heaven.”

– The kingdom of heaven? That’s a plausible expression. But this place is deep in the ground, where no one can enter without my permission. It’s also very close to where you were.

Then please… … Is this a place of poisonous blood?”

At my murmur, the big head of the Black Tiger, who took a few steps ahead, nodded slightly.

– Yes.

“But not here.”

I was suddenly speechless. It’s poisonous.

Even if this place was Aeneo Mountain, they would not have believed it.

It was because there was no raging fire here, and there was no unique bleak aura that used to linger on Mount Aeneo.

– Stop it. This is a place that you humans cannot invade or understand.

Literally. In Murim, there are all kinds of strange things, and the method of gimunjin is one of the 21, but the scene unfolding in front of my eyes has far exceeded its limits.

“under. Poisonous paper. This place is poisonous.”

I climbed the peak along the black lake, laughing and talking to myself.

Along with the footsteps approaching the summit, the thoughts of the black tiger were heard.

– Toxic Blood Site is the current name. Like me, humans have changed a lot over time.

“Then what were they called before?”

– Holy Land.

“what? ,,

– It is a story of the distant past, as old as the memories of the Imoogi. At that time, the owners of this land were beasts, not humans, and a small number of humans worshiped us as they lived in groups in their own domains.


Unknowingly, I was speechless.

A forbidden region that no one can approach was once called a holy place. Besides, if it was a time when barbarians were few and far between… … I have no idea how long ago it was.

five hundred years? Or a thousand years?

‘driving me crazy.’

Even if he had been ignorant of his intelligence stat from the beginning, he would have become an idiot at this moment.

Shaking my head, I opened my mouth to the black tiger, who stopped walking before I knew it.

then you What the hell are you?”

– Didn’t you say it with your mouth the other day? called a ghost

“What I’m curious about is your name when this place was a holy place.”

Black Tiger, who had been silent for a while, moved a huge model. Something faint passed through his blue-white eyes.

– Guardian Spirit.


– A long time ago, people called me 二L. The mountain army that protects Aenye Mountain. It is said to be a guardian spirit born with a god stone.

Ro’in Nutty

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not work with dark mode