Murim Login Chapter 589

Law” Part Chapter 589 The innumerable beams of light coalesced and merged into a gigantic pillar of light.

Attack magic and debuffs covered his head, and spears and arrows fired with all his might poured like a shower.

but… … .

It was already too late to back down. Me too, they too.

Beyond that, I made my way towards the colorful flash.

At the same time as he walked, ultra-high heat burst out from the blade of the white flame that slanted downward, burning the whole area.

Shoot Aaaaaaa!

Space is distorted. The blazing blue-white fire forcibly dispelled all magic, and swallowed the weapons that were shooting at furious speed while holding mana.


“ I?

U ?

A haze rises with boiling heat. Beyond that, I could see hundreds of pairs of eyes full of astonishment.

Realizing that all the attacks had gone futile, the security team leader pulled the bow again and fired ten multi-shots while shouting.

“Formatian anon!”


Contrary to the shooting arrows, his new model, which moved like the wind, was moving behind the tanks.

The quick situational judgment and accurate attack were excellent as an A-class hunter belonging to the Ares guild, but… … .

‘I picked the wrong opponent this time.’ I groaned in my heart and stretched out my fist. A blow sent out along the softly rotated shoulder and arm struck the air.

Whoo! phut!

A short but powerful regime stab.

At the same time, the compressed air exploded and a small typhoon whirled around me. The ten arrows, rushing like rays of light, met with a typhoon and were bent.

Shh shh! Kwak!

The moment the arrow that strayed from its path hit all over the lobby, I, who flew the new type first, erased the distance of about 10 meters and arrived in front of the security team leader.

“You should have shot. Then it would hurt less.”

Too close to measure the bowstring again.

Instead of answering, the security team leader swung the bow in his hand. With a slight clang, the blade protruding from the end of the bow flew towards my chest.

Hey profit!

Perhaps it was a movement that was mastered through thousands or tens of thousands of practice sessions.

However, speed is a relative concept. His attack, reflected in my eyes, was so slow and poor that it made me yawn.

enough to be grasped with one hand.


The blade, stopped at a distance of half a span, trembled.

In a moment so brief that it cannot even be called a moment, I put my strength into my hands holding the middle part of the bow as I watched the light of amazement that I could not hide pass over the security team leader’s eyes.


A power beyond human limits broke the defense magic on the weapon and broke the bow made of hard monster bones.

My palm touched his chest before the archer who had lost his love could even let out a cry.

My weighty method (內家重手法) that damages the inside by hitting the outside of the puong.

With a small explosion, Shin-hyung, the head of the security team, was shot like a cannonball.

The moment he vomited blood from the wall of the lobby, screams and shouts came from all directions. And countless attacks were poured towards me.

Shish shush, pervert!

front, back, left, right. Thirty-six quarters.

I burst into laughter as I watched the beams of light shoot from all sides.

The three-year-old Yeolyangkeeper raised from Danjeon became a fire dragon and nestled with a spear.

Hwaryongsinchang Ilchosik, Hwaryongilmi (Fire Dragon Ilmi).

Hwareuk! Wow!

A spear blade that gently rotated and swung a new model. At the same time, the flame that rises like a whirlwind blocks everything and burns it.

The marble crumbled like sand at the tip of her foot, which she stepped on without hesitation.

Hey profit!

A strong wind brushes my ears. Someone’s urgent cry mingled between them.

“Stop him… … The voice that was trying to connect is buried in the roar that exploded. The screams of dozens of tankers who had frozen in front of me bounced off and filled the void.


“Kuah. Haha!”

Even his body as hard as steel and the combat experience he had acquired through hundreds of raids were useless at this moment.

Because its overwhelming power is enough to crush and destroy everything it blocks.

However, the hunters in the lobby, who turned into enemies at the end of the conflict, rushed without rest.

The weapons in their hands gleamed in the light of the half-broken chandelier and rushed from all directions.

Papa pat!

Cheeks, neck, armpits, waist and calves… … .

I saw and felt everything.

It is not only the body that has gone beyond human limits.

Before my brain, which received the information from my sharp senses, could send the thoughts to my body, I was already moving.


Breaking someone’s arm holding a sword while holding it in the armpit.


He hit his stomach with his elbow and knocked him down.

Tak, shish hiss!

He caught the arrow that was aiming for his neck and scattered it to the place where he came from.

A short scream pierced my ears at the same time as I turned to face the enemies flocking from all sides.



This is not something that only happens in one place. Screams constantly overflowed from all over the lobby.

Every time I dodged the flying weapon, stretched my fists and feet, and swung the spear, someone’s new model was scattered or bounced like a shell with a scream.

