Murim Login Chapter 651

Chapter 651

There are many things in this world that can’t be solved by mindfulness alone.

This is true of the 21st century, where I have lived my whole life, and Moorim, which is practically a lawless zone compared to that.

Needless to say, it was a matter of someone in a position of superiority in the vast land of barbarians.

but… … .

– Chief Baeksang is in collusion with Amchun.

If this happens, the story will be a little different.

Muttering in my heart, I inadvertently put down the broken chopsticks.

The old owner of the street vendor who saw that scene mumbled with a disgruntled expression, but now all my nerves are only one person. It was focused only on Black Woong.

– What you just said. Are you sure?

– I’m sure. No, at least I think it’s certain.


I barely restrained myself from frowning.

– In the end, it sounds like there is no physical evidence. This issue seems obvious, but it should be obvious.

– Hmm, but.

Black Woong, who swallowed dry saliva, continued the tone again.

– This is the best I can tell you. Baeksang Warchief is a man with so many secrets. I am also the chieftain of one of the four southern tribes… … He doesn’t discuss any issues with me deeply.

It was a brief moment, but I saw it clearly. When he said the last word, a certain emotion passed through Heukwoong’s face.

It was obviously humiliating.

It must have been piled up layer by layer in Heukwoong’s mind from a long time ago.

As I stared at him like that, I suddenly pursed my lips.

– Is that so?

– So what? What do you mean?

– The reason you betrayed the person you followed and sent me a secret letter. I’m asking if the reason I’m telling this story is because of my feelings for Baeksang.

– Bae, betrayal. that… … .

– If this is not a betrayal, then I am not a Han Chinese, but a Southern Man. So don’t say no.

Black Woong, biting his lip as if he had been stabbed, nodded slightly.

– Yes. I won’t deny it. Right after my father died in the Great War of Jeongma, I grew up under the shadow of Baeksang Warchief from the time I was a snoring dog. No, it would be more accurate to say that he was being dragged around with an invisible leash. But that wasn’t the only reason I decided to meet you.

– Then what?

– I want to protect the people of my tribe.

– The Baeksang Warchief I remember was always a cool-headed and outstanding person. That is why I will never bend my will. He will think that his own choice is right, but if it stays like this… … Namman is the end.

I stared at Black Woong without a word.

I didn’t know where to start and how much to believe in this confidential conversation in a small street vendor on the corner of a busy street.

‘Can I believe it?’

Information was not the only questionable subject. Heukwoong, who suddenly and secretly contacted him, was also included.

No, in a way, the most important thing was whether I could trust him. That’s right, so you can trust the information he hasn’t divulged yet.

‘Everything I’ve seen so far seems sincere

did But what if all that was acting?’

Moorim is an ever-changing and fierce world that makes it impossible to predict the future.

knight errant. Third-rate wrestler. Madou and the hypocrite. These countless groups of people are mixed, tricking each other, pulling out daggers and stabbing each other in the back.

‘It’s not strange no matter what happens in Murim.’

Just as I was quietly assessing the situation, the old owner broke the brief silence.


The soup overflows from the bowl he sets down with his trembling hands.

The cheap somen noodles, which cost no more than a few pennies, were tangled up in the bowl. Like the thoughts in my head.

“You are finally here. Try the soup first, because that’s the real thing.”

Heukwoong tried to open his mouth in a bright voice, but there was nervousness in his eyes as he quickly scanned the surroundings.

– Be careful. There are many invisible eyes and ears to the white chieftain. I also have to return for at least one meal to avoid suspicion.

– Did you slip out while we were together?

– No. But there is always a guard station nearby. It’s a trick planted a long time ago to figure out my dynamics. It’s okay to be at ease today.

There was no subject for the person who planted the seed, but it was mana anyway. The answer that will come later is no different from what I’ve already heard.

It must be a white statue.’

Somen noodle with steam rising

There is nothing more conspicuous than being bruised in front of you.

I ate somen noodles as naturally as I could and blew the sound.

– Since when have you been being watched?

