Murim Login Chapter 569

Login Moorim Chapter 569 Kung The sound of the door closing behind my back echoed like thunder. At the same time, the new model of Song Chun-wu, who had a stout body that was beyond color for a seventy-year-old, stumbled.

Sreuk, Tak.

Even the mighty mana and the experience he had built up through the struggles he had endured until now were useless.

As he held onto the wall and stared at the floor, a pair of black shoes suddenly squeezed into his field of vision.

“Are you okay?”

A businesslike voice that pierces your ears. Chunwoo Song, who raised his head to confirm the owner of the shoes, gritted his teeth.

“Now this… … Do you look okay?”

Seeing his sparkling eyes, Ko Se-won, the head of the security team, lowered his head.

“I’m sorry if I sounded uncomfortable.”

“Stop saying things that aren’t in your heart.

Right now, before I break your neck!”

“It’s not something I’d recommend. There will be no gain, only loss.”

Ko Se-won waved his hand gently along with the words.

Noticing the unusual appearance, the members of the security team, who were just about to walk away from the far end of the hallway, stopped moving.

“They are friends under me, and as the branch manager knows, they are quite good. “You bastard…

“I hope there is no misunderstanding. This is a word from the heart that I do not want to make the situation worse.” As soon as his grip on the wall was strong, the marble wall with the strengthening magic cracked like a spider’s web.

Song Cheon-wu, who was glaring at Go Se-won with bloodshot eyes, opened his mouth as if chewing and spitting out.

“So you kidnapped our innocent children, who had nothing to do with this?” For that matter, the defenses were meticulous.

Considering their level, considered among the best in the Ares guild, the two characters that died had to be put together.

“I feel sorry for the family members. If you doubted it in advance, you should have put more effort into keeping it.” “You said something wrong. sorry.” Ko Se-won’s words were sincere. Song Cheon-wu is in a situation where he is no different from an old lion who has already been given the day to die. He didn’t have to stand up and put a dagger on his chest.

‘Will this person believe me if I say it out of pity?’ He is also the best. It didn’t hurt even if I put my first son in my 40s and the second one to be born a few months later.

Go Se-won could have given his life for the safety and happiness of his children. Because it was the father and the parents.

However, Song Cheon-wu weighed his own ambitions and the comfort of his family.

Well, if he had thought of the worst, he would not have even tried to turn Seok-jun into an enemy.

‘… … It’s not something I can say.’ Ko Se-won felt like a villain like an asshole.

He has lived a life worthy of being called a solver rather than a hunter for the past ten years.

After Lee Jeong-ryong’s eyes and joined the security team, the main target was people, not monsters.

He was also the one who ordered the team members to kidnap Song Chun-wu’s family and took care of it neatly.

‘Who’s on that subject? Give a lesson to him.’ In the end, everyone is just shit in the same shitbox.

Song Chun-wu was about to retire. In his 1st mind, he brought himself into danger, Seok-jun Seok-jun wielded a sword at any cost, and Se-won Ko became the sword wielded by his superior and kidnapped Chun-wu Song’s family.

‘War between the bad guys. At the end, there are only winners and losers.’ And he is only an accessory.

The time when Ko Se-won tasted bitterly.


A hand that was hard to believe belonged to an old man in his 70s grabbed him by the collar.


done. Stay seated.”

Ko Se-won, who dissuaded the team members, stared calmly at Song Chun-wu, who had one head.

“I already told you. There will be more harm than good.”

“You guys, you guys dare to kill my children… … !”

“The deputy guild leader will be listening inside. I don’t know what the two of you were talking about, but I hope there are no additional sacrifices.”


It means not to go against the planting of Seok-jun Seok-jun, who holds the lifeline of his family.

Song Chun-wu’s eyelids trembled as he immediately recognized the meaning behind those words.

As he glared at Go Se-won with his teeth clenched, his grip slowly relaxed.

“Good idea.”

“… … shut up snout Because I want to smash your face right away.”

“I bet you would.”

A bitter smile crossed Go Se-won’s lips. Even if she was like him, she would have reacted the same way.

And when evaluated calmly, Song Cheon-wu was still a great enough talent even twenty years after he retired from active duty.

It was just that Jininba’s ability was not enough compared to his ambition. The fact that he was once a political opponent of Lee Jeong-ryong is enough to explain him.

‘That’s why I chose such a messy way.’

I don’t like the method Seok-jun Seok-jun chose this time, but the effect is certain as it is messy.

Sooner or later, Song Chun-Woo will be eliminated. So naturally that no one would have any doubts.

“Follow me. I will guide you outside.” Go Se-won, who took a bow, moved first, and Song Chun-wu, who turned his head and glared at the firmly closed door, followed.

Only the sound of two people walking in the hallway echoed because Go Se-won bit the team members.

And it was Song Chun-wu’s word that broke the short silence.

