Murim Login Chapter 615

Lo, Yinnu Chapter 615 The official name of Yunnan Province. The road to what is commonly called Nanman in Central Plain was long and difficult.

Purruk, purr.

The horse’s breathing is rough.

Leaving Daebyeolsan Mountain, we rode into Hobuk on a course horse supplied by Jijang Joo Hwa-ran, a four-year-old general who ran tirelessly, and let go of the reins for a while in an unknown gorge.

“If we simply move like this, it will take a considerable amount of time. You must know that you have been to Sacheon before, right?”


you know, of course you know Just thinking about that time still makes my calves swell.

I subconsciously nodded my head towards the coin that asked with clear, sparkling eyes.

“Yes, really.


“Joe was hard. A little.”

I barely held back from trying to answer that I almost missed something at the moment.

I, Jin Tae-gyeong, is infinitely cold to the same sex, but gentle and warm to the opposite sex.

Of course, I had never been in a relationship in my life until now, but “At that time, it took close to 15 days even though I exercised the renewal method.” “Even to Sacheon, it is a distance of well over 3,000 li. Moreover, it is amazing to think that he moved without a shortcut.” Giving compliments should make you feel good, but you probably aren’t having this conversation just to get compliments.

Joo Hwa-ran smiled at my glance and took out an old leather scroll from her bosom.

‘What is that?’ At the time when I felt my doubt, Song Il-seom, who was sitting in the saddle and examining the blade of Yuyeop-do, opened his mouth with an unexpected expression.

“It was made of horsehide. Is it something from a stable (horse?) by any chance?”

Joo Hwa-ran nodded.

“You recognize it. That’s right, that’s exactly the map they were using.” “Heh, I heard that the map of the stable is a rare item that cannot be obtained even if you pay 10,000 gold.” “As a small country owner of Yongbongpyo, there is nothing in this world that cannot be obtained with wealth. But my grandfather won friendships worth more than gold. As proof of that, I was given this map as a gift.” hmm. Right.

… … In fact, I didn’t understand any of it. Except for the fact that Joo Hwa-ran’s grandfather, Ju Gong-san, the King of Pyo, received a great map as a gift from a person in the stable.

After patiently watching the conversation between the two, I opened my mouth.

“Yeah, soju. I’m sorry, but what the hell is a stable?”

“They are descendants of the northern horse races.”

“These were people who had traveled along ancient trade routes from hundreds of years ago, transporting the culture and artifacts of the outside world and the central plains. Now, after a long time, the number has decreased considerably.”

no, what First of all, I understood what a magic room was.

I must have asked Joo Hwa-ran, but I don’t know why two black men answered.

Song Il-seom and Sama-pyo opened their mouths almost at the same time and looked at each other.

“You have a lot more insight than you look.”

“Look? Have you forgotten where the Black Dragon Demon Gate is? Even now, in Gansukseong, where the text is located, stables are active.”

“activity? Isn’t it a squeeze?”

Song Il-seom smiled and continued.

“I’ve heard rumors that the Black Dragon Demon Gate is taking control of trade routes and collecting huge tolls.” “I heard he was from Nangin. Is there any bad relationship in the text?” “Nothing. I just want to kill a four-year-old couple when I see them.” “You have the same thoughts as me about a certain point. I can’t stand it when I meet a guy who starts with a sword. So, have you finished grooming your weapons?” “yet. But it doesn’t matter if you do it later because you’ll be covered in blood soon anyway.” 11 Then let’s move for a while.” No, why is the story unfolding like this?

I opened my mouth after staring blankly at the two guys talking amicably.

“Move something. You crazy bastards.” Song Il-seom and Sama-pyo answered at the same time.

“It’s personal, don’t interfere.” “I have to stop talking anyway, so have a cup of tea. Finish it soon and come back.” One is an individualist, and the other is a coffin fortuneteller.

When the ambitious Namman Expedition showed signs of cracking from the beginning, he had no choice but to step forward as a footnote of Hwaryonggak.


Two lines of porosity resounded in an instant.

When Song Il-seom and Sama-pyo, who had landed on the ground to avoid the wind that I had sent, were reflexively trying to draw their weapons, I gave a warning in a calm voice.

“You’ll regret it if you pull it out.”

It is not a warning given only by words. The movement of the two men stopped abruptly as they felt the enormous air waves that were squeezing them from all sides.

There was a surprise that could not be hidden in his shaking eyes.


The eyes of the guys towards me said so, and that was a fact that no one could deny.

Sapa Pyo-do, the black dragon sword that is said to be the best late exponent of Sapa and the lord of the rumors of the Black Dragon Demon, the loser of Gansu Castle, and Song Il-seom, a mourning guest who became a legend by defeating numerous enemies in fierce battlefields and life-and-death battles. would have been smarter.

No, this was the part that I knew better because they were never some sleazy pinnacle masters.