– Well, I don’t know the answer to that question. However, the first time I noticed it was around the time of the contract, and since then, I have been wary of the chieftain Baeksang for over twenty years. That’s the reason why I secretly learned the bone marrow ball (縮骨功). Although the process of learning it is difficult, unlike other martial arts, there are almost no traces of training.

At this point, I had no choice but to partially revise my evaluation of Heukwoong.

‘It’s quite a bit.’

It’s funny that I gave such an evaluation to him at an age well past the age of ignorance.

‘I found a way to live on my own, is this it?’

Heukwoong, who suddenly contacted me, was suspicious, but after hearing the story, I believed him more than I initially thought.

Perhaps the taste of somen noodles, which is much better than I thought, also played a role.


Drinking in the thick soup, I took out some iron coins from my pocket and put them down next to the empty bowl.

And without hesitation, I patted Black Woong on the shoulder, who was embarrassed by my appearance.

“You were right. The soup in this house is good.”

“That, I’m glad that’s the case. But now

where are you going… …

“Why? You should get up soon after you’ve finished eating. You look busy on your way, too. No?”

At that time, I saw Black Woong’s pupils widen slightly. Perhaps it was because I heard the whole tone that I sent along with the horse.

– Follow me. Keep your distance and slowly.

After the appetizer was solved with somen noodles, it is now time to taste the main dish.

– Let’s have a listen. Everything you’ve seen and heard by Baeksang’s side so far.

* * *

Crowded streets with no space to set foot.

Black Woong and I, who had permeated into the crowd, began to move slowly, leaving a distance of one length.

Occasionally, I watched firecrackers exploding in the air, and I naturally turned my head to look at the street, but the electric sound that flowed between my lips did not go elsewhere for a single moment.

– I’m going to ask the reaper. Baeksang

Is there any evidence of a collusion with Amcheon?

– Although there is no clear physical evidence, it is certain from what I have observed so far.

– If there is no physical evidence, that is not enough.

– I couldn’t help it. Until now, I was in the same position as the cattle living inside the fence set up by the chieftain Baeksang.

– Then the exact time and why you guessed that way?

– Even though I was raised like cattle inside the fence, it’s not that I couldn’t even peek outside the fence. It’s only a facade, but I’m also the warchief who leads the Yi tribe, so I was able to sit with them often. No, maybe he doesn’t even care about me? You might have thought. It’s not a wrong word.

Black Woong’s transmission continued with a self-deprecating word.

– Do you know what kind of person the Baeksang Warchief is? Also about white people?

– I don’t know much about Namman, but I’ve heard various stories from reliable sources. I made my own judgment about Baeksang to some extent.

– Judgment. It’s fun.

– It’s fun. What?

– It’s a simple story. I’ve known Warchief Baeksang since I was very young, and I’ve had to revise my judgment about him every time. As the years passed, my hair grew thicker and I thought more and more.

– He’s like that. Dense trees and deep swamps. This land of all kinds of rugged terrain does not allow secrets to be leaked. for example… … .

Blurred horsetail.

I turned my head to the gaze I felt the next moment, and I was able to face the eyes of the black woman shining clearly.

– Even at this moment, the elite warriors of the white tribe, who are waiting for their time in a secret place somewhere in southern Manchuria.

In an instant, my footsteps stopped without my knowledge. Turning my head toward the seat next to me as naturally as possible, I pursed my lips.

– Please continue.

– Did I ever tell you what my father was like? He was a highly sought after chieftain, and he was an outstanding warrior. The servants who followed him wholeheartedly helped me at the cost of their lives. We also learned about Beecher thanks to their sacrifice – do you know the exact location?

– It did. twenty years ago

– … … Twenty years ago?

– The only thing that came back that day was not duplicates, but a copy written in blood. Feeling desperate, I headed to the location written in the edict using the pretext of subduing wild beasts a few days later.

– The flames did not die out until after seven days and nights had passed. All that was left there was ashes. How come, isn’t that a very strange thing?

Heukwoong continued the tone in a bitter tone.

– Every time my servants died one by one, I learned something new. On the first day of every month, Chief Baeksang exchanges messages between Insi and Myoshi with unknown destinations. And disappearing somewhere alone once every three months… … . Ah, since last year it has been changed to once a month.

