Murim Login Chapter 634

Login Moorim Chapter 635.

– The [Ghost of Aeneo Mountain] has appeared!

The ghost of Mount Aenye.

The existence and name that I had never seen or heard of, but before I could understand the newly delivered information, a huge black tiger called the ghost of Mount Aeneo from the system let out a thunderous roar.

– Kwaaaang!

The roar that rips through the darkness and reverberates through the mountains makes the air around it ripple and shatter grass and tree branches.

It was not a mere howl of a beast.

It was something primitive that aroused fear hidden deep in the heart and even shook the spirit.

And I was the one who knew the identity of this power better than anyone else in the world.

Fear.’ From the moment I first met his bluish-white eyes, I instinctively realized.

The fact that the sudden appearance of a gigantic wild beast is something that cannot be fully contained in the two words “beast” and the reason why this feeling does not feel unfamiliar to me is thanks to my experience of encountering a being resembling it in Hubei a few months ago.

After hundreds of years, the owner of Dong Dong-ho, who lost his sense of reason and ran amok by the Dark Sky, was a rare spiritual creature that entered a new realm.

I read the aura like a water dragon in the black tiger standing tall like a mountain, and I wasn’t the only one who felt it.

– Turn it off, right??… ?.

It was a white tiger that was not lacking enough to be called a spiritual creature by ordinary standards, but it was not enough to overcome strong peers.

But unlike the guy who grunted like a frightened puppy, someone else stepped forward without hesitation.

“Was it your fault!” Quaang!

With a cry full of anger, the new model of the Beast Cat King, who slammed the ground with all his might, was fired, erasing dozens of distances in the blink of an eye.

A dazzling light erupted from the tightly clenched fist.


heavy porosity. The destructive strong wind wrapped around his fist like a thread blocked him, and he proceeded to erase everything.

And at the end… … .


There was nothing, empty space.

K! ” avoided. A copy of a transcendent master belonging to the Ten Kings, no one else.

It happened literally in an instant, and the Black Tiger, who moved like fog in the darkness to avoid the Beast Cat King’s attack, swung his front paws as black and large as the night.

shhh Incredibly fast. Be strong.

Kwak! Quadd!

With a roar, a huge shock wave swept all over the place. The Beast Cat King, who could not withstand the momentary force applied to him and was pushed away, widened his eyes.

“What is this… … !” However, he was not even given enough time to be astonished. A hungry beast in front of its prey does not hesitate.

– Aaaaang!

The cry that broke out once again shook the mountains of Aeneo.

I wonder if it’s a modern day where gates and monsters have become common knowledge and daily life. The Murim people of this world are not familiar with peers.

Moreover, it was all the more so in the case of the Beast Cat King, who was embarrassed to encounter a non-standard being that far exceeded expectations for the first time.


very slight stiffness. It would have been the best result for the Beast Cat King, but the life and death of those who reached a high level was decided by the gap exposed in that very moment.

Even if the opponent is not a warrior but a beast, that fact does not change.

Hey profit!

In a world that has slowed down, the time when the black tiger’s claws, like hooks, tore the wind.

A spear that had left my grasp became a dazzling ray of light and crossed the space.

Wedge love! Quaang!

With the roar of the sky splitting, the space in a radius of about a dozen shook.

spirits and spirits. A clash of strength and power.

And I was the winner of the clash that took place in a short moment.


As the body of the huge black tiger, which became one body with the spear and bounced back, disappeared beyond the dark forest, dozens of giant trees gathered in one place in the distance broke and swayed.

Soon after, the live birds that had been watching this place, holding their breath, took off all at once, and numerous leaves and branches fell like a shower.

Tuduk. Pasasak!

Now is the right time to catch him.

However, I had no choice but to stop walking as I was about to chase after the black tiger.

‘Why is there a sign… … I don’t feel a presence. even alittle.

The only clues that were left were the remains of a mess, as if a bomb had exploded, and a single spear with a broken blade.

Other than that, there were no footprints or bloodstains to be found.

‘Are you saying it’s out of my range? Is that even this fast?’ That time when I was looking around. Beast Myowang, who ran with the white tiger, opened his mouth with a mixture of anger and shame.

“What about him? ,,“Looks like he ran away. I can’t find it.” -… … damn it You looked like you couldn’t see it.” “I understand. Not empty words, but sincerely.” Mungyeong and Jeokcheongang also had a moment of agitation at the pier emanating from the Susinryong.

Beast Myowang is a great master as he was counted among the 10 kings, but it is unreasonable to compare him with the other two who are all at the level of being human.

Conversely, Beast Cat King escaped from peer influence faster than expected.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been exposed to strange poisonous water or wild beasts since I was a child due to the nature of the Southern Manchuria.

Anyway, the important thing right now is… … .

“The bastard is still alive. He doesn’t look like he’s hurt, since there’s no blood.”

The Beast Cat King nodded at my low voice.

“It seemed so. Knowing that he couldn’t escape, he bit the spear at the last moment. The blade of the spear, which was obviously strong. I’ve lived all my life in southern Manchuria, but I’ve never seen or heard of a guy like that until now.”

“That’s probably not it.”

“No. What do you mean?”

“That was the last thing you said.”

Before the Beast Cat King could even reply, I calmly continued.

“Even if you haven’t seen it, you’ve probably heard of it. clearly.”

I couldn’t feel his presence right away, but in a situation where I didn’t know when the guy might come out again, the Beast Cat King’s body froze as he was guarding his surroundings while standing back to back with me.