A person who sits in a high place can grasp the whole from farther away, so ‘I was two times above in the past, but the pressure I feel now will increase.’ As always, when I woke up, I was stronger than before I went to sleep.

It was because he gained a small realization in the process of establishing and creating a cheap martial art for modern hunters.

Of course, I didn’t make a great martial art, so it’s not enough to be described as a step forward… … Even taking half a step forward is a big achievement.

It’s just unfortunate that the first to realize the results were on the same side, not Amcheon.

“There are thousands of miles left. If you’re still going to fight, fight right now until one of them dies. If that’s not the case… …


I certainly have goodwill toward Joo Hwa-ran, but now is not the time to listen to her.

I shook my head slightly to Ju Hwa-ran, who spoke with a hard face, and continued.

“Either that, or the two of you come together and attack me. If it’s not now, there’s no chance in the future.” It didn’t take long for Song Il-seom and Sama-pyo, who were staring at each other with their mouths closed, to make a decision.

Sureureung. clap.

With a cool friction sound, the two blades that had been revealed minutely disappeared.

Joo Hwa-ran looked at the two of them back in the saddle as if nothing had happened, and sighed lightly.

“Whoa… I hoped this wouldn’t happen.” That’s the same for me. But it was also something I thought about once before accepting those guys into Hwaryonggak.

It was all a bad relationship that started decades ago, when Jeong and Ma divided the world into two and fought a decisive battle.

A young and bold man with the surname Zhou wrote a new legend called Manri Pyo (萬里漂) at the request of a certain woman.

And that boy was Song Il-seom. The last descendant of the Guangdong Jinga, who was exterminated by Sima Yi Tao.

Unless he was Buddha or Jesus, it was fully expected that he would hate Sapa.

‘I didn’t expect it to explode so quickly.’ Shiba, how long has it been since you started out with great spirits? Is it already a sign of failure? I can see why college students hate group assignments so much.

It was the same even if the two guys who became enemies in the shortest time in Moorim were out of the question.

“Captain, I keep wanting to poop because I was hit in the stomach earlier.” “Don’t fight, my lord. Taesan. Master, when you are in danger, you become worried and hungry. * Look at the lineup. Sibeol thing.

My eyes go dark when I look at Hyuk Mu-jin, whose stomach is more active than his body, and Tae-san, a hogga who is suspected of having an inventory instead of a stomach.

But even in this bleak situation, there was a ray of light.

“Lord sozer.”


“thank you. I’m so glad I have Juso.”

Seriously. Apart from being beautiful or not, isn’t she the most normal person?

It is true that he lacks martial arts compared to the other members, but he has a wide knowledge of martial arts and is able to find the road well.

You could tell just by looking for a shortcut that is still secretly known only among stables.

But why no answer?

“The main source?”

“hey? Main sauce?”

Called again, but there was no answer.

Joo Hwa-ran, silently holding the reins, turned her head and stuttered open her mouth.

“This, you should be able to find your way this way.”

“yes? No, you’re right. I mean… … .”

“Then I’ll go first and look at the signs on the stalls. This is it!”

“Ugh. uh huh?”

There was no time to say anything more. I stared blankly at Joo Hwa-ran’s back as she hurriedly ran away as one with the horse. I felt a tingling sensation in the back of my head and turned around.

‘… … Why are these things like this again?’ Songil Island. sama mark. Hyuk Moo-jin. even Taesan.

Exactly four pairs of gazes were staring straight at me, frozen in place.

I asked, reflexively taken aback by the mysterious eyes that I could not guess the meaning of.

“what. Why are you all staring at me like that?”

“hmm. It is nothing.”

“Let’s go first. footnote.”

Song Il-seom and Sama-pyo slowly drove their horses forward with complicated expressions. Hyuk Moo-jin and Tae-san answered with trembling expressions.

“Oh, I just saw it. I’m sick of poop.”

“… … I want to poop, so why are you looking at me?”

“If you look at the captain, the things you were going to come out will come back.”

“Taesan. I was just staring at you because I was hungry. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“… … What the hell does that have to do with being hungry?”

“No. Just. Just. Um. Taesan. I got it. Now I know.”

What kind of bullshit is this again?

Even Hyuk Moo-jin is like that, it’s disgusting to see that big locust looking at me sadly.

But before I could even question him, Tae-san ran away, striking the half-dead steed in the butt.

“Taesan! Goes! Horses go too!”

As the courser, who had already gone halfway to the goal, staggered away, Hyuk Mu-jin hurriedly followed.

“Hey, let’s go together!”

“No! Don’t follow me! Taesan only looks ahead and runs!”

“I have beef jerky.”

“Taesan! met a friend! We are together forever!”

crazy guys? ”.

But why do I feel like I’m being ignored by those crazy people?

I gripped the reins with a shit-chewed expression.

“hey. Let us go too.”

Purruk, now even the foal is making a thick expression.

I gave the snorting horse a blow to the head and tightened its flanks.

With a small cry, the course ran through the gorge.

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not work with dark mode