“What you said earlier. Is it true?” ? 丁 “I asked if it was true that he said he did not know what conversation I had with Seok Go-jun.” After thinking about the meaning of the words for a moment, the late Se-won silently nodded.

“Right. Well, based on my research, you’re far from being a chaplain.”

“What is that?”

“It seems that he is not as trusted as he thought. Or do you want to hide it even from your closest associates?”

Seeing Go Se-Won frown, Song Chun-Woo let out a helpless laugh.

“Hey, Go Se-won.”

ten years in a while. No, twenty years old, he continued in a dejected voice.

“There is such a thing as a degree to a person. Do you know?”

“… … If you’re criticizing the deputy guild leader. I would like to tell you to stop at that point.”

“Criticism, that’s a softer word than I thought. Seok-Jun Seok-Jun isn’t enough to write to him.”

“I understand how you feel. But no one involved in this can curse each other. I also know that the branch manager did not lead a clean life.”

“Heh heh, yes. There was a time when I, too, did not cover the means and methods for the purpose. But it wasn’t quite like this.”

Seeing Song Cheon-wu burst into an empty laugh as if he had lost his mind, Go Se-won suddenly shut his mouth.

He realized that what he was talking about was not just about kidnapping.

‘what?’ thump. My heart races and an electric current runs down my spine.

This is a warning. Danger sign that you shouldn’t step in. However, his body was moving against his thoughts.

“What is it? That’s what the branch manager said.”

“A monster who has forgotten even the least of his duties.”


The footsteps of Song Chun-wu stopped abruptly. He silently looked at the teleportation magic circle heading outward and then continued.

“The boundary between humans and monsters. Seok-jun Seok-jun is… … You have already become a monster.”

Suddenly, the old man’s empty eyes scanned the air.

Searching for memories of the splendid past, Song Cheon-wu took a weak step toward the magic circle.

Leaving a single word filled with earnestness.

“I apologize for what I did to you. So, please, prevent those children from dying fleetingly.” that was the last


Before Ko Se-won had time to ask, the teleport magic was manifested and a dazzling light engulfed the new model.

Go Se-won, who was left alone and looked at the spot where Song Chun-wu was standing with confused eyes, suddenly turned his head.

A hallway made entirely of pure white marble.

And at the end of an endless corridor, a tightly closed door, and someone inside it sipping wine in a happy mood.

‘why… … What are you doing?’ Ko Se-won muttered somewhere deep in his heart.

District A, which was always bright, felt like a pit full of darkness today.

gymnasium. I don’t know how I’ve been shutting myself in what we call the training room in modern times.

a day or two. Perhaps, because I was immersed in martial arts in this place where the temperature was controlled and blocked in all directions for three days, I could not properly feel the flow of time.

Even if I had a smartphone, I couldn’t tell because I didn’t look into it, and no one in the Peace Guild visited me or contacted me, as if they vaguely knew about my circumstances.

Speaking of which, there is no such thing as an accomplice. That’s absolutely not the case.

… … Probably not.

‘Skeleton King. He never came back after that.’ It is good news as it proves that he is doing better than expected, but it means that the emergency rescue team has been busy and the number of gates showing abnormal phenomena has increased, so we cannot just be happy.

And in that sense, it was definitely good news that the work I was trying to do was almost finished.

‘Of course, it’s still incomplete.’ It was the first time I tried it, so the process so far has never been easy.

Perhaps the pressure of having to create something that excels in line with the current situation, which is like a touch-and-go, also played a role.

‘I think I’ll be fine so far, but… … Should I just throw it away like this?

The time when I was repeating in my head the trouble that I had thought of dozens or hundreds of times until now.

The door to the training room, which had been tightly closed, opened with a familiar mechanical sound.

“Here you are. I need your help right now.” Tboob. Boots with a watery shine. A shield with a blue patchwork and skull patterns engraved on it.

I looked at him with a gaze colder than the snow that had piled up on the King Sejong Station building in Antarctica.

“Look at that Sibeol, that one.”

“You must have heard the story from Director King Fury, right?”

“… … Are you doing double roles now?”

“Whoops. After all, if you are a citizen of the United States, you must be Kingtin America.”

“This bastard keeps changing his name at will. To be beaten enough to make me want to go back to the glacier.”

“I can do it all day.”

shhh, bang!

The spear blade of the white flame shot like a beam of light grazed his neck and pierced the training room’s wall.

The Skeleton King, who alternately looked at me and the spear stuck to the hilt, murmured.

“It’s going to be impossible all day… … .”

“Stop the bullshit. What are you here for? By the way, if you stopped by because you were bored, you would die. really.”

The Skeleton King hurriedly replied.

“That, that’s not it. It’s a mission. A mission!” “mission?” “Yes. Wicked human.” The boy nodded and continued.

“It is not an ordinary transitional gate. That’s a huge magic power figure.”

damn it

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not work with dark mode