“Perhaps what you are thinking is correct. Something similar happened in Hubei Province.”

“… … Are you talking about that serpent?”

The Beast Tomb King muttered like a groan and continued.

“There was something like that in the letter I received from the Murim Maeng. But deep down, I thought it was an absurd story.” “No, only men are the lord of the palace? Why can’t you believe that when your only son rides around on a white tiger?” “I ride a white tiger, not a serpent.” “……ah.” That’s it too.

Well, the Imoogi appeared only in myths. Even if the source of the information is Murimmaeng, it is natural that it is not easily believed.

The Beast Cat King abruptly opened his mouth to me, who had nothing to say at the short and bold answer.

“Then, did the man who just showed up come under the hands of the other Heavenly Demon Queen, that fairy woman?”

“I am not sure. But it’s very likely.”

There are not one or two things that are not clear enough to say no.

Although it is said to have been the base of the old Odokmun, the sudden occurrence of such a disaster in Mt. Ae-noi, which had been quiet for over a hundred years, and the sudden appearance of the Black Tiger seemed to overlap with the Soo-ryu of the past.

‘A specter of Mount Aeneo.’ What the hell is his true identity?

Where are the two hundred warriors and the beasts they command that should remain besides those who have become cold corpses and have been scattered in this place?

The moment I looked around with heavy eyes.

– Kruck.

Baekho, who had barely escaped from the peer’s influence, suddenly lowered his stance and raised his tail.

Realizing what that fact meant, Beast Cat King and I reflexively turned our heads, and darkness shone in the distance.

‘That’s… … !, Me and the Beast Cat King were overlooking it for a while as we were talking about something else.

An animal’s sense of smell is dozens of degrees greater than a human’s. It is hundreds of times superior, and tigers that hunt mainly at night have an excellent sense of smell.

that means that.

This guy’s sense of smell is wider than the range of sensations I can feel.’ At the same time as a ray of realization, me and Yah Myo King kicked the ground at the same time.

* * * In the process of chasing him, I came to know clearly.

Why do people call tigers “mountains”?

‘ah. I glared at the black body running far away, swallowing the curse in my heart.

No matter how much I run through the winding mountain range, or climb over the peaks covered in clouds and fog, I cannot catch up with him.

He has great strength and indefatigable stamina. And with his new and rare moves, he consistently outpaced me and the beast cat king, and even the white tiger, a spiritual creature that spits out some white fur, couldn’t catch up with him.

No, on the contrary, I was getting more and more anxious.

‘It’s not worth it. Because the opponent is not an ordinary tiger.’ In addition to meaning king of the mountain, Sangun is also a term used to refer to the spirit of the mountain, and that person is not the spirit of Mount Aenye, but the ghost. No, maybe it’s closer to an evil spirit that’s more sinister than that.

And because of the sights he witnessed while relentlessly chasing the black tiger, that thought was further cemented.

“Tear this apart… … !” A voice like boiling lava. Where the Beast King’s angry gaze was directed, there were dead bodies with their limbs drooping.

Deep valleys and cliff edges. It must have been clear once, but now the valley is black due to poison… … .

The bodies of the barbarian warriors were lying along the road we were heading to, like signposts, and the scent of blood and the stench mixed in the wind was terrible.

“How dare you, how dare you do this!”

A frenzied wave of air overflowed from the whole body of the Beast Tomb King, who confirmed the horrific scene passing by.

At this moment, he was more angry than ever, and his movements became wilder.


Tadak, nettle liquid!

moment. The new model, which stretches out at breakneck speed, shoots at the black tiger without hesitation.

However, the opponent is an existence that is even called the specter of Mount Aenye. I don’t know if it’s a head-to-head confrontation. Her natural physical condition and speed cannot match her.


As expected.

Far from being caught, the black tiger, which was out of the limits of an ordinary spiritual creature, quickly spread the distance and soon disappeared into a deep black valley.

As if, with the light in his eyes, as if to come and see.


I slowed down and looked around.

The whole area is densely covered with giant trees and vines of unknown age, and the peculiar smell of poison comes through the steamy air mixed with fog.

I don’t know exactly where this place is, but after frantically chasing him, I could guess that I had reached the center of Mt.


I don’t feel good. really.

However, unlike me who slowly slowed down my steps, I couldn’t find the slightest hesitation in the back of the Beast Tomb King who rushed straight into the valley.

“Yayul Daehyup. for a moment… … ? Quadduk!

There was no time to stop it, and even if I did, the Beast Cat King would not have listened to me.

A little anger wakes up a slackened mind, but anger beyond limits puts the mind to rest.


After muttering a small curse, I looked at Baekho, who had calmed down before I knew it.

As if he had already sensed something ominous, the guy who was anxiously pacing the entrance of the valley where the Beast Cat King had disappeared shook his head like a human when our eyes met.

“Just that. Do you mean dangerous?”

一 Kreung.

“Look at this kid, he’s smart. It’s the first time we agree. But this time I can’t help it.” – Kreureuk??…?.

“There’s no need to follow you, so let’s go back here. And when you see your owner or other people, tell them. We are here.” You’re smart enough to be among the spiritual creatures, so I’m sure you’ve fully understood what I’m saying.

I gently brushed the white tiger’s forehead like Yayul-mok had done, and then took a step towards the valley.

without a single bit of fear. Bomu is also proud.

Can you come back alive?

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