The person who followed him back then was the last thing I could trust. I never saw it again after that.

As he finished speaking, there was a heavy silence.

The surroundings were full of joyful voices and cheers, but me and Black Woong were the exception.

‘Baeksang and Amcheon. Amcheon and Baeksang. and… …

Black Woong.

Which of these is true and which is false?

Head like a poisonous mist

It is white on the stomach.

However, beyond that, there was definitely a figure of a person who had been following her with her eyes and heart from the beginning until now.


And another one who hasn’t made an appearance yet.

At the name that suddenly flashed in my mind, I sent out a telephony to Heukwoong.

– What about the others?

– Someone else. Who are you talking about?

– Another Warchief. I mean Yohee.

– I’ve always been curious. Not saying a word about her.

I see a dry new model shaking rattling beyond the people passing by. Black Woong’s gaze, which met in the air, trembled thinly.

– He, she did nothing wrong.

– Yes?

– You just made the wrong choice. Just one thought to revive the Yojok… … .

A horsetail that gradually fades. Blinking blankly, I stared at Black Woong, and the back of my head tingled.

Goddamn, what could this human be?

– Could it be that it wasn’t all acting, was it sincere? Do you really like Yohee?

– I don’t like it. Beloved.

– Excuse me. Are you feeling crazy?

I’m going crazy and freaking out really.

I didn’t think so, but when I see Yohee, I get goosebumps

That everything you laughed at was true.

In addition, Magic Johnson even hit the shield of the soul that made him cry, and he fell.

Embarrassed, I barely held back the urge to squeeze through the crowd. Instead, I blew out my notes as if to threaten him.

– Can you say that in front of Yayul Daehyeop? Yohee is not wrong?

– That’s why I came to you. First, I guessed that the princess would not trust me more than the chieftain Baeksang, and secondly, that he would not forgive Yohee.

– Hey. Our Yo-hee, this shit.

– Oh, sorry. But it’s like a real idiot. Anyway, I’m well aware that Ngu Yo-hee is on the other side.

Heuk-woong’s complexion hardened rapidly, as if he didn’t like the choice of words.

He pursed his lips as if to say something, then let out a sigh.

– I made up my mind before coming here. If you and the princess want, you can stand as witnesses at the great meeting tomorrow. However, I must accept a promise to guarantee the safety of me and Yohee.

The former is a good suggestion, and the latter is a nasty suggestion.

And the only thing these two proposals had in common was that it was a matter that I couldn’t decide right now.

Aside from Heukwoong, in Yohee’s case, it is in effect giving the defector an indulgence, but how can I decide that alone, since I’m not Syngman Rhee, who accepted the pro-Japanese faction? At most UN forces.

‘But if the Beast Cat King’s permission fails… …

If that’s the case, what’s next

it’s a thousand If Heukwoong’s words are true, it’s not enough to eradicate the threat of Amcheon from the South Manchuria, and a super-large sweet potato called the Namman Yasugung may come along with the Murim Alliance.

However, assuming that all of this is true

– It must be true. certainly.


A wave of air sent to imprison only one person.

Heukwoong, who felt a power he could not resist, licked his lips with a pale face.

– Carpenter I risk my life.

I glared at Black Woong without a word, but I regained my momentum.

Standing breathless, he looked around, nodded slightly, and disappeared among the crowd.

Before I knew it, the meal he had been talking about had flowed.

“.. after”

Only then did I catch my breath and move along with a deep breath.

It was to stop by the residence and consult with the members of Hwaryonggak before conveying this news to the Beast Myowang.

‘People like Wensu. It’s good if you don’t have an accident.’

* * *

Sama Pyo, who came out to the empty lot in front of the residence for training, suddenly thought.

Was the life he was born blessed with, or was the karma committed by the goddamn footnote that flowed all the way to this place as a stream of water.

“That’s what I’m asking.”


A black dragon sword appears with a cool sound. Sama Pyo, who was holding a bottle, continued to speak as he took a step back.

“What do you guys think?”


The grass surrounding the clearing swayed.

Low-in sub-team

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not work with dark mode