“Don’t hesitate! Fight!” Boom! 率} Aang!

“Hit at once!” Shish shush!

A battle of two hundred to one.

No, a raid unfolded to deal with only one human being. But it wasn’t me who backed away, it was them.

Magic? weapon?

nothing could reach me. Digging deep into their center, I madly stirred and destroyed the formation. enough to hold their breath.

However, until today’s battle was over, they were imprinted with fear so that they could not run into me.



Three fell down before the scream of one of the purongs was over, and by the time the screams of the three rang out, five had fallen. They were sheep, and I was like a great tiger.

If there was one difference, it was the patience to curb the slaughter.

‘I am not a monster. It’s not a monster.’ I had to mutter nonstop in my heart to calm the anger that was about to explode.

Those who have crossed over to the other side of the river cannot come back. Jo Pil was like that, Amcheon was like that, and Seok Joon, who set foot on the border of the monster for a purpose, was like that.

But I was a Hunter. He was a Muslim.

One day, the words of a person who became the best doctor in the world from the best salsu in the world suddenly flashed through my mind.

‘The weak kill, but the truly strong are enough to live. It means that innocent death can be prevented under any circumstances.’ If I hadn’t been as strong as I am now, if I had been weak and evil at the same time, they would all have died.

But I was a person, not a monster, and I had the power to perform bow seals.

“Everyone… get out of the way.” Perong!

Dozens of people were swept away by the outstretched tension.

Could it be the aftermath of the battle that went on non-stop for hours and the island? endlessly tired and tired

But on the contrary, everything was slow and clear. their movements. I could figure out every single one.

The same goes for the mage’s staff, shining through the fragments of the shattered tower shield.

The magic crystal embedded in the staff’s head vibrates slightly and emits a dazzling glow.

However, before the magic took shape in its entirety, my new model had dug in among twenty or so wizards.

“Mae, the magic thread… … !”

Unfortunately, it’s already too late.

Whoosh, whoosh!

The magician, who was in a hurry to use defensive magic, collapsed stiffly.

No, it wasn’t just one person who fell. The moment ten fingers and ten winds grazed their bloodlines, they were scattered like a wall collapsed.

However, this is the headquarters of the Ares Guild, where only the best are selected. It was a place where there were as many top hunters as grains of sand that normal hunters couldn’t even encounter.



A shattered marble figure, a stem rising from the wall where an unknown oil painting hung, wrapped around my ankle like a whip.


A magical rope appeared out of the empty air and bound my wrists with great force.

Perhaps it was the team leader who led the mages. The A-class wizard I had seen on TV in the past opened his mouth with a lifeless look.

“Kill. ,, That moment.


Above my head, the air shuddered, and at the same time, a gray shadow like fog fell on the top of my head.

Realizing that the wind-cutting castle was actually a short sword, I laughed inwardly.

‘Look at these bastards.’

I realized two things.

The first is that the meaning of code red means that the target is alive or dead. And those who deal with me with the intention of really killing me don’t have to look at me.

‘then… … ;

I’m rather welcome

The moment a short burst of flame erupted, the assassin with broken limbs flew away without even screaming with a roar.

I burned all the ropes and stems in the eyes of the A-class magician, and I saw myself fiddling with the assassin’s short sword.

“What are you doing? I don’t use magic.” “Ah, Ice Bull…?

Kwachang! Pupuk!

The shortsword that extended like a beam of light broke the magic crystal of the staff and was deeply embedded in the wizard’s abdomen. The backflow of mana and the pain that came at the same time would be enormous.

I punched him in the chest as he screamed loudly.

The Phuong I-Defense method is fatal to anyone, but it has even greater destructive power to those who directly deal with mana, such as wizards and healers.

In that sense, it could be seen that even if this guy, who had just collapsed with his eyes closed, survived, he was too young to pretend to be a wizard.

I looked at the fainting magician with irreversible wounds, and suddenly I opened my mouth.

“Does anyone else want to retire at this time?”

U “If you don’t have it, go to sleep.”

Shh shh! dump!

As the remaining wizards meekly fell with the wind blown once more, Robbie fell into silence.

The clock on the front told them that only 3 minutes had passed since the battle started, but among the 200 hunters, the number of those standing on their own two legs was less than one-tenth.


The sight that unfolded under the ceaseless loud alarm sound was devastating.

The tankers were pinned to the wall, the dealers gasped in pain, and the wizards stared at the ceiling stiffly.

and… … me. There is me looking over them.

A cracked voice escaped from between his lips.

“Don’t block me again. Not twice.”

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not work with dark mode