Murim Login Chapter 585

“Ro” in Nudim Episode 585 Wet Ae Ae Ae Liquid!

Thousands of footsteps, screaming and scattering, came to a halt at the fierce wave reverberating overhead. An enchanted voice came from between the lips of a tourist who looked up at the sky.

“… … uh?”

It was not a question that only one person had. Civilians fleeing from the Beast, hundreds of support troops dispatched to stop the Beast, and even the Hunters of the Peace Guild rushing down the mountain following the guild leader’s last wish. Everyone looked at the scene, and the same question came to mind.

‘What is that?’ However, each of them had a different point of view and perspective. If the civilians had pure doubts about the beam of light crossing the air, the high-ranking hunters included in the reinforcements felt a powerful flow of mana in the sky in an instant.

At the same time, the members of the Peace Guild, who were on the mountainside closer to him, noticed how a beam of light appeared out of thin air across their heads.

‘… … Teleport?’ who, how and why.

So many questions popping up in the minds of so many people. However, it was Kim Hwa-jong who saw and felt all these scenes more clearly than anyone else. The old butler, who was sitting on the edge of death, realized the true identity of the blue beam of light that spread and suppressed the black fog made of magic.


More destructive than anything, pure force.

flame. it was a flame

The flames, more intense than sunlight and as intense as the sun, became beams of light and crossed the sky. Suddenly, someone’s face, which must be in the blinding flash that I couldn’t see properly, seemed to pass through my blurry vision.

‘Yes, it’s you.’ Just as the smile on the old butler’s lips grew thicker, the ancient demon beast that had risen from the myth opened its huge mouth at the beam of light that was shooting at him.

Quaaaa, the wind splits and the air is scattered. An energy resembling an abyss swirled in his mouth, which opened as if to swallow a mountain.

But the beam of light did not stop. It became even sharper and larger, turning into bluish-white flames and whirling around.

oh oh oh

The world has stopped. The two energies that engulfed all space and noise collided.

And in the next moment, Kim Hwa-jong could see it. could hear


The darkness being torn to shreds under the blue sky.

The bluish-white flame that burns everything that is blocked and gallops, and the voice of a person resounding clearly in a dazzling world full of silence.

“The space of Ilseom (一殲) has been distorted. Unprecedented flames fell like meteors and penetrated the mouth of the Behemoth that had not yet closed. Watching the Demonic Beast leaning with a thunderous death, the old butler laughed out loud, forgetting the pain.

Even the best masters in the world, even ancient monsters that appear only in myths, cannot avoid death. This is especially the case when Ilseom with all his might goes through his whole body through his mouth.

?cq??? ……

Doubt and death landed at the same time in the eyes of the Witchbeast, whom he had never seen or heard of before. The giant torso of the guy who was staring blankly at me slowly tilted.

Koo Goo Goo Palace!

The entire mountain trembled as the lifeless body collapsed. At the same time, in the midst of huge clouds of dust rising from all sides, I had to gritting my teeth to endure the waves of pain and fatigue.

‘I must not collapse.’ Ilseom is a double-edged sword that pours out all the power of the caster at once.

But not yet. At least in the current situation, you can’t collapse. Fortunately, I had a special power that was different from that of ordinary people.

belt ring. belt ring. belt ring.

– [LV150. You’ve killed the Behemoth!

– You have acquired enormous experience and fame!

– Level up!

– Abnormal status, [Exhaustion] has been cancelled!

– Abnormal status, [Air Power Exhaustion] has been cancelled!

– Some fatigue and status ailments disappear as a result of leveling up!

‘Damn it.’ I barely got hold of the staggering new model. Leveling up is obviously one of the trickier features of the system, but it’s not a panacea unless it stacks. As such, the accumulated fatigue in my body and mind was enormous, and my limbs tingled as if I had been electrocuted as a result of the aftereffects of using One Flash.

But I couldn’t stop, I couldn’t fall down. Along with leveling up, I raised up the air power I had accumulated earlier and released it towards the front.

A puff of compressed air bursts out, dispersing clouds of dust. Finally, beyond the clear vision, a round shape covered with white bones appeared.

Step by step, step by step. one step. My heart beat wildly every time I crossed the messy ground. There was a mixture of tension and fear that could not be hidden in the breath he exhaled.

right. I was afraid of the face of someone I would soon face. I wonder if he looks different from what I wished for. I’m afraid I’ll say goodbye that I’m not ready for.

Took. charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

When I carefully touched it, the film made of bones melted away. Only then could I see it. A blonde foreigner with a dark face and a graying middle-aged man leaning on him and breathing like death.


For a moment, it felt like my heart stopped.

Although it was fleeting, it was not difficult to notice the situation. The top-notch potion bottle, which was rolling weakly at the Skeleton King’s feet, was empty, and the middle-aged man’s body, which seemed to have recovered without any problems, was already losing strength. I opened my mouth feeling that my eyes were getting farther away.

“… … Mr. Kim.”

My half-closed eyelids trembled slightly at my call. As we met our eyes and eyes that were about to go out, the blood-soaked corners of our lips moved up gently.

“Are you here?”

U ?

“Yes. I thought it was you. The light was really warm.” I gritted my teeth to hold back my moaning. Deacon Kim was already accepting all the situations that beset him. That’s probably why he’s talking differently than usual. The man in front of me right now is not Deacon Kim and the peace guild leader, but just a Han. As a human being, Kim Hwa-jong was saying goodbye.

but… … .

‘I am still.’ I can’t accept this sudden breakup. I have no intention of sending him away with a smile. He will do anything to bring him back to Kim Hwa-jong, a human butler, and guild leader before his death.

“But it’s a bit cold now. It was really warm earlier.”

I answered while holding the hand of Kim Hwa-jong, who was muttering in a faint voice, and slowly bewitching Yeol-yang.

“It must be because it is on the mountain. It will be warm soon.”

“is it?”

I laughed hard at his helpless question.

“yes. It’s still winter, isn’t it?”

Kim Hwa-jong, who felt the warmth permeating him, smiled lightly.

“Really. It is as you say.”

“It will be fine. Do not worry. I know everything… … It wasn’t just because of her engorged breasts that she had no choice but to blurt out her words for a moment. The state of his body, which I looked at with the gong effort that I had flowed earlier, blocked my words.

‘What the hell is this… … In the human body, there is an innate energy from birth, that is, the congenital energy. This is the source and root of all energy. However, at present, there is almost no trace of the originator left in Kim Hwa-jong’s body.

No, even that is slowly burning away.

‘Like a fading flame.’ In the past, Jeokcheongang also suffered damage to Seoncheonji in Hanam, but not to this extent. In the case of Kim Hwa-jong now, it is irreversible.

I was able to guess enough just by looking at the state of the body through gongryeok.

What kind of resolution did he, Kim Hwa-jong, face Behemoth? What had to be sacrificed to tie the feet of the demonic beast that climbed up from the thick darkness? and… … Who was it for who burned his one and only life as firewood?

“young master… … . Minwoo, is that child all right?”

To his dying question, I tried my best to answer in a bright tone.

“All right. I glanced at it halfway up the mountain, but there is no problem.”

“Yeah, good luck. I’m so glad.”

What are you so happy about? Actually, you became like this.

When he bit his lip gently with the question he couldn’t bring himself to come out of his mouth, the thoughts that the Skeleton King had bewitched resonated in his head.

– He absorbed the mana that penetrated deep into his bones and used the highest quality potion, but it was already too late. I couldn’t help it even though this body came forward.

know. So I couldn’t fault it. Knowing that he did his best, even though everything about him was an illusion made of illusion magic, the remorse and sadness on the Skeleton King’s face were real.

– … … sorry. human.

I suddenly had a question. It was a question about the whole situation I was in right now. Why the hell is this guy apologizing? Was Kim Hwa-jong, who had been sitting at the table together, eating, laughing and talking just a few days ago, lying in an irreversible state?

And why. Could I have prevented this situation?

‘Why on earth.’ I had power. The power to prevent disaster and prevent an unfortunate death. One day, an unidentified capsule that suddenly intervened in his life was the beginning of everything. Through it, I changed my destiny and met new and precious relationships. And now, one of those ties is about to break. want to leave my side

But why can’t I stop it?

In Shanxi, in Henan, in Sichuan, in Hubei. In Sichuan, in Busan… … .

He saved so many lives going back and forth between Moorim and Hyundai, so why can’t he save the one person who is trying to leave right in front of his eyes?


It was a time when I was immersed in unsolvable questions and vagueness.

Swoop, tock.

A cold hand covered the trembling fist. Kim Hwa-jong looked at me with warm eyes and opened her mouth.

“It’s not your fault.”

“ I?

“You did your best.”

I can no longer find the blurry eyes or the voice that seemed to fade. I was breathless at the sight of him warmly comforting me.

‘Relight Banjo(回光返 Reviews) The last flame that is kindled at the edge of death.

Can not be done. I still can’t let him go. Grieving at this, I sent more energy into Kim Hwa-jong’s body, but contrary to my fervent desire, the strength was gradually draining from the other body that had reached its limit.

‘More, just a little more!’ I unsparingly poured all of my crouching energy into the Danjeon. I held on to the blood vessels that were gradually closing, and ignited the flame that was extinguished deep within his body. But despite such attempts, the end was coming at a steep pace.

“It’s cold. I don’t know if it’s because it’s winter like you said, or because it’s already night.”

It can’t be. Even at this moment, a huge amount of heat was flowing into his body, and the afternoon sun was still in the sky.

So, the cold and darkness that came to Kim Hwa-jong was something only he could feel. Death right before his eyes froze his body and covered his eyes. I stammered to the old butler, who was breathing thinly.

“it’s okay. After a while, Team Leader Choi will be able to see it too, so just trust me??… Someone’s hand grabbing my wrist. Seeing the Skeleton King shaking his head with a dark face, I finally realized. That no word or action can stop one person from dying.

now… … It was time to let go.

In order for him to allow Kim Hwa-jong to leave at least a little bit comfortably, he asked, “Mr. Min-wu, is that child okay?” Eyes that suddenly became hazy. I had already heard the question he muttered in a weak voice, but it didn’t matter. I can answer you a hundred or a thousand times.

“All right. Not a single hair was hurt.”

“I miss you. One last time… … .”

“You can see it. They are already coming here.”

“Is that, really?”

“yes. Oh, there he comes.”

It was a lie. A bright red, white lie at the same time.

There were only the three of us and the corpse of the Witchbeast on top of an unknown ridge that swept away chaos. However, Kim Hwa-jong could not distinguish the fact that it was a lie. With only hazy vision and a clouded mind remaining, he stretched out his hand into the air. As if someone eagerly waited for him to hold his hand.


At my call that winked at me, the Skeleton King firmly grabbed that hand. The old butler’s eyes curved like half moons, and a bright smile spread on his lips.

“Did you come?”

and the next moment.

“My hand? Now” The flame that burned for one person and was not quenched for this moment finally died out.

Seruk. Took.

It was a dark battle.

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